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Fantasy feuding kingdom - out of character thread-

Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Her powers are fine, long as her powers does not supersede that of the royals.

In terms of what I think we could use more of is a fuller description of her personality in sentence form.

This last point is more on part of the Northern Lore, but I dunno if the Northern Kingdom would use your traditional trench maid outfit. Though it’s more personal then anything, if you can give us more detail on her personality I’d say she’d be good to go.
Cosmos Cosmos

Unfortunately I am going to have to be annoying and request you post your character or I need to open the spot up for someone else to take it.....
So sorry, going through an emotional and financially stressful situation, will have to drop "^w^ I really hope however takes it is a great recruit!
I was asked a very good question and I decide to lay it all out here for others in case they have the same question.... What is the general roadmap of the role-play? I came up with a generic idea that I wanted to expand with other people, meaning anything can happen at this point as long as we all discuss it and agree. I want people to feel creative and I want them to be able to expand their minds. With that being said, as long as it fits with the current time (meaning no cars or electronic) and around the world, most anything to go! I geared this around romance because I am a huge sucker for romance, so as long as there's some of that and I totally support if your character does not want to be with the person they are arranged to be, as far as that goes if there are other ideas about how they might be able to get away from that or have love affairs, as long as you talk to the person you are partnered with I'm open to it all. Just remember the sites rules and we will get along great..... I hope I clear this up a little bit, I'm very tired these days but I am going to make more of an effort to get on as much as I can. If anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to ask!
I added some stuff to the calendar, make sure to check it out! I will be putting when the dinner will be later on, but pretty much everyone will be at the middle Kingdom for about a week and after that the females will be going to the kingdom of their prospective husbands....

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