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Fandom Fate/Exitium: Stained Grail War


Celtchar's grey eyes widened in surprise as he heard Rosette speak of the extents of her abilities. A modern day magus interfering with a Caster? Such was unheard of, especially if such a caster was from the legendary age of gods that Celtchar was from.

"My quite impressive me young master, but yah see, I can't quite see any ol' magecraf' doin' much to magus from me own age. In fact, no offense to you me master, my runic magecraf' seems more advanced then most any ol' magus from this new age can do. But that ain't a matter fer concern now eh? When yah have such a perfect servant like me hah!" Celtchar said, ending his exposition with a joking chuckle. He had no doubt that his master was competent, but he did not sense an air of antiquated splendor emanating from her as he had sensed with other renowned magus in his time. Although he could not discern her true age as her nature as a dead apostle, Celtchar could not imagine any modern day dead apostle to be too well versed in powerful mysteries of old, but if the Caster in question in this war was to be from after the Age of Gods, then it was entirely possible to overpower such a Caster under unique circumstances.

Celtchar shook his head and yawned, the effort it took to thinking of such nuances taking it's toll on him.

"Well young master, shall we go out a' huntin', tis' already night." said Celtchar, sensing from his internal clock which was honed from his experience in the wild and as more of a hound than man.

Celtchar grasped his spear firmly in his right arm and twirled it fancily with his fingers four times, a small habit he performed before engaging in any battle. Slinging the spear over his right shoulder, Celtchar stared at Rosette expectantly, awaiting her order.



Ruler noted who he was fighting against. Gawain, one of the foremost knights of the round table. And in life, one of the radiant figures that he looked up to. But that was Sir Galahad, the entity before Gawain is best referred to as a separate entity from that which is Galahad, merely being a manifestation of the grail's corrupt will. Ruler immediately drew back into battle stance, his knightly poise and technical expertise as the greatest of round table knights making itself known. It was a defensive stance, with balance centered firmly with sword pointed horizontally in front of the Arimathean aegis. Of course Gawain would be able to see the inscription of Ruler's sword, the familiar inscription of the sword of the stone that made Galahad known to all knights of the round table. Ruler was currently around eight meters away from Gawain, and on the defensive. However, the tendrils of viscous black mud orbiting around Ruler instead went on the offensive, contorting their snake like bodies while stretching forward like missiles, twisting ad turning to home in on Gawain.

Each of the ten tendrils were fired in short intervals so that Gawain would have to be completely on the defensive. The outcome of the battle lay in Gawain's first move. If he parried the mud tendril, it would merely splatter and form on his body, corrupting it and disabling the body parts where the mud crawled on. From then on the other tendrils would easily shower Gawain in the potent curse of the world's evils, corrupting him completely. If Gawain sensed this danger and eased back, opting to dodge, then Ruler would be forced into an offense, yet invariably a favorable one as Gawain would have to defend on several different fronts, which would be a pressing task even with the girdle. It did not help that all of the mud tendrils could reform from Ruler's corrupt aura, and it would require an attack designed to wipe them all out in an instant to stop their existence.



Kana gazed up at the servant she had summoned, impressed and awed by the overwhelming power emanating from him. Kana had waited quite late in order to summon her servant so that her mana could be at it's absolute peak state, and it seemed as if the efforts had paid off. At least that's what her infallible confidence told her, unable to accept that she had drawn anything but the best with her talent and prowess. Kana raised her brow as she noticed her servant's smirk, attempting to decipher what kind of expression it was. In any case, she would find out how they worked together within a few exchanges. For now her servant had asked her simple questions to seal the contract and to probe her capacities probably. Containing her excitement amiably, Kana responded with a controlled but friendly tone.

"My name is Kana Tohsaka, and I would prefer if you simply called me Tohsaka. Who am I hm? Well I guess I would be your run of the mill master, except with more talent and magical potential, not to be bragging here but I'm sure you can sense it already from how well your prana is being supplied. Now then, why have I summoned you? I'm sure we both know the answer to that question. To win the war obviously, and on that subject, it's a honor to witness you in the flesh"

Kana tensed up as she felt an anomaly around the Tohsaka manor. It was ever so subtle, but at the same time a glaring discrepancy amid the highly ordered and secure bounded fields and security systems of the manor. A small discharge of prana, concealed, but obviously concealed by a third rate magus incapable of producing a concealment spell of top tier caliber which would have been required to go completely unnoticed. Kana cocked her head in confusion, ruminating as to whether this was merely some sort of disturbance in the bounded field system or perhaps...

An early attack? Considering Kana's position as the Tohsaka heir, it was highly likely that someone might have the apparently bright idea of taking her out early. In either case, Kana would have to investigate as she would have to repair any bounded fields that were not working properly or engage these masters and servants in combat. Of course she rushed headlong outside without thinking of a plan, too confident and too impulsive as she always been.

