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Fantasy Fantasy school

Leon walked down a lonely street, "my house should be..." He said, and realized that he was in the wrong city. "Fuck! How the hell did I end up here!" He cried out while giving himself a facepalm. He pocked up his pace down the street.
cobalt landed in what looked to be a castle courtyard. he roared out in his frustration. he still just couldn't accept that he was forced to be here. he normally tries to stay in his draconic form. as it was easier to explain that his normal appearance. he realized a cloud had formed and followed him. dispersing the cloud cobalt looked around.
Adante walked through the streets his hands in the pockets of his raged hoodie he smiled causing shadows to trip certain people causing fights and laughing as the darkness from the dull ruined city fed him strength he laughed maniacally as he walked down the streets scaring little kids with his presence he walked into the human city the darkness emanating off of him scaring every citizen except one who decided to call him out on being an mc and making rude jokes about mcs and making the people laugh he grabbed the man by the throat lifting him in the air. "Why yes I am now if you want to keep breathing I suggest you shut up" every human was silenced at once and he dropped the man leaving him gasping for air
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Amelia let her weapon sink. "Not...the people...my...parents...my family...", she said, nearly crying. "I don't enjoy killing...but they want me to... I don't want to be lonely...but they want me to...I would never do anything to make them sad..."


"... I know how it feels...when people want you to do something you don't want to..."
Abigail looked straight into her eyes, "...But, you're the one that's supposed to choose...whether to be good, or bad....lonely, or not...So, I'm gonna ask you one thing...what would you choose?...To be a menace?To be a killer? To be the most cruel person in the world who doesn't have amy friends?...Or a good person?A person with friends?A hero?A blessed friend?...What would you like?...Bad or not?..."Abigail asked. Her monotone voice turned innocent. She didn't really mean anything, she just needed Amelia for a plan...which is why Abby spoke to her in the first place.
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Eagershadow3 said:
Leon walked down a lonely street, "my house should be..." He said, and realized that he was in the wrong city. "Fuck! How the hell did I end up here!" He cried out while giving himself a facepalm. He pocked up his pace down the street.
Nynd watched this.. odd and perhaps rather lost human, or rather his cat did. The difference was little for Nynd could see what his cat could, as the cat was a part of him. The cry of distress from the human made his previous assumption clear, he was lost.. of a kind... The humans pace and direction was taking straight towards Nynd and he made no effort to hide, he simply waited... Hood drawn over his head, hiding all signs of his elfin heritage, at least from a distance...
having rested his wings. cobalt took flight still in his draconic form. cobalt was bored he wanted something to do. calling forth a full on storm. cobalt sent the storm over the human city. he knew this may not affect the humans much. but he was bored and theres always one human that gets trampled over as the others run for cover from the small scale storm.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/f896584f1a7da861ed538a6a8b2198464e0.jpg.a9eefce848b7cae617b819939e02f46f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91414" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/f896584f1a7da861ed538a6a8b2198464e0.jpg.a9eefce848b7cae617b819939e02f46f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"I'm sorry dear but you're not giving me such a good price for what you want done, " the Leader sat on her throne so to speak in her den of the Assassins as a women pleaded at her feet to kill her husband. "Although I do like you, killing your husband for money and in order to take over the house makes a lot of sense..." she pondered on her thought before a man walked over and bowed , passing her the signature weapon.

"Pathetic though really," and with in a blink of an eye, the woman was on the ground, lifeless and a soft warm heart was in her hands.

"My name is Lila Cora do not come to me unless you have something of use, like money, get her out of my sight," she spat with cruelty before dropping the heart and wiping the blood of her gauntlet. "Dante I'm heading out into town, " and with that Lila grabbed her cloak and walked straight out of the hall continuing through the tunnels she came to the town village.

"Ohhh just in time for an MC," Lila chuckled and raised an eyebrow as she lifted her hood up and got closer to the drama, only to feel a small storm pick up and a dragon overhead. She chuckled as a firey flame appeared in her eyes. "Oh today's going to be good," she muttered as she stared at the man who had had a male by his neck. "Tut tut shoulder finished him off," Lila sighed heavily as she watched the man with interest.


