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Fandom fight for the earth (mew mew power/tokyo mew mew rp also has romance)

Itaru nodded and jumped down, landing on his feet like any other feline,"Where do we go now?" He asked Ayumi.
She brushed off her skirt and kept out her wolf features, planning on saying she was cosplaying as one of her own characters. "Well in my note to Ritsuka I told her I'd get her ice cream, so lets go to the one near the park." Ayumi felt her ears wiggle and twitch as she picked up far away voices with ease. Her head lifted a little as she smelt the air. "Mmmm..." A meaty smell was in the air and now she was craving it. No, I can't stop for meat, Ritsuka's ice cream comes first.
Itaru chuckled quietly,"Thats why she made that face." He stopped laughing and went back to normal,"In any case, i wouldnt want her disappointed so we should probably get going, or shell hold it against you, trust me..." He stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked toward the front of the school at a leisure pace.
Isha, after meeting with her private tutors (Bluuuuuh) she found herself wandering the city, her eyes drifting among the crowds of people, some students mixed in. She hated that she didn't get to go school like other kids. She may be dead rich, but that didn't mean she liked to flaunt that. As a matter of fact, it kinda sucked. As she was wandering she may have accidently walked right into one of the Mews; Itaru, to be exact. After she smacked into him, she fell over in a less then graceful way.

Ayumi giggled and started walking to the ice cream place. She jumped at the sudden appearance of the girl, what was her name, and that she didn't notice her before. Her tail stuck out straight and her ears perked up before relaxing. "Are you okay....uh...." She tried to hide not knowing her name but failed. Her hands inched towards the girl but retracted, not knowing how to help her up.
While enjoying the slow pace something smacks him right in the head, SMACK! he stumbled backwards and put a hand to his forehead,"ow! Wh-what the hell?!"

He walked to Isha and stood over her,"Youve got some nerve..."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.1515331a40c4261c0fd9aec30fa7a59b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14018" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.1515331a40c4261c0fd9aec30fa7a59b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> His deep voice gave out a bit of hostility. He straightened out and rubbed his head. He could be a bit harsh but its the only he really knows how to communicate. He grabbed the chest part of her shirt and lifted her up of the ground, his way of helping her up. Her fixed his hair to cover the bump a little then put his hands back into his pockets with a slightly annoyed face. Even though he had a short temper, he was really nice and childish on the inside, he just uses the tough persona as a defense mechanism, hed never actually hurt a girl, at least not on purpose... 
Ritsuka could see Itaru and Ayumi walking her way as she waved to them. But a sudden clash of two people happened. It seemed Itaru had lost his patience and Ritsuka grew worried. She gracefully jogged as far as her short stature could to them. She stopped and huffed a bit,"You guys okay?" She looked at them two.

Itaru looked at her,"Yea its fine...the Kuudere just bumped into me is all,.."

"Did you say sorry?" She tilted her head and asked sincerely.

"What?!" His eyes went wide,"me?! But--"

"It would be polite if you did Ruru-kun..."

"mmm..." He growled,"Im sorry..." He muttered with a pout and kept from giving eye contact to Isha.

Ritsuka smiled in relief.



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Ayumi giggled at the small pout that Itaru gave and hopped around. "Aww...so cute..!" Then she made some fangirl noises that couldn't be understandable. She was basically saying 'so cute' and 'oh mah gawd' over and over again with a high pitched voice. Her ears wiggled around and her tail swished quickly behind her in excitement.
Nichole hummed and walked down the sidewalk. She saw everyone but was lost in thought and kept walking. something was definitely off about her today.
"Well, Jesus! You don't have to act so hostile!" she muttered, brushing her pants off with a sigh, "Your apology is accepted, and I'm sorry for bumping into you as well." She blew some hair out of her face, then looked at Ayumi, "Uhhh," she whispered,"Your tail and ears have popped up.." She felt personally embarrassed at her clumisness, and lack of paying enough attention that she ran into Itaru, though personally the guy didn't have to act so tough.
Ayumi blinked and looked behind her. "When did th-....oooh...thanks." She shook her head lightly and felt her ears slip away, as well with her tail. She felt her head just to make sure and smiled. "Thanks again, I didn't even realize they were out." A small giggle escaped her lips and she scratched the back of her neck. Ayumi glanced back at everyone and laughed on the inside at how somewhat close they have gotten. Well, it's progress.
"Yep, tell me if I start sprouting feathers, or... whatever starts growing on me that probably shouldn't be there." She looked at Ayumi and laughed nervously, then her gaze turned back to Itaru, oddly drawn to the dark haired boy. Why can't she keep that stupid kid off her mind. Oppisites attract you know. Her science tutor's voice piped in in her head.

No, no! This is the worst time for science to kick into my life!
Nichole leaned on a rail looking out into the water. She opened a locket and it had a picture of her and another kid. "Not like you would keep your promise..." taking it off. She pocketed it and sat down. "Maybe I should at least try to make some friends. " 'no they'll only leave you in the end.' A voice rang in her head. Nichole's ears and tail popped out. She ran off and her blood was boiling. "Get out of my head. Get out get out get out!" Punching a wall. (She's having a meltdown basically. )
(Oh ive had those..)

Itaru watched Ayumi, a little amused in side. He turned to look at Isha and noticed a perplexed look plastered onto her face,"hmm?" He walked up to her and bent down a little to look at her face,"whatre you thinking about?" Her poked her forehead and straightened up. Ritsuka giggled when Ayumi's ears and tail puffed out. She thought they were absolutely adorable and couldnt wait till she got hers.
Ayumi walked near Ritsuka and hugged her from behind and giggled. "You are too cute! Awww..!" She hugged her tighter for a second before letting go. Her hand ruffled up her hair slightly and she smiled down at her. "You'll get yours soon, then we'll be like sisters almost. Hehe." Ayumi giggled once again and watched Itaru and the other girl. Is he always this way?
Nichole shook her fist and her ears went flat. Nichole said"whats the point? Not like any of them notice me at all anyway..." sipping her juice. Nichole then went to get some meat ti eat. She ate two burgers and sipped her milkshake sitting it the same park once more. Her tail wrapped around her and she just sighed. Basically Nichole was used to being alone.
Like a creepy stalker , John Doe had followed her to the park "I noticed you. What's with the ears? Animatronic? Or are you an alien or something? And a tail! What kind of job did I get into..."
Nichole said"hi john. And no theyre not theyre real see?" Twitching her ears at will and her tail swished. "We're mews so yea.."eating.
John simply stared and wondered "how do I figure out if I am a mew? Can it be diagnosed like a virus?" He shortly realized that was bad "I didn't mean I think it is a virus , I just was giving an example. Also , sorry that I sort of stayed in the back the whole time. I notice I blank out and just work , and do everything that needs doing."
John lifted his sleeve "in fact , I do." He indicates it "it's been there since birth , but I don't know what it meant. Does it mean anything at all other then being an awkwardly shaped birth mark?" And then shakes his head "I hope it isn't just a birthmark , that tail/ear combo looks cool"
John "well does this dog head on my shoulder mean anything or not? And you welcome. What sort of type of animal are thoE from?"
John "now is the mark anything important? If so , how so? And if I am a 'mew' , how do I change into it?" He noticed she was blushing , cocked his head and asked "why are you blushing?"

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