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Fandom Fate/Exitium: Stained Grail War

In one quick movement, Phi sent a needle flying up. It would knick Hope on the ear leaving no pain, but a sensation of mana in its place. She turned her head so that she would then be whispering in Hope's ear instead. "Yup, the name's Phi. You're gonna have to try harder to unnerve me. I'm sure we're gonna get along real well though." She blew another bubble and popped it next to Hope's ear. She stood up and walked over to Theta who was sighing and shaking his head. "Well maybe you weren't screwing around. This ones got some fight in her too. I like it." She got uncomfortable close to Theta.

Theta turned his head slightly and looked away.
"Let's not do this on the first day. There's too much to get done for now." He walked over to a white table and pressed a button underneath it. It lit up and a projection of Fuyuki City appeared in the air right above it. Three of Phi's needles flew over to it and floated to different locations in the city. "Alright. Phi, you contact Aura Tohsaka so that we can negotiate things. Keep an eye on Kana for the duration. If she makes any strange movements inform me immediately." He looked down at the table again. After a moment, he seemed satisfied and walks upstairs into the kitchen and pulled out cooking supplies.

Phi nodded and picked up one of her needles. Her hands began to glow as she imbued it with some of her mana. She took a piece of paper and write a message telling Aura to meet them at the forest in the edge of Fuyuki City. She threaded the needle into it and tossed it out the window. It dropped for two seconds and then zipped through the air heading out into the city.
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Tomoe looked down towards her new, modern attire with an irritated huff. "I can't imagine people wear these... they're too constrictive, too binding." Continuing to gripe and generally be sour about the new choice of clothes, Tomoe attempted to slide an arm into a similarly formal jacket, but eventually just slung it over her shoulder. In her mind, the collared shirt and pants that Aura had bought were quite enough.

"Wait - you wish to kill your own blood?" It was a good thirty seconds after Aura had stated the difficulty of killing her sister. Of course, Tomoe's mind was momentarily occupied with her uncomfortable wardrobe. She gave a concerned look towards Aura, continuing, "Master, you are aware that the war isn't truly a battle to the death? There are other ways to defeat her that aren't-"

The samurai's lecture was momentarily cut short, however. Her words ended on an abrupt halt as she spun around, facing the alley entrance. In one hand she held the crescent blade iconic to her caste. The other hand quickly raised, intercepting a small needle dutifully pulling a scrap of paper towards the duo.

She gave a last, careful glance towards the alleyway, then turned her gaze towards the paper. She scanned it for a brief moment before handing it to her master. "I don't sense any servants nearby, but... it's worrying that this was able to find us." After a moment, her posture relaxed, though she gave an occasional glance over her shoulder as Aura read the note, just to be sure.
"in the matter of Alliances, it is for you to decide Master, but I must urge you to be cautious, I will set up a scyring spell later andd view any fights that happen... If you so wish, you can decide from there... but remember that they are all in this to win, and more than likely will not hesitate to attack you. The same thing happened with Arturia and Mordred... and the second Morddred had Arturia's trust, she threw it in her face." She advised. "I would rather not see a repeat of that."


"It may be a bit binding, but people these days only care about how one appears." She said. "First impressions are everything in this modern era, though I hate that about us humans, it's shown how shallow we've become." She laments. "I can find you a kimono to wear later, though I don't think that would change much." She says.

Finally, Tomoe addressed the topic of killing her sister, and Aura dug her nails into her palm. She was preparing her response when Tomoe caught something- a needle with a note attached to it. "Ugh, Mages. They can never just say 'Hi', can they?" She said, picking up the note and reading it. "Right, come to a place that was pre scouted out, and almost impossible for me to detect traps thanks to my low magical knowledge, with lots of cover for ambush attacks and difficult for us to counter. As if." She said, folding the paper and throwing it away. She went into a store, grabbed a piece of paper and wrote. "If you want to speak with me, somewhere open and public will do, not on the edge of the forest. I'll be at the mall when the sun sets."

"Well, I know nothing about this needle spell thing but... hopefully it has a return to sender feature." She says, placing the note in the needle, throwing it in a distance."

She sighed "I'm fully aware I don't have to kill her... but honestly, that point is pretty low on my priority list. My entire life was a lie thanks to her and father... they intended to keep me in the dark, treated me like I was an idiot while Kana got all of Father's attention. They hid everything, wanted me to be ignorant of such an important part of my life... and my sister only continued the act. She played with me, pretended to take pity on me... and all the while, she was laughing at her and Father's little secret. I WOULD like the Tohsaka magic crest... but frankly, I'm more than willing to stamp it out. The line of Tohsaka Mages will end, one way or another."

With a determination in her eyes, she began walking. "Come on, Tomoe, You get to be my envoy."
"It wouldn't be necessary, Master. I can change into something more comfortable at will. I just don't have these modern clothes in my arsenal... for good reason, it seems." Tomoe replied, a resigned humor present in her bearing, dutifully following her master as Aura went about her few errands, gathering a few simple supplies needed to send back her reply.

