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Fandom Fate/Ultimatum OOC

Ah fuck. I taught her how Mystery works, and now she's mad with power.

Ruler: "Time to undo my mistake." [draws Black Keys. Black Keys for days]

In all honesty though, i wouldn't use Greek fire. That'd be too Op i think.

Maybe I'd make an exception for Garm or the Cthuloid, but that's it.

In all honesty though, i wouldn't use Greek fire. That'd be too Op i think.

Maybe I'd make an exception for Garm or the Cthuloid, but that's it.
I mean, it's just a napalm flamethrower, but pre-medieval and therefore more eligible for magecraft.

It's like a dragon, but turret-mounted and stationary, and without the many traits of dragons such as extensive Magic Resistance and physical formidability. The Greek Fire also has lower Mystery than a dragon, being easier to destroy and nowhere near as damaging.

All-in-all, I'm not really opposed.
I mean, it's just a napalm flamethrower, but pre-medieval and therefore more eligible for magecraft.

It's like a dragon, but turret-mounted and stationary, and without the many traits of dragons such as extensive Magic Resistance and physical formidability. The Greek Fire also has lower Mystery than a dragon, being easier to destroy and nowhere near as damaging.

All-in-all, I'm not really opposed.
Wait, so would Ares make it like a mobile hand held weapon or something?
It sounds like a Magecraft equivalent of a true gun.
Wait, so would Ares make it like a mobile hand held weapon or something?
It sounds like a Magecraft equivalent of a true gun.
Napalm flamethrower*

Nothing is really preventing you from making a Magecraft equivalent of a gun, as long as it's mysterious. Something like the crossbow in this video is the closest that I can think of:

Alternatively, quit bein' a scrub and use good ol' bows and spears like a good huntan' girl.
Hanarei Hanarei Prince_ Prince_
I'm awaiting your replies
So is Ruler like going from door to door or is he just going wherever he pleases
So is Ruler like going from door to door or is he just going wherever he pleases
Right now he's tutoring a blind fool on how to summon a Servant. After that, he'll go where Revelation takes him. And Revelation will take him, of course, wherever it is most advantageous for him to be.

Revelation is best Skill. Change my mind.
Right now he's tutoring a blind fool on how to summon a Servant. After that, he'll go where Revelation takes him. And Revelation will take him, of course, wherever it is most advantageous for him to be.

Revelation is best Skill. Change my mind.

He'll probably benefit more finding Ryuga.
After all, isn't his third objective to study her?
He'll probably benefit more finding Ryuga.
After all, isn't his third objective to study her?
That comes after cutting off all the tentacles in the garden.

Also speaking of Ruler and OP Skills, Ruler essentially has the ability of, "If it was in the Bible, he can probably cast an equal or weaker version of it as a spell."

That; plus anything an average Church Executor would know, was what I stuck myself with. The latter is more because the Overseer is fACkhin' useless and someone will have to do the memory wipes. Then again, the Bible does say God basically made the Pharaoh change his decision at one point, so that's grounds for mind control either way, but eh - I digress.

So I decided I might as well acquaint myself with what I have available, right? So here I go: I popped open some lists of supernatural stuff and miracles that go down in the Bible and started looking through, noting down the interesting/useful stuff for potential use later. So get this: Ruler deadass has the knowledge of how to summon a necromantic army. And I'm not even talking about that stunt Jesus pulled on Lazarus. I'm talking about a bona fide, necromantic, zombies-and-skeletons-galore kind of army:

I prophesied just as I’d been commanded. As I prophesied, there was a sound and, oh, rustling! The bones moved and came together, bone to bone. I kept watching. Sinews formed, then muscles on the bones, then skin stretched over them. But they had no breath in them.

He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath. Prophesy, son of man. Tell the breath, ‘God the Master, says, Come from the four winds. Come, breath. Breathe on these slain bodies. Breathe life!’”

