Fantasy's End (IC)

Lach mainly dodged and leaned out of the way of incoming attacks. He used the sharper end of the blade to block her punches so she would bloody her knuckles up. Her incoming thrusts and slashes form her blade was annoying. She really tried to cut the ground between the two. "You're to aggressive!" He said as he found an opening that wouldn't be accessible to most. Lach wouldn't be able to get his blade there in time if he wanted to but it was opening enough fro him to rush his shoulder and elbow forward to knock her back. He expected that with her aggressive stance her feet work would be all haywire. With his little ramming movement she would be knocked on butt. Either way, he used the chance to back away some and get distance between her and himself. "Slow down, You're going to hurt yourself." He practically gave her lessons why she tried to kill him. Lach noticed that her movements were faster then before and that she was hitting a lot harder. Lach wondered if she was practicing with people or by herself. He noticed a few cuts on his sword arm. He didn't have his usually arm guard so most of the time his right arm/his sword arm was very exposed. It seemed shes noticed over time. Lach has been watching her as well, mainly just defending himself though.
Kira walked through the city on her way home. She'd met two completely different people today. She'd never seen either of them around in the whole time she had lived here. She fished another apple out of her bag and munched away at it. She wondered where all the townspeople were going. She overheard something about a spar and figured that the overly-violent Yuuki had decided she wanted to challenge Lach after all. Everyone was going to watch the fight. How barbaric.

Kira took another bite of her apple as she finally reached the road at the end of which her home was located. She strolled along in the afternoon sun, her body a little too warm under the cloak she was wearing. Feeling a bit safer on the outskirts of town, Kira removed the toasty cape and slung it across her arm, letting her canine features bask in the sunlight. She smiled as she finished the second apple, tossing the core aside to feed a less picky animal.
Yuuki fell and landed on her bottom as blood spurted from her knuckles. She had a small cut across her cheek, from the crappy sword. She stood back up, breathing unsteadily. But begining to realize he wasn't even trying to hit her. She held her chest and lifted her sword up, "I won't give up..." She held her sword and smiled, "Because I am going to win this time." She came in, moving left and right to dodge him and threw a shaky punch at his open area, as she was hit in the gut. She stumbled back a bit, breathing even unsteadier as her hair looms fell down, her long hair, rubbing on her waist. Yuuki rubbed the sweat forming on her forehead off and said, "You know, I don't give up."
Lach took on the punch as it impacted on his chest. Although unguarded, he didn't expect her to hit there since it wasn't a very weak point on his body. Lach noticed that she was on the verge of collapsing. He didn't want to embarrass her in front of this crowd nor did he want to be none as the women beater or even the man who was beaten by a women. Lach couldn't think of a way where he wouldn't end up embarrassing one of them. He began to move back again keeping his distance from her blade. He feared that she would lose her fingers if he continued to swipe her fists away with his blade so he just slapped her jabs away from him. Lach didn't want to use pure skill against her and make people laugh at her neither did he want to use pure strength and make people believe he enjoys hurting girls. Lach was going to let look like an accident. He looked around a few times while blocking her attacks and noticed a well. "Perfect." He began leading her to it. He waited for her to make a large lunging movement in which he would pretend to be surprised by it and let himself fall into the well. Hopefully people wouldn't get to much of a laugh out of it.
Gaap wandered through the village aimlessly. He had been here for one week, and yet he still couldn't force himself to talk to someone. To do something with his life. He still wouldn't allow himself to talk to a human. Though there were many races here in town, the humans were the crumiest of all, or so he thought. For some reason he had something against humans. Maybe it was because they were the ones always standing in the way of him getting closer to his family. Unknowingly, they were the cause of all his problems. His mother, whenever he tried to talk to her: "Why don't you go spy on some humans or something." His father when he was drunk off his ass: "Go learn a thing or two from the humans." He always wanted to know why it was always humans. Why never, "Go talk to some warlocks", or "spend some time with the angels"? Always humans. Maybe because they looked alike and his parents wanted him to be more human-like? Whatever the reason, it annoyed him, and now his dignity would not allow him to speak to them. He kept his distance from everyone though, be they human, warlock, angel, or any other race. So, here he was. Bored, and alone. Once again.
Kira reached her home at last and walked inside. She laid the bread out on the table and went to retrieve the butter to make a meal for herself, though she wasn't as hungry now that she'd eaten the apples. She quickly ate some of the bread and butter before going to change her clothing. She hated wearing normal clothing, and made every excuse to avoid doing so, preferring to stay in her nightclothes as often as possible. She pulled out a pair of night pants that could only be mens pants, pulling off her other clothes while she looked for a shirt to wear along with it. Her tail wagged happily, glad to e momentarily free of the bonds of clothing.
(damn, 4 pages already, seriously?)