She listened to Aura's complaints, and let her take a minute to vent before replying. Tomoe took great care with her words, "I'd suggest letting another deal with her, then." Her expression hardened as she spoke, gaining a genuine frown. She was no stranger to sibling rivalry. In fact... a brutal war between three brothers is what killed her. The conflict was ultimately pointless, resulting in the deaths of thousands of men and women, and at the end, only one brother was standing, with a tattered army, a destroyed reputation, and a ruined conscience.

She didn't wish that for Aura. "Nothing ends well when a vengeful sibling quarrels with another." She stated, attempting to keep a formal, guarded tone.

As Aura began to walk, Tomoe stood by her side, preferring to keep silent after the exchange. Partially out of respect for her master, and partially because she didn't want to dwell on the past. Her death was quite obviously, not the most pleasant occurrence.
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Saber gritted her teeth and straightened up, frowning at the back of the woman's head. The newly introduced Phi made her way to Theta's side, commiting a serious violation of personal space that made Hope clench her hands into fists. The discomfort of her Master was obvious and she could attribute it to only a few things, none of which made her happy. His relaxed stance however told her that at least he trusted her so Hope decided to leave her be. 'Judging by his words, they've got some past together anyways.' She concluded.

As the two parted to go about their own tasks, Saber walked to the windowed area and peered out towards the city, slowly walking the perimeter and taking in the details that she could. Having a good understanding of the area would help once the war heated up. She doubted much would be done the first day or two in the war, mostly simple scouting and reconnaissance on the other Masters. It did no one good to jump head long into a fight they weren't ready for, not when the cost would be their life.

After a few laps around the walls, observing the hustle and bustle below she let out a bored sigh. Calling out to the upper level, she queried her Master. "Summoner, is there anything you require? I feel the city does not need constant watch as I'm sure you've already worked some sort of defense here. Perhaps my time would be better spent afield . . ." She didn't like the idea of leaving her Master alone, especially with only that rubber-chewing woman around, but she needed something to occupy her mind. "Badly." She mumbled under her breath in an aside only to herself and the current window she was next to.
Theta turned and hopped down from the upper level. He had made all of the neccessary preparations. If his predictions were correct they should refuse to meet in the woods and rather meet in a populated area. Good. If they had agreed it would have been suspicious, especially on the sudden terms and lack of information. He walked over and pulled open a closet full of clothes. There were various styles from suits and dresses, to combat fatigues. "Yeah let's go out into the city. I was getting bored, so I know you must be. You must interested in how humanity has changed, so what better way then to go see for yourself."

Right after he finished saying that a note flew into their window. Phi had called her needle back. Theta went and picked it up. He crumpled the note up in his hand and smiled. "Perfect. Well it's your lucky day Saber. We're going to the mall. It's like a market only huge and... Well you'll see." He walked over to a shelf near the exit grabbed two fingerless combat gloves. It would cover up his command seals so that no one would notice. "Also, Saber I want you to take note on Aura's feelings towards her sister. I think you will get a better understanding of the harshness of living in a Magus family."
“Aw, the clothing isn't THAT bad... but then again, I guess when you've lived your life before hand, this does all seem kind of trivial.” She says, a laugh to mimic Tomoe's. “I like wearing Kimonos too, but it's a rare treat, as I usually don't like catching the attention of other people... I've survived like I have because I kept away from my family and people who knew me... when I went to register for the war I brought a mask with me.” She says. “its one way to get paranoid, that's for sure.”

“I see...” I guess you speak from experience.” She said, listening to her advice. “I don't know to much about your history, but I know the events that happened around then... If I can avoid her, I will I suppose, but if it comes down to it... I wonder if I could actually do it.” She admitted. “I've practiced shot after shot, I always thought of just bring the barrier around the Tohsaka house down- I slipped through it once, after all.

When Aura got home, she packed up her sniper rifle, placing it and a box of ammo in a duffer bag, an handed it to Tomoe, then took her magnum out, and unloaded it. “The Tohsaka's deal with the transformation an flow of energy... though I never had an official teacher, I think I got the hang of it. At the very least, I can channel energy into the bullets I fire.” She said. She looked at the bullets, and as she loaded each one up, she whispered to herself.Elektrisch, Zündstoff, Zündstoff , Erde, Zündstoff”

Once it was loaded, she placed the magnum in her coat. “We're going to be some distance awa from the mall, and scout out the area. If things even look remotely like a trap, we aren't going. Keep an eye out, and if you sense a servant, tell me immediately.” She ordered. “I can enhance my vision, so you can use the scope to increase your visual distance.” She said, walking out “The game's already begun. Let's see what these people want with us.”
Somewhere around the outskirts of Fukuyi City a young man in his twenties was preparing a magic circle in the attempt of summoning a servant, some time after he registered for the Holy Grail War. He was rather tall, his smirk and the lack of fear in his blue eyes showed his high amount of confidence. 'The time has come' he said to himself. He was a 'hard to understand' type this guy known as Erik Yoshitake. After he finished the needed preparations he began his chant.

