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Fandom Fate/Exitium: Stained Grail War

@Azure Sky

Takeshi glared towards the servant. "Do you want me to share my feelings, too? Or what I ate for breakfast this morning?" The irritable magus crossed his arms, giving the armored man a quick once-over. "The only ambition you need to know is my desire for the grail."

"Now, I'll be fair. I'm not going to ask you why you're fighting, what your desire is. All I want to know is your class and what you can do. We can discuss the touchy-feely once we get that far."
Takeshi paused for a moment, his gaze crossing Milo's sheathed weapon. "Judging from that sword, I'm assuming you're Saber?"

This was the best outcome he could have hoped for. Takeshi could tell his servant was powerful, incredibly so. Coupled with Saber's natural boosts and abilities, it gave him no doubt the war would be quick. And while the man was a bit more jovial than he had expected, Takeshi doubted that this crude-looking warrior had the same code of honor that most knights did.

'Arrogant, full of yourself,evil...throughout history there where men who took the evil side for the purpouse of a greater good. I am unsure if you're that type, but I guess you're the type that likes to get down to business. Hmph...very well, yes I am a Saber and I have four Noble Phantasms , to make things short my sword can ignore magical and conceptual defences and every type of defence when activated, while also burning the opponents from the interior if they get cut, my armour is very durable but light and it can be used to generate fire a few ways when activated, the helmet can summon a dragon and my shield is highly durable and can block most of the damage of any attack and also repel attacks up to three times. Contrary to my looks I am actually quite agile and I can generate prana shockwaves from my fists. I also am extremely tenacious and the only way for me to be 'killed' is to be defeated by fighting skills of higher level than my own...Did that suffice, master?'

Milos had a very ironic tone when he talked and you could tell he looked down on the man before him. In that moment his so-called master seemed a little insect, a stray mutt which liked to bark. Milos disliked such men but he'd be willing to work with them for the sake of a greater good, although Takeshi's behaviour really angered him, if he wasn't his master then the serbian knight would have probably broken his neck by now.
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Aura listened patiently to Theta give his arguments. Honestly, she couldn't tell if he was lying, though he seemed sincere enough. She sighed, diplomacy was annoying, and she would likely just go to war if she was ever named official ambassador of anything. Good thing she wasn't then, or else she'd be the sole cause behind World War III. Nonetheless, the lack of formality or respect was an annoyance, not very trustworthy either. “You aren't doing a very good job of convincing me you aren't trying to stab me in the back.” She said. “You speak of defending your actions with no prove.”

She stood up. “A ceasefire is fine, but if you want to work together that badly, I'm going to need something more concrete from you...actions speak louder than words after all.” She said, her head going with the flow, how much information could she afford to give both these guys...and her sister? A small plan formed... it would be worth the risk if she could get those, after all... “The Tohsaka Manor. I want you to attack it tonight and try to take Kana out of the game. Attempt this, and I'll gladly ally with you, at least until we whittle down their numbers. ” It was a perfect distraction- while Theta and whoever his servant was attacked Kana, Aura could have Tomoe storm through the back, get the tomes and possibly other items she needed. And get out. Hell, If Aura came and positioned herself with her Anti-Material rifle, they could very well get a massive edge before she's acclimated. Not to mention that even if Kana lived, Aura would have intel on both her and theta's servant.

Rosette nodded. At least this servant could show proper respect in his own way, she suppose it would be unfair to judge out of normal standards, considering the age of the servant- she didn't stay alive this long because of unfairness, after all...and he certainly had his way of flattery, which was a nice bonus.

“Thank you, then. I know servant's don't really get hungry, but I can have a few of my servants prepare something to eat. Simply give them the order and they'll head out..and if it's spiritual energy you want well, I don't mind that either, you can have the mana from those I eat.” She said “Tell me about yourself, Lancer. I'd like a good idea of what you can do, so I may work out stratgey for later on. When the sun comes down, I have the strongest advantage, and that means I can send you more power... so what is it you are capable of?”
Theta frowned. She failed to realize she was the only hostile one there. It made no difference to him. He had planned on targeting Kana first anyway. So he would storm the Tohsaka manor tonight and launch an attack. Theta figured she must want something from within the manor. Otherwise she would attempt to draw her sister out instead. It would much safer and much more sensible. He thought to Hope. "Che. She's a clever one. When we attack don't appear unless it's absolutely necessary. Even then tell me and I will cover the area in darkness so no one will see our battle. I'm not about to go and reveal your abilities so soon." He thought for another moment. "Actually, yes you should materialize now. Keep your sword away though, I don't want to give them any hints at all. I will call you... Assassin. I believe we can get them to believe that. Given your dark demeanor."

He looked at Aura. "Heh. First request is for us to take out your sister. Could it be that you cannot bring yourself to do it. No, that can't be... Well whatever you are after, consider it done. We will attack in two hours. I will only fight for 30 minutes. Any longer will attract too much attention and I don't want my cover getting blown. I should be able to do the necessary damage in that time." Theta was unsure about whether he could actually take Kana out in such a short amount of time. He knew that wasn't Aura's true intent though. He would play her games, but he would not let himself become a pawn.

