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Fandom Fate/Over Zero

CasterConvenience Store: Day 1


Caster watched over the commotion within the store. One would normally expect two servants next to each other to start fighting. Alas the two servants in question were both not very interested in fighting. Caster's expression fell as Ruler discarded their guise and proclaimed their role in this war. The displeasure within their eyes was evident for anyone who cared to look. Having a Ruler summoned in of itself was a terrible thing to happen, let alone one with such an .. up front personality. But more importantly was the fact that there was a Ruler at all. No Ruler should be summoned in a standard Holy Grail War which meant this wasn't a normal war. The question was whether or not the abnormality would prove to be a good thing or not. Caster let out a sigh as their posture went limp. If they had known this war was going to run off the rails they wouldn't have even bothered. No! Bad! Caster quickly brought their hands up to slap their cheeks as they straightened up. Going off the rails meant things would be more interesting. While fighting fellow heroic spirits in a standard war was ideal, the situation might still prove to be good in it's own right.

As Caster brought themselves out of their mood curiosity took hold. There had to be a reason why Ruler was summoned, that much was obvious. But why? That was what they needed to figure out. Dwelling on it too much wouldn't serve anything at the moment so Caster brought themselves back into the present. Their eyes scanned over the various occupants of the store before settling on his Master as she introduced herself to the other Master. At the mention of an interesting development Caster shifted their focus back to Ruler who was begging for praise and acknowledgement. They could already tell Ruler was going to grate on them. After all, they knew first hand what a proper ruler was, and so far this man didn't fit the bill. "Could be interesting. If I figure things out I'll let you know... Speaking of which." Caster looked up at Christina, a questioning expression upon their face as they pointed towards Lancer and her Master. "Should I kill them?"

Iskandar Iskandar Jean Otus Jean Otus Girouette Girouette Kalin Scarlet Kalin Scarlet xAlter xAlter
Gale Boreas
Location: Boreas Manor

Gale nodded, pressing a button underneath the table. One of the room's walls opened and inside it was a black, skin-tight suit with pieces of armor on the major spots of the body. A chest-rig was also with it, underneath the suit stand. "That will protect you and give you the ability to carry your weapons." He explained again, looking quite disinterested in what Archer had to say, "Drop that attitude or I will seriously harm you. You are nothing but a way for me to achieve my goal. If you do want the Grail, be respectful, or you will be discarded." He said in a really empty and emotionless tone as he then looked back at her, "Now, I have gotten reports about a fight breaking loose in the city. It was Saber, Berserker, Assassin and...another Archer, as the report says. Team Caster must be up to something." He said, sighing deeply. This was all such an obstacle.

Last edited:

Location: Nondescript Safe House
With a blinding flash of light a figure appeared in the middle of the summoning circle, the cloth that had been place now gone and in its place stood Rider. She wore finely crafted blue and silver armour and a long white cloak. The look on her face was that of curiosity as she found herself in this empty room.

"Who are you and why am I here?" Rider inquired as she folded her arms, looking unimpressed at the man in front of her.

xAlter xAlter

(Sorry that it took me so long to get this short post out lol. Its not even good.)
Yi Kose

The 'little fairy' hummed with power. She giggled softly before stating, "I have three rules if ya want me to become yours!" She fluttered into the air, greedily licking the little bit of blood she was given. Her magic circuits should have overloaded and merely have it flood through her body... but her circuits were unique. A fourth circuit network was born on top of three others as she adapted the power. She flapped out her wings, secretly releasing a few mosquitos with this crimson payload to try and find a way out of the building. She spun her body to try and make it harder to see, giggling like a little school girl on T.V.! She flew up to Assassin's head, and said, "I get to hug you whenever I want... I can nibble on ya like a cat whenever I want... and neither of us can hurt each other! I don't need a giant crushing me today thank you~!" She smiled innocently... She would accept the contract as thanks for the gift, and as a way to try and keep it.


With Berserker, Kose would simply hiss as her tongue fluttered. She would try and put her tail on Berserker's shoulder, and say, "Thank you for everything you've done so far." She would fall to sleep as he would do his meditation, snoring softly... ( Completly ran out of ideas for this one ._.)​
Clovis Savatier
Still Befuddled and Even Angrier than before Inside the Warehouse

Out of nowhere, a powerful gust of wind would blow her away, and hold her against a nearby pillar. "I'd suggest you stop playing around now. I am in no mood, especially after almost being killed by Beserker and a swarm of anima-" Clovis would turn sharply towards where Assassin had placed that disgusting wolf head, only to find it missing. "Hold the hell on, you're a master, aren't you? Or worse, part of a master. I've heard of creatures such as Nrvnqsr Chaos, able to change their shape and form by eating other creatures. You're a Dead Apostle aren't you? If that's true, what is their name?" Clovis questioned the odd fairy like creature.