So I prophesied, just as he commanded me. The breath entered them and they came alive! They stood up on their feet, a huge army.
Ezekiel 37:7

Beast better prepare. After I'm done setting up traps for Avenger, I'm gonna make rounds in the local graveyards, and anything that isn't cremated is going to become a soldier in my army and help me show Beast what for.
That comes after cutting off all the tentacles in the garden.

Also speaking of Ruler and OP Skills, Ruler essentially has the ability of, "If it was in the Bible, he can probably cast an equal or weaker version of it as a spell."

That; plus anything an average Church Executor would know, was what I stuck myself with. The latter is more because the Overseer is fACkhin' useless and someone will have to do the memory wipes. Then again, the Bible does say God basically made the Pharaoh change his decision at one point, so that's grounds for mind control either way, but eh - I digress.

So I decided I might as well acquaint myself with what I have available, right? So here I go: I popped open some lists of supernatural stuff and miracles that go down in the Bible and started looking through, noting down the interesting/useful stuff for potential use later. So get this: Ruler deadass has the knowledge of how to summon a necromantic army. And I'm not even talking about that stunt Jesus pulled on Lazarus. I'm talking about a bona fide, necromantic, zombies-and-skeletons-galore kind of army:

I prophesied just as I’d been commanded. As I prophesied, there was a sound and, oh, rustling! The bones moved and came together, bone to bone. I kept watching. Sinews formed, then muscles on the bones, then skin stretched over them. But they had no breath in them.

He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath. Prophesy, son of man. Tell the breath, ‘God the Master, says, Come from the four winds. Come, breath. Breathe on these slain bodies. Breathe life!’”

So I prophesied, just as he commanded me. The breath entered them and they came alive! They stood up on their feet, a huge army.
Ezekiel 37:7

Beast better prepare. After I'm done setting up traps for Avenger, I'm gonna make rounds in the local graveyards, and anything that isn't cremated is going to become a soldier in my army and help me show Beast what for.
That one involving Zombie Jesus, That miracle can be used on say...... Ryuga once he used his sacrificial NP?
That one involving Zombie Jesus, That miracle can be used on say...... Ryuga once he used his sacrificial NP?
Not sssure. This is technically from the Age of the Gods, so Magic-level stuff is allowed, but Ruler himself is nowhere good enough to actually resurrect people from bones and scraps, let alone Servants who are already mana-deprived and whose Spirit Cores are dissipating.

It'd be easier to use Ruler's second Noble Phantasm for that.

Although, imagine the look on Beast's face, thinking he's eating corpses and amassing energy and an army like some evil necromancer.... and suddenly - BAM! - Ruler comes in on a fuckin' skeleton horse at 150kph with a lance and impales the eldritch fucktard in one of its many eyes, with an army of sacred skeletons and sanctified zombies following him into the cave. They surround Beast and pummel him repeatedly with clubs, baseball bats, brooms and other "modern-day weapons" all marked with the reinforcement runes that Executors use to make their kevlar vestments tougher and stronger.

Fuckin' freak doesn't stand a chance against my zombie army!
Not sssure. This is technically from the Age of the Gods, so Magic-level stuff is allowed, but Ruler himself is nowhere good enough to actually resurrect people from bones and scraps, let alone Servants who are already mana-deprived and whose Spirit Cores are dissipating.

It'd be easier to use Ruler's second Noble Phantasm for that.

Although, imagine the look on Beast's face, thinking he's eating corpses and amassing energy and an army like some evil necromancer.... and suddenly - BAM! - Ruler comes in on a fuckin' skeleton horse at 150kph with a lance and impales the eldritch fucktard in one of its many eyes, with an army of sacred skeletons and sanctified zombies following him into the cave. They surround Beast and pummel him repeatedly with clubs, baseball bats, brooms and other "modern-day weapons" all marked with the reinforcement runes that Executors use to make their kevlar vestments tougher and stronger.

Fuckin' freak doesn't stand a chance against my zombie army!