"Well well, look at that. Looks like we have enemies already, mind if we go out and investigate?" asked Kana, her left hand twitching in anticipation of a possible engagement. On the calmer and planning side of things, Kana was no expert although her firepower often made up for anything. Hopefully her servant was more rational.



Vars gasped, straining for air. The sudden movement sloshed the puddle of his own blood around and about him, scattering it in odd patterns around Vars. He had programmed an automated healing spell that regenerated the damage done to him, and, empowered by two command seals, the healing had been enough to recover from even a lethal wound. It was a miracle that Vars's soul was able to cling onto his body for the five minutes it took for the healing to work, and indeed Vars made a silent prayer to God in thanks. He stood up abruptly and leisurely walked back to his office where he replaced his priestly vestments with fresh ones. He cleaned himself up and soon enough he appeared as if a sword had not sliced through his intestines and almost killed him. One could not that these garments were different however, ornately decorated with insignia of the Executors. Cloth reinforced and blessed by the Church, capable of deflecting bullets and withstanding high pressure as well as extreme elemental damage. Vars slipped in twenty black keys inside the vast pockets of his frock in preparation for some sort of battle perhaps. The Book of End lay strapped tightly around Vars's waist with a holy shroud.

Nothing had gone according to Vars's calculations. The grail had sensed Vars's intentions and had warped the Ruler class servant into a mindless automaton that did its will. And like a fool, Vars had granted the grail enough energy to manifest it's will outwardly through the Book of End siphoning energy from multiple dimensions through the Second Magic. All it needed to do now was capture the grail vessel, the Einzbern homonculus, and perform the ritual by itself after killing perhaps four servants at maximum. Truly this was no longer a war between magi and servants, but an inevitable birthing of a primordial concept of evil that would annihilate most of humanity. Now then what to do? Vars could attempt to explain the situation to the other masters, but would they trust him? Probably not, unless Vars had a way to let them witness the Ruler class servant and it's corrupt form perhaps. But first he needed to secure the Einzbern homonculus's safety, which was likely being jeopardized at this moment. But how could he save the vessel from the likes of Ruler? He needed a servant.

Vars sensed the field of the Church being breached again, and smiled again. It was a smile imbued with both an unnatural expectation and fearsome cruelty. He exited his office and walked down the aisle of the gloomy church, meeting a young man aged around thirty dressed in a black suit. On his right hand, which he held towards Vars, were three command seals. The man had come to register, albeit rather late.

"Ah you are the last master to register it seems, but your servant has been summoned and year seals have manifested. Your servant is just outside the church yes?" asked Vars without a hint of emotion in the tone so as to not give off any hints of his intentions. He suspected that the servant was outside, unable to enter due to the church forbidding the concept of servants to step within it's grounds.

The magus answered nonchalantly with a friendly and clear voice.

"Yup, I couldn't get the catalyst in quick order so my summoning was pretty late but I think I'm good. Anyways am I all set?"

Vars's smile broadened, sending chills down the man's spine.

"Yes. Yes. Your all set."

Vars immediately dashed forward, entering into martial poise before striking the magus before him with a powerful upward elbow strike that connected directly with the man's chin. The man's jawbone shattered into hundreds of fragments as his consciousness faded away almost immediately from the force of the blow.

Vars viewed the man sprawled on the ground as if viewing meat to be butchered.

"Now then, for those command seals."

Vars took out a black key, a rounded black cross that formed a blade out of spiritual matter to form a sword of sorts. He held the key in his right hand and knelt by the man's right side. One quick slash, and the arm was completely severed. Blood began pooling from the man's arm which was severed at the elbow. Vars triumphantly held the man's twitching forearm and hand with a hopeful glimmer in his eyes.

After extracting the command seals to control the magus's servant, Vars stepped outside to greet his new servant. It was likely that said servant was not going to be cooperative, and Vars was prepared to force obedience with a command seal. He saw the servant soon enough. A headless being that radiated an oppressive aura as if it were dread incarnate.

"Greetings my new servant, as you know, I am now your new master. I trust there are no objections yes?"

Vars held up his right hand, revealing te three command spells which began to glow as Vars prepared himself to use one in the case the servant made any hostile movements.​
The headless servant remained silent, his lack of facial reaction, or his entire head for that matter, made him very hard, if not impossible, to read. He took a step towards the man, showing no signs of being intimidated or hesitation. The doors of the church opened slowly, the mangled corpse of his former master crawling painfully to where the horseman is. His eyes are lifeless, his lower jaw hanging open grotesquely.

"It would not be wise to use a command spell too hastily priest." A chilling voice coming from the corpse said. The body itself was dead, nothing more than a vessel which serves as the horseman's herald. The horseman could not order the corpse, or any other beings, to do anything other than follow him around and to speak his thoughts. "I do not care who my master is, and even if I did, I would be better off without that pathetic excuse for a master."

