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Fandom Fate/Exitium: Stained Grail War

Diomedes watched the battle, thoroughly interested in the saber. He was of a high league in noble phantasms, but his fighting abilities seemed lacked. Jumping to and fro, not bothering to take the Caster out of her element. It was quite the sight to see him jump shore to shore, but such flamboyant abilities would only go so far. Even the Dragon, a beast of the highest regard, was demolished by the Caster in the same manner as was his dignity. The barrier and water were fought over constantly, but inevitably the Caster kept her lake and the man took the barrier.

The battle was intense to a Master, the level of Servants something that rivaled many ideologies of gods, but to the Servants this was little more than a skirmish. Diomedes made no move to jump in, nor did he seem too intrigued after seeing their abilities. He grunted though, when a new opponent appeared. The monster lunged for the Caster, and Diomedes sought action.

Alliances were bound to be made here, four different enemies, someone was bound to work with someone. Diomedes didnt know what Erik's intentions were here, whether it was to observe, destroy, or negotiate, Diomedes would await orders. He was quite docile right now, he wasn't affected yet by the thing that drove him uncontrollable, but upon any action he would be. (@Azure Sky )
@Huntrey / @Alligot / @ValkyrieRose / @Dennis Reynolds

'Ok Diomedes, these are your orders : keep the bizare creature at bay and attack the Caster while supporting the warrior in clad armor , while I save Saber's master from the other one' said Erik.

'Supreme Slayer' he whispered , his birthmark began to glow, the blade appeared on his forearm and all his physical abilities increased to 5 times those of a human in peak condition. If a human in peak condition could run at roughly 17 or 18 meters per second then Erik at that moment reached about 90 m/s almost at the speed of a launched arrow. It took him about 2 seconds to reach Caster's master, once he reached him he deactivated his 'Supreme Slayer' origin magic and unsheathed his unusual katana blocking the opponent's dagger with it.

'Hey, beautiful night, isn't it?' he said ironically, after that he grabbed something from his pocket and threw it at Saber's master, it was a peculiar necklace made from 'X' symbols, the 'X' in the middle being bigger than the rest.'Take that, it is an item which stores prana, it should contain a little more than 100 units, absorb it!' said Erik to Saber's master which seemed to be in pain from prana consumption.
Yuki's attack was parried by an unknown party. He gave an irritated frown as a black silhouette of himself emerged from his dagger, moving to face palm Erik into the ground before he could finish his comment about the night to him. If this would happen, the shadow doppelganger would pin him to the ground and absorb Erik's body heat, eventually killing him as he continued to move to kill Takeshi aswell as grabbing the trinket he had and using it for himself. Even then, he still thought of any solution to think of if this was prevented.
Caster sighed. "I had a feeling this would happen. Why is it that i'm the one being attacked, yet people are coming to the others for aid?" She says. "

She turned to where the Berserker class servant was, and gave a curtsy. "Greetings. I had let you and your master slide hoping you would just go away, so forgive my rudeness." She said. "Why a master thought he could conceal his presence within my territory is strange, but oh well." She says. "I am Nimue, and as un-honorable as you are to intrude on a one on one battle, I will stand against you as well."

She cloded her eyes, redoubling the mana intake from the water... effectively killing the fish in it, but that was a small price to pay. Let's see, I haven't used too much prana, save for that Excalibur fire. and I'm already recovering from the amount I spent, so I can handle these too as long as I play my cards right. Saber's master will probably recieve a bt of mana, but the fact of the matter is Saber himself is in a very weakened state. Berserker's master isn't stupid, probably wanting to tke out the bigger threat, but he wouldn't engage in a situation like this unless he had something that could be used against mme. The best option is to keep it safe and recover mana.' She thought

'Master...withdraw, you are far too exposed. Get back under the lake and focus on transferring mana to me. If it looks like I'm going to die, use a command spell and order e to teleport you away." She thinks to him. "I will do what I can to repel these two."