Erin walked through the lanes between the stalls of the marketplace, leading his mule, Engary, who was loaded with a basket of potatoes and another smaller one of chicken eggs. His was on his way to his usual buyer's stall to sell his things. Erin had not been here on the island very long, only 6 months, and this was his thrid crop of potatoes. He was still testing for the best method of growing the tubers but this crop had turned out better than the first two. His buyer would probably be much happier with these potatoes, and probably give Erin a decent price for them. The eggs were better too. Erin's group of chickens were old and they didn't lay very much at first but Erin started feeding them other scraps besides the cheap chicken feed he bought in the town, and they were much bigger than previously.

When he arrived at his desired stall, the owner was indeed happy to see the improved food items and handed him a bag of 90 coins. Potatoes were good to grow and sell, because they were a staple food, everyone bought them. And they didn't spoil, so his buyer was assured of being able to sell them on. Instead of heading home straight away, Erin made his way over to the town's well to water his mule - maybe himself too - and to rest his leg which had started to hurt from the walk into town. Erin walked with a distinct limp in his leg from his old -and only- battle wound. Because of this he kept a crutch to help him walk, but he didn't always need it and at the moment it was tied to the now-empty saddle bags on his mule.

As he got closer to the well he could hear the sounds of a crowd and he soon realised he wouldn't be able to get to the well; there was a fight happening in the park where he was headed. Leashing his animal to a nearby post so he wouldn't wander off (something the animal tended to do), Erin went to investigate. Two people, a man and a woman were fighting. Erin recognised the man, he was a Hylion strategist. He had never met the legend, but he had seen him once during his time in the Sol army, in the same special unit. Interested, he continued to watch the battle, if not to just observe a legend in action.
Yuuki noticed he was blocking her punches, and doing nothing more. She growled, "Can't you fight?" She looked at the well behind him. She dropped her sword and attempted to push him in the well, as he fell she laughed, "Tried to make it an accident huh?" She covered her mouth from exploding from laughter as the villagers pulled him out of the well. "I finally win!" she said happily walking away, carrying her sword in one hand. (Sorry to end it... lawl fighting gets boring after awhile.)
As he watched, even with his bare knowledge of fighting, Erin could tell that the man wasn't even trying to attack the woman. The woman was attacking him with fevor, but him? His movements were defensive and his attacks were more passive than agressive, as if he were only humoring the girl. Erin's suspicions were only confirmed when Hunter was backed up towards the well nearby.

'A warrior must always be aware of his surroundings.' It was one of the most important rules of battle and Erin had no doubt a seasoned soldier and strategist like Lach Hunter would not only know this, but he would never forget it either.

Soon enough, Erin watched as the fighter was pushed over the bricked wall of the well and down into the water, much to the amusement of the female fighter and most of the crowd. Why he thought it was a good idea to approached the well, Erin didn't really know - and he changed his mind about it being a good idea when he arrived - but he hobbled his way over and peered down at the ex-Hylion.