Vars nodded in recognition of his servant. Such was a servant that fit Vars and his purposes well. The fabled Headless Horseman, undeniably a powerful servant to draw but one that Vars would still have too be wary of. It doubled in benefit that the Horseman would be immune to the corrupting mud of the grail and could thus be used far more reliably than most other servants. Vars did not react as the corpse of the master he had slain was taken control of and used as a puppet to express the servant's speech. A cold and grating voice, fitting for the visage of death that stood before Vars.

Vars lowered his hand, command seals still glimmering with energy in the case of an emergency deception.

"Your words ring a tone quite amiable. Cut throat, pragmatic. You are right, wasting a command seal would be unfavorable for both of us. Then I trust you have no objections to this contract, which has now been sealed. It may be pressing to ask of you a task already, but I fear that it is necessary. We must engage the Ruler class servant at a location that I know of, though the location is quite far from here. Do yo perhaps have any method of transportation that is expedient? The matter is quite urgent for both our interests I believe, though I may overstep my bounds by presuming you desire the grail."

Vars peered at his servant calmly, analyzing it and yet finding nothing to read for lack of expression, or rather an inability for expression.
"I see." Saber pondered on it for the remainder of their trip back to the penthouse. In this case, she could not think of any major flaws or glaring issues with his current plan. It seemed that they really were expending nothing while gaining something, regardless of outcome. However, things rarely went that well and she'd keep her guard up regardless. There were five other Masters and Servants out there that could possibly cause issues.

Upon their arrival back in their staying area Hope glanced around, surveying the wide reaching magic circle Phi apparently crafted upon Theta's command. Saber was no expert in the workings of magic, and even less so in magics of this age, so she queried, "What must I do, Summoner? I believe I understand my part in this, but I'm unsure how to go about it." She spoke mentally, conveying her question silently and only afterwards deciding she would take physical form again. She materialized as Assassin, unsure if she needed to keep up the facade for Phi and Theta to work their illusions with or not. Fixing her Master with an attentive gaze, she waited for his instruction. 'We're committed to this now. One way or the other.' She'd see their plan through to the best of her abilities. After that, she actually found it interesting wondering what would happen. The war would be anything but boring it seemed.
"Step inside of the magic circle. It will allow you to draw from Phi's magic reserves as well as mine. Once inside we will both link with Phi, who will take our spells and transport them to the location we desire. She must remain in perfect meditation to do this which is why such a large magic circle is necessary. We must mix darkness with chaos and give it the form of you as Assassin. We can attack as soon as this is accomplished. While in meditation, Phi can monitor within a two mile radius, so we will know if anyone is watching." Giving illusions and constructs physical attributes was on of his families magics. Being the heir must not be completely useless in that case. No matter, it is time to begin the attack on the Tohsaka manor.

Phi sat with her eyes closed in the center of the circle. The circle began to glow and her long hair rose into the air a bit. In front of them a window appeared that showed Tohsaka Manor. It was not a physical window, but more of a projection of what Phi was watching. Theta stepped inside of the circle and placed his right hand on the ground. His magic circuits began to glow all over his body and darkness ebbed around him.
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Gawain was forced to jump backwards to avoid it, but stopped when his feet tapped against the ground, seeing Isaviel's crafted thread animals begin to divebomb Galahad, and if one got close enough, it would explode into a mass of thread and attempt to restrain Ruler in order to make the fight easier for Gawain. The knight nodded with a vibrant smirk and held his blade upwards, moving slowly to the side to get all angles when he caught notice of Galahad's blade. It was then he found out who the other knight was, and his grin turned to a wary scowl. Not just Lancelot, but now Galahad? Or was Galahad being controlled? Was something wrong with the Grail? Gawain shook the thoughts from his head. He had more important things to focus on then why Galahad stood before him, those things being the protection of his Master and the defeat of Ruler.
@Azure Sky

"Under the lake?" Takeshi exclaimed. "What the hell do you mean, 'under the lake?' What servant builds a workshop underwater?"

The irritated master ran a hand through his hair, thinking for a moment. He grudgingly had to admit it was likely effective. Many heroic spirits could hardly swim, much less attack a Caster in their own underwater territory. Still, his mind was doggedly set upon killing Caster. It was supposed to be a simple, easy test. Force their way through the barriers and fields, and use Milos' incredible resistance to cut them down.

"We need to get closer... unless you can swim with all that armor, there's no way we'd even be able to get to their workshop. I guarantee it's probably at the direct bottom of that damn lake." Takeshi said, grumbling. "Caster might be able to breathe underwater, but I guarantee their master can't. They might have... a facility, or something down there so that their master can breathe. Maybe there might be a tunnel or some other way to reach it somewhere on the shore."

Takeshi bypassed the temple, instead trudging on towards the lake. He'd find a way to reach Caster. He wanted - no, he needed to prove that he could beat another Master. Though, to whom is not exactly clear. Giving up and changing his target now would be the same as admitting defeat.



"They might not be able to sense you, Master, but, they'll definitely be able to hear you. I'm under the impression that your weapon is incredibly loud."
Tomoe said, "So, I would ask you to refrain from shooting."