She takes a deep breath, it's best to be prepared for naything at this rate. "My waters are frozen by destiny, Flowing, I gave success. Ebbing, I took away Fate.....
@Xal of Lanterns Lost

Theta saw that she had successfully entered the building. Phi was keeping up with the constructs movements, placing her sight where it was needed. Kana would have noticed the disruption, no doubt. "Hope, head towards the front entrance but stay unseen for now. We want to take them by surprise to start with. Also, here look down I have a gift."

Theta decided to add a long slender sword to the construct. It would fit in with the Assassin persona as well as help since she is actually Saber.
Takeshi, in his addled state, was initially overwhelmed. Caster's master somehow evading his servant's notice, had approached him with a blade, very intent on killing him. Then, a sudden stranger saving his life, throwing him a trinket of some kind. It all seemed to happen in a matter of seconds. Takeshi didn't trust his current reference of time, however.

He felt mana within the necklace. A warmth that soon spread through his hand, ebbing through his body. It almost felt as if his bones and muscles quivered with joy at the infusion - though he knew it was because of his parasitic guests, greedily consuming most of the mana stored within. While the pain did recede, Takeshi's condition was no better.

Caster's master summoned a familiar of some sort, directing it towards the sudden intruder, and then advanced on the Matou master himself, likely intending to finish what he started. Takeshi attempted to push himself up with a startled yell, digging his hand into the earth for stability as the enemy master clasped his hands around the necklace, attempting to take it for himself. He probably should have just stabbed him when he had the chance.

A moment later, a large wall of earth shot into the master's gut, launching him up and breaking the necklace's chain. It was a raw, inefficient spell, one borne of desperation, and lacking the refining runes. Takeshi used this opportunity to crawl to the side, using a scrabbling hand to quickly trace a rune into the earth. Without his tool or the magically-prepared tablets, the effect wouldn't be as effective, but he didn't have time to pull them out.

He felt relief wash through his leg, and pulled himself to his feet. It was far from perfect, and he had a very noticeable limp, but at least he could stand. He started backing away, pulling an engraved tablet from his bag and tossing it towards his target for good measure. It burst into an impressive inferno, scorching the ground underneath and momentarily obscuring the air with smoke as it surged forward.
The monster continued its charge against Caster. It was intent on following its master's orders to the letter. It suddenly stopped and tore a chunk of earth and threw it towards the Caster before continuing the charge. Deep within the forest, the doctor scoffed. "Monster, keep an eye on the one who made the fire...He interests me." He said as he continued walking away. The monster roared in acknowledgement as its strength grew.
"Well now, three on one, is it?" Nimue said, looking between the strange thing that appeared, the berserker servant, and Milos. "Talk about breaking all moreale cards and attacking one as frail as myself." She says. "In fact, if we enclude the masters, it's 5 on 2, not cluding the master of that...thing. and you call yourselves men." She says, shakig her head in dissapointment. "Forcing me out of my own home, one I ustt made, at that. You lot are worse than the Saxons..." She said.

She sighs. "As much as i want to teach you children what it means to be a Caster class Servant, I'm afraid I have my master to think about." She says, snapping her wrist, creating a large amount of speed and steam.

She appears next to Yukiteru, hugging him from behind. "Forgive me Master, but it's time to depart." She said, before disappearing, seemingly fading into the very air.

A few minutes later, she appears elsewhere. "We're under Fuyuki River, Master. I apologize for exposing you to such a dangerous, prolonged fight." She says. "i will accept any punishment deemed necessary. I don't know how they sensed me, but I'll see to it that does not happen again.""

Yukiteru abruptly disappeared and reappeared under Fuyuki River with Nimue, and the shadow he was controlling vanished, leaving the two teams of master and servants to deal with the new foe alone.

"It's alright, Nimue. You were amazing!" He gave a reassuring smile. "If I hadn't jumped in like i did and endangered myself, you could have won and we wouldn't have had to leave..." He said as he looked downwards, upset with himself.
Diomedes listened the the order, and the moment his Master left he did too. The physical capabilities of Erik was quite amazing, but would prove just as a slightly harder target to hit for a Servant. Against another Master. however, it was a very potent ability.