While he questioned her, he would reach out with his mind, and could sense the little Dead Apostle, that disgusting air of decay and the mana barely holding her together. But, it had an odd connection, leading away from the warehouse. Clearly, this little creature was only a part of the whole, perhaps a seperate consciousness to lighten the load, or simply part of one fractured mind. Yet, he could feel other tethers, as though there was more than one part of the collective in here...

"Assassin, lock this place. There's a switch over there, it'll seal all the entrances. Nothing comes in, nothing goes out. I can sense this little creatures siblings in here, and I don't want them revealing our location to their master, even if it isn't one of our opponents. Wouldn't want to have this place found. It's one of our better bases, after all,"

HTCOR HTCOR hudhouse hudhouse
Ashe Hakuno
Location: Nondescript
Safe House

Ashe looked at the woman who appeared in front of him, wearing this regal armor and demanding, no asking, where she was. He thought back on all the history lessons, trying to think of prominent female warriors. "Joan of Arc maybe? No, she wouldn't act like this. Boudica? Clothing too regal for her... who are you my servant? Cleopatra? Not Egyptian from her accent, sounds Mediterranean." Ashe held out his hand, command seals facing his servant. "I am your master in this Holy Grail War. Simply put, you are the servant I summoned to fight with me. In this Holy Grail War, there was a ruler class servant summoned. I do not know for what reason, but he must be dealt with first." he explained as he started walking to a set of stairs. Mentally planning all of the things he needed to do, Ashe stopped and chuckled to himself. He would get the answers he was looking for later. Turning back and looking at his servant with mild interest, Ashe spoke. "Are you coming or are you going to sit in this dark room all day?"
Mion Mion
Riders face was twisted into a grimace "In a rush are we?" Rider spoke as she made her way towards the summoner, she then climbed a few steps until she was looking able to look down at the man. "I shall acknowledge that you are my master in this war. However I must advise that we do not engage Ruler, he shall be no threat to us." Despite her position and childish action she spoke in an authoritative tone.

Rider then continued to climb the stairs of the room until she reached the top, this time it was her who stopped to turn towards her master. "We should use the time we have to strategize. How shall we deal with the other masters? What do we know of them? And what of their servants...?" As Rider finished she once again folded her arms waiting for her masters response seemingly impatiently. The first impression of her master was that he was naïve among other things.

xAlter xAlter
Ashe Hakuno
Location: Nondescript
Safe House

Ashe turned to look at his servant and shrugged. "I have enough intel on them as is right now. You are the last servant to be summoned in this Holy Grail War." he replied as he walked over to a table full of guns and ammunition. "Right now, most of the masters and servants are in a convenience store with the ruler class servant. The servants and masters are engaging in, friendly conversation." Ashe clicked a magazine into his sniper and put it into his sniper rifle. He slung the sniper over his shoulder and put on his Cloak of the Unseen. "I... we are going to visit the overseer of this Grail War at the church. We will most likely see other servants and masters there. Prepare for anything Rider."
Mion Mion
Christina Kimmich
Convenience Store.

Christina looked over at Bhaxter, the kid with the orange hair and who refused to take Christina's offer. He seemed a bit nervous, probably due to the fact that the situation looked like it could turn for the worst at any moment. She sighed and continued to look at the kid, "No, we are not fighting in this store. If we do, I will have to personally kill you for destroying Rosa's property." Christina spoke in a calm and cold tone before pointing back at the Owner, "I'm Christina. Nice too meet you, Bhaxter. His Servant." She offered a small wave at the boy and then his servant who was still all giddy around Ruler.

Christina's gaze then drifted back to Ruler. She didn't know that Caster had the same thoughts as her, but Christina wasn't a fan of this man. He seemed extremely arrogant and egotistical as well as a bit too extravagant for her. To Christina anyway he had somewhat of a condescending tone and attitude to everyone, and only sought praise and compliments. He had taken somewhat of a liking to Bhaxter's Servant which didn't bode well to Christina. She shook the feeling off and listened to Ruler explain the command seals and how they acted/worked. At the very least, Ruler seemed to be knowledgeable as he should be. He was summoned by the Grail to be a sort of mediator in the war. Christina remained silent and just watched Ruler and the other two in the store.

Bhaxter seems like a good kid. I don't sense any ill-intent or maliciousness from him. His servant seems giddy, and very... adventurous. Ruler is a puzzle in a sense... I don't like him at all. He irks me and seems like he could be a problem. His personality is awful and makes me sick too. Too extravagant for me. Christina made these mental notes of the other three people in the store and let out a sigh. It would seem that Bhaxter could make a good ally. He seemed honest and forthright, but Christina had her reservations about him. Then again, the two had just met so she didn't really know how much of a range his personality had.

Upon hearing Caster ask if she should kill them Christina shook her head and replied with "No." Granted she might have said yes if Caster offered to just kill Ruler, but even then that was a long shot. She didn't want to harm the boy or his servant though as she had plans to offer a peace treaty and alliance with them. Plus the boy seemed to still be a kid, and Christina would rather not kill a kid. It was immoral and went against her ideals as a Detective. She stopped Crime, not committed it.

