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One x One Fates Intertwined (NeagixShy)

"I'm sorry about your loss. I know that it's hard to loose someone you love" she told him. It's not like she didn't think about telling him about her missing father... she did, but just because he was an open soul didn't mean that she had to. She was happy when he changed the subject to her last name. Madison was a bit curious why it mattered, but it was a harmless question so she decided there was no harm in answering it. "My last names Jefferson," she said tucking a lock of her gray hair behind her ear. She then balanced her wait on her tipi toes and reached up and opened the cabinet beside him and reached up to grave him a plate for his toast. She then placed his plane piece of toast on the plate and handed him it, before pouring a glass of orange juice for him and herself. Madison then took a seat right next to him on the empty counter space. "What's your last name? It's only fair since I did tell you mine," she said smiling before taking another sip of her drink.
"My last name is Shaw" he said to the girl immediately after her asking "Im just the only shaw left in my clan since my mother and father passed and now my fiance and i are to try and change that" he was regretting saying some of the things he brought up but they slid off his tongue so easily he couldn't stop them. He looked away from the girl and the looked back with a grin "Although if im dead i wont have to worry about that responsibility huh?" He was happy at his revelation he could spend the rest of Madison's life or even if she wanted he could turn her. "Shall we go shopping i need something to wear. Maybe sonething a little less red" he smiled saying those words jokingly toward the girl beside him at the island. He took a cup of his orange juice and the aye his toast "Well when you are ready miss i shall be prepared to go"
"Oh okay just let me get dressed," she said pushing herself off of the kitchen counter, and placed the dirty dishes into the sink. She went into her room and slipped out of her PJ's before sliding on some black jeans and a green t-shirt. She then got glimpse of a box, with the word dad scribbled out across the side of it in her curvy handwriting. Realizing that there might be something for the boy to wear while they go shopping, she opened the box and dug through it until finding one of her dad's old shirts with the Mash sign on it. It still smelled like him,like the cheap colon he use to smell. Mom didn't enjoy the smell, she always tried to buy him a new colon every Christmas, but once he went missing, she always had her nose snug into one of his old shirts. "Here," she said handing the man the shirt. "You can wear this until we buy you a new one."
Noah's eyes widened at the scent he cought from the shirt. He couldn't help but recognize the smell of the man you had always met with my father on those sunny sunday afternoons. The man who had helped protect his families secret from the rest of the town when we first moved. The man that had been executed on vote caused by Malikai. Noah whipped hus head toward the girl and then walked over and grabbed her shoulders "Where did you get this shirt? Did you know the man it belonged to?" He asked almost panicking "Please answer me. Where did you get that shirt?" He said again as he loosened his grip on Madison's shoulders and slipped back into his seat at the island. "That shirt has the scent of the man who had taught me how to be human. The mab whos smell this is taught me to value life and this man was a father. And he had asked me to watch over his daughter but i dont even know where to start looking for her" he said crushed by the familiarity of the mans scent.
At first she was scared, she hadn't expected him to react this way. The grip on her shoulder and the look in his eyes raised goose bumps and caused chills to run down her spine. Madison looked at him in disbelief. Was this some kind of sick game? No they had only just met.... "T-that's my father's shirt," she had to for out the words but the sentence that came next the words couldn't come out fast enough. "Wait you know my father? Where is he? Can you take me to him?" The words tripped over one another.
Noah wasnt sure whether he should cry or celebrate. He had found the daughter of the man who had asked him to protect before he was executed but he couldn't just tell her that he was dead.....or that he buried him himself. "Wait it that you...little Madi?! I found you! Thank god i found you!" He said half crying as he hugged the girl tight to his body "Although i guess you're not to little anymore huh?" He let go of the girl and let out a sigh of relief and then proceeded with a small laugh. Noah was feeling happier than he thought he coukd ever be and now he felt that he had a purpose "I can take you to him if you like....but i will need new clothes and we will have to pick up flowers. Roses if we can" he said toward the girl as he finished the rest of his juice setting the cup and plate in the sink for Madison.
