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Fandom Fate/Over Zero

ArcherEngaging Lancer


Even knowing the legends and stories of his opponent he wasn't about to take the girl lightly. If nothing else her lance packed a lot of power. He knew full well that this fight would revolve around avoiding Lancer's attacks. Just as he made his opening move so too did his opponent, her lance igniting and pulling her down through the roof as his barrage rained down on her position. The shots were far weaker than her ploy, not doing much more than kicking up a cloud of dust as they landed. Much to his chagrin it was obvious that Lancer was far too reckless and far too focused on him to realize just how dangerous her recklessness was. It was up to him to switch up the venue otherwise they risk exposing the war and killing innocent civilians. Just as the lance erupted beneath him he leapt back, making use of his earlier positioning to soar from the building to a nearby one. With a simple backflip he landed gracefully on the adjacent building, immediately whipping his bow to line up on Lancer and firing on a quick snapshot. "Sorry Lancer, but I feel like taking this dance somewhere else".

Without waiting for the woman's response he takes off, heading out towards the woods that surround the city. Every so often he paused along the way to make sure Lancer was still following and to fire a volley of arrows in her direction. Archer finally approached his destination, leaping from the final building into the forest that lay beyond the city. There weren't going to be bystanders lingering around to worry about so he could fight to his full potential. Landing atop a tree branch he quickly spun around to aim back towards the city, a grin on his face. His arrow materialized in place and ignited into a deep azure flame. The energy coiled around the bolt, wrapping around it and falling in on itself before whipping about to repeat the process. As he lined up Lancer he released the arrow. His shot lanced out with impossible speed. A streak of blue light piercing the heavens and the armored girl that flew through them. Unlike his previous attacks this one was no area of effect, it was a deadly sniper round directly for the woman's armored chest.

Iskandar Iskandar Girouette Girouette Kalin Scarlet Kalin Scarlet

Location: Engaged with Archer
Lancer, bursting from the floor below to find her enemy flying across buildings, for the purposes she assumed of gaining range, being an archer this made sense...As shot was fired in her direction, but not turning off her lance to slow herself, she continued straight upwards into the air between the two buildings, seeing him begin to flee towards the forest.

"Master, this adventure is exciting!...However, should you be tired, now that the servant is gone, I can pursue him without you, should you not wish to be cramped in here with I!..."

Despite her statement seeming as if she was going to let him off immediately, she didn't stop moving and careened across the skyscraper with her propelled lance, pursuing archer, and (This time) controlling herself to avoid the arrows shot at her, getting hit when pursuing the enemy would most likely cause her to lose the fine control through the air she seemed to have...Which was already wobbly.

Until an idea struck her, perhaps much to her masters chagrin (If the psychic bond had finally strengthened to that point.)

All of a sudden...Most likely not to Archers knowledge, she pointed the lance downwards, and sent herself hurtling through the ground.

"Master, if we continue in the air, Archer will be able to easily take us out once we have no buildings to aid us with cover...This duel is not so much a straight up battle of strength, but a fight of wits! And I promise you I'm not bested in that regard either...Trust me, I'm taking an alternate route!"

And then they hit the ground.

And then they disappeared, and a hole in the pavement of the road appeared.

And then they appeared again, bursting out of the ground in front of the forest she assumed Archer had fled to, her lance whistling with energy...And quite a bit of dirt covering her armor.

Now she just had to find Archer...Which she realized would be far harder then it looked.

Xel Xel
Kalin Scarlet Kalin Scarlet
Bhaxter Brooks
While Lancer flew through waves of explosions and the wind whipped past, Bhaxter had his eyes closed all the while, holding firm to his servant's armor, though he had long since stopped providing his own energy to hold onto her.

As he felt the impact of Lancer colliding with the roof shaking him all of the way down to his bones. Bhaxter groaned softly in pain and tried to pull himself together as his partner started to address their assailant, when he started to feel a chill creep down his back, and a sudden warmth envelop his chest. Gaining his hands back, Bhaxter opened his eyes...to more darkness.

What's happening now? I can't take much more of this!

Grasping around in what little space he had, Bhaxter noted the warmth in front of him. Leaning further forwards, he noted a slim, subtle pair of curves. Outside, he could hear Lancer speaking, and suddenly, the armor was on the move once again. As he felt his new metal shell meet with some resistance, he felt a surge of emotion wash over him, an urge to fight ones foe to the best of ones ability, with no interference.

I didn't sign up to get shot at all night! This is ridiculous! I dont care how of a rush it is to face the great archer thief Robin Hood...Its awesome, sure but who's gonna tell my mom her only son got blasted into dust by a supernatural representation of the outlaw of nottingham?!

As the constant high speed movement jostled him roughly, Bhaxter fell forward and squeezed the soft, firm, warm cushions his hands rested against.

It was at that moment that Bhaxter's thoughts turned to his servant, without the slightest sense of irony.