Xel Xel Girouette Girouette Kalin Scarlet Kalin Scarlet Jean Otus Jean Otus
The Warehouse

Assassin took less than a moment for him to blur into action, his feet stumbling- but operational security was high up on his list of priorities, even in his concussed state. His hand hit the switch, as the entire facility shut itself down instantly, everything becoming airtight and sealed in. Thankfully, all of the Bounded Fields went active, and the circles within began to drain the surroundings for a second, as to fill Assassin to the brim.

Another power rush, before his mind quelled. It healed rapidly, as the mana spent was spent at a grand enough rate to get him back to a rational state. There was a brief pause, as he stepped forwards towards Clovis and the small 'Fairy' of false origins.

"I won't accept the contract of this moment. Perhaps at a later point, if it proves useful- but I doubt this is a good moment." His speech was oddly formal, most likely rubbing off from Clovis when they had to deal with Clock Tower bullshit. His bronze eyes were dull, as he watched the fairy. There was no empathy left in him for now.

hudhouse hudhouse
Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom
Clovis Savatier
Still Befuddled and Even Angrier than before Inside the Warehouse

Out of nowhere, a powerful gust of wind would blow her away, and hold her against a nearby pillar. "I'd suggest you stop playing around now. I am in no mood, especially after almost being killed by Beserker and a swarm of anima-" Clovis would turn sharply towards where Assassin had placed that disgusting wolf head, only to find it missing. "Hold the hell on, you're a master, aren't you? Or worse, part of a master. I've heard of creatures such as Nrvnqsr Chaos, able to change their shape and form by eating other creatures. You're a Dead Apostle aren't you? If that's true, what is their name?" Clovis questioned the odd fairy like creature.

While he questioned her, he would reach out with his mind, and could sense the little Dead Apostle, that disgusting air of decay and the mana barely holding her together. But, it had an odd connection, leading away from the warehouse. Clearly, this little creature was only a part of the whole, perhaps a seperate consciousness to lighten the load, or simply part of one fractured mind. Yet, he could feel other tethers, as though there was more than one part of the collective in here...

"Assassin, lock this place. There's a switch over there, it'll seal all the entrances. Nothing comes in, nothing goes out. I can sense this little creatures siblings in here, and I don't want them revealing our location to their master, even if it isn't one of our opponents. Wouldn't want to have this place found. It's one of our better bases, after all,"

HTCOR HTCOR hudhouse hudhouse
The Warehouse

Assassin took less than a moment for him to blur into action, his feet stumbling- but operational security was high up on his list of priorities, even in his concussed state. His hand hit the switch, as the entire facility shut itself down instantly, everything becoming airtight and sealed in. Thankfully, all of the Bounded Fields went active, and the circles within began to drain the surroundings for a second, as to fill Assassin to the brim.

Another power rush, before his mind quelled. It healed rapidly, as the mana spent was spent at a grand enough rate to get him back to a rational state. There was a brief pause, as he stepped forwards towards Clovis and the small 'Fairy' of false origins.

"I won't accept the contract of this moment. Perhaps at a later point, if it proves useful- but I doubt this is a good moment." His speech was oddly formal, most likely rubbing off from Clovis when they had to deal with Clock Tower bullshit. His bronze eyes were dull, as he watched the fairy. There was no empathy left in him for now.

hudhouse hudhouse
Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom

Yi Kose
The fairy huffed in annoyance. She was going to get a friend! But now this meat head had to go and blow it. But she shouldn't be so hypocritical, for it was definitely something she would do. She groaned out, "You do not need to be a Dead Apostle to be a Fleshcraft magi. In fact, I could even teach it to you with a Magic Crest... but I'm afraid that Iknow you don't trust me." She carefully plotted out her words, and said calmly, trying to be a smooth operator, "Its all about control, which I will admit is intoxicating for the first hundred years. It could make a man immortal by simply eating food like you already do. But... eh..." She fought against the wind to no avail. It was a supreme hold, and she wasn't getting free at any rate...

Kose sighed, she wasn't really in the mood to lose the one chance she had at surviving this war. She said, "...And yes, I am a Master. I am Master of Berserker, and he is currently on my trail. Since I am a Dead Apostle as you said, I can use my consciousness transference to lead him towards this location... But he's not in range just yet. If you let me go, I won't unleash my Berserker..." The Mosquitoes decided to split into even smaller swarms, holding just the minimum required for Kose's main body to gain the boost. The first swarm would try and find a sink or a toilet or maybe even an emergency storm drain! If they did, they would plunge like a submarine. The second swarm flew through the air vents, since if it was closed they would just suffocate eventually! At least, she thought. The third hid, waiting for an opportunity...

Location: Nondescript Safe House
Rider nodded her head in understanding. "If we can help it I would advise we avoid combat during the day. However if needed to not hesitate to command me to engage. And of course if you are in danger I would interfere." Rider was making it clear that the safety of her master was a top priority for her, of course that is a given due to the fact that her master is what allows her to take form.