"Here sir," He said as he reached down and offered the now soaking fighter his hand. The dirt was a little wet from the displaced water and his lame foot didn't help at all, so he had to brace himself with his other hand against the well's ledge to stop him from falling down too as he hoisted the older man up.
Natalia Myers sat outside, drinking her favorite tea. She noticed a few beings head towards the hot springs. "It's a nice day for a dip..." She whispered to herself. Natalia's home was in the same hidden and concealed area, so she came and went from the hot springs as she pleased. She almost never went when others were there, she was afraid they'd be scared of her. But today was different. Today she felt tense and sore. She needed to go soon...

She sighed to herself and leaped silently from her tea. She sped silently down the winding pass to the hot springs. On her way she smiled as she could see the rolling fields and crashing waves of the island. This was her home and these were the people she trusted. Natalia finally reached the steaming water and began to remove her clothing. She slipped into the water like the speed of light and closed her eyes. Natalia was happy and calm for once in her life!
Gaap continued on walking, noticing a fight nearby. He scoffed in anger, wishing he could have been fighting. He needed to get his anger out somehow, but unfortunately this was not the time and place. He ignored the scene once again, and decided to make his way into the trees where he would be alone. When he found that he was deep enough within the forest, he climbed one of the sturdier trees, and sat on a lower branch. It curved a bit, and was perfect for his to lay on with his head proped up against the trunk of the tree. He grined, pleased to be in a darker place, and closed his eyes. Darkness engulfed him though he did not sleep. He never slept much during the day, or night. He liked to closehis eyes, relax his breathing, and just think. This was a common thing for him to do, but most that witness him doing so just believe him to be sleeping.
Kira dressed and walked back outside to give her sheep more water. The baggy pajamas were comfortable and soft against her skin, unlike the long skirts and shirts she normally wore into town. Add her cloak to hide her ears and tail, and she was jut asking to overheat in the warm summer sun. She added water to a large wash basin that she'd bought for that purpose, then walked out to the front of her house and grabbed a book off the small porch table, sitting under a nearby tree to read while there was still a bit of sun left.
Yuuki turned around , seeing Lach being helped up and walked back over. "Hey, Sorry for pushing you into a well, the only thing I could think of." She laughed, rubbing the back of her hand, which was red with dried up blood. She still had not recovered from the blow that had caused her to fall, and was breathing unsteadily. She smiled a bit and said, "But this is what ya' get for stealing my job. Next time, it'll be a push down the hill!" she pointed to the hill. As soon as Lach came back up she rubbed his head and said,"I'll keep winning, until you're brought down into shame."