Despite being lost on most of the fine details of the battle, he could see the flashes of energy generated by the servant Lancer had attacked and the sounds that followed, only for that sound to be replaced by the earth tearing apart around them. As they moved, his servsnt continued to talk, but he couldn't hear much with the excitement occuring around him, being sealed away as he was.

"Lancer! I can't hear what you're saying! You've got to give me a speaker or something! What's going on!?"

Girouette Girouette
Xel Xel
Still duking it out in the park

His plan was executed flawlessly, but Berserker was certainly not expecting such a feat of agility from Saber, as the bullet whipped past the both of them. Moreover, he also wasn't expecting Saber to retreat so soon. Normally, he'd have chased his opponent to the ends of the earth, but this time, there was more than one opponent he had to worry about. He straightened his posture, taking deep breaths as Saber made off with his Master in tow.

After he cleared the area, Berserker's head whipped around, looking directly at the spot that Assassin had shot from. Those deep breaths turned more and more intense, turning into hyperventilation, as the fire in his eyes burned brighter. He was clearly not pleased about his fight being interrupted. Not so much that he was attacked unfairly, but that something he enjoyed was disrupted. He dropped down to all fours, and began bounding towards Assassin at breakneck speed.
ArcherEngaging Lancer


The movements that RPL allowed for continued to be a surprise. Even after his high powered shot Lancer just dove down an out of sight. Archer let out a sigh as he lowered his bow. "I suppose that'll do it for now." He was already going against Christina's wishes in fighting to begin with, and dealing with that lance was grating on his nerves. Content that he had gathered a sufficient amount of intelligence he figured it was about time to head back. He heard an explosion nearby as Lancer emerged from the ground. "That's all for me, next time show me a little more variety than just flying around!" His voice echoed throughout the woods, failing to give away his location. Not one to wait about he ducked back, offering the unseen Lancer a quick two-finger salute before his form disappeared into the wind. "Master, I've finished scouting out the Servants that I could find and I'm headed back." Although it wasn't for Christina's workshop that he went. Instead he found himself going in the complete opposite direction towards a mountain in the distance. There were still a few things to finish up after all.

Iskandar Iskandar Girouette Girouette Kalin Scarlet Kalin Scarlet
Location: Outside the forest, away from pretty much everyone.
Lancer grimaced as her opponent fled, though she didn't blame him...An archer in a fight against a lancer was already at odds, and her movement underground would most certainly put him in a disadvantageous position.
This upset her, the upset coming from her own actions making the fight unfair, this seemed to annoy her.

"I'll have to provide him a far more fair duel in the future..."

And then she remembered her master, and let out a somewhat odd noise as she regarded him.

"E-Ee...Master, I forgot during the duel...This was just...To keep you safe!"

Perhaps the duel has satiated her lust for action, and her personality and aura suddenly became...Rather normal, her tone still had an eccentric flair, but her words were far more..Simply said, the grandiose tone underlying her speech all but disappeared.

"Master, I'll let you out right away..."

And her armor began to shrink, until it reached the hump holding her master, and opened up to allow him to fall out...Uncomfortably, but hopefully unarmed, and her armor continued to shrink until it all but melded into her skin, swapping places with a rather...Modern and normal pair of clothes, and her lance vanished into its spectral form.

"Well. Master. A real hero knows when to rest, and I can feel your exasperation....Shall we retire back to your castle?...Perhaps stop at a convenience store as we go? We're unlikely to get attacked at this point, as it appears to be early morning, people will begin to move, and these grand duels will cease to avoid trouble with the populace"

The change in lancers mindset was obvious in her choice of words, her speech seemed intelligent, and knowledgeable of the war as a proper servant could be...Working a sense of thrill out of her seemed to do wonders, rational thought finally appearing.

Unfortunately...As a hero, this won't do...My armor has been damaged..."

She said this as she looked down at her clothes, which seemed to obviously be constructed out of her previous armor...Considering they had holds in the same places her prior armor was damaged.

This...Chilled out Lancer was quite different, and as she threw her arms behind her head and began walking toward the city, glancing at her master...She was oddly calm being now unarmored and more or less a walking target.

Kalin Scarlet Kalin Scarlet
The Park
When most people fought a raging Beserker, they decidedly did not fight them head on. Sadly, Assassin didn't have much of a choice in this fight. And so in the fifty feet that Beserker had to cross, Assassin was pulling off one of the blue orbs off his belt, and then flicking out a small piece of metal off of it. It wasn't long before the magical energy within was beginning to overcharge, a resounding 'crack' forming through the air. As Beserker closed to twenty feet, Assassin whipped the grenade forwards towards ten feet, give or take.

That was Assassin's first move.

The Noble Phantasm he threw was a particularly unpleasant one, as it was rather assuming at first, then it would explode. And the issue wasn't the explosion itself, it was the fact that the entire park lit up like someone personally dropped a star right in the middle of it. The light only lasted for a second, but considering the aftereffects of anyone within fifty feet of it were horrid, like someone gave them the worst headache in the world? It wasn't fun. Anyone who dared look directly at the light would be blind, even if they had their eyes shut. Anyone who was within the radius of the light was almost certainly blind for a short period of time, if not much longer. Sadly, it also had a major concussive effect, able to disorientate anyone who was within a fifty foot radius, at a massive power effect; it was possible to even kill a regular human with such a thing.

