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One x One Fates Intertwined (NeagixShy)

His body collapsed with a loud thud, and for a moment she felt her heart stop, he was shot. She ran up to him and put his head on her lap and inspected the wound, the arrow still stuck his chest. Who would do this? Well at least they are gone, at least as far as she could tell they were. There were no more flying arrows, and no one was coming to collect their prize, they had just appeared and vanished. Madison hadn't gotten a good look at the culprits and but she scanned the crowed for them. People surrounded them, staring down at her, and sending worried looks at the unconscious boy in her lap.He wasn't healing like last time, blood seeped through the fabric of his shirt. Shit...She thought to herself, what was she to do? Does she call 911 and let them bring him to a hospital? Then what? Explain to him that this man is a supernatural creature right out of your good old fashion horror movie, but not to worry because he is one of the good guys, at least that was what she could tell from the last 24 hours she spent with him.

"You should really bring him to the hospital!"

"Who did this?"

"I'm calling 911."

The crowed soon become larger and larger, filled with unfamiliar faces of concern and pity, she was just about to pick up the phone herself and call 911, when she heard her name being called.

"Mady! Madison!" She looked up in the crowed and saw a familiar face. Mark.

"Shit Mady what happen we need to get him to a hospital," he said looking at the wound in horror.

"We can't."

Why?" He didn't say anything after that, my face must have explained everything. He nodded.

"Don't worry ladies and gentlemen I'm a doctor. No need to worry we will bring him to the hospital immediately, please back up!" A dirty lie. He graved Noah and put him over his shoulder and before lying him across the back seat of his old pick up truck, she got in with him, sitting in the back, allowing him to lay his head comfortably on her lap.

"Here use this to apply pressure." She took the old bandanna and placed it on the wound, keeping the bleeding to a minimum. "Okay Mady, I'm not bringing him to the hospital.... but you need to explain to me what's going on."

"Just drive I'll explain when we go home."

"Fine," he said reluctantly, and watched her through his rear-view mirror.


NaegiShiba said:
Hello is anyone there
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(OOC: Sorry...)
Noah had never had a dream until now. He could tell he was dreaming because he was in a place he didn't recognize surrounded by trees and much older looking buildings or at least ruins of those buildings. As he walked through the forest on the path he awoke on he saw someone standing waving at him in the distance and a child running toward him. As the child ran into his legs he heard the words "Hello daddy" come from the boys lips followed by a very familiar voice "Don't bother your father, he just got back" it said very sincere very kind and loving. As Noah closed the distance he saw the females image focus and whom he had thought was Elizabeth standing there was Madison. Noah, shocked at the face he saw before him, began to run on the other direction. He was scared and worried.....and overjoyed all at the same time. As he ran he heard voices both familiar and foreign. After stopping he listened to the voices more closely. The first was Madison's unforgettable voice as beautiful as the wind and another voice much deeper like a man's. After a moment of thinking about his dream and about Madison he decided to try and decide his own future regardless of the outcome. Noah called out as loudly ad he could to the sky above the trees he saw in his mind "MAAASDIIIISSSSOOOOON!!!".

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He was tossing back and forth in his sleep, mumbling something incomprehensible, his words sounded like taffy, unwillingly bidden together and messy. Where they almost there? When they were home what was she suppose to do? She stopped for a moment and thought of the first time meeting him, there was blood everywhere. Blood. Madison reached for Marks pocket knife that he has abandoned in his cup holder. Her fingers laces around the think handle and she carefully cut into her soft skin. Marks eyes went wide at the sight of her holding her bloody arm over the boys lips. Her jerked the car to a stop, Madison had to use both hands to secure her place.

"Madison what the fuck are you doing? I'm sure I'm no doctor, but I know that is not how you transfer blood."