Tristan awoke to bright light of the sun and within seconds was up out of bed and quickly showering. He washed his wings carefully and then proceeded with the rest of his body. After a long 10 minutes he stepped out and used the wind to dry him, he chuckled before putting on a pair of trousers and leaving his top open so he could feel the wind on his body as he flew.

"What to do today, seems like many people are up quite early today for demon and dragons," he sighed as the single Angel lowered his body to the ground, his wings curving round so they were off the floor. As he walked along his body glowed with a heavenly light which could be noticed from afar, considering this city was mostly home to dark creatures. He was the only angel and he was happy about that, it made him feel extra special..."now then what pour soul may need help today, I swear there is a human in here, how strange, " he muttered picking up on a male human scent, being an angel it was his job the Guard the humans of Earth making their scent recogniseable, if someone was falling then he'd keep their secret if they wanted to live, he was...kind like that.

"I'll find you son, " he simply muttered and continued walking, his light annoying any dark creatures that may come across him.
becoming quickly bored with the small storm. cobalt looked down at a street. he'd felt someone watching him. deciding not to bother with the watcher. cobalt circled the human and MC cities.
LaDyGrEy said:
"I'm sorry dear but you're not giving me such a good price for what you want done, " the Leader sat on her throne so to speak in her den of the Assassins as a women pleaded at her feet to kill her husband. "Although I do like you, killing your husband for money and in order to take over the house makes a lot of sense..." she pondered on her thought before a man walked over and bowed , passing her the signature weapon.
"Pathetic though really," and with in a blink of an eye, the woman was on the ground, lifeless and a soft warm heart was in her hands.

"My name is Lila Cora do not come to me unless you have something of use, like money, get her out of my sight," she spat with cruelty before dropping the heart and wiping the blood of her gauntlet. "Dante I'm heading out into town, " and with that Lila grabbed her cloak and walked straight out of the hall continuing through the tunnels she came to the town village.

"Ohhh just in time for an MC," Lila chuckled and raised an eyebrow as she lifted her hood up and got closer to the drama, only to feel a small storm pick up and a dragon overhead. She chuckled as a firey flame appeared in her eyes. "Oh today's going to be good," she muttered as she stared at the man who had had a male by his neck. "Tut tut shoulder finished him off," Lila sighed heavily as she watched the man with interest.
Adante growled at this girl in the hood using her shadow to pull her feet out from under her with a wave of his hand then roared before speaking "does anyone else feel like pissing me off today!!!" No one else seemed up for the challenge so he walked on back to the mc city shifting to his alpha hydranoid dragon form
Aki had been wandering outside of her town and soon found another. She really didn't care if it were a human or MC, though she often lived in human towns. She walked straight in the middle of the road with her hands in her pockets. Her blonde-pinkish hair swayed ever so slightly with each step while some strands got in her face. Her hair had been very notable due to it being passed her knees and almost touching the ground. Her shoes echoed on the Asphalt street as she heard rather a lot of noise in the particular town. Aki would soon encounter it if she continued going straight. Her blue eyes shined as they tried to see what lied up ahead.
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Lila growled and front flipped as her feet were taken from under her. "Oh my oh my, aren't you tall big and handsome," she chuckled under her breath as she quickly looked as her attacker took off, turning into some sort of dragon hybrid. "Coward, " she thought with irritation before her gaze fell upon the tyrant in the sky. He had also taken off and had begun circling.

She put 2 fingers to her mouth and whistle as 2 of her guards appeared, like out of thin air. "Tell my precious Assassins I'll be leaving, I'm going to the MC city and I'm going to go back to school, " she laughed quickly before the guards passed her a heavy bag full of many items and her armour, and uniform. "Thank you Lorellei of with you," Lila said before taking the bag and continuing down the street, dressed in her black cloak, the Assassins symbol etched into the broach around her neck. "No rest for the wicked," she laughed as a few other towns people recognised the Gang she was from and quickly walked out of her way.
[QUOTE="Delila The Deity]

"... I know how it feels...when people want you to do something you don't want to..."
Abigail looked straight into her eyes, "...But, you're the one that's supposed to choose...whether to be good, or bad....lonely, or not...So, I'm gonna ask you one thing...what would you choose?...To be a menace?To be a killer? To be the most cruel person in the world who doesn't have amy friends?...Or a good person?A person with friends?A hero?A blessed friend?...What would you like?...Bad or not?..."Abigail asked. Her monotone voice turned innocent. She didn't really mean anything, she just needed Amelia for a plan...which is why Abby spoke to her in the first place.