"And as for my samurai, they will not 'run out
', I promise you. Unless their soul is trapped or otherwise tampered with, their souls will return to my naginata once they perish. Of course, they cannot have a corporeal body without mana." She replied. At her master's command, she sprung forth, heading towards the manor once more. Leaving her master alone didn't sit well with Tomoe, but at least the girl would be far from the fighting. With over a dozen assailants, she imagined Toshaka would not be looking so far away.

As she approached the manor, Tomoe's modern clothes dissipated into dust, replaced by her typical oriental clothing. She decided to forgo her naginata and metal armor, instead materializing the broad katana she had used in life. "Okamoto, observe Assassin and Tohsaka's servant. If you find an opportunity once they clash, assist Assassin. Saitou, lead the rest through the third floor. Take any book, instrument, or jewel you can carry from the attic. Destroy the rest."

After quickly issuing her orders, the samurai were even faster to depart, striking forth with surprising speed towards the manor. One struck forth to the main floor, while the rest circled around to the back to try and scale the walls. Of course, they were not Assassin-class servants. They weren't servants at all. They'd definitely be detected by whatever countermeasure Tohsaka had set up. Hopefully the barriers and possible traps would not pose too much of an issue for them, though.

“I'm aware.” Rosette said. “I only meant that I can interfere with methods such as taking their mana... but I have to get up close for that. Chances are I will engage the master while you keep the servant busy. There arn't many with high enough reistance to stop my Mystic Eyes... I'll just force them to hand over their command seals... and their magic crest while they're at it.” She says with a slight, sadistic laugh.

She looked outside- the sun was completely down. With that, she smirked, getting up. “My my, how time flies.” She says.. She looks at her vampire servants, and they head outside to scout about. “Yes, let us be off...there is so much to do, an oh so little time to do it.” She laughs, walking outsie. “Tell me, Lancer, are there any servants that you can sense? I do so want to get to the good part already.”


“I'm aware.” Aura says. “But thank you for your concern on this matter. I will only fire if I can get a clear shot.”

She looked at the first bullet. “Zündstoff” She whispered, charging it with energy that could cause it to explode and cause nearby objects to be caught on fire... if she couldn't kill Kana, she would find something in the manor to catch on fire, and smoke her out. It pained her to think of that, for whatever reason, and realizing it did caused her to sigh. She was hopeless, wasn't she? Any second now, the battle would begin.

@DennisReynolds /@Aligot

“Of course I can, Master.” She says with a smile “As for the Masters, once I get a view of them, I can track then, but I can not spot them out until they first make a move. I doubt people would be stupid enough to attack on the first night, so this is simply a waiting game.”

However, right as she says that, she cocks her head. “I stand corrected, Master. Apparently someone WOULD be that stupid. We have visitors.” She said. “A master and servant from the direction of the temple... they aren't bothering to check it, so it looks like they already know our location. I will repel them.” She says.

She ruses up to the surface of the water, standing in the center. As her would be enemies would approach, she gives a curtsy. “Greetings. Do forgive me, but I am afraid I have nothing to entertain such guests with.” She says. “I would ask that you not trouble me to serve my guests something less than perfect.” She says with a smile.
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Saber inclined her head. "Very well, Summoner. I will do my best. May we succeed in our goals." With those few words, she stepped into the large magical circle drawn onto the floor of the penthouse. She took a stance similar to Theta's and closed her eyes as a rush of prana surged through her. A moment later she opened them, viewing the same window Phi projected moments ago. 'I guess I am the 'spirit' of our little charade.' It made sense. If Assassin was to be believable, they'd need a Servant in command to even begin to compete with other Servants.

Briefly considering the best way to actually preform her task, she frowned. While her sudden appearance could certainly be attributed to an Assassin's stealth, she lacked any form of concealment to further propagate the facade. Luckily, she was supposed to be a distraction so she would simply chalk it up to that if need be. And with that, she decided that drawing attention to herself was exactly what she wanted at the moment, Assassin or not. With nary a though more, she shattered the glass of the window and leaped in, glancing around. The noise and unmasked presence were sure to draw attention so she'd make due with the limited time she had. She wasn't sure what would happen if she were injured, or worse, perished, during her escapades here, but she wasn't intent to find out either.

A quick survey of the area placed Hope in a simple hallway of sorts. 'Nothing of note here.' She quickly started making her way through the mansion, sensing for her would be opponents. They were certainly not hard to locate. 'Perhaps the whole window was unneccessary . . .' Though her instincts told her to go out and face down her opponents, her orders had been to refrain from it if at all possible. Instead of heading towards the presences she felt towards the front of the manor, she instead turned to combing through the manor while purposefully avoiding them.