During this short period of time that the entire burst of light went off, Assassin stepped five paces to the left, and allowed their presence concealment to overtake them. It was by far and away enough to make them fade from sight, becoming almost invisible as they would keep up leisurely stroll towards their master. Assassin ensured he didn't bump into anything by keeping his hand out- almost like the explosion didn't affect him as much as it did anyone else.

For anyone within the city, they merely saw it turn to day, or at least dusk, for a brief moment- before entirely fading. If they were nearby the park, they would already notice the sudden shift from night to day, then back again. And sadly, there was a good chance they'd be blinded from the sheer power of the light.

Presence Concealment? B Rank.

The Sun Ball: The Exploding Star That Fell From The Heavens
Rank: A

Xel Xel
Birdsie Birdsie
Iskandar Iskandar
Girouette Girouette
hudhouse hudhouse
Kalin Scarlet Kalin Scarlet

(Too lazy to keep tagging. Pretty much anyone magically sensitive, and able to see outside. Boom.)

(TL;DR = turned night into day for a moment. Boom. Done.)
Christina Kimmich
Christina's House -> Convenience Store.​

Christina spun around in her office chair that was in her workshop. She was looking up at the ceiling while doing so, bored out of her mind. Investigating had gotten her nowhere, at least in terms of finding who other master's could be. She had a few rough ideas as to who might be participating, but no solid evidence. Once more she spun herself around while looking up at the ceiling, her vision getting slightly blurry. She let out a heavy sigh before stopping the chair and herself, "I'm... Bored... Probably because things where getting interesting, but I was left alone at home. Granted I am safer here, but it would be fascinating to maybe meet a new master. Possibly gain an ally or two. I have no real desire to die, but I don't long for the grail either." Christina continued to talk to herself for a few more seconds before rummaging around in the plastic bag. She scowled as her hand couldn't find a can of beer to grab onto. Had she really drunken all the beer she had bought at the convenience store? Yes, yes she had. Though the beer didn't seem to have much of an affect on her as she was quite the heavyweight, and beer wasn't enough to get her drunk.

Christina stood up and scratched the back of her head before nodding to herself, "I should, key word, should be fine if I leave to go get some beer... No one knows I am a master... I do lack a servan-" Before she could continue she was cut off as Archer had once again reported in through telepathy, "Ah. Good Job, Archer. I might be at a convenience store, it is at the foot of the hill near my house. Oh also be careful. I have set traps up around and in the house. They won't harm you, but I would rather you not step on them at all. I'll contact you if I am in danger..." As she said this she was already out the door of her house, this time locking it and halfway down the hill. It was a bit of a gamble, to go out and get beer while being in the Holy Grail War. It was quite odd to see Christina take risks, especially ones that could put her life in danger, but hey, the greatness that is alcohol called her name.

Christina made her way down the hill and to the convenience store. It was a nice convenience store, for the sheer fact that she had a discount here on the account of her and the owner being good friends. It got a fair bit of business due to it being at a busy intersection. It was near a forest, the same one Lancer and her servant were dueling at. Of course Christina did not know this, nor was she all that interested in knowing. She was about to open the door to the store before noticing something very weird. Her eyes shifted from left to right before she turned around, "Odd.. I feel like it was daylight for a second..." Though her eyes did not lie to her, it indeed turned turn to daylight, or appeared to, for only a brief moment. It was already dark again and the various lights around the city still glowed brightly. She shook her head and walked into the Convenience store, offering the owner a small greeting before walking down one of the aisles. Something very odd just happened, and Christina didn't like that feeling or sense of not knowing what happened. The only thing that she could've linked it to was the Holy Grail War, but she wasn't entirely sure. She should be cautious of events containing magic or magical energy from now on, but not get too paranoid about it.... Unbeknownst to Christina, she had been standing in front of a stand that had various porn mags for a solid three minutes as she thought to herself.

Xel Xel
@Kalin Scarlet(Pls come to the convenience store while fake Archer is off being sus. Christina needs friendos)
Girouette Girouette
Last edited:
Bhaxter Brooks
Bhaxter fell backwards as Lancer's armor opened up, collapsing on the ground with a soft groan. As he sat up, he observed their surroundings and was surprised to see they were in front of the forest on the edge of the city. Turning back to his servant, he watched the end of her armor's shift into regular clothing. He thought about it for a moment and realized that Lancer had been wearing her clothes as her armor. Meaning he'd spent the past few minutes under her clothing.

Bhaxter blushed as he tried to move past that minor fact, and stood up, addressing his servant, who seemed to be acting with some semblance of normalcy, for once. For a moment the sky itself seemed to glow behind the back of the young woman, making the otherwise unorthodox servant seem somewhat...cool

"Y-You just want to go home, now? Really?"

Bhaxter exhaled deeply, clutching his knees as he tried to relax.

