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Fantasy Fantasy school

ashel darkwing]Drea sighed "as the letters have told you we are setting up a school here because the school over in the human city said it will not be allow mcs in however I do believe most of you could disguise yourselves as humans so I made the decree to go at your own risk" he was not surprised at the lack of space he was all to use to the different races and creatures in the city [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24607-nylana/ said:
"I had no reason to. All I did was training. I sometimes felt like laughing, but I could not let humans see me do so. It would bring shame on my parents.", she said, a slight sad tone in her voice. She realized she had just given in to her feelings and so she just randomly sent a beam of dark energy in the air above her.
cobalt hearing this landed in a forest they'd just flew over. he looked towards amelia waiting for her to join him. he too had been made to train. but he had been trained in the most brutal of ways. "i too was made to train. but i was trained both as dragon and demon. i only got to use my powers during the war. although even then i was not to talk or be around others." his eyes full of the same sadness with a tint of hate. he had always hated being told what to do. but they were his parents his only family he had never disobeyed them. @Ami the breadling
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[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]cobalt hearing this landed in a forest they'd just flew over. he looked towards amelia waiting for her to join him. he too had been made to train. but he had been trained in the most brutal of ways. "i too was made to train. but i was trained both as dragon and demon. i only got to use my powers during the war. although even then i was not to talk or be around others." his eyes full of the same sadness with a tint of hate. he had always hated being told what to do. but they were his parents his only family he had never disobeyed them. @Ami the breadling

Amelia landed next to him. "I fighted in the war as well. I was so lonely. Let's get to human form and go for a walk. As much as I love being like I am, this is a little too big to move on the ground.", she said, turning human again.
he changed to his normal form. "agreed" was all he said. he walked beside her. "so how did you come to be here?" he asked. @Ami the breadling
"I just felt like scaring humans. So I flew around the city and did so. Then I saw you and was curious about other dragons.", she said, smiling at him while walking backwards in front of him.
"why? wouldn't you know more about dragons then some halfling like me?" he said watching her. he was curious he'd never been allowed to be close with other dragons or demons. @Ami the breadling
"Not really. I was never allowed to have friends. Not even dragons. But after the war, my parents said I may have contact now but only to dragons. But I guess halfling should work as well." She said, smiling at him as she tripped and fell down.
chuckling at her fall. cobalt reached out his hand to her. "want some help? maybe this time walk forwards beside me and not walk backwards ahead of me." he asked smiling. @Ami the breadling
She took his hand and smiled embarrassedly. "I just tried to do what my parents wanted me to. Always be one step ahead." She laughed and hoped he would not pick on her because of her fall.
cobalt smiled at her. "i think 'always be one step ahead' means mentally not literal. anyways are you ok?" he asked making sure she was unhurt. he wouldn't let a dragon get hurt especially not a female. at least not anywhere near or around him @Ami the breadling
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She nodded and spread her wings. "I am fine, landed on my wings.", she said, smiling at him. 'Someone cared', she thought, 'cared about me...'
cobalt walked behind her to her wings. he brushed the dirt from them softly. after having gotten the dirt form her wings. he walked back infront of her. "there now there's no dirt on them from your fall." he said smiling. @Ami the breadling
She blushed as he touched her wings. They were her weak spot for being touched gently, even though she didn't feel rough touching on them. "T-thank you...but usually... No one may touch them...", she said, blushed to a deep red. "I will make a exception for you right now.", she muttered.

@Shiro kurogane
Aislinn sighed softly, "As if I would ever lower myself to disgusing myself as one such as them, Prince Drea. What about making it easier for me to come and go from here?? There are times where I may need to report activity to you." She tilted her head to the side questioningly as she made this strange announcement. "Like, for example, that the humans have had a few infiltrate our precious mc." She grinned slightly at the thought of a human that said he was a vampire. As a demon, she could tell he was lying but she had decided to let him remain in the mc. Maybe he would prove to be a distraction. Aislinn waited for the prince to reply to her rapidly said question and comments. @ashel darkwing
"oh.. sorry." he said thinking he'd done something wrong. "i'll ask next time then. before i touch your wings." he said. he saw her blushing and didn't understand why. thinking on it for a few minutes. he remembered something his mother ad told him. some female and male dragon's wings were sensitive. his cheeks tint light pink. he'd thought her cute before. but now with her blushing even more so. @Ami the breadling
"No...no...its fine...", sie muttered. She noticed she has blushed and turned away. Then she shot a shadow projectile into the woods, killing a rabbit. "Oh look a dead rabbit. Are you able to create fire? We could eat it...", she said trying to change the subject.
he smiled at the quick change of subject but let it go. "i can't but my dragon body can." he said changing to his dragon form and pulling free one of his scales. he then changed back to his normal form. making a campfire he threw his scale onto the wood which upon touching his scaale burst into flame. @Ami the breadling
Amelia skinned the rabbit with a shadow knife she created. She then formed a spear out of the dagger and put the skinned rabbit on it, holding it upon the fire. "I am really hungry. So, Cobalt, are you visiting the School?"
"no, i don't attend school. people tend to question me being half dragon and half demon. so it's easier to just not go." he said neutrally. "i assume you are since you brought it up?" he asked. @Ami the breadling
She chuckled. "I did. Then I nearly killed a student. After that they didn't want me to attend school anymore.", she said, making a face like the memory of it delighted her. After the rabbit was ready, she ripped it apart in the middle and handed him a half.
taking half the rabbit he smiled at her. "i guess all dragons are trouble makers. either that you're just special." he said not metioning that he too like scaring people. he'd also enjoyed killing during the war. @Ami the breadling
Ameli giggled. "Does that mean your a half troublemaker? I don't kill without reason. Just so you know. But pissing me of is much of a reason for me.", she said, her expression serious. Then she bit into the rabbit, eating it with all bones and organs.

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