'Strange.' She thought. "I sense multiple sources of prana near the manor. Other than what I assume to be Kana and her Servant, there are two, no, three, I can't place." She thought this to share with her Master, unsure if he could currently hear her or not. Deciding it best to avoid those for now as well, she moved on, finding herself in the kitchen ofall places. 'Probably should have gotten a layout of this place before randomly jumping into it . . .' She breathed a sigh and moved on, lost as to where to go. Luckily, she was only bait as it were anyways. She'd wait to see if her Master responded. If he didn't, well, she'd have a peak at more interesting things herself then.
Diomedes couldn't think much of Erik, his Mad enhancement forcing and twisting many thoughts in his head leaving only himself and his main goal. Despite this Diomedes still retained the initial thought that Erik was strong enough to have him as a Servant, the confidence mixed with the mentality of him enough to direct Diomedes into simple task. They would likely be able to work well together, making decisive strikes that Diomedes couldn't coordinate, he could go along with. So far his Mad Enhancement was becoming more obvious, small amounts of concise thinking were possible, as was self awareness of setting, friend, or foe, but beyond this Diomedes was lost.

Again his measurement of Erik was correct, his confidence showing that he could lead the Berserker wherever as long as he was this powerful. Diomedes followed Erik down the ladder, and after some time walking, and to the bunker. The cameras showed many things, but the one Diomedes focused on was two men walking through a temple towards a lake. From the armor of one it seemed the cameras were already catching a glimpse of some servants, but Diomedes only had the attention to focus on one. (@Azure Sky )
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If the Horseman could smirk, he would have from the silliness and stupidity of the priest's question. "A manner of transport you ask? But of course, after all, what would a horseman be without his noble steed?" He asked in an obviously sarcastic manner. A low whistle was suddenly heard from nowhere, followed soon after by the unmistakable sound of a horse's hooves. A pure black steed appeared from the shadows cast by the church on the ground, looking as if it was part of the shadows itself. The Horseman mounted the beast, somehow managing to become even more frightening than he already was. "Where is this location which you speak of?" He asked, not wanting the burden of having to follow the priest around.

'Hmm...So you are the Caster-class Servant. This 'underwater tactic' is quite interesting...Who are you supposed to be? The Lady of The Lake?' said Milos sarcastically. He said it as a joke , he didn't realise that he was right, or rather , he didn't care if he was right, it had no importance.

As he made a few steps forward he felt the presence of a magic force field. He unsheathed his sword and cut through the barrier. Because of the properties of his sword ,the Bloody Cross, the power and effects of the magic barrier were ignored and his slash created a big opening through which the knight entered.

I belive you should stay were you are ,master, I might resist her barriers and abilities but you sure can't. Ha-ah, I'm sorry Caster, truthfully I don't really want to kill a delicate existence such as yourself, but I have no choice ' said the knight while he waited for the best opportunity to strike. In fact, he also had an idea on how to get the master to come out, he had an extremely faint presence but Milos could still feel that he was underwater.

@Dennis Reynolds / @ValkyrieRose



With the use of his hidden video cameras Erik watched the events that were happening at the lake: it seemed that two Servants were starting battle, one was obviously a Caster and the other most probably a Saber.

' Interesting! The first battle already began...Very well' said Erik as he went to something that looked like a magical 'control pannel'. ' Activate Magic Sequence Number 1: Presence Shutdown ! ' he said as the monitor of the pannel started glowing. That sequence assured that both Erik and Diomedes had their presence hidden throughout all the hideouts.

Let's go, Diomedes. It's time to start a little game of chess!' said Erik as he walked towards the hidden route that led to the Ryuudou lake. What he had in mind was unknown for the moment.
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Diomedes studied the two Servants, and the only one that struck him as a warrior was the one clad in armor. The Caster was dainty, frail, and weak, something he could crush in his hands given the right power from above. She was nothing he couldn't handle, the one with armor was something that caused a glint of a smile. The idea of a battle against a worthy foe was a bit exhilarating, to prove his worth one kill at a time. Diomedes watched the panel light up taking his eyes off the screen, but he didn't care much for the magical device that hid their presence. Instead he turned towards the path, following Erik to the Ryuudou Lake.

When they reached viewing distance of the lake they were behind it, watching as the armor clad warrior approach the Caster. The lake was large, and apparently deep enough to hide the Caster's Master, but it was nothing Diomedes couldn't fight in. (@Azure Sky )

“Lady of the Lake?” She asks with a slightly mischievous smile. “I'm afraid I'm not quite THAT well know as a heroic spirit,but appreciate the compliment.” She laughs. “I would caution against that bravado however. While you do seem noble enough, you will not find killing me to be an easy task.”