Madi nodded, almost a bit nervous, nodded and graved her bag. She was going to see her dad.... after so many years, but how? Why did he leave her so much, and how did he know Noah? After slipping on a pair of flip flops she turned to him. "Ready? Lets get you some cloths," she said to him with a shaky smile. She then lead him out of the apartments and down the street. Meanwhile her mind raced with questions, but she could only mumble one. "What's he like?" She asked leading him to the clothing store. Madi was excited to see him, she had dreamed, wished, for this day. She was going to get her father back, but what was he like now, and why did he never come back?
Noah was hesitant on bringing the Madison to her father's grave but he knew that she wouldn't stop asking to go now that he's brought it up "Hey I like this one" he said holding up a black shirt with a feather and rose side by side om the front of it "Yea I'll go with this one.....oh and these blue jeans......oh and these black high top sneakers" he said grabbing everything he needed to look normal. He walked up to the counter and took out his wallet "Here you go sir and keep the change" he said handing the cashier $500 and then walking off to the change room to get out of his old bloody rags "Now then where shall we go for flowers.....tulips and roses were his favorite if I'm not mistaken..." he said to the girl after changing and walking out feeling as good as new. He walked closer to the girl and wrapped his left arm around her pulling her close to his side "So while we are on the subject of flowers what are your favorite?" He asked so casually still smiling a little more devilishly than he normally would.
"I like Daisies," she said with a soft smile. Just the way they looked brightened up the room, and she loved that about them. She remembered going to the vacation home with her mother and father and picking a whole bequet of daisies for her parents. She would give it to her father who greeted her with open arms and a smile that she thought could wrap around the whole world, and arms that would always be there to greet her.

Though when her father disappeared, or left, she still wasn't sure witch one yet, her mother was forced to sell the vacation house, just like she was forced to sell Madie's childhood home. Then the thought jumped into her mind. "Why do we need flowers?"
"Oh I just figured they'd be a nice surprise for him you know..." he couldn't tell Madison her father had passed away. He couldn't tell her how he died and most of all that he was made to be the one to do it. Noah felt conflicted with his emotions on his former pack and his feelings toward the girl standing walking with him. He wanted to lead his family but not at the cost of this girls life and especially if it's Madison's life at risk. "So I think we are good here how about we head to your father. I'm sure he would be ecstatic to see you again" he said smiling hesitantly trying to look happy for Madison. Noah knew she would hate him afterward but he couldn't deny her the one truth she needs to know. That her father was killed and he was the one that killed him.
Madison smiled, and grip her fingers tightly around the bouquet of flowers. Her father did love flowers, so maybe this wasn't to out of the ordinary. "So where exactly are we heading?" she asked after a long moment of silence. She had been following him for a while now, and every step they took was farther and farther away from the town. Why was she following this mythical man to who the hell knows where? What if he was planning something... Though she didn't tell him about her father, he had recognized the shirt.
After an hour he stopped just outside his families territory on the edge of the forest "This is it! We just have a little more to go and then you'll see your father..." he said hesitantly as he looked into the forest through the trees at what looked to be another girl just standing there. Noah was almost ready to attack until he recognized her face. It was his future wife to be or at least she was until his recent death.....or near death "Maybe we should wait. I mean he has been very sick lately and I wouldn't want to....ah he'll let's do this already, the look in your eyes say you won't stop until you see him" he said as he grabbed Madison's hand and led her through to the empty valley. Sitting in the middle was a lonely tombstone with the name of the man who had given him the world. "We're here go and say hi I know he would have been happy to see you smile again..." he couldn't look Madison in the eyes so he looked away scared of what would happen next.
She didn't know weather to cry or to laugh. Of coarse she wouldn't laugh at the fact that her corpse is berried deep under the ground in front of her, but more at her naive imagination getting the best of her. He was gone, he was gone for a long time but now, now he is gone and it feels like a whole new kind of pain. Not the type of pain that you feel remembering the last time he kissed your forehead before walking out and wondering why you didn't hug him before he left. Not the sort of pain that you feel when sitting by your window and wondering if he was taken or if he was gone and debating which one was worse. Not the type of pain that you feel when seeing the one strong person you have left trade their strength for a bottle of booze and a dumb ass boyfriend. No. This was a new sort of pain that she didn't know how to react to. So she kneeled down and set the flowers next to the tombstone, his favorites, and let a tear slide down her cheek and land on one buds of the flowers. Then she looked at the cold tombstone, so empty. Nothing but the name of her father written on the top. Only a name.
