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Fantasy Fantasy school

Leon chased after the odd dragon chick. It pisses him off that she just ditched him right after calling him useless. He turned a corner, and saw her standing next to some other girl (I know it's a guy, but he looks like a chick), "you scaly bitch !" He yelled out to the dragon chick.

@Ami the breadling

Abigail turned her attention to the boy yelling at Amelia,
"...This is gonna be good..." She thought to herself. She walked towards him, "...How rude of you to disturb their conversation..." She said with her monotone voice, "...Don't you think?...". This time, she was really serious. She wanted a fight, but then, Leon interrupted them. Abigail looked up, and glared at him, for she was so short and little.

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Xmon cried out as more scary people came out of no where. He took another step back and tripped and hit his head on the floor, he cried as he bleed a little but he then placed his hands around his cut and started to heal it.

@Ami the breadling @Eagershadow3 @Delila The Deity
Leon slowed his pace when another girl spoke to him, "maybe she shouldn't have gotten pissed when I asked her a simple question." He told her. After saying that he continued to walk twords little miss dragon.

Abigail frowned, thinking that he was stupid, but brave in the same time. She looked back at him, near Amelia and shouted,
"Maybe you shouldn't have got pissed when she didn't answer that damn question!!!...I warned you!!!...". She sighed for a moment, and looked back at Xmon, who had to heal a wound. She smirked, "... I've seen this everyday of my life..."
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As the girl said something directed to him, he got up and dusted him self off. "Urm, hello. What do you mean by that?" He asked kindly but thought he might of annoyed her, he wanted to run away.

@Delila The Deity

"...It explains itself," Abigail answered Xmon's question, "...I see people fight everyday...No, I see them die...". The answer she gave was really creepy, due to her monotone voice, and her blank face. She covered her eyepatch using her hand, "... I don't want to get back to hell anymore..."
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Xmon hid slightly more behind his sleeves, he peered out over them. He was freaked out but we surprised at the sound of her not being angry at him, he wanted to clarify "S-so your not angry at me?" He asked with a slight smile at the thought of her not hating him.

@Delila The Deity
"I start to get bored here. I'll take my leave then.", Amelia said boredly. She turned around and spread her wings, preparing to fly away in human form.

"...Why would I be mad?..." Abigail asked calmly, "...a simple question isn't worth to be mad at...unlike that dragon there." She calmly pointed at Amelia. She was right, wasn't she? A simple question isn't worth to be mad at. It's just a question! It doesn't hurt physically and things like that.

@Ami the breadling
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Abigail glared at Amelia, simply ignoring what Xmon said.

"...It's very easy to see that...that dragon...can't hurt anyone. What a coward...scaring people and just...leaving them?...that's a thing a coward would do..." She thought, "...Cowards leave without a fight...back down on a fight...thsat dragon can't even attack that boy...talk about short-tempered much..." Abigail pertained to Leon, "...Why do humans, creatures, and other species fight?...can't this go to an end?...."She thought to herself.

" One day," She looked at Xmon, "...I'll stop all of this...if I can..."

"...I know you didn't understand what I said, it's okay..." Abigail said, with her monotone voice and blank face, "...I'm Abigail, you can call me Abby...and you?.."She asked. Abigail didn't really need anyone, "... Your stupidity will come in handy to me sometime..." She thought. Abby was neutral, so she didn't really do anything good or bad. But, she's willing to do anything, whether it be good or bad, to get a reward, bounty, or money. So, she uses others to get what she wants, wherever she wants, and whenever she wants.
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Xmon became really glad that his name was asked, his smile could be seen behind his sleeves. "really? Some one kind asked for my name, thank goodness. I'm Xmon! Does this make us friends?" He innocently asked.

@Delila The Deity

"...Hmm..." Abigail crossed her arms, "...guess my age, since I look like a little girl...". Abigail is very aware of herself looking like a little girl, which she is often mistaken to be. Of whatever Xmon guesses, it's fine, she just needs his opinion on what her age looks like.
He tilted his head slightly "urrmmm?" He thought he did something wrong as she didn't answer his question. He looked at her carefully "I'm guessing 16, as you look my age." He gently said with a small smile.

@Delila The Deity

"That'll do," Abby said, "...I'm seventeen but, people often think that I'm ten or thirteen years old...Fine, we're...friends..." She crossed her arms. For some reason, she felt like she forgot something again, something really important. It was at the tip of her tongue, "...What is it that I cna't remember?...Something, something...important.." She thought, "...Whatever, I should remember it eventually..."

Xmon lifted his foot slightly and started to twist his toe cap into the ground. "Your the first friend I've had. It feels nice to call someone a friend." He said innocently smiling, he blushed slightly but was not clear as he covered most of his face with his sleeves.

@Delila The Deity

"...I need to do something.....goodbye." Abigail walked past Xmon, and disappeared after passing the bushes. She had a little ritual thing to do, just the ol' Magic stuff that she does. Sometimes, she even forgets people, due to her not focusing on who she meets, and ends up forgetting people.
Blue wandered the streets, bored and hoping for something fun. They yawned but stop mid way as a loud noise sounded in the distance, they blinked and gave a grin. A fight? an enemy? a lovers quarrel? Whatever it is it's better then this! But blues enthusiasm ended when they came across two individuals, 2 of the human.

they gave a small whine "how lame! I thought I it was something cool" they sighed.
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Xmon watched as the girl left, sadness filled his face as his only current friend left. He started to walk further into the town.

Abigail's eye shot open, hearing Blue. She was sleeping in the bushes, and woke up, due to Blue whining. She walked towards Blue, calmly and silently,
"...You have disturbed my peace..." She said, "...What is your purpose?..If there's nothing 'cool' Then I suppose you were looking for something..."

Abigail didn't like people who disturb her while sleeping, for it was rude. She's often sleepy because she wakes up at 3:00am in the morning, just to make food, and sell/eat it. She also didn't like people/creatures who whine.

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"disturbed your peace? I accomplished something without even trying!" they said laughing loudly, then sighed dramatically, draping there arm around Abigails neck the other hand resting on there hip.

"your right I am looking for something! and thats excitement! My purpose is to be amused all day long, but it seems my luck is running out" they said a hand going through there hair.

Abby got really annoyed by Blue,
"...Give me Atleast one reason why I shouldn't kick your ass..Fast.'She growled. Abby saw Blue as a crazy psychopath, and an enemy.

".. Just keep it up with that attitude and I'll kick your ass in three seconds, psychopath.. "She thought.
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