As the man sliced through the barrier, she shifted her stance a bit. “I see now why you chose me first. Anti-Resistant weapon and from what I can tell, your Master also holds a decent amount of resistance.” She says. Well, at least they DID have a high resistance. Nimue had a passive skill that negated a large amount of resistance, after all. The only reason she didn't force the water out of the master and killing him instantly was out of respect for her moral code. “You knew I was here at this lake and decided to face me anyhow, so chances are you have a Noble Phantasm with a decent amount of range. If it negates defenses, all I have to do is counter attack instead...but surely you already knew that.” She says

She looked upward. “Ah, but to see the sky again. I always found it so beautiful. It was always a source of serenity, especially the night sky. A lot of people feared the darkness in my day, but the moon was always so beautiful to me... it is a pity it is not out today.” She said, clouds covering the lovely orb in the sky up. She flicked her wrist and muttered something and less than a minute later, it began to rain... not just rain, but POUR

“Let's begin.” She said, flicking her wrist once more, The water that began to pour erupted into a scalding steam, quickly covering the area with it's ruthlessness and expanding out....while at the same time hiding her location and prana distribution. She jumped back, making a few more motions, firing a few bolts of energgy in multiple angles and arc.
@Azure Sky


"Make it quick, Saber."
Takeshi commanded, "If an invincible warrior such as yourself finds that too difficult, then use your helmet. That will dry up whatever advantage she has."

With those words, he stepped to the side, distancing himself from the battle to be. He pulled one of his inscribed tablets from his bag, keeping it held tightly in hand. As each boiling drop descended, it seemed to splatter off his skin with no effect, causing only the slightest visible distortion. Though, while the tablet would protect him from the heat of the rain, it wouldn't do much to stop Caster's magic directly.

Takeshi's magic was predominately defensive. While the varying tablets gave him excellent protection in almost any form, it was difficult to inscribe new ones with offensive purposes. He had a few that exploded when they shattered, but nothing that would help him strike against Caster's master, who likely was at the bottom of the lake. Hell, Takeshi wasn't even sure if he could punch through Caster's barrier.

However, if Milos used his noble phantasm, it's more than likely the dragon could eliminate her barriers and unearth Caster's master. At the very least, it would allow Takeshi to try and find them without worrying about a trap Caster might have set. Then again, they might not need it, and Milos might be able to slay Caster within seconds.

So, Takeshi stood put, watching the imminent battle with impatient eyes.
@Alligot / @ValkyrieRose / @Dennis Reynolds

' This is it? ' asked Milos , the question was meant to mock Caster. In reality he was quite hurt, his Perpetual Tenacity made it so that he couldn't be killed by nothing except true fighting skills , but he still felt the pain from anything that attacked him. Not a very easy situation for Milos, his opponent was harder to deal than he thought. He generated a strong prana shockwave to make an oppening through the 'water wall'.

Let the fire of my soul extinguish my foes...The Dragon's Helmet: Fire Sky!'

The cross symbol on Saber's helmet began to glow then the servant was engulfed by a pillar of light. After that above him appeared a very big red dragon. Milos jumped on the dragon's back.

Burn their existence!' commaned Milos and the dragon fired a powerful blast of flames. The blast was meant to evaporate every drop of water in Milos's vicinity ,including the lake in which Caster's master was hidding somehow, that of course if Caster didn't have a way to block it.

Try blocking this if you can... ' said Milos trying to mock Caster again.



Erik and Berserker where watching the battle between Saber and Caster from their hideout, with their presence hidden. So far it seemed Saber was stronger. In fact he was overwhelming. But that didn't mean he was invincible, he certainly had a weakness and Erik was sure to find out what it was.

' That Saber is quite powerful, but the Caster is exceptional as well. Anyways ,Diomedes, do NOT attack for the moment, wait for my signal!' said Erik. Berserker seemed rather restless, he probably wanted to fight. He was pretty docile for the moment though. Up to this point he listened to Erik without any problems, but for how long?

Don't worry, you'll get your chance to shine. We shall make our presence known at the right time...Until then do your best to control yourself! ' said the young man. A big grin appeared on his face and he widened his eyes, even if he told Berserker to control himself , the truth was that Erik was quite restless as well, or better said, he was excited for some unknown reason.
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Houyi took out his bow, and also felt the presence of the multiple prana sources. "Right down to business as soon as I'm summoned, are we? Very well." Houyi followed Kana. "The terrain does not seem entirely... friendly for me, as I am Archer, and won't do too well in a close quarters scenario. May I suggest that we set up an ambush in such a large house as this?"

Houyi took a moment to pinpoint the prana sources. "Tohsaka, I notice there is another servant in front of the house, as well as other prana sources in front and back. ...I do not know why I am telling you this, as you seem the type to have a bounded field that has already identified these things." He shrugged. "Anyways, let's set up an ambush, and figure things out from there. From this, I will learn how well we fight together, and your resolve at winning the Grail."
Nimue watched as Milos (there was no question who it was, only he could summon a dragon like this at will, and revealing the name of your Noble Phantasm gave other servants a way to identify one) “Ah, I see now why you chose me first.” Nimue said. “A dragon is the highest level of Phantasmal Beasts, only killable by a fantasy with as high a rank as the dragon itself. Couple with your magical resistance of both you and your master, and you're quite the capable anti magic pair.” She said, looking up at the beast “If I was any outher Caster, this would almost undoubtly kill me. I thank you for showing me the respect I deserve.”