""I'm sorry I couldn't be there to see you grow up Madibear" was the last thing he said before he died" he said to Madison as she continued to stare at her father's tombstone "He was a great friend to me and my family, he knew just how to split up fights between my kind and I admired him for that" he was trying to make her feel better even though he knew it wasn't working. He let her sit in silence as he knelt beside her rubbing her back. They sat there for a few moments until her heard something move I the bushes "Madi we're not alone" he said as he went into high alert. He knew it wasn't human but he couldn't be to sure if it was on of his kind either "Don't panic we should be fine it's probably....nothing....." he said recognizing the scent. It came from his bride to be but he wasn't happy about it. He couldn't understand why but he wasn't as in to her as he was 7 years ago. He felt like he had found a new girl to love but he couldn't think of who that girl might be. He looked back to Madison after he finished his thought "Hey I'm sorry about this I didn't mean to hurt you like this....I just wanted there to be know secrets between us" he said toward her back as she continued to grieve.
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She forced out the words, "No... I'm glad you told me." Then turned around to face him to see a blurred figure run off in the distant. The sound of crunching leaves, and breaking branches, getting louder and the figure became less blurred. It was a women, weather it was human or not she didn't know, but she was beautiful. Yet something about her present made Madi stumble back, made her skin crawl. No, she decided she wasn't human.

(Sorry for the short respond)
Noah looked behind him to notice Elizabeth standing right behind them glaring at Madison "Liz what do you want I was just letting her pay her respects to her father" he said trying to make every precaution to avoid a fight "We are leaving now so you don't have to wor-" he couldn't finish his sentence when the girl jumped into his arms wrapping hers around him. "I thought you were dead!" Said a crying Elizabeth as she cuddled up to Noahs chest. Noah didn't know what to say so he did what he always did for her when she got sad or depressed, and kissed her. He took her cheeks in his hands and brought her face to match his and kissed her with out hesitation. After a moment he released and saw the look of relief on her face "I'm sorry but I can't come back yet" was all he said before reaching for Madison's hand and leading her out toward town.
Her stomach was in knots. She looked down at the floor, and nervously twiddled her thumbs, while the couple continued to kiss. The next thing she knew he was leading her back home. "W-wait where are we going?" She asked him, her words running into one another. Why wasn't he with the girl, his fiance? Or why didn't she go with them?
About half way through town he let go of Madison's hand and stopped moving "I'm sorry for everything that's happened....I never wanted any of this to end up this way!" He couldn't keep his voice down as he spoke "I should have told you from the start but me ending up in your diner half dead was part of my plan...a miscalculated part....but a part of my plan none the less" he looked to the girl as he calmed down more easily. He felt so guilty for so many things but couldn't do anything about it. After a few moments of silence he made his decision "I've decided! I'm going to tell you everything......every reason why I'm here....everything you may or may not want to know about me but before that let's get back to your place" he said as he shifted his head in a 180 view behind Madison. He grabbed her waist and brought her close to him and them began to carry the girl. After getting used to her weight he jumped up for the roof top of the bookstore right beside them and began running along the roof for Madison's house in the distance.
"Everything?" Her eyebrows went up, it did sound intriguing, and in the end she knew that he would anyway. She gave him a confused look as he pulled her close and started walking. She gripped onto his shirt as he jumped onto the ruff, but when she looked down she couldn't help but smiles, because in a way it was like flying.
"Yes everything!" He confirmed as they leaped farther and farther from the forests edge. He carried her until they landed on the roof of her apartment building "My name is Noah Shaw and the woman in the forest is Elizabeth LeBlanc, my fiance. She and I have watched over your father for years when he was forced to stay in the forest. And to be honest Elizabeth and I hated each other but after a few years and your father's death we just stopped the hate. She and I 'dated' for a while I guess and then I proposed to her under the same tree your father is now buried. It only seemed right since he kept telling us to get together.....only now with him gone and Malikai doing what he had always planned it didn't seem right to get married...not now, not when there is so much going on" Noah spoke for a while then went silent. After a few moments he looked to Madison with a smile "I was content just dealing with him like my father would have but when u saw you in the forest and caught your scent, I don't know, it changed me and the way I thought things through. It was like being able to be me after so long and I really liked it......like it" he smiled as he corrected his final words "I know now that I'm the only one who can stop Malikai and to do that I need the ring my father had used when he had to fight any of his brothers.....a gold ring with a special mechanism. The ring has roses eched into the side with tulips hidden underneath....but it'll be impossible to get my father's since he said he had given it to a dear friend as a sign of trust and pleading forgiveness" he spoke a little more to the girl before going silent waiting for her to respond.