"Yeah. Heading home would be nice. Um...but we can stop somewhere if you like. We could get something to eat, if you...eat stuff, Lancer. Maybe they'll have some cheap clothes you can wear, until we head to a real shop, find something that isn't torn up," Bhaxter replied, shaking his head as he brought himself up to full height once more.

"Well, Lancer? What do you say?"

Girouette Girouette
Xel Xel
Iskandar Iskandar
CasterConvenience Store


"Hmmm, well isn't my Master friends with a cute little merchant." A somewhat androgynous voice flittered through the convenience store. The form of a lithe young individual materialized seated atop the cashier's counter. They were on the short side, being no more than 5'7" with their long hair kept in a loose ponytail. Their clothing was form fitting and intricate with a distinctly magical vibe about it. Their legs were crossed as their hand reached out to stroke the store owner's cheek. The owner, for her part, was completely frozen. It was as if time itself had ceased to flow. However, as Caster cupped the woman's chin and drew her nearer it became clear that it wasn't time that was frozen, merely the owner seemed to be nothing more than a puppet for Caster to manipulate. Caster examined the young woman more closely, giving out quiet 'Mhm's and 'I see's before looking over their shoulder at their master staring absentmindedly at some rather provocative magazines. "If that is what Master is interested in I can see why you're friends ." With that Caster released their grip on the store owner's chin and swung their legs up and over the counter to face out towards the store and their master directly.

"We have yet to be introduced properly. I am the Servant Caster, and you are my Master. I'm sure you're use to the introductions at this point." Caster waved their hand dismissively as they referenced the past two introductions their master had been subjected to. "Nevertheless, my duties for the night have been wrapped up so I decided it was time to introduce myself. We can't go this entire war without you even meeting your strongest servant now can we? No we can not! And so here I am, in the flesh ready to faithfully serve my beautiful Master in her quest to obtain the Holy Grail!" As Caster said this they hopped off the counter and flung their arms out to their sides. Small little firework explosions erupted flanking either side of Caster flinging colorful sparks into the air. Caster held this pose until the fireworks slowly fizzled and sputtered out their last breath before going silent. Even after the display had ended Caster allowed their pose to linger awkwardly before finally dropping their arms, bringing their right hand up to rest against their chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, probably would have been more grandiose if I had revealed myself in some triumphant display of power against my fellow warriors. Oh well." With a shrug Caster stepped forward, making their way up to their master and extending a hand out towards the woman. "I look forward to working with you, Master." Caster held a grin on their lips, their expression betraying an underlying meaning to their words. A meaning they weren't about to reveal any time soon.

Iskandar Iskandar Girouette Girouette Kalin Scarlet Kalin Scarlet
Yi Kose
Splattered and still in the Park
HTCOR HTCOR Darkholme Darkholme

How does it feel to suddenly have a third of your body ripped out of you? The concussive burst of the Assasssin turned about that much of her turn into splattered roadkill, as well as lot of the prey they were hunting. Interesting to say the least! But more importantly, now she knew that she had to go hunting. The pigeons turned into Vultures, and swarmed down to the park! They would gulp down the remains that they could, and from them grow Crows. She was trying to consume and revive herself, while also crunching and munching on the corpses left from the attack. Okay, regaining the ability to think at a more complex level.. balancing instincts, finishing the gorging on blood... Okay She is back! Now what to do... what to do... Wait she could sacrifice some of the bodies she has couldn't she?

She quickly regrew her eyes, trying to spot the Assassin. A servant's mana would do... and she needed to improve her Mana Circuits to survive this Berserker... So! She would send her crows up in the air to try and keep a track of him, while all of the bodies in the park would start to transform into a pack of wolves, leaving a few behind to finish rebuilding her main body under the park... and begin to construct her territory.

(Tl:dr - Kose is about to try and go Imperfect cell on Assassin )
Securing Master's Retreat - Prowling City Streets
Saber continued to fall back with their Master over their shoulder, as quickly as they could. However, it did not seem they were being followed and this was further confirmed when a bright flash went up behind them and temporarily turned the scenery from night to day. Saber was troubled little by this and continued on until the two of them came across a secluded warehouse. It only took Saber a moment to go crashing in through a window. It didn't seem like there was anybody around and the servant found a nice closet to stash their currently disposed master in. Looking down at him, he seemed to be in a bad way.

"I wasn't intending to play babysitter for you, but since my survival depends on your survival it would seem I have no choice."

With that, Saber locked the master inside and jumped out the same way they had entered. Things seemed quiet around the area, so Saber took the opportunity to head in to the city proper. Jeremy would not survive unless he received proper nourishment and it seemed he had a very particular taste.

"What a disgusting creature. To think I would be summoned by something like that."

Saber continued on in to the urban part of the city where shops were plenty. More important though, were the people there were bound to be around. In particular, the types of people that would not be missed. Heading down a rather unassuming alley, Saber found what they were looking for. Asleep, was a homeless man and his dog. The man did not stir, but his companion became alert to the presence of the servant and began to bare its fangs immediately, yapping as Saber drew near. One swift kick sent the creature skidding across the ground, lifeless with a yelp. The commotion was enough to stir the man from his slumber, but all he got a view of was an armored knight before a cold, metal gauntlet closed around his neck and ended his life.