"Alright, meet my Servant. Assassin." He said the words with such a calm confidence that no one could tell it was a lie.
ValkyrieRose said:
"in the matter of Alliances, it is for you to decide Master, but I must urge you to be cautious, I will set up a scyring spell later and view any fights that happen... If you so wish, you can decide from there... but remember that they are all in this to win, and more than likely will not hesitate to attack you. The same thing happened with Arturia and Mordred... and the second Morddred had Arturia's trust, she threw it in her face." She advised. "I would rather not see a repeat of that."
"Of course. I'll be careful." He replied in an unusually stoic tone. "That's why I don't plan to trust anyone. We could just use the extra two or so people to outnumber any of the stronger servants, and take them out when they arent any use of us. But the scrying spell will be perfect for this. We could find someone strong enough to be of use to us, and weak enough to take advantage of. He stood up and smiled at Nimue, the sweet, childish sounding tone of his voice returning. "Could you take me to the bottom now? I'd love to see what being underwater feels like."

A prompt and delicate reply, laced with formality and polite coldness. As expected of such a prim master. Celtchar straightened his posture before balancing his spear upwards while holding it forward with his right hand.

"I ain't hungry, an' I doubt anythin' can beat the fruit from Erin, the land o' green. As fer spiritual energy, yer doin' fine master, yer one superb specimen in that regard."

Celtchar cracked his neck before speaking about his capabilities and life.

"What I'm capable o' huh? Now that be a mixed bag young master. I was rear'd by a lone druid, and so I can live out n' the woods n' such with the beasts o' the forest just fine. I can rear the finest hounds around, and jus' like that Culann boy people took to callin' me a hount cause they saw a wild ferocity in meself. I don't have any formal trainin' with me spear, but yah could say battle experience has been my teacher. No fancy land o' shadows teaching with Scathach or whatever, jus' endless repetition, killing an' defending, attackin' and savin'. My strength is excellent compared to the other fellows I knew, and if things didn't go me way me fists solved problems better lotta' the time. Isn't to say I'm a brute, I recognize basic footwork and all that ilk, jus' that people comment that me technique seems wild and feral."

Celtchar shrugged casually, cocking his head as if to recall some distant memory.

"Me runic magic is excellent. Me druid teacher taught me the original runes, an' I learn'd more from other magus round an' about. Runes are definitely me strongest suite, not me combat ability like many woulda thought."

Stepping back so as to not hurt Rosette, Celtchar grasped his spear firmly in his right hand before pointing it forwards spear head end.

In an instant, the black markings that so profusely covered the spear so as to completely conceal it evaporated in an explosive flash of toxic black fumes which dissipated quickly before they reached Rosette. The area the fumes did touch though quickly blackened, and anything organic discolored heavily. Celtchar's spear and noble phantasm, the Luin, was now bare. It was a metallic grey spear with a ringed support ending with a bright orange spearhead, quite oddly made and a bit too long, as if the spear wasn't meant to be held close to it's user.

"This be me noble phantasm, the Luin. The poison me jus' released are runic seals that hold in me spear's strength, which me can't control either. Look."

Celtchar nooded towards the spearhead, which suddenly turned into flames, losing it's metallic and solid form.

"These flames be deadly master. They're conceptual heat generating furnaces with no upper limit to how much heat they generate. You see me master, what this spear head does is that is transfers over the stockpiled heat into one big ol' instant o' pure and raw damage. It ain't physical heat, but jus' pure killing force. You can feel it ain't burnin' or hot right master? It ain't real flame so it ain't gon' be meltin' through armor or anythin' non livin'. Anythi' alive n' kickin though, the spearhead instantly transfers an insane amount o' conceptual heat that essentially turns into damage. The spearhead gets "hotter" the longer it be released without seals, till' the spear itself turn into flames like it. Now master, ya know how I died? "

Celtchar smiled broadly as he peered at his master with a curious look.

"I killed a ragin' hound with this here spear, an' I forgot to wipe off the blood. One small little droplet o' blood went down the spear and touched me. I died instantly. Ya get how powerful this spear is? Hope it's enough for ya master, oh and if I even so much as touch the flame now, I die. Alternatively, I can throw Luin atta' bunch o' enemies as an exploding army destroyin' force, but I lose the Luin for a couple o' days after."

Celtchar sighed before grasping the spear with both hands, chanting several runic seals in such quick succession that human ears would not be able to perceive the individual runes uttered. After ten seconds, thousands of black letters scribbled themselves on the spear, concealing it and sealing it's activation.
Nimue nodded. “If you believe that to be best, I will be behind you in this endeavor. It is certinaly a wise course for us to take.” She says in-between chanting. He was like a little kid, and he kind of reminded her of Lancelot when he was at that age. Stories of the lake had always gotten to his head too, so Nimue had to take extra care to make sure he didn't drown. “Yes, of course, though It won't feel to different. In the future, you simply need to will yourself to go down to descend to the bottom, if I'm not around for whatever reason or am busy, you can also rise in the same manner.” She said, taking her Masters head as they slowly descend. It was like an air bubble around them, as they could still breathe, but the wet texture could not be fault. Though they were underwater, it felt mostly the same. With a few words, she creates some furniture for him to sit on. “I will get to creating a scyring glass immediately. She promised, going off to do just that. The faster she got this up and running, the better.