Nimue held her hand out to the side, looking at the dragon. “Even a conceptualized dragon is still a dragon, it's very breath is a large source of prana, very useful for the fueling of spells. As she raised her hand slowly, something began to take the form and rise out from out, gaining a gold sheen that reflected the light and, as it dad, begin to shine and swirl with mana. “It's no longer the Anti-Fortress power as I would like to, but it is still anti-army... and while it does not have a full 1000 power, it is still at an almost unbeatable 900.” She said, holding the sword up. “And the fact hasn't changed that this is 'the strongest Holy Sword' that bypasses any form of defense... If I couldn't manage this, what kind of Caster would I be?” She giggles.

She gives a slight smile, bringing down the sword. “Bathe in the light! EXCALIBUR!” There was an immense sounding roar as the blade, bathed in a bright light, emitted a bright beam, charging right towards the dragon at an almost blinding speed.
@Alligot / @ValkyrieRose

'Excalibur?' asked Milos rather surprised as he jumped off his dragon before it was hit. The power of the Holy Sword was very effective against the beast , it gave out a powerful roar before it collapsed to the ground slowly fading away. 'I see now, considering that you posses Excalibur and you're a Caster who can live underwater that means you are...Nimue!' said the knight. He was surprised that his opponent was in fact the legendary Lady of the Lake, as he was just sarcastic about it moments before. He didn't fear her even if she did eliminate his dragon, as Milos was a man who could keep his cool on the battlefield, even if he didn't give that impression.

Milos touched the surface of the lake with his fist generating a strong shockwave making almost all the water from the lake to go upwards. Because of that he saw where Nimue's master was standing. He was considering if he should jump inside the almost empty lake and attempt to attack Nimue's master , but he eventually realised it would be too dangerous in that moment and chose instead to continue his fight with Caster until she was weakened enough for him to try attacking her master.

As soon as the water returned to the lake the knight made a huge leap towards the enemy Servant, swinging his sword , ready to slash.

' Very well Nimue, legendary Lady of the Lake, from now on I will show no restraint!'
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Nimue would give a smile. “You revealed your identity to me, so the code of chivalry dictate I do the same.” She says with a slight cutsy, though even this is just an act to stall for time, she's already to beginning to draw prang from the water, both from the lake and from the molecules in the air. “People have called me Morgana, Vivianne, but out of all the names, I prefer Nimue most.” She said “It's...fitting, in a strange way, and it seems to flow. Perfect from one such as me.”

Nimue watched as Milos charged at Nimue again. “Are you sure about this? That ragon cost you a LOT of prana... I doubt your Master can fuel more of your antics...” She said. She made no physical move to dodge itm she simply made the water shift her away. “You're also entering my element, which is either very brave or very foolish. Especially once you learned of who I was.” Nimue said. “Now then... let's see what makes you act.” She says, shifting further away and causing a pillar of water to erupt. “Master of Saber... surely you realize how tough a perdicament you are in, yes?”

@Azure Sky

Takeshi was out of sight, but he did hear Nimue's remark. His back was pressed against a tree, his skin visibly shifting as the parasites within grew more agitated, feeding upon him to provide the copious amounts of mana. His leg twitched, and he knew that it was ruined like usual - it would take a while for it to heal, and even longer for him to walk properly again. If he was lucky, maybe the damage wouldn't be permanent.

He gave a pained grunt as his vision flickered. It was like the first time he was thrown to the pit. His motor movement was the first to go, followed by his sight, then hearing. After a while, he didn't even feel it anymore. Compared to that, this was nothing, a residual ache.

Saber! - Takeshi thought - though, if his thoughts were words, he would have been screaming.

The battle has drawn on too long, the opportunity to kill Caster has long since passed.

The thought entered Takeshi's mind. To him, it was unwelcome. Alien. Akin to surrender, to loss. He swore he'd retrieve the grail. How could he do it if he backed down now? If Takeshi could fail to kill Caster with a magically-invincible servant, what good was he?

You got impatient. You wanted an instant, satisfying victory. If Milos is resistant to magic, it would have been smarter to let him draw the battle out on his own terms, and let Nimue weaken herself instead. But you're on the defensive now, and you're in her territory.

Takeshi was rational. Despite his haughty demeanor and easily-irked temper, he knew this was a fight he would not win. Those in denial often knew the irrationality of their own actions. Many just did not care, or they were so invested in their path or way of life that they can ill afford to change.

Saber! No more Phantasms. No more abilities. If you're such a fearsome warrior, prove it, and finally kill her! Otherwise you will lose us the only chance to beat Caster!