"Shall I move into my spiritual body master? We shall attract some unwanted attention if I am to walk by your side as I am."

xAlter xAlter
Yi Kose
The fairy huffed in annoyance. She was going to get a friend! But now this meat head had to go and blow it. But she shouldn't be so hypocritical, for it was definitely something she would do. She groaned out, "You do not need to be a Dead Apostle to be a Fleshcraft magi. In fact, I could even teach it to you with a Magic Crest... but I'm afraid that Iknow you don't trust me." She carefully plotted out her words, and said calmly, trying to be a smooth operator, "Its all about control, which I will admit is intoxicating for the first hundred years. It could make a man immortal by simply eating food like you already do. But... eh..." She fought against the wind to no avail. It was a supreme hold, and she wasn't getting free at any rate...

Kose sighed, she wasn't really in the mood to lose the one chance she had at surviving this war. She said, "...And yes, I am a Master. I am Master of Berserker, and he is currently on my trail. Since I am a Dead Apostle as you said, I can use my consciousness transference to lead him towards this location... But he's not in range just yet. If you let me go, I won't unleash my Berserker..." The Mosquitoes decided to split into even smaller swarms, holding just the minimum required for Kose's main body to gain the boost. The first swarm would try and find a sink or a toilet or maybe even an emergency storm drain! If they did, they would plunge like a submarine. The second swarm flew through the air vents, since if it was closed they would just suffocate eventually! At least, she thought. The third hid, waiting for an opportunity...
"And why would we trust you to not kill us even if we let you go? I mean, you're nothing but a piece of the whole. So your death would do nothing but mildly irritate the rest of you. That is, unless you've only got one consciousness to control all your bodies." Clovis explained, pacing back and forth in front of her. After a moment, the wind would lift her off the pole, encasing her in a bubble of air.

"I mean, why would you care so much about this little form if it was only a mere part of you, rather than containing your whole mind? I mean, I would much rather simply lose a pinkie finger if it meant victory over my enemies, than reveal my entire hand by attempting to make a threat," As he spoke, the ball of wind would slowly twist and turn, jostling the fairy within and bringing a smile to Clovis' face.

"So, all in all, I must say that your so called threat is nothing but a bluff," Clovis would state finally, before continuing to the back of the warehouse. "Come along, Assassin. I may not believe her threats, but it never hurts to take precautions."

Around them, the first group of mosquitos would find no water way that led out, as all of them were blocked by both magical and physical barriers. The second group would find the airways equally blocked.

HTCOR HTCOR hudhouse hudhouse
Yi Kose
About to get as mad as her Servant

Kose opened her eyes. Great, her only way of getting her prize required for her to break down a barrier. She tried to squeeze her body out of her bed, and then underneath the meditating berserker. She mutated her body into that of a centaur, yet more thickly padded and furred. She galloped out of the house, and began chasing down her own magical signal, as well as the magic required to hold up the barrier. She began crafting territory magic, using herself as a base to make a small bubble around her and make her untraceable. This most likely wouldn't work, but if it did... they would be surprised. She looked back to Berserker and said, "I am so sorry to wake you up, but I got an emergency. There is a Servant and a Master inside a locked down building, and if we succeed at this opportunity, I will be able to increase my magic circuits to the point where you won't tire me out... and you can fight at your full strength 100% of the time... I hope this is a fair trade..." She bit her lip... Darkholme Darkholme
Riding off into high noon

Berserker had remained completely motionless up until the point that he was interrupted, which was an impressive feat, considering his class and his temperament. He hadn't achieved the enlightenment his teacher had impressed upon him, but he did manage to recover almost completely. However, something would soon test his temperament: He got swept off his perch by his master, as she then galloped off with Berserker in tow.

He stood upright, planting both his feet on the back of her master, as if in a surfing stance. He briefly considered punishing her for daring to not only interrupt him, but dictate his next course of action. Perhaps a suplex onto a sidewalk? Nevertheless, she immediately followed up with a proposal that suited both their ends. He was clearly being taken to a fight, and the end result of this fight would mean that he'd be able to fight at full power for the rest of the war - or so he was told. Grunting, he nodded in acknowledgement, not raising any apparent issues.

Surely there was something to be said about the lack of subtlety in regards to a 7 foot tall beastman surfing a centaur in broad daylight, but such was the church's business to cover up, not Berserker's.

The Warehouse

Assassin took a brief moment to look at his Master, before his senses tingled. He murmured a quick aria, before slamming his foot into the formal craft circle etched into the ground. He took in a deep breath, before murmuring another aria- this one imbued with more power. Within his palm formed a green cylinder, a grenade of sorts. There was lettered printed on it, but they were covered by his fingers closing around the weapon.