The deed done, Saber relented and the man fell dead to the ground. Tearing his shirt off of him, in one swift motion Saber plunged their fist straight in to the chest of the man and pulled out his heart With his other hand, something brilliant and shining was collected, a soul. Soon after it was converted to magical energy. Those were the prizes the servant was looking for. Standing up straight, Saber left the dead man and dog within the alley and continued in search of more prey.

@ Anyone who may or may not be in the area and give a damn.

Having a mild spaz in the park

Berserker continued to barrel forward, seemingly uncaring of the small item that Assassin had put in his path. With perfect execution, the item detonated in front of him, causing him to stumble and skid forward on his chest into a nearby tree. He certainly wasn't expecting this to be Assassin's noble phantasm, and its effects certainly took their toll. Although this definitely wasn't the worst headache he'd ever experienced, it was still fairly intense. He shut his eyes and grabbed at the headband that adorned his forehead as if by instinct, roaring in defiance at what had just overtook him.

His finely attuned senses were overwhelmed by the event, and his concentration was severely hampered. The enemy servant appeared to vanish in...that direction? Were those footsteps? It was difficult to establish, and it was impossible to confirm who or what it was. With one hand still grasping at his headband, he shakily brought himself back up to his feet, and extended his other hand out to the direction he thought he heard the footsteps in. In front of his hand, a red circle appeared, with a symbol appearing in the middle of it; 火. A torrent of flame then emnated from his hand, burning anything in a 30 foot cone of where he pointed. This was a wild guess, as he had no surefire way of knowing that Assassin had gone that way.

Clovis Savatier
The Park
He had been at the park for the last few minutes, watching the battle between Saber and Beserker play out with a look of concern throughout it.

As he watched, Saber would flee, and allow Beserker to go after Clovis' own servant. Before Clovis could try tocstp Beserker, Assassin had thrown something.

And Clovis knew exactly what it was.

Turning away from the star like power of the flashbang milliseconds before it would go off, Clovis would change the direction that the light flowed around him, allowing his eyes to remain undamaged after the blast.

Moments later, the light was gone, and night had returned, leaving nearly everyone in the park at least partially blind. Except for him, of course.

Beserker was blinded, and Assassin was at leadt partially impaired. This wasn't good. Rushing forward, Clovis would lift off the ground on a disk of air that would rocket him toward his servant.

Suddenly, from Beserker's blinded rage, that servant would point towards both Assassin and Clovis, releasing a torrent of flames, which Clovis would hijack from the maddened monkey, redirecting it towards the center of the park away from both himself and Assassin.

"I don't think so, monkey man," Clovis quiped with a cheeky grin across his face, as he sped towards the fumbling Assassin.

"Quickly now, grab my hand!" He cried, reaching his hand out towards his servant as he'd slow down.

hudhouse hudhouse Darkholme Darkholme HTCOR HTCOR
Christina Kimmich
Convenience Store.​

Christina didn't even register the first sentence Caster said as s/he said it. She was too busy lost in thought about the Holy Grail War and whatnot. Now it may have looked like she was staring at the porn magazines that were in the store, but she was indeed not. She just happened to be lost in thought and stopped in front of the magazines. The second sentence did catch her attention though. Christina slowly and almost mechanically looked over at Caster and the Store Owner, who was named Rosa. She was from Portugal but moved to Marbenca when she was very young, and became best friends with Christina. The site of someone not only touching Rosa, but looking at her as if she was a mere pawn, someone who could be used. This made Christina sick to her stomach, normally it wouldn't have but this was her precious childhood friend we are talking about. Her stomach felt heavy, almost as if there was a massive pit there. She was angry, no, beyond angry. Taking a deep breath, she spoke in a very slow and serious tone, her fist was very clearly clinched as well, "Do not touch Rosa again. Think of using her and I will throw this pathetic game."

With saying her piece of Caster laying a finger on her childhood friend, Christina slowly unclinched her fist and stared coldly at Caster as she began to introduce themselves. Crossing her arms she waited for the small person to finish talking. For some reason Christina did not like this person at all. All kinds of flags were going off in her head as she continued to observe and analyze the servant. Christina snorted and scoffed when Caster said 'And so here I am, in the flesh ready to faithfully serve my beautiful Master', the flattery wouldn't work on her and she had a feeling the word faithfully didn't really suit Caster. She preferred Saber and Archer over Caster. Christina remained silent and watched as Caster hopped of the counter and made her little entrance. It was honestly awkward and a tad sad to watch. Christina just blinked a few times at the Servant before carefully observing them walk closer to her. Looking down at the hand Caster offered, Christina sighed and turned her back on Caster before slowly walking towards the cooler with beer in it. She grabbed a few cans and walked up to the counter and offered Rosa a smile.