Let the cup of glory be filled with the essence that flows through the cosmic rivers of victory.

Let it be filled continuously; let it be filled perpetually even through Oblivion.

Blue shall be the color I pay tribute to as I open the gates to the Realm of Excellence.

May our spirits overcome even the evil that engulfs the pits of hell.


After he finished his chant a pillar of light came from the magic circle and his servant appeared.
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Hope breathed a sigh of relief. Not only did he agree to her wanderings, but he had decided to come along as well. She wouldn’t have to be concerned about him being left undefended. It was the best option for both her and Theta. She gave him a thin smile as he moved to ready himself. “Thank you, Summoner. Staying cooped up in boxes is not something I prefer to do.” She said with a nod. Her tone was dry, but with a hint of levity. “I am more concerned with the possible battlegrounds that I may come to fight upon. It would be advantageous to familiarize myself with them.” Though she wouldn’t admit it, at least not out loud, she did hold a curiosity for exactly what the world was like in this day and age. She’d only seen a few small pieces in her short time here and her mind called for more information. ‘Hopefully it’s not all as agitating as that disgusting, pink rubber she seems so fond of.' She shot a pointed glance in Phi’s direction.

Her attention was brought back as Theta spoke to her. She gave a nod to him and silently thought ‘Sounds like a nightmare . . .’ Saber had no idea what Aura would look like and if this ‘mall’ he spoke of was anything like the busier markets she had attended, well, she would need to be on high alert. She still wasn’t past the notion that Aura might carry an Assassin class Servant. A busy place like a mall was ideal for meeting as there would be plenty of witnesses, however, Assassin likely had many ways to avoid this. She, as a Saber class, didn’t. Theta’s words stirred her from her thoughts once more and, again, she gave a nod. “I will keep it in mind.” She cleared her throat and fixed him with a steely look. “Know that, regardless of witnesses, should I suspect Aura of treachery or danger to you in some other form, I won’t hesitate to react appropriately.” She slowly faded from view, adding in a final sentence. “At your leave, Summoner.” She had no need to ready herself in any way and simply waited, prepared to follow her Master to this new place he spoke of.
It then dawned on Theta that Hope had been in Pandora's box that whole time. For centuries she's been cooped up, no wonder she was getting so restless. Well as long as this meeting went well, they would have plenty of time to walk around. He stepped outside of the building and into the city. Luckily, the mall was only a few blocks down from where they were staying. The sky was turning a bright orange as the sun steadily approached the horizon. Cars drove along the streets in the usual inner-city rush. Theta began walking towards a bridge that would take them over all of the streets. "This is the new era. Those machines you see people riding in are cars. Pretty much everything runs on electricity. But you haven't even scratched the surface yet."

He walked up to the entrance of the mall where people were pouring in and out of constantly. The glass windows gave view of the many stores inside. He didn't sense any mana yet, so he assumed Tohsaka had not arrived. She was probably still making sure it wasn't a trap. Whatever, it just gave them time to kill. "So what do you want to see first, Saber?" If they found her some clothes, it would make it a lot easier for Hope to move around in public.

Ruler manifested outside the Einzbern castle, his sinister form slowly forming from iridescent purple particles as he entered physical form from spiritual. As he stepped out from the forest into the clearing in front of the castle's austere stone walls, several alchemical familiars began attackign him, attempting to strike him down with pelts of flashing white and explosive energt. Meanwhile, the field and security systems that Isaviel had planted alerted her and Gawain to Ruler's presence. But it was no matter, the grail vessel must be obtained at any cost, and Ruler was forced into the grail's bidding. The bolts of magical energy that struck at Ruler from all sides dissipated as they hit Ruler's aura, comprised of a mass of pitch black and twisting shadows of a viscous form, almost like ooze. Supreme magic resistance derived from Ruler's Equis Dei ability, much akin to the unparalleled magic resistance of saints with their Saint skill but empowered by the grail system.

Ruler simply trudged forward, ignoring the magecraft as it could not hamper him. Indeed, only magecraft from the caster class or that which originates from divine sources could pass through Ruler's resistance, and even then it would be reduced in potency. Of course, this meant that Ruler had to engage with Gawain soon, who would in normal situations outmatch Ruler, but under his Siege Perilous noble phantasm, Ruler could at least stay even with Gawain at his strongest. Needless to say, this time of day was during the waning ends of Gawain's near invincible strength under the sun. Ruler stopped as he reached the imposing door of the castle. He drew his blade from his sheath, and bright lavender particles of prana began to seep out from the ground and environment, collecting on the blade and coating it with a chaotic aura of power. Ruler swung his sword at the castle door in a wide arc, whereupon the condensed prana on the blade was shot out in a concussive wave of destructive power, smashing through the castle fortifications and creating a wide opening for Ruler.