"I know,. I know what I'm doing. I told you I'd explain to you when were home, please Mark just trust me." He looked at her then took the knife from her and threw her one of his shirts. "Keep pressure on it," he said then kept driving.
Madison held the shirt to her arm, the fabric quickly absorbing the blood. She was glad that Mark was there to help, otherwise she didn't know if she could have gotten out of that situation without reviling who, or what, Noah really is. She knew people weren't all open minded, especially to mythical creatures who were suppose to be stuck on a page, not running around in the real world. Would they have taken her seriously? Or would they have made her go to the hospital too? It didn't matter now that they were aright. Madison had noticed that Noah has been still in her lap for a bit now. Peering her eyes away from the front of the car she looked down at the boy on her lap, surprised to see him staring up at her. "N-Noah your awake," she said more herself then the dramatic effect, she would have thought that he would be passed out for a couple more hours with his injuries, but he is awake, and that's a good thing. Or at least she thinks its a good thing. "How are you feeling?" she asked him, her face showed more concern then her voice.
"Alot better now actually although some blood would be appreciated" he said sarcastically, smiling a devilish smile. Noah felt pretty good getting up but he immediately felt the pain in his chest as he leaned forward "Oh ok thats not good....Maybe i'll take you up on that offer of blood" he said holding his chest trying not to heave his intestines all of the the car floor. Noah scrambled to sit up properly before coughing up more of his own blood. He remembered the ring and he began to imagine the hole in his chest closing, mending itself. He imagined himself healing but what happened was even more astounding. Not only was Noah healing but he was also glowing a bright blue and purple. When he looked down he saw the ring give off a golden glow. "Well isnt that just amazing. I Had used the ring to wake up but i didn't know i could use it like this.....okay thats a lie. I had figure this thing out while i was out" he said laughing as he closed his eyes again imaging the energy slowly turning off. "Well i feel fantastic now " he said smiling, looking outside the front of the car "My name is Noah Shaw. I'm.....a Vampire. Its a pleasure to meet any friends of Little Madi." he put a little more attitude into his intro duction than he wanted but he felt threatened by the male in the front seat. Finally being able to know what he's feeling and how he feels about certain people was wonderful. He Knew who he liked and he knew he wouldn't hand her over to anyone.
Madison was surprised that Mark only answered with a nod and his name. "I'm Mark." She wondered what was going through his head. Did he not believe him? How could he not? The guys just healed himself back together. Madison held her arm close to her, resting it on her lap. Once she made sure that he was indeed alright, she settled down. "How did you learn how to use it? I mean before you had no clue." She said looking up at him, it was the first time she really realized that he is taller then her. Before she could Mark made an announcement. "Okay, We're here." His voice sounded a bit more stern then usual, like he's on edge.

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Noah looked outside to see where they were "Strange this isn't Madison's house" he said looking directly at the man who'd named himself as Mark. Noah got out of the car and sniffed around the air. Of all the things he smelled in the area was a scent he thought he'd never smell again. Noah rushed to the drivers seat "Hey so when we're you going to tell me you were working with one of my kind? I mean why didn't you tell me you are working with my mother" he said aggravated "I thought she was dead" he whispered those words to himself while he waited for Madison. Noah began to sniff some more until he found her trail "Madison she's this way! Come one she's over here!" He yelled frantically. He was excited and he couldn't believe what was happening but he was just glad to be able to see his mom again. When he entered the building he ran to the woman standing just inside the door and hugged her. The woman looked at Noah with surprise and happiness all at once, tears streaming down her face "Welcome home son" were the first things she said.

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Madison had been close to Mark now, since she was at least 16, she had been close to him, and not once did she see any sign of this. Not that she was against it, it just seemed like there was this whole world happening around her that she had no idea about. A world that now included Mark, but how? Yet now was not time for questions, there will be time for that now. She pushed her self out of the car, the wound had healed enough to stop the bleeding. She followed him until they reached a slender women that resembled Noah, or more like Noah resembled her.
"Mom how is this possible? I thought you died, I thought you were dead. i saw yours and dads bodies spilled everywhere at home" he couldnt hold in his questions. He had to have them answered. Noah had spent his the last 10 years thinking his father and other were dead but now he finds out his mother is still alive. After looking around he looked at his mom again "So why are you asking a dog to help you hide? I thought you hated them?" he asked with a serious tone "I mean at first glance that Mark guy looks human which is good but i could tell just by smelling him that he was a damned dog" he was done being lied to. He wanted to know what was going on and he needed the answers now! "Well I guess I should start by saying I had this planned all along. I planned to fake my death and I planned to hide until i could take the clan back from Malikai but then you had to make your own plan and fake your own death and so i asked Mark to have you brought here" said his mother with just as serious a tone as Noah's. Noah was shocked at his mothers attitude "You cant be serious?! Are you saying that you didn't care that dad was going to get slaughtered?! Don't give me that crap! I DONT BELIEVE FOR ONE SECOND THAT YOU ARE REALLY MY MOTHER BECAUSE MY MOTHER WOULD HAVE DONE EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO SAVE DAD!!!!" he was done with the crap his mom put him and the clan through. He turned around and began walking back toward the car.
She watched as the scene played out, all the way until Noah stormed off to the car. "Noah wa-" she was interrupted by a hand around her mouth, while the person's free arm wrapped tightly around her torso slamming her against their body to stay still. She struggled trying to free herself from their grip. "You said the girl wouldn't get hurt," she heard Mark say.