As Diomedes left their cover he was stopped by the Caster's greeting, and while he understood what she meant as far as the intrusion, he didn't feel as if she deserved a response. This skirmish was already heading for a battle, and Diomedes and Erik were just coming in to finish off the weak fodder. Protecting the Saber was a task Diomedes didn't focus on, but instead on the two he was to attack. The Caster left after her speech though, so Diomedes directed his attention to the other woman on the field. He was to also attack it, so he didn't stop his rush.

When he got close to the beast he put his shield forward, going to bash it into the woman with tremendous power. He had no Noble Phantasms presently activated, but Diomedes armor, weapons, and strength alone made this something that could send the beast sprawling.
The monster's strength grew even more as time passed by. With a snarl it stopped the charge by catching the shield and skidding back a few inches. It still wasn't strong enough. However, that didn't stop it from starting to beat on the shield and any part of the attacker's body that the shield wasn't able to cover. It kept pounding and growling like a mad beast. "GRRRRRRRRHHH!" It growled as it tried to rip the shield away.
Diomedes' shield never lost grip with him, Athena's blessing doing more then keeping his sanity for now, but she kept his weapons to him. The woman did however manage to hit his braces, legs and arms, showing just how physically capable she was. Diomedes would give her what she wanted, pushing the shield into her grip and allowing her to hold on. With this Diomedes put his superior height and strength, lifting the feral woman and slamming her into the water. The sheer force of the smash should've thrown her off the shield and pummeling into the water, but Diomedes didn't lift his shield just yet.
Erik activated his origin magic for a short period and avoided the shadow figure which was very similar to himself. Right after he did that Caster suddenly appeared , hugged her master and disappeared shortly after. But that wasn't his main problem. Berserker was confronting someone and while she didn't seem to be a Servant she could hold her own ground against one pretty well. He was curious of the nature of the sudden attacker but he didn't have time for that.

'Berserker , retrieve your shield! It's time we get out of here' he said to Diomedes. After that he looked at the Saber 'If you want your master to be treated as fast as possible I suggest you take him and follow me!' he continued.



Mostly everything went as Milos planned: entering Caster's territory even if he knew he was at a disadvantage, making her belive he was a hot-headed barbarian who was all brawl with no brain and retreating after that.He knew that his actions might cripple his master, but he took the risk anyway. He didn't expect the sudden mysterious saviors or the powerful woman who could put up a fight against a Servant though, but it was better this way because of a simple reason: retreating became way easier. He wanted the Caster to belive he is just an idiot who only relies on his strength. Nothing Milos has shown to the his opponent was true: not his fighting style , not his way of thinking or reacting and not even his personality. He even took most of her magic attacks intentionally so he could mesure her strength. Because of what he did Milos was sure of one thing: the next time they'll meet, Caster will surely underestimate him but he will most certainly not.

Not even the jovial personality he has shown to his master was his real one, he just wanted to test him and see what he was made of.In reality he was a cunning ,tenacious and cool-headed strategist. Regardless, none of that was important for the moment. He heard the other blonde magician's words, sheathed his sword and put his shield and run really fast towards Takeshi and the other man.

He didn't know if he could trust him, but chose to follow him anyway.

'Very well!' answered Milos to Erik, after that he grabbed his master.

'I belive it's better if we do what this man says, for the moment, master' said Milos. The tone of his voice changed to a deeper and calmer one.

"rrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGAAAH!" The monster roared as it struggled underneath the shield. It can't attack. It couldn't attack. That was what its master ordered. Attack. It had to obey. It must obey. It obeys. The monster's strength finally reached that of a Berserker's. It started to lift the shield and the Servant wielding it and managed to shove both away by a fair distance. "GRAAAAAAH! GRRRRRR...RAAAAAA!" It roared before starting to charge the Servant's master. @Azure Sky

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