Ruler stepped in calmly, sword drawn and poised for combat, attempting to sense the presence of Isaviel and Gawain. Gawain would inevitably come to his master' aid, and with his peak strength from being summoned in his cultural sphere and having an additional noble phantasm, it was likely that Gawain could stall Ruler near indefinitely. Which is why Ruler, or rather, the grail, had prepared for this. Shadowy matter began stretching out from where Ruler stood, expanding out in a circular area around him before manifesting outwards onto the surface of the castle floor in the form of thick and black mud that oscillated with chaotic twitches. The mud swirled around Ruler in the form of a dozen or so black tendrils that slowly orbited around Ruler from the ground.
"If it comes down to it, I hope you wouldn't be able to do it. She's your flesh and blood, no matter how vile she is towards you." Tomoe said gravely. "I'm the wrong woman to chastise you on killing, though. There's no servant in this war who hasn't killed more than they can count."

Tomoe hesitantly took the proffered rifle, looking through both the right and wrong end of the scope, down the barrel, and underneath. Eventually she got to the point where it seemed she wouldn't accidentally shoot herself, letting the heavy weapon rest on her shoulder. "It might be a bit too late for you to search for a teacher. However, I'm sure that the Tohsaka manor has many tomes and books dedicated to your magic. And I doubt they'll be needing them during the war." Granted, even with Tomoe having just suggested leaving the other Tohsaka sister alone, it's not like either of them would be doing the break-in. A few troops from the Massacred Army could likely break through with their incredible magic resistance.

"And, I do not think I'll be needing this contraption. I sense a servant in the mall's direction. Though I'm not exactly sure where, at this distance." Tomoe set the heavy rifle aside, following her master towards the mall. "Once we arrive, I ask that you stay within eyesight. If you are too far away, I will not be able to protect you when something inevitably happens."
As the two of them made their way towards the mall, Hope silently observed pretty much everything she passed by. Even as the sun was setting, the streets and people were abuzz with life. Though she found it all a bit overwhelming, she couldn't deny that the energy of the city had its own captivating draw about it. One thing she always found interesting was the way people lived. Even things she didn't understand or found to be all together foolish, she watched. Every action had a purpose and while being the silent companion of many, watch was all she could do . She picked up most of her current mannerisms from doing so. She was never sure why she chose those traits to mimic, but she liked to believe it was because somewhere, she also had a human element to her. She didn't respond to his statements. More accurately, she didn't hear them. She was much too caught up in her surroundings for the time being.

When he came to a stop, if she were currently in a physical form, she would have run into him. This time, she heard, and responded, to his inquiry, though it was more difficult than she first thought. "I- Well- Summoner . . ." She sounded lost, having no idea on what to even begin with, and gave him an invisible, pleading look. "Summoner, I will . . . Default to your judgement." Not having the faintest idea of what was of note, she decided to leave it in her Master's hands to make the call. "You are an expert on this world so show me the things that make it shine." 'Hopefully that's figuratively and not literally.' She was starting to get a headache from all the bright lights they had passed on the way here and within this building known as a mall, things didn't look to be better.
Aura was silent at Tomoe's words, unable to thin of anything to say. Truthfully, she idn't want to be like other Magi... if her father had simply told her, that would have been fine, she would have let Kana study... it was rage from not even being considered as worthwhile enough to know even that secret.

“I would love to get my hands on the books back at the mansion... but if that would be the only target, Kana would grow suspicious, we would probably have to raise as much hell as possible while we did.” She said, thinking about it carefully. She could tell ow to get past the barrier, but getting out with such tomes would be pretty difficult. Still, this is definitely something she would look into, after they were done with whoever wanted to meet. An alliance meeting, no doubt

“Of course Ill stay without your eyesight, we can't trust any of them.” She said, then paused. “Listen... this could be an attempt to get information out of us, even the smallest think so... I'm going to call you Rider, instead of your actual class.” She said. “Falsifying information like that... it won't be hard, but just keep on guard, maybe shift your eyes back and forth as if you were paranoid.” She said.

From a distance away, Aura viewed the mall, making sure there was nothing that was obviously a trap. Once entering the mall, she sat down in the food court, right smack in the middle of the mall. “Eat whatever you want Tomoe. I recommend the Okonomiyaki.” She said, taking a bite of her own “We might get you that Kimono while we're here.”

(wellp, new servant, same summoning process)

After leaving the church and that annoying man with the stupid smile, Rosette exited the church and walked away. She hated churchs, they were stupid to the extreme. Maybe when she got her wish, she would change it to 'destroy anything that annoys her'... but then again, that would probably be a little TOO destructive.

She went back to her bounded field, delighting in the sensation of being hidden in plain sight along these stupid mortals, the idiots would be none the wiser.