“Thirty minutes, huh? That will suffice, I suppose.” Aura said. It should, at the very least, give her time to get in and do what she needs to then. “I will, of course, have a familiar next to you so I can watch the fighting, wouldn't want you to go in and pretend.” She says with a smile, finishing off her soda and setting it down. “Assassin, huh?” She said,, doubting it. True, the servant looked rather dark, but her posture betrayed her. Most assassins were always poised, ready to jump or react in some manner, especially in open areas like this. Oh well, Aura was lying too, so no point in bringing it up.

“I'll be around in two hours then.” Aura says, she takes a few steps, then turns back. “Oh yeah, try to contact me by needle again, and I'll make you pay.” She says, then goes to continue to walk

Once she was a distance away, she too a breath. 'I hate acting so formal and threatening I'd rather just go relax somewhere' She said. While she was a serious thinker, she enjoyed what life had to offer, at least most of time, constantly attacking like that wasn't usually how she did things, and she hated that. Then again, war always brought out the worse in people. 'Alright Tomoe, I set it up to where we can get in and out in a short amount of time.” She thought to her servant. 'The more we can take, the better. How were you planning on getting the items anyhow?'


Rosette kept a watchful eye on her servant- it was actually kind of difficulty dealing with that Irish accent while also paying atten to what his skills actually did.So far, she liked what she heard. Great, wildlike combat abilities, Runic magic.. he was very well balanced, it seemed. However, at mention of an all consuming conceptual fire, she blinked. That was easily a double edged sword. If something like that so much as touched her...it would be very, very bad.

Still, she couldn't help but be impressed- she had indeed drawn a powerful servant, and she was content with just that information. “Be careful with Luin, then, I'd rather you not repeat your past mistake and touching it's flame.” She said, pausing in thought. Well, at least he had the mana he needed, she hadn't been sure just how much he would need, although it would never hurt more to get a larger source of it at a later date. “I myself know a wide variety of magic... you could call mea counter mage, because all of my skills and techniques have to deal with defeating mages. My magical origin creates mana within me, or I can sap prana from spells, beings created from spells, like familiars...things like that. Servants... If I could get ahold of a caster class servant, I could probably get the upper hand on her, so let's try and keep her for last. I have some familars out right now, scouting the area. With luck, we'll come across a fight... and you can perhaps show them exactly what that lance can do.
Diomedes watched the man, his eyes looked intelligent as they held knowledge to point out class within moments. That meant his head was filled with more then just hot air, giving Diomedes a little hope than just all out brawls being there plan. Though, a brain can only get you so far, an initial thought when Diomedes looked over his body. His figure was, not so impressive, seeming to be slim with slight muscle; Diomedes found himself wondering if this man had enough prana for him with that kind of body. The man made up this with his personality though, turning to confidence instead of cowardice against the behemoth. Truly his heart and mind were in the right place, but Diomedes has yet to see the man do anything physically that will suffice.

The prana output was enough to hold him, but when the fighting started he would most likely inflict pain on this man if not held back. Turning into his ethereal form, Diomedes followed behind him with ease. The home was secluded, not much of a point for Diomedes, but it would do well until they were ready to attack. "What do you need to know about me? I will not speak long." Diomedes' deep, intimidating voice spoke out as he phased through the wall of the house, appearing back in his physical form to face his master.

Even this small amount of speaking was unnerving, but Diomedes could muster it at this level. He had his own things to attend to, but his master had made enough of an impression to allot some time to gain some knowledge. (
@Azure Sky )
@Azure Sky

"Arrogant, maybe. But I hate to tell you, you won't meet a single mage in this war who isn't." Takeshi said, shrugging. It was clear that Saber was not fond of him. Between the tone of their voice, their irritated posture, Takeshi knew the only thing keeping him alive right now were his command seals. Yet, he wasn't cruel, his sole purpose in the war was to right a wrong that was done unto him. How that could be considered evil was beyond him. In fact, he was only brief to the servant. Something that you'd assume a grizzled, seasoned killer and warrior would appreciate.

A Berserker might have been a better choice. They didn't complain or give snark.

Takeshi bent down, collecting a few plain stone tablets that had surrounded the summoning circle. As he started to stuff them into the small bag on his back, he glanced up towards Saber. "Are you able to search for enemy servants? With your skillset, it would make the most sense if we go after Caster first. They'd be unable to even scratch you, so the only difficulty would be finding them in the first place. And perhaps, after we've finished with Caster, we could find the Rider servant. They're... typically stronger when it comes to Noble Phantasms, and you'll be able to nullify nearly anything they throw." Takeshi was thinking aloud, forming a loose strategy. However, even if Saber was nigh-invincible, his main threats would come in the Lancer and Berserker classes, the two other classes that excelled in melee combat. They would be the only candidates skilled or strong enough to kill Milos. Even if the chance was unlikely, Takeshi didn't want to risk it. He didn't voice this aloud, of course. Saber already didn't like him enough as is.

Takeshi stood up, gaining a satisfied grin. "Come on, Obilic. It's probably been a while since your skills have been tested, right? Let's go find ourselves a Caster and make sure you're not rusty." He gave the servant a pat on the shoulder, and left the shrine.



Tomoe was leaning against a tree, observing the Tohsaka manor as Aura complained. "You'll need to get used to it. The diplomacy. The threatening. You're a leader in a war, though there are only fourteen alleged contestants. It's crucial that you gain the aggressiveness that you seem to loathe so much. A meek lord is more dangerous than a warmonger." She chastised. Yet, a speech on the importance of correct diplomacy was not what her Master wanted nor needed, not now.