"Apologies about her. She is mentally retarded. Oh and a pyromaniac. Hence the fireworks. Don't mind her." Christina looked back at Caster out of the corner of her eye before leaning in towards Rosa. Christina tapped a few times on the counter before taking out her wallet and pulling out some money to pay for her beer, "Here you are." She used a modified version of Morse code to tell Rose to be careful around Caster and to contact her if they touched or did something to her. Only Rosa and Christina knew how to communicate through this version of Morse Code, so it came in handy. Rosa was still somewhat dazed at what had occurred and what she was witnessing. The Owner slowly looked up at Christina before offering a loud chuckle.

"Ahahaha. I see! So is she a relative of some sort? Cousin?" Rosa asked as she took Christina's money with a toothy grin before putting the beer into a plastic bag, "Oiiii. Missy. Do. You. Understand. Me?" Rose said this sentence very slowly, believing that Caster did in fact have some sort of mental retardation. That wasn't the case though, see, Rosa wasn't stupid(you'd have to be to believe Caster was Retarded), in fact she was hard to fool and she knew that Christina was lying about Caster being retarded. She saw this as a chance to tease the young looking girl and help make it look like she believed Christina and the whole mental retardation, "Do you know what illness you have, sweetie?" She offered Caster a small smile.

Xel Xel
Day 1 will begin at 5am. To represent the fleeting time, I will begin Day 1 in 7-8 hours. You guys can't have fun fighting for the whole night. Go regenerate your mana and stuff.
CasterConvenience Store


The reaction towards Caster's interaction with Rosa was far beyond their expectation. The raw anger Christina displayed... Caster's grin grew impossibly wide, like one looking at the most adorable thing in the entire world. You wouldn't be blamed for thinking Caster was a second away from scooping up their Master and cuddling them. Fortunately, or unfortunately, Caster did no such thing. Although having their Master shun their proffered hand was a bit saddening, at least you'd think so if Caster didn't still have that look of pure joy on their face. All of Christina's anger simply had the opposite effect on Caster, serving only to make their Master adorable more than anything else.

"Aww, don't be like that Master. I'm your right hand Wizard!"
The petite magician whined as Christina walked off to fetch some beer. With Christina heading back towards the counter the trance that had held Rosa was released, allowing the woman to regain a sense of what was happening within her store. Caster stepped to the side as their Master approached the counter and was immediately caught off guard by the excuse she came up with. They couldn't contain themselves any longer and a squeak of a laugh finally slipped out before Caster could recover and hold the rest of it in. "Sorry, sorry." They waved off their Master with one hand while covering their mouth with the other, the struggle to contain their giggling immense to say the least.

Caster's eyes lit up as Rosa asked about them, prompting them to step forward and address the woman directly. "I am my dear Christina's faithful servant. Brought forth to do her bidding and lay victory at her feet." They laid their hand flat over their heart as they offered a bow to the store owner. As they straightened back up a look of sorrow filled their eyes at the mention of their illness. "I have a great many illnesses, chief among them being a pain within my heart that never ceases." Caster let out a dramatic sigh as they turned to face Christina. They stared up at their Master's eyes, a yearning deep within their own.

"My every moment is agony as I am forced to gaze longingly on that which I desire most."
Caster abruptly spun around on their heel to face Rosa, extending their hand as a Rose instantly appeared within it to be held out to the store owner. "Truly Fate has brought us together and I can see no other future than for us to be together. I will see to the ends of the Earth that your every desire be met to it's fullest if you would only be mine." Caster flashed the woman a charming smile as they held their pose, awaiting the woman to take the offered flower.

Iskandar Iskandar
"Whatever, I don't give a shit what you buy. Whatever's easier, I guess." Archer answered her master, before abruptly walking off, leaving her master to his own devices. Archer soon found herself exploring the mansion, and to be honest, Archer found its size quite annoying. It was too large for her comfort, and she kept on thinking about how easy it would be to get lost in a place like this...

Needless to say, she had gotten herself lost within ten minutes of walking around. However, instead of trying to find her master, she figured it'd be fine if she explored the place a little more. It's not as if there'd be enemy servants lurking around in the manor anyways. Archer soon found herself in a relatively large room compared to the others, and there in the room was a sofa, with a curious, flat, large box sitting on top a table. It appeared to be connected to another box, though much smaller. Through what knowledge the Grail has granted her, Archer knew that this flat, black box was a television. Curiosity got the better of her, as she began fiddling with the numerous buttons on the side of television.

Half an hour had passed, and Archer had figured out the fundamentals of the strange device. She had managed to activate one of the other devices connected to the television through a wire, and from what she could make out, the device was called an 'Xbox.' She soon figured out that you were meant to insert a disc into the Xbox, and you played it using a handheld device of sorts. Archer soon settled down on a game called 'Battlefield 1.' It wasn't very hard to figure out the controls of the game, and very soon, she became absorbed into the soul-eating glowing box called a television.