She went in the building where a one of her vampire servants were waiting for her... the oldest one, Her great great cousin. It always brought her a smile to see the family that betrayed her to become this monster now groveling at her feet, and Rosette almost licked her lips in a small sense of delight. “Is everything ready?

“Yes Mistress. We drew the summon circle to your specifications. It is completely perfect.”

“Good. And my meal?” She asked. She Had been in the sun after all, even if the annoying light hadn't reached her skin, she still felt slightly weaker. She was about to summon a servant, and it wouldn't do to be at anything less than her best.

The vampire servant turned and motioned for someone to come out- a woman, rather shapely too. One sniff, and Rosette smile. “She's even a virgin. You always pick the best meals.” She says, walking up to the woman with a dark, malicious grin in her eyes

A few minutes later, she threw the woman aside, satisfied. She took out a napkin, dabbing at the blood she had spilled around her mouth. Now that she was feeling at her best, it was time to begin.

She walked up a floor, to where her servant had drawn out a summoning circle.

Let silver and steel be the essence.

Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.

Let red be the color I pay tribute to.

Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall.

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate."

"Let it be filled. Again. Again. Again. Again.

Let it be filled fivefold for every turn, simply breaking asunder with every filling.

You, being from ages long past, Heed my call and appear before me

Come from the place where chaos is eternal and time stands still

With my power and your fate, let us destroy the fools who dare oppose us.”

There was an immense surge of Prana, but Rosette didn't look away- she didn't have the need to. Red eyes, unflinching, gazed at the servant that appeared, her lips curling into a slight smile.
Theta walked into the mall. At the very center of it was the food court. They had food of various cultures, though the authenticity of it was questionable. There was a Mongolian place near the entrance they walked in so he grabbed some barbecue noodles and went to the court. He spied Aura sitting in the very center and whispered to Hope. "There she is. Now based on her actions it seems she is the analytical type. Makes sense considering she wasn't taught magic. Anyway, she will not trust us right away and will probably test us for some time. That being said, don't take what she says at face value. She's liable to lie about almost everything. However. Do not attack unless I say so, ok. Even if she makes a questionable move, don't worry I'll be fine."

He walked over and sat down at the table. Fact of the matter is, he actually knew Aura. They had gone to the same Highschool together. However, she may not remember him since he was a third year when she was a first year. Then again he was on the student council, so who knows. Everyone was busy looking at Kana, so she used to fade in the background most of the time. Theta wondered if she even noticed it. He shook his head, now wasn't the time for that.

"Long time no see. Tohsaka-chan."
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Celtchar felt invigorated as he was summoned for the holy grail war. Basic knowledge of the modern world filled his mind, as well as the basics behind the war. Everything was new, and yet would be interesting to Celtchar's curious mind. Celtchar was satisfied as he felt his spiritual connection to his master solidify, it was obvious that his master had a prodigious amount of prana to supply. Celchtar stretched casually, using his spear as a balance to stretch out his back. He was quite imposing in physique, and yet strangely well balanced. He was not overly brawny or muscular, which would have been the first impression one would get when they expect to summon a man that had defeated a raging phantasmal hound by punching through it's throat and down to it's heart to promptly rip out.

Celtchar donned a coal black bodysuit engraved all around with strange etchings, with these etchings heavily covering the are around Celtchar's limbs. Plain silver greaves and shin guards as well as two finely smithed shoulder pads of silver shaped into visages of snarling hounds broke the monotony of black that Celtchar wore, granting him a bland but pragmatic air. Runic magecraft that Celtchar had learned from a druid, and the ability he was most versed in, contrary to what Celtchar's exploits as a master warrior and spearman would engender. Celtchar's eyes were grey, but alive with a fierce and feral gleam, almost akin to that of a wild animal or predator. Celtchar smiled towards his master. It was a light hearted and broad smile, well reflecting his laid back and rather friendly nature. The smile revealed two sets of finely chiseled but razor sharp teeth obviously made for tearing and slicing much like the teeth of a hunting hound. Grasped lightly in his right hand was a large, two meter long spear completely covered in black letters and inscriptions to the point where the metal form underneath was indecipherable, concealing the appearance of the spear by layering over its regular form.

"Servant Lancer at ya side heh. Ain't yah excited little miss?" said Lancer with a hearty tone laced with an ever so slight sardonic and cynical undertone. He noted his master's reserved and dignified poise, almost like that of royalty. He didn't mind taking orders from nobility like higher ups, but then again Celtchar was too lazy to0 mind most things.
Saber let out a long sigh. She was hoping that Aura and her Servant would still be some time before arriving at the mall. Instead, they made their presence obviously known shortly after Hope and her Master entered the building themselves. She remained incorporeal, and would likely stay that way unless things went south, and that was a very real possibility. This was the kind of things she disliked about humans: the suspicion, the lies, the deceit. However, she knew she couldn't hold it against them. After all, it was their nature.