It wasn't a moment more before the Servant followed their Master, holding the grenade in their hand. They'd nudge Clovis lightly, before placing said weapon in their hand.
"Inferno." He'd say in a quiet tone, before stepping back to follow the man from behind. His armor stayed on, as he wouldn't release it until his senses registered nothing around except for the duo. But for now, his presence would slowly diminish, until it was barely there- he was certainly noticeable if seen, he was merely trying to hide his status as a Servant. There was issues with it as well, as he wore his armor still. It would be evident he was either a cosplayer or a Servant. And by the fact that Clovis was near him, was enough to identify him as a Servant unless he went into a spectral state.

Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom
hudhouse hudhouse
Clovis Savatier
Leaving the Warehouse

He nodded, accepting the cylinder as the headed towards the doorway, the fairy still trapped inside the spinning bubble. Clovis was a tad surprised that she hadn't spoken at all. He disliked that. It could mean that she was able to remove the consciousness even if it was trapped here. But, she had clearly wanted the little creature for something.

"Assassin, would you be kind enough t go get the car ready? I need to remove a few things, and destroy anything else we can't carry," Clovis asked Assassin, as he powerd down the buildings lockdown."I get the feeling we're not gonna be here much longer," he stated as he turned back to the room at large.

This base was clearly compromised, no matter what they did. That much was obvious. Looking around the room, he would destroy most of the equipment inside, crushing and melting it all, before completely dispelling the formalcraft circle and removing the magical and electronic links to their main headquarters. With a disheartened look on his face, Clovis would return the golem he had been making, before turning it into dust. He hadn't even been able to finish the poor fellow.

Finally, he would exit the old factory, pull the pin from Assassin's grenade, and toss it in and close the door, before quickly walking towards the car.

Parked nearby was a rather lovely, and rather expensive looking, black Rolls Royce. Clovis' could move them around much faster, but he preferred to travel in some sort of comfort when he could.

Besides, it's not like the Einzberns couldn't afford it.

HTCOR HTCOR hudhouse hudhouse Darkholme Darkholme
Clovis Savatier
Leaving the Warehouse

He nodded, accepting the cylinder as the headed towards the doorway, the fairy still trapped inside the spinning bubble. Clovis was a tad surprised that she hadn't spoken at all. He disliked that. It could mean that she was able to remove the consciousness even if it was trapped here. But, she had clearly wanted the little creature for something.

"Assassin, would you be kind enough t go get the car ready? I need to remove a few things, and destroy anything else we can't carry," Clovis asked Assassin, as he powerd down the buildings lockdown."I get the feeling we're not gonna be here much longer," he stated as he turned back to the room at large.

This base was clearly compromised, no matter what they did. That much was obvious. Looking around the room, he would destroy most of the equipment inside, crushing and melting it all, before completely dispelling the formalcraft circle and removing the magical and electronic links to their main headquarters. With a disheartened look on his face, Clovis would return the golem he had been making, before turning it into dust. He hadn't even been able to finish the poor fellow.

Finally, he would exit the old factory, pull the pin from Assassin's grenade, and toss it in and close the door, before quickly walking towards the car.

Parked nearby was a rather lovely, and rather expensive looking, black Rolls Royce. Clovis' could move them around much faster, but he preferred to travel in some sort of comfort when he could.

Besides, it's not like the Einzberns couldn't afford it.

HTCOR HTCOR hudhouse hudhouse Darkholme Darkholme
The Warehouse

Assassin took a brief moment to look at his Master, before his senses tingled. He murmured a quick aria, before slamming his foot into the formal craft circle etched into the ground. He took in a deep breath, before murmuring another aria- this one imbued with more power. Within his palm formed a green cylinder, a grenade of sorts. There was lettered printed on it, but they were covered by his fingers closing around the weapon.

It wasn't a moment more before the Servant followed their Master, holding the grenade in their hand. They'd nudge Clovis lightly, before placing said weapon in their hand.
"Inferno." He'd say in a quiet tone, before stepping back to follow the man from behind. His armor stayed on, as he wouldn't release it until his senses registered nothing around except for the duo. But for now, his presence would slowly diminish, until it was barely there- he was certainly noticeable if seen, he was merely trying to hide his status as a Servant. There was issues with it as well, as he wore his armor still. It would be evident he was either a cosplayer or a Servant. And by the fact that Clovis was near him, was enough to identify him as a Servant unless he went into a spectral state.

Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom
hudhouse hudhouse
Riding off into high noon

Berserker had remained completely motionless up until the point that he was interrupted, which was an impressive feat, considering his class and his temperament. He hadn't achieved the enlightenment his teacher had impressed upon him, but he did manage to recover almost completely. However, something would soon test his temperament: He got swept off his perch by his master, as she then galloped off with Berserker in tow.

He stood upright, planting both his feet on the back of her master, as if in a surfing stance. He briefly considered punishing her for daring to not only interrupt him, but dictate his next course of action. Perhaps a suplex onto a sidewalk? Nevertheless, she immediately followed up with a proposal that suited both their ends. He was clearly being taken to a fight, and the end result of this fight would mean that he'd be able to fight at full power for the rest of the war - or so he was told. Grunting, he nodded in acknowledgement, not raising any apparent issues.