Tomoe reverted to her thoughts, on the chance that irritating man-child of a master might be listening in. Two - no, three - ideas. However, only one will allow us to get everything you'd need.

The samurai pushed off, standing straight as her naginata materialized in hand. She planted it into the ground, letting it stick upright. This is my Noble Phantasm, the Consuming Blade. It can sap prana from any source, be it magus, human, beast, or even bounded fields and enchantments. And with that stolen prana...

The naginata gave a faint glow, hidden lines now erupting with a bright blue glare along the blade. They continued across the ground for several feet, sizzling and sparking. A moment later, they ceased, leaving nothing but scorch marks and a faint, sudden breeze. A moment later, the clank of metal could be heard directly behind the duo, slowly approaching.

Behind them stood a samurai. Much like Tomoe had appeared, though with slightly less ornate armor, wearing a devilish mask that concealed no visible face. As soon as it laid figurative eyes upon the pair, it fell into a crouch, lowering their head. It seemed they might have been about to talk when Tomoe quickly interrupted, "Do not speak, just rise." As the spiritual warrior did so, stopping mid-syllable and standing, Tomoe turned towards Aura.

Within the Consuming blade rests the brave souls of Yoshinaka's Massacred Army. The men and women I fought and died with. I could send a half dozen of them into the manor to take what you need. And possibly, take both Assassin and Kana's servant out of the picture in a single, fell swoop.
Tomoe thought. She had enough mana to sustain around a dozen for a day, and with luck, she wouldn't waste much with the six she intended to use. Each soul could stand against and damage a heroic spirit. With six of them, they might be able to take all parties involved unawares and end the battle in a decisive note, all without either Tomoe nor Aura getting involved.
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Erik was quite surprised, the Berserker-class Servant in front of him actually spoke, he belived it must have put quite a burden on him so he didn't want to lose the occasion. 'Very well, then I will keep it simple and only ask three questions . First: what is your name?.Second: Are you confident that you can hold your ground against any enemy Servant that may come in our way? At this question I expect a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer. And third: what is your gratest desire? At this question you should simply answer with only one word. That would be all.' said Erik, he didn't want to put a burden on his servant which above his rather obvious physical strength has shown an equally impressive mental power.

As he awaited his servant's answer there was some noise outside and a voice could be heared: 'Eriiikkk Yoshitake you little rat, come out and face your death! We'll at least give you the honour of dying in a direct confrontation against true magicians!!' . About 6 people where waiting outside. They were of average height and all where wearing cloaks . There seemed to be 5 men and 1 woman. Some arrogant , average magicians sent by someone to kill him, but who? Who is idiotic enough to send such people after him?

Erik didn't even flinch but something changed in him. His eyes where ice-cold and his bloodlust could be felt, the feeling from looking at him was the same as being strangled by a snake which entagles your body. 'Excuse me for a second...' he said to his Servant as he went outside. All 6 mages had a big green on their faces , but little did they know, that night was their last moment alive.

'Worthless insects... Supreme Slayer!'

Erik's 'birthmark' began to glow in a blue light and a single edged blade came from his forearm.

'How dare talk like that you damn rat?'

'You think you can defeat all of us with your weak little origin magi-...'

With his superior speed and physique , Erik choped off the female magician's head before she could finish her sentence, then he punched one of the other ones left in the face and his skull was shattered , killing him. There were four left. The others screamed in fear and tried to attack him with unorganized elemental spells but Erik actually 'cut' through them all and then started to quickly kill the four males one by one , chopping off their legs and stabbing them in the stomach, leaving them to die in misery and pain. After the grotesque display he returned to Diomedes and began changing his clothes because they were covered in blood. 'Sorry for the wait...let's continue our discussion!' said Erik , as if nothing happened, returning to his initial confident and calm attitude as the blade from his forearm disappeared and the symbol on his chest stopped glowing.


Milos listened to what his master said and was thinking for a minute, while they were walking. 'I can sense other Servants if they are near us , let's say in a 1 km range, unless the Servant is an Assassin who can hide his or her presence. When we find them , do you want me to attack them directly or do we analyze them from a safe distance and wait for the right moment to strike? Regardless of my advantage against these Servants , they shouldn't be underestimated now,should they...?' said Milos. He was a great strategist and was quite sharp, contrary to his looks.

Milos was taught that nobody is born evil, it's something they 'acquire' through life because of various things that happen to them, various negative things or situations created by the devil. But even Lucifer was an angel,right? Therfore something happened to Takeshi and the devil made sure that the seed of hatred would find itself a great nutritional source from the young man. In a way Milos started to pity him. He was so young and someone dared to spoil his innocence, in a way Takeshi was the victim of evil and imbraced hatred and darkness, probably for revenge.

For now the serbian knight was waiting for his master's response, he was going to collaborate with him, after all trying to go against him was rather pointless...for the moment.
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'Assassin should be easy enough to pull off . . .' The classic Assassin look would likely be enough, but too classic would raise some suspicion. Saber decided to embellish her creative side a bit and add in some visual flair. Luckily, it would be hard to pin any Assassin Servant by appearance alone, given that it was part of their job to not be seen. She envisioned how she would appear in her minds eye, setting up the details quickly. Black, form-fitting leather replaced the bulky metallic armor she usually wore. Her head would be wrapped in equally black bandages, leaving only crimson to glare out from the opening left over her eyes. After those two things were set in place, she added her own touches: pieces of obsidian metal to guard vital areas, a row of five chains hung from the left arm, each link appeared as a razor sharp disc and the end held a serrated spear tip. It wasn't the best, but it would serve her purpose for the limited amount of time she expected to be seen.