While she remained at her Master's side, making sure the pair was aware of her presence, she did nothing else but watch and observe. Everything from the people milling about to the Master across from hers to the yen costs of the noodles Theta had bought a few moments ago. Aura looked none threatening, but held a hard, determined look. Taking her lightly would be a poor decision. The smell of the barbecue drew her attention to the box in her Master's hands briefly and then back to Aura and the okonomiyaki in hers. Resigning herself to doing little for the time being while the Master's spoke with each other, she did as Theta requested and focused her observations on Aura, watching her movements, looking for tics that could give things away while also keeping an ear open for any pertinent information about how the girl felt about her family.
"Don't worry, I have a feeling that there would be quite the ruckus." Tomoe said, smiling. The Massacred Army was made up of many samurai, including those that she had personally picked under Yoshinaka's rule. And they all had the same aptitude for violence as Tomoe did. They were warriors, not assassins. There was no subtlety amongst them.

"You may call me whatever you'd prefer, Master, though I had no issue with you referring to me as Tomoe. My legend is... obscure, to say the least. In fact, hiding my true class would do better to conceal my Noble Phantasms than hiding my name ever would." Tomoe muttered, leaning on the table. She didn't sit down - her rather admirable height made her a head taller than nearly everybody walking around. She could easily keep track of who was coming to and fro. "And paranoia is for the afraid. I don't fear any contestant in this war."

As Aura spoke about the mall's food, Tomoe perked up, her posture straightening. "Master, they're approaching." She felt a servant's presence draw closer, though she could not see them amongst the crowd, nor could she discern a magus. At least, not until a young man took a seat across from Aura. Tomoe gave him a careful, analytical look, taking note of his age, the markings upon his hands, the differently-colored eyes.

Tell me, Master. Do they only allow children to take place in this war? She thought. Tomoe didn't speak in front of the opposing master, and his currently-hidden servant. Perhaps old habits died hard, but most retainers did not dare interrupt a discussion between lords. So, she communicated through the mental link that existed between master and servant. She kept an impassive expression, seeming indifferent. Possibly absent-minded.

Tomoe took a step back, standing behind Aura. For the split second her body was hidden from view, a sheathed katana appeared upon her hip, and one hand idly rested upon the handle, poised to strike at a moment's notice.
Aura simply continues eating her food, eating another bite of the delicious fried squid.”First of all, It's Aura-San, I neither know or like you enough to be on friendly terms with me.” She said. Just knowing the face of one of the masters was more than she had come here with it, only to find it was that weirdo from school, the one she didn't like because he thought he knew everything about everyone... it made sense that some stuck up empty headed academic like that would be a Magus...and it also made sense why he went for Aura first- use common ground to become friends. She played enough Civilization to know that peace talks were coming. “Secondly, you shouldn't have sent that annoying needle thing. If you had any dignity at all, you would have come to me face to face before hand. Thirdly, it's bad form to conceal your servant. Since this was diplomatic, I had Rider stay in corporeal form, you would at least do that much.”

It was about then that Tomoe's thoughts entered her head. “No, but seeing as how must of us are old enough to be the next generation, it only makes sense they'd choose people around our age.” She thought back.

She took a sip of the soda that was right next to her, returning to Theta.. “Foruth, I already know your line of thinking. I'm the weakest of magis, so I could have only summoned one of the lesser servants, which will prolly be a threat, so you want to propose a ceasefire, but you really want to just keep me off your back until you find a way to deal with me.” Aura said. She sighed. “So let's get to the part we're all waiting for and tell me what you're offering. I don't have all day.”

Rosette blinked, not quite sure how to take the sudden attitude her newly found servant had taken, and already wanted to punch him. She sighs. “It's Rosette, not Little Missy.” She said. “But i'm glad you are excited enough for this, I have no need of a coward.

She studied her servant, taking in everything from his appearance to his manner of speaking. “Definatly irish in your accent, thought the dialect suggest it's far older than what im used to...and that means you are old indeed.” She said. “Welcome to my humble abode, though it isn't as fancy as I would have liked it to be. Moving for the war, and all of that.” She said. “I am Rosette, and I hope we can get along for the duration of this.” She said “I've prepared a few things for you, a map, and a few newspapers and the like for you to look over. Later tonight we'll scout the area and go for one of the master's... I don't really care which.” She said
Theta sighed to himself. Why were people always so difficult. He had better clear up all the misconceptions up front. Most of it came from the whole school thing. He had to fake being an "excellent student" so his Father would be satisfied with him not learning necromancy. It made no sense really, but he had some plan in mind. It was a drag pretending to be a know-it-all constantly. Especially considering he didn't even like people in general that much. "Look that highschool me was fake, so if that's what your basing this off of you're sadly mistaken. As for my Servant, I do not have any clothes for her. I am planning on fixing that today, so she can walk around freely. The needle thing was because I'm not just found to walk into enemy territory out of nowhere. That's how people get killed."