Surely there was something to be said about the lack of subtlety in regards to a 7 foot tall beastman surfing a centaur in broad daylight, but such was the church's business to cover up, not Berserker's.

Yi Kose
Going off to war!

Kose zoomed forward with Berserker on her back. heading towards the back of the base while the barrier was shattering to find the escaping Assassin and Master! She snorted, rushing forward at a slightly slower speed. She called out to Berserker, "I got my eyes on their Master... Berserker!" Her legs shined brightly as her command seals burned. Her eyes glowed a bright gold as one of the squares of the command seal vanished, and she commanded her Servant in war, "Berserker, I demand that you strike true! Make your golden rod puncture through the Master of Assassin, and turn him into a corpse! BERSERKER, MURDER HIM!" Magic spewed through, clear and true into Berserker. The order, strict and direct, would of the strongest caliber. She prayed it would work, not knowing of his resistance to it. If he was with her, this would be the boost he needed to destroy the Master... give her his mana... and take the Assassin for herself! She threw her hands forward as whips, which then inflated into the size of trash cans! She tried to jam them into the back wheels of the Rolls Royce to make them crash!


The swarms immediately zoomed off when the barrier went down. The main swarm would deliver the blood of Assassin to her, which gave her a slight mana boost from just how concentrated it was! The other two splintered down to even smaller sizes to try and hide from the scanning power of the Wizard. They would cling to the inside and outside of the Rolls Royce. Inside the car, a few of the bugs would wait to strike, trying to bite and drink blood from three separate spots before bailing out, and having some of the other bugs hold the lock open and pop the door open! She was prepared for the boost... and if she got it, this battle was over!
Revealing his Noble Phantasms to team Assassin

As their target came into view, he knelt down, coiled, poised to strike. His armor materialized, as he got into fighting form, once again activating that massive drain on his master. Just as he did so, his master decided then and there to use one of her command seals to order him to use one of his Noble Phantasms to do the job. For a moment, a golden light shone from underneath his breastplate, then dissipated quickly. This order was direct, and very specific. It was a powerful order, one that would not be resisted by his armor, and not one that he could ignore - even if he wanted to. Truth be told, the order aligned with his own self interests greatly, boosting his parameters when following it to the letter.

He sharply tilted his head, as what appeared to be a toothpick popped out of his ear. As it fell into his hand, it rapidly expanded in size, to take the form of an ornate, gold banded rod, roughly as tall as Berserker. With the pole firmly gripped behind him, he leapt from the back of his master, landing on...the air? He never touched the ground, instead sprinting and leaping through the air towards the car he was chasing. Every time he intended to step somewhere, a little puff of cloud would appear at his feet, seemingly solid enough for him to run and leap from. Doing so, it was short work for him to catch up to team Assassin, despite the fact that they were in a very powerful car indeed. He was traveling at a much faster pace than he was while riding horseback.

Within an acceptable range alongside the vehicle, he looked through the window, finding the locations of both Assassin and his master. His order directed him to prioritize killing the master, and so he'd start with a precision strike. He thrust his weapon forward, as the tip extended at breakneck speed, intending to crash through the rear quarter window and hit the man in the passenger's seat.

Noble Phantasms
Ruyi Jingu Bang - The Gold Banded Rod: A+ (Anti-Unit/Anti-Army/Anti-Fortress)
Ousibuyunlu - Cloud Walking Boots: C (Support)
Saber had quite the busy day thus far. Between harvesting souls, attending a convention, and burning that convention to the ground, the servant was looking for something a bit different at this point. As Saber prowled through the streets in spirit form, they were picking up on the words of those the servant passed by. There was a lot of talk about how the convention centre had burned down and all the people that had died inside of it. Talk about the murders from the night before, more than a few times the servant heard about how night had turned to day. There was something else though. Saber picked up on the rumors of a giant monkey riding through town on the back of some sort of horse. Most odd. Saber made their way up to the tallest building they could find and surveyed the area before contacting who could only be their master.

"I still haven't located the primary target, but I have heard of a potential sighting of a secondary target. If it turns out to be true, I intend to engage."

Saber stayed as still as clay upon the top of that building, honing their senses. If there was truth to this rumor, they had a feeling they would find out for certain before long. There. Someone else mentioning the same rumor. Saber jumped from the building and headed towards the person spreading the rumor. Once close enough, the servant stopped once again. '
I swear I saw it! A monkey riding a horse towards the industrial area!" The man's friend laughed at him, but Saber was already gone by that point. The closer the servant got to the area, the more they heard more of the same. A monkey riding a horse. Eventually though, There stopped being a trace to follow. Saber was going to have to rely on something else to pinpoint where their target was.
On the streets
Assassin didn't hear everything- but once the word "Beserker" came out of someone's mouth at a loud volume, he quickly murmured an aria of his own. "Time Alter; Triple Accel-" and so the world became bright, and his hearing became faint. A breech loaded pistol formed in his hand, and he forced himself to move quickly, even besting Beserker by much as he shoved his Master aside, pushing off him. He burst through the car door, his feet skidding across the ground fast enough to cause massive heat.