The gamblers growled at Lach's defeat. They all bet for him, and now they were sure to get their money back by betting for Yuuki. The clidren came over to congratulate the winner, while some were pep-talking the loser. Mothers gasped when he was pushed into the well and babbled about why this was a bad idea. It was almost as lively as the market place.
(It's all good, My character was trying to end it that way anyways :P ) Lach had finally fallen into the well. He could on to he sides of the brick wall so he wouldn't be completely submersed into the water. Lach could hear laughter around him. He pulled himself slightly out and saw that his self proclaimed rival was soaking in the success. Lach waved, "Yeah..." He tried to stay optimistic of the situation. "Good job." He smiled at her. He could hear some of the villagers laughing and losing faith that Lach had any control over the situation. They began to gossip and insinuate that Lach's whole legend was a lie judging from this lose. Lach saw a hand reach towards. "At least some people aren't so mean." He groaned as he grabbed onto the hand and hoisted himself out of the well. Once Lach was out of the well. He let out abig sigh as he examined how wet he was. It had gotten up to his stomach. Lach looked to the fellow that helped him out of the well. "Thank you." He said to him and began looking for his sack of groceries that he had left sitting down.
Yuuki raised her hand and said, "I win. Anyways are you looking for this?" She threw his grocery bag with the spoiled milk. "The milk is spoiled it." She smiled and came next to him and whispered "Since I won you're coming to my house for dinner. So I can tease you." She stood up and yawned. "My home is on the border of the jungle." She walked out of the park and out to her house, thinking about insults to teast Lach with.
Lach rubbed the back of his head. He was completely confused. He really couldn't catch a break. As well, the girl who despised him just asked him on a date at her house. Lach put his hands together trying to think. "Shes probably gonna poison me or tie me up and torture me." Lite contempleted in his head which he let slip out of his mouth. Lach looked to the fellow that had helped him out of the well. "I thank you again, sir." He smiled. "It's nice to know that ot everyone on this island is out to get me." He examined the man. he looked slightly familiar, but not familiar enough. Lach was guessing that maybe this man moved to the island when Lach left for a job on the main land. "Well, I'd like to get home and change into some warmer cloths. Maybe I'll see you around." Lach said as he went to gather his leather sack. He pulled out the milk and threw it aside. not wanting the smell to follow him to his house. He hoisted it onto his shoulders and began to march home. His wet pants and shows slopped along with every step. "A nice little rebeginning to his life on the island."
Yuuki sighed, as she was home. She decided to prepare a meal for herseelf. Once she was finished, she ate it. Yuuki made a side dish for Lach and looked through her cabinent. "Maybe I should go get some poison from the black magician." she pulled out some spices and sprinkled it on the top while debating, "Poison or teasing? Poison does have the better effect." Yuuki washed the blood off her hands and face and snorked in disbelif about how big the bruise was on her lower adomen.
Lach walked back to his house. He knew the path like the back of his hand. It had not changed at all. This island never seems to change. He pushed open his door. It was a little stuck but loosened up once opened. He took a few looks around. Dust everywhere, But for the most part, It was untouched. "Home sweet home." He smiled warmly feeling a bit of warmth arise from his soul. He went over to his table and set his leather sack of now mostly rotten groceries on the table. He went to his bed plopped down. Patting it a few times letting the dust rise then blowing it away. He went about his house and opened the windows trying to get the stuffiness out. He wiped down some tables and went for a new change of cloths. Instead of his traveling cloths which was made up of tough exterior pants and a heavy coat, he now wore his cloths for regular living. He wore a short sleeved shirt and put on a small thin sleeveless jacket over the shirt, as well the jacket had a leather shoulder pauldron on his right. Nice comfortable pants that bagged around his lower legs but tight on his ankles so he wouldn't end up walking on them. He wore a belt cape then went down to his knees and wrapped fully around. Lach stretched now that he felt much more comfortable in this outfit. He went to his special chest and pulled out a key hidden in his jacket. and plucked open the lock. He opened the chest a found that all his blades and weapons lay untouched in the chest. These weapons were designed specifically for him. They were well built and meant to last. Lach kept these ones unlike the many soldier weaponry that he discards after dulling from a few swings.Lach pulled out his favorite sword. A normal sized blade, Made of silver with gold trimmings for the design of a Goddess on it's hilt and hand guards. It was about three feet long in length and the handle itself was another foot. He wore it strapped to the back of his waist. The handle facing to his right. He found it faster and easier to draw that way. Lach as well wore a right side arm guard that protected his fingers, hand, and arm blade attacks. It covered his entire forearm. It was mainly leather with silver trimmings with a nice little meaningless design. Lach was now ready for that fight he was challenged to earlier that day. He checked the house one more time then went off. Perhaps he'd check up on some people. Maybe go visit Yuuki. Maybe he'd get lucky with her. Rivals become lovers. Lach shivered at the thought. She scared him to much to ever think that.
Blake Felidea walked through the marketplace with three bags, one in each hand and one hanging from his waist that was actually being held by his tail. His black cat tail was wrapped around his waist like a belt with the tip curled around the handle on the bag. His sensitive cat ears picked up many things around him, but mostly people saying how weird he was because he is a cat half-breed. He paid no attention to them as he continued walking with a naive expression on his face. The bags he was carrying contained supplies from the market. Two of the bags held a variety of fruit, while the one hanging from his waist contained other supplies such as clothing.
(Sorry, I haven't repliedin awhile. ^_^ [MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION])