At Theta's introduction she took a quick glance and gave a small 'Tch.' It was going to be impossible to appear without being at least noticed. "I will only appear briefly," she warned her Master. "You've already told her you've had no time to gather a suitable outfit for me so I will only make my presence known before disappearing again. If she faults you for that she is a fool." With no further delay, Saber made her appearance, fixing first Aura and then her Servant with piercing gazes. She made no effort to communicate or otherwise do anything, simply fading back out as quickly as she came. The mortals around would most likely right it off as some 'scientific' phenomenon. Or think they were crazy. Both worked for her.

Upon the departure of Aura and her Servant, Saber looked down at the still seated Theta. "You are not seriously considering this, are you Master? We gain nothing from this other than an alliance with an overly finicky girl. This 'proof' she suggests is nothing more than a trap. She doesn't even plan on involving her own Servant. Either she hopes either Kana or we will fall in combat or she has intentions on attacking us both while we're preoccupied. If anything, we should go to Kana with the information on the attack and use that as leverage to ally her with us. Otherwise, this is a fool's errand and I highly suggest leaving her alone. Perhaps we can simply watch her instead. Given her eagerness to have us attack the mansion, it's obvious she has some desire about it and learning what it is could only benefit us. And I shouldn't need to mention the possible intel we could gather on her and Kana's Servants." She ceased her thoughts, hoping that he would see the logic in her words. She had already shared quite a bit of her thoughts and didn't wish to bog him down with more. 'If that's not enough proof, well, we'll need a lot more than hope . . .'
Yuki nodded back. "Thanks. We're gonna win this." After Nimue explained to him that he could simply will himself to go back to the bottom and up, he smiled in excitement. "Wow, that's amazing!" He exclaimed before Nimue made them descend into the lake. He began looking around in wonder. He had been around Void-type magic users his entire life that he had rarely seen this kind of magic. "Ohh! A chair!" He squealed before jumping in the chair with so much force that it tilted over and he fell on his face. He heard his servant say something about getting a scrying glass. "Ok!" He replied with his face still burrowed in the floor.
As he walked out of the mall, Theta took in Hope's advice. He must admit, his initial thoughts on Aura were wrong. She seemed different then what he remembered. Yet it also seemed a bit.... forced. It was like she was trying to mimick a threatening persona. That being said, Hope was right. This was obviously a trap. However he would play her game, in a way. "The agreement was that I would attack the Tohsaka Manor, correct. The form of attack was never specified. We do not actually have to go there directly, as long as it looks like we did. We can also make the illusion of you being Assassin even stronger. I believe between the two of us we can create an illusion of you fighting. I will add my chaotic magic so that the illusion can attack physically. Phi's magic will allow us to track the movements within our location so we can target correctly. In her meditation she can project an image of the battlefield that we can use."

He would have to be clever to deal with Aura, or he'd end up dead himself.

"I have no intentions on killing Kana for now. Injuring her is the most we should do. If Aura decides to betray us, then we go to Kana with you in a different form. Perhaps Rider, and tell her about What Aura did. If she's doing what I think she's doing, the evidence will back it up perfectly." He had to make sure he could trust Aura, she may have been trying to take him out while he fought her sister and he didn't want to take the risk.

He hurried back towards the penthouse they write staying in. He pulled out his phone and sent a text message.
Prepare a magic circle. I'll explain when I get there. You have two hours to get it done. Make it as strong as you possibly can.
“I know I will... it's just... the more I do that, the less human I seem.” She says. “A magus is more than a human, but I don't want to lose myself in all of this.” She said. “I'll do what I have to... but If I can play this the way Aura would, and not the master named Aura... I could sleep a lot better.” She admits. Drive to take out her family besides the point, Aura prided herself on being the only one without a Magic Crest in this war- through the efforts of a human, she had gained the power to fight on the level of those closest to God. If she could take them out, It would be points for Humanity.

“I see, so your Noble Phantasm is one that dispels other magics and absorbs the prana for your own use.” She says, thinking. “Using that Prana, you can make things capable of damaging servants take form... that's defiantly one way to do it but... we need an insurance policy before we join the attack. I doubt our so called Allies are actually going to be helpful, besides perhaps distracting Kana while we steal what is needed. We need to draw another party into this...” Aura said. “If we can draw another servant into the fight, we can just stand back and watch while your familars go in...they won't know their ours, and assume them to be the work of whatever Servant we manage to lure into this.” She thought with a smile. “I can then snipe one of the masters...either whoever we draw in...or Kana.” She said after a short breath. “i'm a girl of my word, so I won't attack Theta if he helps me, at least not for a while, but we do need eyes on them,perhaps have one of the familiars attack and make the fight a three way.” She suggested.

After some more thought, she paused and looked at Tomoe, holding her hand to her. “Take as much prana as you can without me losing the ability to move well.” She said. “Don't hold back.”