Just make sure Garm or Assassin don't catch you doing it. They hate reanimation and death cheats.
Just make sure Garm or Assassin don't catch you doing it. They hate reanimation and death cheats.
Dude, Ruler literally believed in God for the majority of his life, but waited with being baptized until he was on his 'effin deathbed because it's said to remove sin, and it means he wouldn't have to confess to anything or bother with any Christian bullshit. If that's not being a dirty cheater, I don't know what is. Such a dirty cheater that not even baptism can wash the dirt away!

Seriously, though, at this point I'm ascribing Ruler to have a darker personality that's just a hedonistic, smug embodiment of Satan and he's consistently repressing it.

Ruler: "Hello. In the name of the Holy Church, I must confiscate this vehicle, please."
Nega!Ruler: [gets in without asking, pushes that bitch aside; she starts screaming] "Be cool, woman. It's only a car-jacking. Don't make it a murder."

Ruler: "Devils are most afraid when the good man goes to war."
Nega!Ruler: [loading up Black Keys and holy weaponry] "I'm about to go to war with that tentacled sissy bitch. He better get ready for spooks."

Ruler: "Where there is understanding, sympathy grows, and where there is sympathy the tree of friendship may thrive!"
Nega!Ruler: "I've been building my son's trust for two years with high-fives. Today I'm going to hit him with a 'too slow.' Welcome to the real world, kiddo."

Ruler: "Remember to be merciful and respectful to your opponents."
Nega!Ruler: "Always feels good to crush plebs."
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I'm at the point of wondering if the Royalty attribute Ryuga had will be used in this RP.

I'm thinking his first encounter with Fafnir ended badly and Ryuga was given a quest by Ruler himself to go search for a weapon strong enough to beat her, after Ryuga recovers from the loss and shock of course.
I'm at the point of wondering if the Royalty attribute Ryuga had will be used in this RP.

I'm thinking his first encounter with Fafnir ended badly and Ryuga was given a quest by Ruler himself to go search for a weapon strong enough to beat her, after Ryuga recovers from the loss and shock of course.
Ruler doesn't need to look around for weapons; he has God on his side.

To be honest, he'll just go around town setting up detection Bounded Fields at critical points in the city to alert him whenever anyone with a sufficient level of mana in their body passes through. That way, he'll be able to monitor the presence of all Servants, Masters and other phenomena in the city. Give them the ability to detect corruption, and the moment Avenger shows her ass, he'll engage and scare her off, then note which direction she's fleeing towards using the Fields. With that, he'll be able to pinpoint the Beast's Lair.

All that needs to be done after that is get all Servants and Masters to work together and raid the place. Ruler will bombard it with his primary Noble Phantasm to make sure it's pure, and then he'll use Revelation to see if there's anything in the wreckage left. If Fafnir ends up surviving, he'll baptize her using his second Noble Phantasm, and after that, his job in the War is pretty much done.

Also, more Nega!Ruler lines:

Ruler: [to Beast] "Prepare thyself for thine demise, foul monster!"
Nega!Ruler: [to Beast] "When I bring your ass in, Big J will give me mucho cred. Prepare."

Ruler: "It is merely a matter of faith."
Nega!Ruler: [to Avenger] "If you're really doubtin' I won't come over there to kick your ass, you better find faith and start believin' it, bitch. 'Cause when I deliver, you're gonna have a change of faith, heart, and face."

Ruler: "Avenger, stand down! The building is surrounded. Give up now, and there may still be hope for you..."
Nega!Ruler: "Look at her. Crazy bitch, high as fuck, walking through walls and shit!"

Ruler: [in response to Ryuga telling him not to come into her room, because she's crying after Avenger broke up with her] "S-sweetie... you know you can always talk to me, right?"
Nega!Ruler: "Alright, have it your way." [knocks the door down with a kick, no fucks granted, as fucks are a blessing from God]

Someone, witnessing Nega!Ruler commit brutal murder in broad daylight: "Jesus Christ!"
Nega!Ruler: [cleaning blood off of Black Key]"No, just his Servant." (note the absence of "humble" before "Servant")

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