(OOC: Sorry it's short)

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Noah couldnt have felt any more betrayed than he did in that moment "Damn her why did she have to do that to you dad? Why did mom say all those things about you?" he asked in desperation, trying to find some reasoning. He walked around frantically waiting for someone to show up until he found himself ambushed by four individuals all with the same scent as Mark "So he was a dog then. Well that means ill just have to rip each of your heads off one by one!" Noahs ring started glowing and then so did his body. Noah was still getting used to the power he just got but he knew enough to use it in battle "Alright this should be interesting!" he immediately began attacking wolf after wolf knocking them out one by one. As he fought he felt himself get faster and faster taking down his enemies much sooner than he expected "You think you've won/ We've got the girl! Her blood is all we need to complete our own rings!' was the last thing Noah heard before ripping the wolfs heart out to shut him up. Noah began running back toward his mother using the raw power the ring helped him unlock. When he returned to the building he saw Malikai standing holding a pitch black glowing ring laughing as though he had won "HAHAHAHAHAHA I FINALLY HAVE ONE!!! I FINALLY HAVE A RING LIKE OUR FOOLISH FORMER KINGS!!" said Malikai before putting the ring on his finger. Noah looked around for Madison and Mark and saw them both tied up in the corner on the other side of Malikai. "Damn it Malikai what have you done?! Do you realize what you've created?" asked Noah trying to get answers from him "Oh I never created this ring.....this ring was just awakened with the power of your bitch friends blood" said Malikai as he closed his eyes and focused his powers. noah Immediately ran forward and punched Malikai into the far wall away from his friends. "Come on lets go" he said as he picked up both Mark and Madison and ran them toward town.
Madison looked back behind Noah's shoulder as the place grew smaller and smaller behind them. 'Who the hell were those people?' she thought to herself, 'and that ring he made with my blood.... what will that be able to do?' Noah come to a stop as they reached an alley way inside of town. She felt herself being sat down and looked down at the thick rope that painfully bonded her wrist together, then looked over at Mark nibbled on the rope before ripping them off him. Madison looked up at Noah, she opened her mouth to ask a question, but figured they better get out of the streets and out of sight, especially if those people were still after them. "Could you help me with these?" she asked holding up the rope.
Noah snapped his fingers "Done!" He said immediately after the ropes snapped with unseen force "This ring is awesome.......or at least it would be if there wasn't a black evil counterpart in the hands of the enemy" he was acting sarcastic but the statement rang very true. Noah turned slightly to look at Mark "So dog, why were you helping my mother or I guess the more important question is why we're you helping my mother create an evil dummy ring?" He asked angrily as he watched the man chew at his ropes. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you anywhere? Wait stupid question....here take my blood it'll heal you" he said biting his arm holding out for Madison to drink from "Please drink I want to make sure you're alright....but as for you dog don't you dare double cross me or I'll personally make sure you join my mother in death" he hissed at mark after offering his blood to Madison. He was sure his mother wasn't dead but for how long she would be able to stay alive was the real mystery.

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(You did!!! Congratulations!!!!)

