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Professional Brick Thrower
The OOC page for the Fate/Metamorphosis rp. Here we can chat and discuss topics related to the rp or other stuff. I only ask that we keep things civil and don't use what people say about their characters that hasn't appeared in the rp to metagame.
Do you mind if i send you my character before posting them in the CS channel? I want to double check their power level is ok because while my idea is supported in canon I want to make sure what I have planned doesnt throw a wrench in the plot
Do you mind if i send you my character before posting them in the CS channel? I want to double check their power level is ok because while my idea is supported in canon I want to make sure what I have planned doesnt throw a wrench in the plot

Of course. And I don't mind the characted sheets being edited directly on the CS page either, in case someone forgot to add a detail while we're in the story, needs to remove something, or modify any trait. Granted everyone else is made aware of said edits.
Also, I don't think we should have to worry about needing a separate lore page too much, since this story essentially follows the typical Fate anime path. Starts with Fate/Zero, goes to Heavens Feel and then to Lord El Melloi Case Files. Essentially, 4th and 5th Holy Grail Wars still happened, Kirei Kotomine, Shinji, Zouken and Ilya died, Sakura, Rin, Rider and Shirou live, Waver Velvet is Lord El Melloi II with Gray as his apprentice. Though, I'll gladly throw together a lore page for everyone if they want it to have a more detailed lore history for what was pulled from the Fate timelines to be considered canon in this instance.
Here's the full lore page to get caught up on everything. Should've had it ready beforehand, but it's all good now.

Sorry my CS is still so wordy so while nothing power level wise wiil change I will probably continue to edit for length and clarity.
Alright, I will have the main roleplay page up tomorrow once I'm off work. Although, the first posts from my part might be lengthy to start setting the scene for the introduction of everyone's characters.
Apologies I thought I had linked it in that message.
The lone executor is the sole witness of the rogue mage's ritual,possibly their second attack after Lord Rufleus' murder.

Hence the "lone executor" is a key witness and likely someone who is driven to solve this case alongside our investigation team as well.
The lone executor is the sole witness of the rogue mage's ritual,possibly their second attack after Lord Rufleus' murder.

Hence the "lone executor" is a key witness and likely someone who is driven to solve this case alongside our investigation team as well.
Correct indeed. Sorry for confusing you, Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 . The anonymous Executor mentioned is an entirely separate character. Once they are revealed in the story, I'll also have a character sheet for them posted to the CS.
still working my way thru Olympus,, no fairies for me yet
my first post is taking a bit longer than I thought so it should be up tommorrow. Its pretty generic so I don't think there should be any issues with it interfearing with what others might have planned.
my first post is taking a bit longer than I thought so it should be up tommorrow. Its pretty generic so I don't think there should be any issues with it interfearing with what others might have planned.
No worries, take your time. First posts are always tricky to piece together. Lol
I made my opening post.

I'm not sure if it works, but I do understand one of the jobs of Executioners is to hunt down dangerous monsters like Vampires and demons and the like.
I'll have another post done by tommorrow. There will be npcs of importance that show up throughout the story, so whenever one fits that description, the main post in the cs will be updated to display their name and role as well.
I think thats a nice way to do it since its clear you'll clean up any confusion that arises from it. I look forward to seeing the npcs you have in store for us

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