For all of his faults, at least Takeshi wasn't entirely reckless. He didn't need to say he had ran out. Milos would likely be able to tell. Takeshi was feeding their battle with his own body, the parasites within him feeding off his life to provide substantial amounts of mana. He could survive a much longer fight like this, maybe even the usage of Milo's smaller noble phantasms, but he'd be walking away from it crippled. Possibly even in a vegetative state. He had never accustomed well to the Matou's unique treatment, after all.
@ValkyrieRose / @Alligot

'Very well master, but you seem to forget something... before I am a warrior I AM A KNIGHT!' said Milos as he got out of the barrier . He was a knight, more than a warrior, he had both strategy and power. He ran around the barrier cutting it from all angles with his sword causing it to collapse.

With the barrier gone Milos put his shield behind his back and preparing to jump from the shore.He made a very quick jump towards Caster, bypassing her waterwall without caring. He was very fast, without a doubt faster than Nimue at least. His blade was unsheathed, ready to slash, ready to kill.

'As strong as you may be Lady Nimue, I am no light-weight. If you ever think of me that way it will be your last thought!' said Milos as his slash was about to connect with Nimue's neck.
(Since i was absent for a few days, ill be using this post to make up for what i missed. I hope its good...)

“I stand corrected, Master. Apparently someone WOULD be that stupid. We have visitors.” Caster said.

Yukiteru raised an eyebrow. "Visitors... Already?"

“A master and servant from the direction of the temple... they aren't bothering to check it, so it looks like they already know our location. I will repel them.” She says.

Yuki nodded as Nimue rose up to the surface to meet her opponents. He took the scrying orb that his servant created to observe the fight and jump in when need be. He sized up the Master and Servant. With the sword, the Servant had he assumed him to be a saber-class. Nevertheless, Yuki was positive that the two wouldn't be able to get past Nimue with the advantage she has being near the lake, but he wondered how they were able to find them so easily. Maybe there was something special about the two. Regardless, he would ensure that they didn't get away. As ao precaution, Yuki pulled a dagger with a six inch blade out from his jacket pocket and chanted something under his breath. Suddenly, his shadow rose from the ground and stood upright, before being sucked into the weapon, the color of the blade turning charcoal black. This should take care of the master. He thought to himself.

As the fight continued, Yuki lounged on the couch, and watched intently, only for his expectations to be suprassed when Milos summoned a fire breathing dragon. "A dragon!?" That's incredib-" His sentence was cut short by his jaw dropping as his servant summoned Excalibur, using it to instantly slay the dragon. "So this is a battle between servants..." He muttered to himself. Just then, Milos summoned a large shockwave that made the water in the lake Yuki was in fly upwards, revealing himself casually lounging on the couch, before splashing downwards. Just then, he noticed Takeshi leaning against a nearby tree, he was clearly in terrible pain. He might have used up too much prana with that last move. No matter, it would be best to finally end this fight by killing the opposing servant, though he wondered why Nimue didn't do so from the get go. It must be her code of honor, not that he himself would know anything about that.

With Takeshi being weakened and low and prana, Yukiteru figured that his opponent wouldnt have any outs to him attacking him at this point. to a Just as Milos moved to attack Nimue, Yuki quickly willed himself to the surface of the lake, and dashed towards Takeshi, dagger in hand, sporting a bloodthirsty smile. He planned to end this fight once and for all.
Caster smiled as the Saber came charging at her. “The hot head burns out the quickest.” She says with a smile. “You literally just accomplished nothing... my barriers weren't doing a thing to assist me... but by all means, waste that precious energy.” She said. As Milos neared, she simply willed herself down, evading the blade, and she emerged a short distant away. She couldn't help but give a giggle. “you didn't even TRY to evade the water, do you know how easy that makes this?” She asked, waving her hand at the man, who;se clothes were undoubtedly wet., and willed them to freeze over.

She raised her other hand, making a few motions towards his master, and fired a few projectiles towards him, to give the Master something bigger to worry about rather than try to stop Yukiteru. Even if Milos broke free, Nimue would see to it he couldn't assist in time. “The battle was decided the second your dragon was defeated. Someone wise would have backed off immediately after losing that much prana so quickly...” A servant should always put their master first, yet you rushed me without even making a move to withdraw you. I thought you chivalrous at first... but I was mistaken, I suppose. You're no better than the black knights of England.” She said.
A figure watched from afar and chuckled. "So..." He started as his glasses glinted in the light. "Another war has begun?" He finished slowly raising a hand and pointing at the lake. "I suppose I should endeavor to make things a lot more..." Clouds above thundered ominously. He grinned as it did so. "...Interesting."

Lightning crackled up above as clouds swirled.

"Behold my monster." The whisper could be heard everywhere.

Lightning rained down onto the center of the lake. When it cleared a figure could be seen standing, unmoving, as if it was waiting for something, someone..."Attack." With a simple command he monster charged towards the current Caster with the intent to do harm. Deep within the forest Dr. Victor Frankenstein grinned, he worried not that Caster might find him, she wouldn't be able to get through his Complexity ability. He calmly walked away, leaving his creation do fight for him.

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