(Sorry I was out at a concert last night after work, I will reply today)

Madison was kind of hesitant about drinking Noah's blood, although a bunch of unusual things have been happening the last couple of days and this wouldn't be the weirdest. She watched as his blood slowly dripped out of the bite mark, before she had enough courage to take his arm and drink the blood. It tasted different, not like the normal metallic taste of blood, she couldn't really point it out. She could hear Mark snarling behind her. "How gross. Drinking a Pricks blood." Madison pulled away, feeling better. "Shut up, he's helped me a lot more then you did. What were you doing with them?" she said, still on guard, she didn't even know him any more. Mark scratched the back of his neck and sighed before explaining. "This wasn't my plan, it was my pack leader, he teamed up with your mom, the only reason I am, or was, even part of this was because I'm friends with Madison, and your mother knew that you would find her and the ring. They said they wanted you, they didn't say anything about hurting her." Mark explained.
"Why would they want her ring? It only works on a vampire from my family. No one else but my father and his father's before him could wear it" he knew what he said to be true. Noah had been created in a lab mixing his mother's DNA with that of a human. The result is similar to that of what his father was, a day walker. Then he had a sudden thought 'How am I able to use the ring?' He reeled back from the thought. He then looked at Mark who was just standing there "Why did you drag us there even after I got shot.......no don't fucking tell me you were the one who shot me!" Noah felt himself about to explode. To make sure he didn't hurt Madison he jumped away to the next rooftop he could find so he could dissappear.

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Mark turned to Madison who looked up worried as Noah disappeared into the distance. "Look Madison I was just following orders." She looked back at Mark, giving him a look she'd never given him before. "So you shot him? Why? Because now your some mindless drone now?" she argued going up to him.

"Madison you don't get it, the bond with a wolfs pack.... you just don't get it."

"No, I don't, but you put me and more importantly someone I care about in danger." Marked scoffed crossing his arms.

"Who him? Madison you met him what? A day ago? You don't know him, not really."
"Why do you hurt my son?" said the voice of his father. Noah looked in the direction the voice came from to find a faded form of his fathers body staring at him smiling "Dad how is this even possible? I shouldn't even be able to use the ring let alone put it on! I'm half human! Even if I'm immortal it doesn't change the fact that im not even your real son" he said pitying himself trying to find a purpose for living. His father walked closer to him sighing, sitting down on the ledge of the roof on the building they stood on "Son have i ever told you the story of the prince of night Alshadin? In this tale there is a young man quite like you who also questioned his own worth. In his travels he had found a woman whom he truly cared for and while he knew the woman loved him he didn't know she was going to be that cause of all of his troubles" said his father as he droned on about his old story. Noah had heard this story when he was a child many times before as he was growing up "Dad what does this old story have to do with anyt--" his father held up his hand as he continued his tale "The young man cared for the woman as life went on but she soon found something out no human should know, that the man she loved was not human but a monster born of the darkness. After her discovery she still found the ability to love him unconditionally and with that love brought something the prince would not believe; she had brought to him a son" Noah remembered the story ending there every time his father told the story "The son of the prince was different from his father and his fathers kind, he was immortal but also allowed to walk in the sun among the humans and so with this he also met a human girl and fell in love but to protect her from any of his kind that might harm her he had a weapon made from his and his families blood. A mix of a true vampire's blood with that of a human and a day walker. With this weapon he could draw out his true potential and protect his loved one and all those he cared about" his father stopped speaking after ward and took a deep breath. Noah looked down at the ring in his hand and suddenly realized that the man standing before him had changed although he didn't really sense his father from the beginning. Noah looked again at the man and truly noticed who it was. He saw a man standing in almost a desert origin outfit with the baggy trousers and sleeveless vest and armor "Wait who are you? If you aren't my father that means you must be....no that's impossible!" he looked to the man again but saw no change in form "Son I have always been the man you see before you only I am just a faded form of our ancestor. You are more him than any of us after him. Please you who has no memory of a past life might actually have a chance to protect those you love from certain disaster. Be with Madison and honor her father, my friends wish for you and her to be happy together" said the vision of the man before vanishing. Noah looked at his ring and then closed his fist tight "Damn it! Why couldn't you have told me sooner what I was meant to do! Well i guess there is no crying over it now. Its time I lived for real" he said confidently as he made his way to the roof just catching the last statement from the dog he rescued earlier. Noah taking offense jumped off from the ledge and landed between Madison and Mark "Actually we met years ago, not that a half breed like you would understand that kind of bond" he looked at the man in front of him with eyes full of not rage but mercy "Don't you dare lay a hand on her again because if you do i will rip your arms off and make sure to feed them to you" he said with no hesitation, showing no regret to his words. He wanted to protect Madison and he swore to himself he would do it, not for his ancestor, not for his father, not for her father, but for him because he knew how he felt and he knew what he had to do to make sure he succeeded. He needed to get rid of Malikai.

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