Yuuki cooked the soup as she yawned. 'Lach should be here, I'm begining to forget the insults.' She cracked her knuckles as the blood began to come back out. She rinsed them in the water and sighed in boredness. Her soup began to boil as she poured it into a bowl, and began eating. Lach's food had become cold, and she put it over the stove to re-heat it. "Damn, Lach you better hurry up." she mumbked as she put the food back onto the plate. Yuuki walked over to her bedroom and sat on the bed and yawned. She remembered what the fortune teller said a while back when she visited her, "Rivals become lovers, you and a man am I correct? Your relationship will soon change." She shook her head and said, "She's insane. I hate Lach more than potatoes."
Lach slowly but surely found his way to Yuuki's home. It wasn't extremely hard to find but he did indeed take his time. He really did not want to come here out of fear for his life. Most of his instincts told him to turn back now. It was to late now. Lach gritted his teeth and knocked on the door. He was expecting her to come out with a crossbow or a blade out ready to attack. She seemed like the type to not trust anyone that came to her doorstep. Lach closed his eyes. She was pretty though. Her attitude towards him was way to aggressive. It was obvious that she hated him with a passion. Of course though she didn't feel a lust for his blood, more a lust to become his equal. Perhaps she actually looked up to Lach and was afraid to admit it. Maybe she had a crush on him and was angry that Lach didn't seem to feel the same. This was all just Lach day dreaming again. He awaited the door to open. He could smell the food from outside. If he knew Yuuki right, this going to end up in a another fight. Although she had never invited him to have dinner with her.
Yuuki opened the door and said, "Hey loser." She smiled, she was wearing a nice dress, that she always wore when the children came to her dress. It was a nice, navy knee length dress. She gestured to come in, and she walked in and poured some tea fo him and said, "You know, you're awufully late; leaving me alonelike that...." She made her adorable pouty face then smiled, "Just kidding, I'd never like your company." As usual, her speaking and comunicating ways were very... unpredictable.
Lach looked her over. She had slightly dressed up for him, but greeted him with an insult. One win and she feels as if she's on top of the world. Lach sighed and walked in. He took a seat examined the tea. He wasn't honestly sure if she would've poisoned it or not. Lach narrowed his eyes on it. Looking for irregularities. As well he took a quick sip of it, tasting it for poison. All seemed fine so he went ahead and drank it freely. She had told him that he was late. Well he was aiming to be late honestly. She wasn't known to be the nicest of people. And yet another insult. He shrugged it off and drank his tea. "So did you actually make me food, or did you kill a rat and pee on it assuming that's what i eat to you." Lach said rudely. Probably what she hate on a daily bases. Lach couldn't help but watch her legs under her dress. They looked eye catching. "Why exactly did you invite me here anyways." Lach asked, getting to the honest reason why he showed up. Put of curiosity of why she wanted him to come all the way out to her house.
Yuuki looked at him and said, "Are you serious? I cooked this! I can't kill rats anyways! My hands would end up smelling bad." She pushed him the soup and growled. "Stop eyeing my legs." she mumbled. Yuuki grabbed a small bottle of rum and popped it open to drnk and said, "I invited you because I wanted to celebrate my victory." She laughed and said, "Do you want a bottle?"
Lach was slightly confused "Your celebrating with the person you beat." He shook his head "You need friends." He sighed. Lach looked at her legs again. not really caring that she noticed. In fact he made it more obvious and narrowed his eyes on her legs imagining if it were a bit shorter. "I'm not much of a drinker... But i do enjoy milk." Lach said peered at the food. Checking for poison once again. He didn't trust her one bit. Maybe she was gonna get him drunk and kill him then. He had no idea but he wasn't gonna let his guard down. Lach slowly began to eat the food given to him. It wasn't half bad, she wasn't to bad of a cook for girl that's lived her life as a soldier. Lach smiled and ate freely now.

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