She listen to him reveal the truth bout him and his last and she played with the small golden ring, that clung to her right, ring finger. This was a habit of hers,most kids chewed the tips of their hair, or bit onto their bottom lip until it bled, but Madison had always twirled the right that was on her right finger. It was simply another one of her quirks. Though her fingers stopped twirling when he described the golden ring, with it's familiar carvings of rosy roses. She had the ring as long as she could remember, her father had given it to her for one of her birthdays. Her fourth... maybe it was her fifth, but when he gave it to her she never took it off.

"A ring? Like this one?" She asked showing him the ring.
"Where.....that's impossible, dad didn't give it to....no way" he said surprised to see Madison with his dad's ring "Where did you get that ring" he couldn't help but ask Where she got a ring so powerful. He gently brought up her hand and inspected the ring "This is really the ring. That's amazing! To think that my dad's "power up" ring has been with you" he was full of joy, he could finally avenge his father and actually get married like he planned 'Wait is that what you want' a voice sounding like his mother asked him in his thoughts "Of coarse it is! Elizabeth and I have been waiting for ages to get married why wouldn't I want that...." he realized he was talking out loud and in front of Madison "Sorry that's not what I meant I mean it's just......well I'm glad that the ring is safe" he finished his sentence after feeling like an idiot. He didn't know why he felt so guilty for saying that in front of Madison but he didn't have time to put to much thought into it he had to stop Malkai and it had to be soon.
It felt weird to think of him being married, to the women she saw in the woods. Well she didn't really know the girl, then again she only really knew Noah for a day. She smiled and continued to walk. "Anything to help," she said and then slowly slid off the little golden ring and held it out to the man. She still wasn't sure exactly how the ring would help, or what it would do. She had been fumbling the small piece of jewelry around her finger for years and hasn't noticed anything special, or out of the ordinary about it. Though it was special to her, in a non-defeating vampire way, and it felt kind of weird with it finally off of her finger.
Noah took the ring in his hand and then tried it on. After a few moments nothing happened "Strange I thought something extraordinary would occur and my body would explode with light........but instead....nothing" he said completely dissapointed. He looked at the ring and even unlocked the mechanism on the ring but still nothing happened "This can't be right. I swear my father's ring always glowed and even gave him super eyes and mega crazy wrist blades.....while I got nothing" he hated this feeling, he hated this feeling of dissapointment and regret "Hmm so any other ideas while it try and figu--" he said almost completing his sentence before stepping in front of Madison to be impaled by an arrow. Noah felt strange after a second. Arrows normally just stung and that was that but his wound kept bleeding and felt a lot worse than he should have felt. After a moment he took a quick glance in the direction the arrow came from while the people around him started scream asking if he was fine and if Madison was hurt. After being able to find no one he felt his body get heavier and heavier until he collapsed in the middle of the crowd dizzy from the pain and the loss of blood. After another second everything went black.

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NaegiShiba said:
Noah took the ring in his hand and then tried it on. After a few moments nothing happened "Strange I thought something extraordinary would occur and my body would explode with light........but instead....nothing" he said completely dissapointed. He looked at the ring and even unlocked the mechanism on the ring but still nothing happened "This can't be right. I swear my father's ring always glowed and even gave him super eyes and mega crazy wrist blades.....while I got nothing" he hated this feeling, he hated this feeling of dissapointment and regret "Hmm so any other ideas while it try and figu--" he said almost completing his sentence before stepping in front of Madison to be impaled by an arrow. Noah felt strange after a second. Arrows normally just stung and that was that but his wound kept bleeding and felt a lot worse than he should have felt. After a moment he took a quick glance in the direction the arrow came from while the people around him started scream asking if he was fine and if Madison was hurt. After being able to find no one he felt his body get heavier and heavier until he collapsed in the middle of the crowd dizzy from the pain and the loss of blood. After another second everything went black.
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