One hour would soon become two hours, as Archer finally came to the realisation that quite some time had passed. She looked around the room, and shrugged. She had no idea how to find her way back to where she started, so she decided asking her master would be the best course of action. "Master." She would communicate to Gale telepathically. "I'm lost. And I don't know how the fuck to find my way back to you, so yeah. I need some help. I'm in a room with a television and a sofa, could you come here? I'm playing some game, and I'll put the volume to max, if that helps finding me." Under normal circumstances, Archer would've asked Gale for instructions and found herself a way out, but as she had come to learn, it was impossible to pause one of these online games.

Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel
The Park
Assassin's hand snapped out, flailing for a second until it grabbed Clovis' hand. It wasn't that much of an issue, even he was dazed beyond belief. There was also the issue of the injuries he obtained from being that close to the blast radius- in Beserker's case, they wouldn't be affected, but for Assassin, he was basically hit with the headache of the century. Thankfully, his own Noble Phantasm didn't have as much of a serious effect on him- but it was still severe.

And so his mind flew through the world, as he forced his senses to focus past the pounding headache, almost jumping as the flames rushed past them. And so he allowed his master to take them away, Assassin deciding this was enough for today. It wasn't worth sticking around much longer, when there was a rampaging Beserker.

Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom
Darkholme Darkholme
hudhouse hudhouse
The Seaside
E Rank luck was something else. That was to be certain. Ruler dragged himself on to the sand of the Spanish beach, his modern disguise soaked through. Thankfully the beach was mostly deserted at the odd hour. It was nice to not have to deal with the unwanted publicity but it didn't make the arrival any more pleasant.

The servant had been summoned in his native region of Europe, which was quite a ways off from the battlefield of Spain, but with some time to reach the war. He decided that the most effective way to reach the site of the Grail War would be by the Mediterranean sea. After finding a suitable physical form the unfortunate monarch boarded a small craft across the sea. It was then that the terrible luck began. The ship was eventually smashed against the waves. Clinging to a timber, the servant then tried to paddle his way up the Italian coast towards the Iberian Peninsula. However, like Odysseus, Ruler's harrowing adventures at sea continued much longer than necessary. In the end he was robbed of his timber and washed up on the beach, soaked, exhausted, and barely able to stand.
cojemo cojemo Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel SomeStupidWords SomeStupidWords Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Iskandar Iskandar Kalin Scarlet Kalin Scarlet Godhowsae Godhowsae LostHaven LostHaven Girouette Girouette @Lancelot Xel Xel HTCOR HTCOR Darkholme Darkholme Jean Otus Jean Otus

Day 1
Weather: The sun is rising over the horizon and giving warmth. The clouds fade away and the rain dissipates by 3AM. Afternoon is very warm and sunny, but overall the nice humidity and wind in the air make the weather very bearable
Time: 4:58
Damage: Shitload. (Like I said, it's hard to track.)

You turn on the TV.

The news reporter; a woman in formal attire with short, brown hair speaks of what happened tonight. She's kind of famous in the local environment; Shandra Hermenez, a particularly nosy news reporter, the one you see in movies -- the one that always get saved by a superhero. You can tell the Overseer is doing his work rather diligently after all upon hearing the end of the report.

"A mysterious flash of light followed by a bang woke up many people tonight, along with a multitude of other sounds. Damage has been found in Gornanzo Square and in Linkin Park. Ongoing police investigations suggest that the acts of vandalism were likely caused by the local gang; The Passione, however, camera footage shows no evidence, as if the cameras were," the woman made a pair of air-quotes. "--mysteriously turned off. In addition, no witnesses testified of the same thing. People that moved to investigate the strange sounds claim they did not see anything and remember very little of the events, however, several of them can be correlated to each other. They say that they talked to a group of priests, or a singular priest, prior, or after the event, having no consistent chronology of events. The local church denies these allegations."

The news reporter looked up at the camera. "Radicals claim that it is a sign of the apocalypse and that angels are taking on the form of priests to guide us, others claim that this is an ongoing alien invasion. Stay tuned for--" At this point, you turn off the TV, shaking your head.

Other News & Newspaper Articles
- Mysterious serial killings -- 8th victim of the "heartless killer."
- Natural disaster impending? Is it really the end of the world?...
- Martians invade earth!
- Barcelonian boy, 8, saves sister's life
- Condom truck trips, spills load
- Plenty of frogs in Frognot town
- Fishermen found shipwreck, one body still not found
- Margaret Jefferson - Hack or superhero?
Yi Kose
Park HTCOR HTCOR Darkholme Darkholme Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom

Eyes would emerge violently from the broth of monsters. Sensory overload was the most common occurrence when others tried to learn her art. Thankfully for her, she had so many years of practice that it doesn't matter anymore. Seven wolves, coated in tens of eyes on their back and about eight eyes on the front, howled violently as they rushed clear out of the way of the flames of their servant! Hollow fangs, designed to drink and gorge on blood would sharpen and length to make sure that they could make some purchase. Strange poisons dripped off their body, similar to pus. About twelve crows would rush down, ripping themselves apart into a swarm of mosquitoes to try and drink a drop of their blood. The violent animal swarm was ironically conservative!