He looked at her Servant who was standing behind her. She wasn't making any expressions really. It was a bit weird considering they had recently summoned them and they were in a mall of all places. He assumed she was just a stoic person and write it off. "And no I didn't call you because I thought you were the weakest out of the magi. You were the only one I know of, that I would make an alliance with. The others are liable to stab me in the back the first chance they get. I know you have some honor and so I figured making an alliance with you would work best." He meant what he said too. Between Matou and Tohsaka Kana, who else was there really. If possible, he would keep the alliance until the very end where they could have a true battle. One void of deception, but get there Aura to trust him, would be difficult it seemed.

Celtchar studied his new master. She was prim and proper, dressed nicely, with a dignified grace about her. And she was a dead apostle it seemed, her crimson red eyes and unique aura indicating as such. Celtchar had witnessed a few of them around and about during his time, but none of them did anything important. Well aside from that one guy who had an invulnerable body that swords and arrows couldn't pierce. Boasted about how old and strong he was until Celtchar found his weakness of his toes not being protected and promptly wrestled him into submission and drove huge splinters up his legs to kill him. Good times. Celtchar darted his wild eyes around his masster's environment, nothing its location and its attributes. He did listen to his master fully, as in the end, the girl before him was going to be the one calling the shots since Celtchar was too lazy to act on his own.

Celtchar stepped out of his summoning circle, twirling his lance adeptly between his fingers so that the butt of the spear faced forward, leaning the spear on his shoulder. With a toothy, grain he started to respond to his master's austere retort.

"Sorry there Rosette, I'll start callin' yah master from now on then. Welp, ya ain't wrong about me bein' Irish, but this ain't from being Irish, the grail took care of any language identifiers. I'm just used to livin' out in the wild, always felt at home with me hounds then with any "civil" lot. This place ain't bad ya know, I don't know much about places other than castles and a few cottages, but I think I can tell. Perhaps since yer fine presence is in here eh master? Do lighten up though eh? Yer pretty face ain't shinin' with that glower."

Celtchar winked with a lighthearted sense of banter before nodding to indicate he had agreed to all of Rosette's future courses of action.
From the pillar of light came voices, screams and yells from a battlefield long ago; Chants, songs, and prayers were flowing through the void of light, but the most noteworthy was the wailing of battle cries. These sounds mixed, with the clang of metal against metal were the noises to emulate just who was coming through the pillar.

For a few moments only the noises could be heard, but when the light diminished, it was gone. The summoning complete; the outskirts left dark again. In the circle now stood a goliath of a man, dressed in golden armor. His armor was glimmering, every so often sending a wave a light from one piece through another, just a viewing example of how much power they held. The weapons he drew with him were a long spear, fashioned with a head that looked terrifying if it were to go in just as it would coming out. And in his other hand was a shield, sturdy and thick, but in no case going to impair his fighting.

The man's face was covered, nothing of him could be seen with the helmet on, but the red eyes shining through the slit showed that someone was in there. For a moment he just stood there, taking in a few breaths and looking around. When his eyes met the Master's he stopped, staring at him and awaiting for an order. For a Berserker he was docile, at lease for the moment.

(@Azure Sky Sorry about taking so long man, I just about gave up writing about a man with no face cx)
Day 1 flashback or something I guess

"Fill. Second. Third. Fourth. Fifth. Each repetition is complete, and soon torn asunder."

A quiet voice spoke, carefully shaping each word, speaking them so softly that he even had trouble hearing. The words weighed heavy upon his tongue, each one digging him deeper - closer. The small urge in the back of his mind told him to give up. To forgo the war, forgo his hate, and flee.

Takeshi stood over a large magic circle, painstakingly inscribed into the stone tiles below him. The moonlight illuminated the area brightly, revealing bright red walls and pillars. It shone upon aging, tiled roofing. A shrine on the edge of Fuyuki city, it was a pitiful skeleton of what it once was. Yet, it was tranquil. Harmonic. Something of a bridge between man and nature. A canopy of stone and leaf both held up by pillars of wood and vine. In the middle stood a small, crumbling altar, supporting a wrapped package.

"Silver and steel shalt bind." His voice was slowly increasing in volume. Increasing in intensity. "Laid upon a foundation of stone, held by the Archduke of Contracts."

The Matou master began to pace around the circle, his command-seal-bearing hand held forward, unwavering. His stance was dignified, stubborn, refusing to let the limp diminish his posture. A fire burned in his eyes.

"Above them, I hold no ancestor in anything but contempt." His words were absolute. Unwavering. "Be a barrier to the coming storm. Bar the four gates - come forth from the crown, and strike through the winding road to the kingdom."

His pacing stopped - he was now standing directly opposite of the altar. A heavy gust of wind started to flow through the shrine, tearing vines and leaves, yet leaving the altar and circle untouched.

"I call to thee!" The rune began to glow - a deep dark blue - as the gale grew stronger. "Thy body, borne of my will! My fate, resting on thy shoulders!"