After an hour or so, Nimue succeed in creating a scyring orb, then it was back to work on the barriers. The lake was good, she could feel an aqueduct connecting to the Fuyuki river, so there was something nice as well. She could feel everything along it's waters, and it was such a nice change of pace to be home again.... even if it wasn't her own lake. That would have to wait until it was time for her to fight.

“Calm yourself, Master. A king must always look forward with dignity.” She says with a smile. “Adapt to your surrondings quickly, no matter how foreign they are. I'm trusting you to lead me, after all.”
Diomedes looked down as he conjured up his answers, focusing to create the three separate topics. His name was easy, a warrior of divine proportion known as Diomedes, it was powerful name that even in his final form he wouldn't forget. The next question was just as easy; other classes were strong and some had an advantage, but no one could stop Diomedes. The last question was the one to make him think, Diomedes had to wonder and try to remember just exactly what he wanted. It clicked as Diomedes looked at his spear, the glow rippling into his hand to signal who he was doing this for.

This thought process had taken the same amount of time that the fighting had, and only Erik's close of the door snapped him back to reality after he had finished three. Although Diomedes knew nothing of the battle he could see the blood on his body, which meant he encountered some trouble. A scout or two was nothing uncommon to experience in a battle, so Diomedes thought nothing of it as he turned to him. "My name is Diomedes. Yes. Redemption." His three answers were spread out, taking breaths in between to make sure he had the answers right. (@Azure Sky )

'Diomedes...the legendary greek warrior! How fortunate of me to summon such a Servant! I'll do everything I can to win and if I do, you'll get the redemption you desire. You are very impressive to resist the Mad Enhancement, but truly, you won't be able to follow tactical advice...Nevertheless , I won't just jump into fights whithout thinking, like an idiot. We'll wait ...and when the right time and opportunity comes, then we strike!'

Erik knew that he couldn't come up with strategies together with a Berserker, so he went after the next best thing...well-placed attacks at the right time. He had no idea what Diomedes thought of him, but he seemed to gain some of his respect for a reason unknown to Erik, as the Servant actually 'went out of his way' and forced himself to speak. Regardless Erik was a rather strong mage with an unique constitution. Besides his origin magic and lightning blasts he knew nothing else, but he used his powers extremely well and trained himself physically to the point of being compared with an olympic-level athlet ,from every point of view, while also training in multiple martial arts and fighting systems. But even if all those feats made him look highly impressive for normal people,it probably didn't mean much to Diomedes, such displays probably didn't mean anything to someone with his physical capabilities. The only thing which probably would have interested him was if Erik had enough prana for sustaining him.

Truthfully Erik had almost 40 times the amount of prana of an average matured magician, reaching 900 units of prana, but of course Diomedes didn't know that. '
Anyways we should be going to my true home , an underground house which connects to multiple houses throughout the city and which is also the place where my video monitoring system is based. We should get moving' said Erik as he opened a secret door which led underground. After about half an hour of walking they reached the hidden home and went to the monitoring system to 'spy' on people with the use of hidden video cameras placed almost everywhere throughout the city. Erik was trying to see if he could find people with command seals or visible magic crests.
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ValkyrieRose said:
After an hour or so, Nimue succeed in creating a scyring orb, then it was back to work on the barriers. The lake was good, she could feel an aqueduct connecting to the Fuyuki river, so there was something nice as well. She could feel everything along it's waters, and it was such a nice change of pace to be home again.... even if it wasn't her own lake. That would have to wait until it was time for her to fight.

“Calm yourself, Master. A king must always look forward with dignity.” She says with a smile. “Adapt to your surrondings quickly, no matter how foreign they are. I'm trusting you to lead me, after all.”
"Okay." Yuki walked over to a nearby couch to lay on and stared upwards. "Should we start looking for candidates with that orb thingy?" He asked. He felt that it was time to get to business, or atleast prepare for business.
Saber gave a content nod. While he may not be abandoning the idea all together, it seemed Theta had some sort of plan that would actually benefit them in some way. It even seemed that the rubber-snapper was going to be of some use. While she had confidence she could best both Aura's and Kana's Servants, she believe any possible fight within the Tohsaka mansion had the same likelihood of being a one-on-one as she had winning an award for 'most innocent'. In other words, not at all. In a war with life and wishes on the line, one did not take every advantage one could find. That was the whole point in finding an ally in this forsaken competition, to throw the odds in their favor. Anyone who didn't follow a similar tactic was automatically at a disadvantage. The only issue with alliances was there was always one question lingering overheard . . . Who would betray whom first?

"As you wish, Summoner . . ." Things were already rather more complicated than she would have preferred, but it seemed her Master had a somewhat reasonable plan in mind and she would follow it until she deemed it a lost cause. She followed him as she queried, "But I must ask: why all the hassle to fulfill Aura's demands? An alliance is a two way street yet she seems insistent that we abide by her terms to 'prove' ourselves. I would not think one would put forth so much effort unless there were under-lying reasons for doing so. We have time to contact others." While she had given up actually dissuading him from proceeding with Aura's chicanery, she would at least like to know the reason Theta followed it. Understanding his reasons was a part of understanding him and understand him would lead to working together better, a boon she would not blindly pass up.
@Azure Sky

"You're a Saber, not a Berserker. I assume you'd have the common sense to avoid charging at the nearest servant like some rabid mutt." Takeshi said, impatience creeping into his voice. "And I'm not underestimating anybody. In fact, I'm more worried about you underestimating them. That causes mistakes, and a mistake is the only thing that can lose us the war. So, don't make one."