Amelia thought for a bit. She took a smell at the flower again. "I choose to be, whatever I need to be to not dirty my parents memorial. If that is to be a lonely killer, I will do as I need to. Why would a human like you even consider taking to me? Being friends with me? Like you were worthy of that. No, I don't need one like you as my friend. Now leave, let me alone with the scent if nature.", she said, calmly but with a noticeable hatred in her voice.
ashel darkwing]Adante growled at this girl in the hood using her shadow to pull her feet out from under her with a wave of his hand then roared before speaking "does anyone else feel like pissing me off today!!!" No one else seemed up for the challenge so he walked on back to the mc city shifting to his alpha hydranoid dragon form [/QUOTE] cobalt had still been circling the cities. when he saw another dragon-type being. he had not expected to find another dragon. as dragons had been the forerunners in the war making them the biggest threat. he'd seen many a dragon fall both in the war and in the lab he had been experimented on. he flew towards the hydranoid dragon. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22506-ashel-darkwing/ said:
@ashel darkwing[/URL]
Aislinn was trying so hard to find the source of violence and chaos. She left the vampire and appeared in front of Adante. "Is it you?" The demon asked in a curios tone. "Please, tell me that you're the one causing the delicious chaos and darkness." @ashel darkwing
Adante growled not in the mood all three heads nodding before roaring a warning to get away from him as he walked on through the ruined but rebuilding city everyone was so dysfunctional but it worked that way the city was a family all the mc cities were family and if the need arose most of them would gladly take arms and fight again adante knew why the dragons surrendered everyone calls them cowards for it but it saved everyone from death because of someone's mistake...adante's mistake.
Aislinn followed Adante. "if you are going to cause more havoc let me follow you." She wasn't going to take no for an answer. The demon girl was eager to follow any source of chaos. @ashel darkwing
Nylana said:
Aislinn followed Adante. "if you are going to cause more havoc let me follow you." She wasn't going to take no for an answer. The demon girl was eager to follow any source of chaos. @ashel darkwing
He quickly shifted down to his human form before pinning her to a wall "listen I don't like being followed I don't like being pestered and if you attempt to follow me again I'll rip your head off!" Now that she could see his face he would easily be recognized as the dragon kingdom prince
Aislinn sighed softly, "Please let me follow you. I wont bother you to much Prince Adante. I promise. I just need the darkness that you can give me." She looks at him with an expression of amusement and hunger. @ashel darkwing @Shiro kurogane
cobalt came up beside the hydranoid. just as he shifted to human and pinned the demon against the wall. he said nothing at having recognised the dragon prince. though cobalt didn't care. during the war he had not allied himself with nether dragons nor demons. he had simply fought because he had been bored. "well now. if it isn't the prince. i thought you were dead." he said seriously. he really had thought the dragon prince had perished.

@ashel darkwing @Nylana
Adante turned on the other stranger holding his hand up to his face adante's claws were out they were as sharp as razors and stronger than any dragon scales "no I'm very much alive but if you two don't leave me alone you won't be!" He roared showing his fangs three different sets beside each other forming a triangle in his mouth
Adante growled and pointed at both of them "fine but you get too close I will cleave heads from your shoulders." He looked back over his shoulder "you're a real persistent bitch you know that?" He sighed memories of the war flooding to his mind
Aislinn bowed her head to Adante, "As you wish, Prince Adante." With that she took flight and flew hi above him. She hoped that her actions wouldn't get her killed by the temperamental male. @ashel darkwing
In a flash he was back to his alpha hydranoid form stalking down the streets and scaring the crap out of the citizens and making his way towards the castle of the phenixs here on more important matters than just causing chaos he was here to make alliances

Drea looked out his window seeing the alpha hydranoid he knew that one from anywhere and started hitting his head off the wall "why can't I just be left alone to think for a day!" He started walking down to his throne room and shifting back to his half phenix form

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