"Submit to the Grail, and if thy shalt bend to my creed, my moral, then heed my call, and answer!" The shrine was now shaking. The unsteady foundation threatening to collapse.

"I swear to thee - I will bring an end to cruel wickedness, and prevent undeserving hands from grasping the grail!" He did not desire the grail. He only wished to keep the mage families from obtaining it. He would destroy them with the very relic they tortured and bled for. It would be justice, to see all their work, their magical foundations built from blood, to crumble in seconds.

"From the seventh heaven - restrained by three holy souls, cast aside thy bonds, creator of the true balance!" He was now shouting - he had to, if he was to be heard over the wind.

The rune erupted in a blinding flash of light as white noise filled Takeshi's ears. The foundation of the shrine shook and creaked, the altar split in half with a resounding crack. And once it subsided, Takeshi could only stare towards the last wisps of smoke, barely concealing the figure ahead of him...

Erik stood silent for a few seconds analyzing the Servant he summoned. Everything about the warrior gave the vibe of overwhelming power. Erik was pleased, very pleased by it. The huge man stayed silent as well, he seemed to await his orders. 'Interesting...not the talkative type I see...' he said as the giant just continued to watch him .

A physique which screams power from all its pores, doesn't talk and just awaits commands...You must be a Berserker. GREAT! Ok then, let's go warrior!' he continued, the Servant didn't intimidate him one bit, he was very confident in himself and his leading abilities. One should never show weakness when having a Berserker-class Servant and Erik understood that well.

As the night went by he and his servant walked through the forest until they reached a rather big wooden house. It was Erik's home.


Through the wisps of smoke , the Servant's features became visible. A tall and muscular man came forth. Knowledge of the modern world and the Grail filled his mind and he understood his role. His red and grey armor which seemed to have dragon scales wasn't enough to cover the vigour and power expressed by his physique. His arming sword was sheathed , his shield behing his back and the cross symbol on his peculiar helmet with a dragon figure sculpted on it started to glow a little. He analyzed the man in front of him a little and after a few seconds of silence he began to speak.

'You must be the one who summoned me; my master...? I, Milos Obilic, knight of Serbia will serve you regardless of your personality , but if you are a man worthy of respect then it would be an honour for me to serve you! Because of my helmet I can tell thy is an evil man, but I'd like to understand your ambitions, hopes and dreams just so I could know if thou is worthy of my help, at least!'

Milos awaited his master's response.
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‘Well, what a . . . lively girl she is.’ Hope thought to herself as Aura began reprimanding Theta for his overly cordial greeting. Her attention moved to the Servant standing behind Aura. It seemed that Aura had already gifted her Servant a set of modern clothes so she could remain physically manifested without drawing attention, or at least less of it. Her height alone drew passing gazes and lingering eyes. Even if her clothes were distinctly modern, she had a presence that was distinctly not. Saber eyed the hand that rested on the pommel of her blade and smiled lightly. Though she figured Theta would simply leave before starting a fight, the prospect of entering combat with the unknown Servant excited her.

At Aura’s indication of her Servant being of the Rider class, she quickly dismissed that as something that was a lie. She didn’t need Theta’s words to clue her in on that. ‘Honestly though, I’m surprised she has her Servant out at all . . . Form be damned.’ Hope reasoned that the less one knew about both Master and Servant the better it was for the other pair. “She could actually be overconfident and be telling the truth.” This thought she let slip into Theta’s mind, though it was a simple opinion and didn’t need to addressed. She quickly went through a list of the Servants, comparing her first would-be-opponent to each class. ‘Despite the sword, she’s not a Saber. I have that class. I doubt she’s an Assassin given that being in the open would be bad if things went sour. Direct combat is not something they excel at. Rider was likely simply a cover, though it’s not impossible for it to be truthful.' Her lips curled down in a frown. ‘A sword is not a proper weapon for a Caster, Lancer or Archer class and she holds herself too highly for Berserker to be of any real consideration.’ It seemed discerning her class would not be so easy.

Tuning the Master’s conversation back in, she shook her head lightly as Theta argued back against Aura’s assumptions. Some of Aura’s complaints seemed little more than nagging and if Theta didn’t move past them Hope doubted talks of an alliance would go well. Though Aura’s first three points (which she so helpfully numbered for Theta) were rather inconsequential to the whole of things, Saber agreed with her that things should simply be openly put out. This seemed doubly so given Aura seemed to have only a small modicum of patience for Theta, and possibly everyone.

“Summoner, I can make an appearance if it would help things. She seems more stubborn than necessary and likely won’t back down from her points.” Saber knew it would be poor to appear clad in her standard armor in the middle of the mall, but she did have an answer to that. It would be of little issue to mold her armor into something similar to what people of this time wore. Such was one of the small advantages of her main Noble Phantasm. “I would also advise moving onto our point for being here. Being defensive will likely do little more than run us in circles.” She somewhat doubted he would pay her much heed. He had his own way of doing things.

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