As Takeshi followed the pathway out of the shrine, he rummaged for a tablet in his bag, dropping it by the trail. As soon as he did so, the inscribed rune lit up, undoubtedly being the last piece of a newly-created bounded field. "And, that, should hide our presence, so long as we stay within the confines of the shrine." However, he kept walking, leaving the protection of the field.

"Of course, I want to make our presence known. I know a few places a Caster might want to hole up, but it would be so much easier if they tried to attack before I have to search the whole city." Takeshi's affinity rested with the earth. He could feel the leylines below his feet, feel a rush of power as he passed over one of many minor foci within Fuyuki. Most mages had their workshops set up above the lines or their intersections, to allow easier access to extra mana. In fact, Takeshi's shrine was situated upon a minor foci. So, it would make sense that a Caster servant would search for such a place, in order to make as fortified a workshop as possible. Their entire success relied upon doing so, after all.

A couple hours later, Takeshi met the steps of Ryuudou temple. Situated over one of of the two largest leylines in Fuyuki, the temple would make a perfect hideout for Caster. Come on, tell me. Are they here? He thought, projecting his will towards Milos.



Tomoe huffed, but bowed her head regardless. "So you say." She said. Aura was an idealist, and to Tomoe, impossibly naive. But, it would be impossible to break such a person of their convictions. "I knew a man once, who thought as you do. You would have liked him, Master. He didn't care for politics, either." Tomoe's voice seemed to trail off with her last sentence, and she smiled, remembering a very distant memory.

"Master, with respect, it's much too late to try draw a third party into this. The attack will commence soon, and I'm sure some of the other masters will be watching, and I doubt many of them would allow their servants to rush into this fray." Tomoe reported, sobering up. "This plan is hectic and confusing enough as is. Perhaps it's best if we avoid introducing another party."

Tomoe hesitantly took Aura's hand, and started to draw prana from the girl. While it worried Tomoe to weaken her Master, she was given a direct order. Tomoe took only enough mana to create five familiars - making six in total - behind the pair. Any more and the infiltration will turn into an invasion. In addition, Aura would only likely be able to support about a dozen on her own.

The samurai approached Tomoe, each one proudly wielding a naginata, their features hidden behind heavy armor and metallic masks, much like the first.

"Eager to serve once more, Lady Tomoe."
One of the summoned samurai spoke, giving a formal bow. Their voice sounded high, possibly feminine. Tomoe gave her warriors a short nod, then addressed Aura.

"One will join the fight between Assassin and their target. The rest can steal or sabotage whatever you desire, Master. All that we need now is for Assassin to strike."
She said.

Milos concentrated and searched carefully, after a few seconds he responded: 'Contrary to what you might have expected, master...there is no servant in the temple...but, I feel a weak presence from underneath the lake behind it...I belive it is called Ryuudou lake, right? The Caster must have put a sort of defensive field , but even if weak ,I feel the presence of the Servant. How peculiar, I'd say...hidding underwater...So, what are your orders...master?'

Unfortunately , unknown to the Serbian knight, they were watched, but he couldn't feel any presence , because it was not a living being, they were watched by a hidden video camera, one of the many that Erik had throughout the city. Erik was analyzing them with interest.

Milos simply awaited his master's response , prepared to unsheath his sword, ready for battle.
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Archer said:
Ruler manifested outside the Einzbern castle, his sinister form slowly forming from iridescent purple particles as he entered physical form from spiritual. As he stepped out from the forest into the clearing in front of the castle's austere stone walls, several alchemical familiars began attackign him, attempting to strike him down with pelts of flashing white and explosive energt. Meanwhile, the field and security systems that Isaviel had planted alerted her and Gawain to Ruler's presence. But it was no matter, the grail vessel must be obtained at any cost, and Ruler was forced into the grail's bidding. The bolts of magical energy that struck at Ruler from all sides dissipated as they hit Ruler's aura, comprised of a.....Ruler stepped in calmly, sword drawn and poised for combat, attempting to sense the presence of Isaviel and Gawain. Gawain would inevitably come to his master' aid, and with his peak strength from being summoned in his cultural sphere and having an additional noble phantasm, it was likely that Gawain could stall Ruler near indefinitely. Which is why Ruler, or rather, the grail, had prepared for this. Shadowy matter began stretching out from where Ruler stood, expanding out in a circular area around him before manifesting outwards onto the surface of the castle floor in the form of thick and black mud that oscillated with chaotic twitches. The mud swirled around Ruler in the form of a dozen or so black tendrils that slowly orbited around Ruler from the ground.
Indeed, Saber and his master both felt Ruler plowing through their defenses with little to no effort. Saber immediately dashed downstairs to meet his opponent and protect his Master, whom would be providing long range support from elsewhere in the mansion. Saber's feet left the ground for a moment as he jumped over a flight of stairs, landing on the floor in a few hallways away, waiting for Ruler to enter into his line of sight. A Ruler would likely have some sort of connection to the Grail, or be a saint of some sort, so who could it be? There are hundreds of saints out there. He would need too think quick and act quicker if he was to fight off this foe, although he was unaware of the plans Ruler had to deal with him.
Isaviel was moving her hands elegantly through the air, watching the silver threads her family was known for using craft themselves into various shining shapes, a bright owl for surveillance, a wolf for quick low strikes, and multiple birds of prey to divebomb Ruler and hopefully wound him. With that, she sent her army numbering at about thirty creatures out, all of them bar the wolf charging out a window and back in through the bottom floor's windows. Saber watched them, their light shining in the moon's bright grace, although Saber was not really in shining condition, feeling dull. His boost of power may be gone, but he fortunately still had his invulnerability from his Noble Phantasm, which was the reason he was summoned in England. Saber felt the girdle tight against his chest, and it would make him unable to be harmed by non-conceptual skills. Nodding, he raised his sword and waited, waited so patiently for Ruler. He would not go to Ruler, for that would leave himself open, but he will have Ruler come to him.