Assassin spun as the spell released, facing his arm to the Master of Beserker with his eye aiming down. Each motion without waste, as the bead came to center of mass.

Another moment as it was released. There was no incantation, just a simple pull of the trigger.

A streak of silver flew down the length of ths street, fast enough to rival Assassin at his max speed. A bullet cast from soul and bone, filled with the mystery of Bind and Sever.

Duality of the Soul: Origin Round
A+ (Anti-Unit)
Skill - Eye of the Mind (False) - B+ in effect.
Opportunist - A+ in effect.
hudhouse hudhouse Darkholme Darkholme Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom
Clovis Savatier
Dying , Dying, Dead in the Street

They had been driving down the street in the Rolls Royce. There had been mosquitoes in the car, quite a number of them, and Clovis burned any that got near him. Looking at the rearview mirror, he would see a ridiculous sight, a monkey man riding a pony. His mind was barely able to register it before everything suddenly seemed to disappear in a blur.

And then there was... Darkness. He saw nothing, felt nothing. There was no sound. No smell, no taste, no sight. Nothing... But darkness. He was dead. That much was obvious. Assassin had tried to push him out of the way of Beserker's staff, but it only made it pierce his chest rather than his head.

That's good. He was able to live long enough to give one final command, even while choking on his own blood.

"Kill them." It had been all he could muster.

Had he meant only those who had attacked them, or every master and servant in the war? Whatever he had meant, it was up to Assassin to interpret it as he chose.

A roaring sound... Pain... He was back, for but a moment, looking at the sky. Was it dawn, or dusk? He couldn't tell, as he sunk back into that eternal darkness.

He looked back at his life, and sighed in the silence. He had let an alright life. Good, but not great. His most notable success was being proclaimed the Average One, and that wasn't even based upon his own merit, but on the blood in his veins and the circuts in his soul. Another sigh.

He had been exhilarated when the Einzberns came to him, offering him the possibility of obtaining the greatest treasure of all. A miracle. One... ultimate... wish...

Suddenly, he jerked forward, though his body still lay unmoving. No! This was not the end! He had to much to do, he had to find the sixth magic, he had to help humanity in some small way!

Energy shifted, and the feeling of lines being tautened would emerge, before finally snapping and releasing him, while at the same time his body would become engulfed in flame, quickly turning to unusable and charred before his new eyes. All this had transpired in but a moment.

But, how was he able to do this? He felt... Off. Not wholly there. Looking around, Clovis felt as though he were seeing a negative picture of the world, all it's colors reversed and disjointed.

Of course. He had become a wraith. He had unfinished business, not just for himself, but for others too. It made perfect sense, though it was hard to concentrate. It practically hurt to think. All he wanted to do was mope somewhere and anguish.

No! He must not fall under the sway of such an idea. Clovis had to get his bearings, and quickly, before he forgot what he was trying to do, let alone what bearings meant. He moved forward, looking down at his own freshly charred body, examining his hands. There! There it was! His command seal. It was the shape of a cross. Simple. Effective.

He started to wonder why christians worshipped the thing that killed their messiah, but no! He had to stay aware. It was a strugle to even think reasonably for him. Life, or un-life rather, as a wraith was horrible. If it weren't for his mental training, Clovis would have doubtless succumbed to the idleness and random impulses of other wraiths.

After a moment, he would turn back towards where the Rolls Royce had crashed, before spotting Assassin. For a moment, Clovis was confused as to what was happening, but now his mind was stsrting to wrap around it. So, he decided it would be in his best interest to wait and watch, to see what would happen.

HTCOR HTCOR hudhouse hudhouse Darkholme Darkholme Godhowsae Godhowsae
Ashe Hakuno
Location: Street

Ashe began his trek outside signalling for Rider to follow. "Rider, assume your spiritual body. Try to conceal your presence as a servant as much as you can. I do not want unwanted attention. I want to keep this peaceful for now." Ashe walked out his safe house. His safe house appeared to be a simple apartment building within the city limits. It was plain and bland looking, so no one would assume it to be an assassin's place.