A dark blue crow, looking almost like a winged dragon would drop down onto the shoulder of Berserker. It crowed out in her original voice, "It is me, Kose! Your master! Listen deep, I am trying to attack them so I can support you... Please give me a moment!" She prayed that the distraction would save most of her body...
Location: Outside the forest, walking off towards the nearest store with her master in tow.

"Haha! Of course, Master, I'm not an idiot that'd trounce around all night...There's not even gonna be any action, look! The sun is rising....A war like this is fought at night!"

This was definitely not correct. Considering her prior antics had been to throw herself into the night desperately looking for a fight, this...Possibly was hard to believe.
But perhaps she truly had changed her personality significantly, and it seemed so as she began to talk more, spinning around in circles and pausing to wait for her master to catch up as she sauntered back towards the city.

"Clothes? These will repair fine in a bit, Master...INot much more than this walk, probably...Though I don't mind new clothes!~...And some coffee would be nice...Oooh, we could pick some magazines too..."

She probably noticed her masters...Exhausted and confused expression... She realized in her now rational state that he probably had no idea what was going on.

Ah...Master, I'm sure you're confused right now. Especially as to my sudden calmness...I know our first introduction was shocking, as I said, I am the knight Don Quixote, but I would prefer if you didn't call me that right now...For the rest, now isn't the time, but I promise to explain everything about myself and what I can of this war when I have the chance, and we will face this war together with a smile, alright?"

At this, she swung herself around to face her master, and grinned, her smile betraying none of the prior craze of adventure and destructive tendencies, an honest smile.

"But...For now, Master! Let's go get some coffeeeee~!"

And then she started to skip and run, seemingly unaware of the speed even an E ranked servant possessed compared to her master.

Kalin Scarlet Kalin Scarlet
Gale Boreas
Location: Boreas Manor
"Archer, your weapons are ready." He said, walking into a room that resembled a white, empty box. There was only a table in the very center of the room and on it were three cases. A small one, a medium one, and a big one. He opened the smaller one and inside it were two Glock 19 Full-Auto hand-guns with extended magazines and silencers. "Those are for CQC and stealth. They're made out of a metal made from alchemists. All of your weapons are made out of the same material." He explained, proceeding to the next case. HE opens it, revealing an XM8 (an assault rifle used by SpecOps teams all over the world), "This will be your medium-range weapon of choice. It shoots in bursts of three." He said, leaving it open just to proceed to the last one. "This is a Barret .50. A destructive weapon with a high-caliber bullet that can pierce a light tank's armor. The barrel is interchangeable because, after each shot, it will melt. This is due to the big caliber of the bullet." He explained rather plainly, "Is that all clear?" He asked, just to make sure.



LostHaven LostHaven
Last edited:
Public Library, Near the Suburbs
It was going to be a difficult matter, overseeing this war. Before he could even begin to think about finding the other servants he would have to replenish his strength. It had been easy enough to replenish the physical strength of his body after drying out and begging a burnt loaf of bread off of a local baker, what he now needed was to restore his magical strength, and that was proving a challenge.

Before arriving he could feel the steady stream of mana flowing into him from the grail, it was how he had maintained himself on the long sea voyage and subsequent shipwreck. Now though there seemed to be something, a presence that blocked him from drawing strength. If he wasn't able to draw power from somewhere soon he would begin to fade, and unlike most servants he couldn't consume spirits of humans to maintain himself.

This restrictive diet had led him to his current location and experiment. His noble phantasm, about the only thing he could manifest at the moment, was held in one hand, appearing for all the world like an innocent leather-bound tome. In front of him was a set of 26 encyclopedia volumes, propped open in a variety of positions on tables and chairs in the private reading booth. He held his noble phantasm open to a blank page and with his free hand, rubbed the pages of each of the large books in front of him. As his hand left each page, the books seemed to be caught in a violent storm, pages whipped wildly, ink smearing and all the while a stream of flickering blue energy flowed from the spine of each book, into that of Ruler's noble phantasm. The blank pages of Ruler's book now began to whip aside one after the other, though before each one did it filled with dense lettering and pictures, each one a copy of a page from one of the encyclopedias.

As quickly as the books had started, each stopped in succession, snapping shut one by one ending with the definitive snap by Ruler's own noble phantasm. Ruler stooped down and opened each book again, every encyclopedia was filled with nothing but blank pages, stripped of its contents. His notebook however, now brimmed with descriptions and color pictures of things he had never heard of. The world certainly had changed a lot in the past five hundred or so years. He could feel his noble phantasm pulse with all the knowledge it had just absorbed, and likewise he could feel his own magical strength replenished.

Exiting the library to return to his mission, he took note of the location of the building, if he needed to replenish his strength again, he would return there to eat another handful of books.Walking through the suburbs of the Spanish city, the houses soon faded away to small shops and other buildings, as he neared one such set of stores, a cafe and some convenience stores, his senses went wild, a servant was nearby. Disguised as an average tourist, Ruler sat down at one of the cafe tables and tried to blend in.

Girouette Girouette

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