Isaviel was watching carefully, the owl well hidden within the cracks and crevices of the mansion, waiting for it all to begin. She felt incredibly uneasy, as if she could tell what Ruler was here for. She didn't understand it entirely, why was a Ruler, meant to keep balance and remain neutral, hunting her and Saber down? She knew she hadn't broken any rules, or the priest would have done something about it.
Theta closed his eyes for a moment. Saber did have a right to know his reasoning, so how would he explain it. "Alright here's why I'm going along with it. I have no doubt in my mind that im the only one she's gonna talk to. She gonna try to drag a bunch of us into a fight and kill us off one by one in the chaos. That being said, she would've done that whether we allied with her or not. Being her ally heavily decreases the odds of her attacking us directly, which gives us many opportunities. If her plan succeeds, there are enemies down. If she crosses us, we inform the other masters and alliance against her instead. If her plan fails, no one will have seen our faces or true abilities. No matter what we win in the end. Even if the other masters don't ally with us, we can simply alert them to her presence and disappear. It's a simple magic to change my appearance and Aura doesn't even know yours."

They had entered the building through the back and snuck back up to the penthouse. The entirety not the lower level was covered in a large magic circle. Phi was in the center of it meditating and gathering Prana.
“I suppose you're right.” Aura said “I guess we'll have to risk getting found out then.” She said with a pause. “Let's get set up, then. I need a good place to set up, somewhere far away and out of sight to set up my sniper rifle. I doubt any of them can sense me from that far away, and I really doubt any magus though to increase their range of vision like I did.” She said, heading over to that part of town. It was difficult to find a decent enough place due to it's location and obstructions, but she made down for a highup tree, providing just enough support for her rifle, quite a distance away. It covered the main windows... most importantly, Kana's room and the living room.

As she was setting up, she spoke with Tomoe. “So these familiars... do you have an unlimited number, or can you not summon any more after you exhaust a certain amount?” She asked. The familiars themselves were an excellent tactical advantage. Being able to damage servants while at the same time kept her hidden was just too good, and being able to control multiple of them gave her an edge over the others. She just had to use them correctly. “Separate from me. We can't risk a servant picking up on our position.” She said. “ Get a feel for the battleground and our objective. The magic workshop is in th attic, and it would be best to go in there from the windows on the third floor. Grab anything they can, destroy whatever artifact they can't. Preferably any sort of tome, or an artifcat that has power stored within in. ESPECIALLY any gems or jewelry- using jewels to create and fuel spells are a Tohsaka specialty.”

TO think that her sister was so close to her... part of her felt a bit nostalgic, and most of her still felt a bit off. She was assualting the place she had once called home. She still remembered laughing and playing with Kana when they were younger. Everything had felt so sincere back then... it was the fact that those smiles of theirs had been a lie, a simple cover up... perhaps that's why she was so angry. All that time, that feeling of love... it had been fake this entire time. A sigh of depression escaped her lips, before gripping the rifle harder and steadying her breath. “It's early...but I'm ready.”

“If that is your wish, Master.” Nimue said. “I don't sense any outbursts of mana, so I don't believe any fights are in progress as of it... It will only be a matter of time. “IS there anything you need or require that I can make for you. I don't expect you to fight, but do you need anything to assit with your magic?” She asked. “I am well versed in almost every kind of magic, so on't hesitate if you need to something, or have questions... it's going to be boring sitting here otherwise.” She says with a soft smile.
"Hm?" You can do that for me?" Yuki asked Nimue when she mentioned that she could make something to assist with his magic. "That'd be awesome." He was indeed rather skilled with his magic, at least for a present day mage, but extra help is always great. "But anyway, would it be possible to use the magic orb to find any other Masters?" He sat back up and looked at the orb. "If not, I can always call up some spirits to help me find them." His divination powers should suffice in finding other masters to spy on, he thought. He would be able to locate them with his spirits and gather information using the orb while sitting on his butt.

Houyi opened his eyes, gazing upon the scene in front of him as the smoke from the summoning cleared. He was in a small room, devoid of furniture. From the general layout of the room, he determined the house must be English style. In front of him was a slender girl, with long black hair and a stare that almost sent shivers down Houyi's spine. He noticed a substantial amount of prana flow from her, so he assumed that she must be a practiced mage. She seemed to be an intimidating person, who seemed to have more strength in her than would show at a first glance. Looks like I'll have a good chance at this war, Houyi thought, smirking. "Tell me, young Master," Houyi said to the girl, "Who are you, and why have you summoned me?"

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