Ashe looked around as he walked down the street, using his Cloak of the Unseen to keep hidden from public view. His sniper was slung on his back and his pistol was holstered on his leg. "Rider, do you sense anything? I...!" Ashe looked up and saw a crashed Rolls Royce down the street. He looked to see a monkey man riding a horse and a man with a gun. "Rider, prepare for combat! We may not be able to get through unnoticed."
Mion Mion HTCOR HTCOR hudhouse hudhouse Darkholme Darkholme Godhowsae Godhowsae
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Fighting on the outskirts of town

Despite Assassin's best efforts to move his master, it seems his other movements affected the movement of the car itself, causing the vehicle to swerve and the suspension to buck, making Berserker strike true regardless. Retracting his pole back to "normal" size, he leapt from the air once more, landing on the roof of the car, ensuring that anyone still within would be crushed in a wrecked steel cage. He kicked off of the car, sending it spinning off into a parked car on the side of the road, landing back on the concrete, a fair distance from Assassin. The car proceeded to ignite into flames, surely sealing Clovis' fate even further. The condition of his command seal fulfilled, he regained control of his faculties...or what one might infer as control in the case of a Berserker.

Assassin appeared to have left their master to fend for themselves, focusing on a counterattack on his own master. Due to the sudden rapid increase in speed that Assassin was displaying, there was no way he'd have a chance to stop him from firing at his master, or intercept the bullet. What he could do however, was place a little bit of trust in his master, and attack Assassin directly. If his master were to perish here, she truly was not worthy of the service of the Great Sage Equal to Heaven.

Pivoting around to face Assassin, Berserker swung the gold banded rod around in a wide sweep, the tip ever-expanding as the swing continued, granting him a very fast swing that gained additional momentum as the staff grew in size. As it reached Assassin, it was easily over 50 feet long, more than long enough to close the distance between them.


Mion Mion HTCOR HTCOR xAlter xAlter Darkholme Darkholme Godhowsae Godhowsae
Yi Kose

The main body of Kose was happy, the damned fool was gonna die! Now she could go in for the consumption, gain the seals, destroy Berserker and gain an Assassin! Unfortunately, that is not how it worked, but that's how she thought it worked! Kose rushed forward, pulling on her tentacles to rush forward towards the burning car! She let go half way through, transforming her hands to great claws and her body back into a naga! The 20 foot long serpent leaped through the air, before bang! An origin bullet pierced through her heart, and her body just... shut off. Thick necrosis blanketed over her, melting her entire human half in less than an instant. All that was left of her, was about 15 feet of a tail. The rattle snake tail just sat there, on the top of a car. Berserker would lose his mana source in a snap...


The Fairy inside the warehouse would finally be freed, and it would start flying back to Kose's main body to regroup. The fool didn't think to bring down the barrier, but she was alive! Alive mother- GAAAH! Thinking... What... Who... Instinct... Bowing to Instinct. Return to main body, recover flesh... Try to survive... Increasing drain to 30% on servants... Apologize later... Return.... Return.... Return...

The Fairy mindlessly flew as fast it could towards the tail, trying to regain most of her mass!
On the streets -> Into a Flaming Building
Assassin was not having a lucky day. He might have been able to take out another master, but there was brief moments before he would need to defend himself.

And that's when the most absurd of tactics came into the battlefield. A broken claymore, and his shield formed in the moment that Beserker was in the midst of his flip. A moment later, the shield broke- and the explosive was delicately atop it. And so his second most favored skilled activated- Presence Concealment.

When the staff hit, a massive explosion rang out- a pair of B Rank Broken Phantasms exploding, one of which directed almost all of the force outwards. It was a brief moment more before Assassin's presence was concealed once more, becoming a blur of stealth and silence, as they skidded across the ground. Their Presence Concealment was being pushed, as it couldn't activate fully with the sheer amount of issues. But the factor of the massive explosion cloaking him from sight, and the fact that he was moved to an extreme degree to the side, blood dripping from him. That kind of impact wasn't the type someone shrugged off, especially if they designed to counter it with a massive explosion. The staff would have sheered through buildings, caused mass carnage. The explosion would only help it be disguised as a terrorist attack, as it would most likely just barely blow the staff upwards enough to only send the poor man skyrocketing backwards with non-lethal wounds, and into the flaming building that Team Assassin was attempting to leave behind.

To anyone with especially keen eyes, they could notice a pistol soaring into a building, slamming directly past Assassin and into a building about two blocks over. It was evidently a Noble Phantasm, with the power it gave off.

And considering the surroundings, everything was carnage. From the massive amount of smoke coming from the building where napalm had been spread out, to the destroyed car, there wasn't much area that was clear of rubble and destruction. Even Rider and her master would have issues being anywhere near, as the entire factor of a directed explosion of the loudest caliber. It was enough to wake the damned, as Beserker would be surprised.

Meanwhile, within the building, Assassin was skidding through the fire and flames, without any weapons in hand. Fire roared around him, as the place was filled with smoke from electronics and the such- any normal human couldn't breath this in without it being hazardous. He was nigh-invisible in the flickering light, with almost everything about his presence cloaked, thankfully. There was a chance he could make it out. But he would need to utilize that chance as quickly as possible.

Skills Utilized
Eye of the Mind (True): B
(It was meant to be True last time. My fault.)
Presence Concealment: Downgraded to C?

hudhouse hudhouse
Darkholme Darkholme
Mion Mion

xAlter xAlter
Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom
Godhowsae Godhowsae


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