Fantasy Highschool Life

AsongOfIceandFire said:
The book exists outside of existence, so that means no one even know it exists, except for Author. So, touching it is literally impossible. *Smug smirk*. Technically, Akira entered Author's book, making him a character. :D
Akira lives outside of The Existence, as I've said before. Also, Akira can defy the laws of logic due to being a Sanctum and Omnipotent ;)

Akira only has one power, and that is Complete Arsenal.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]Akira lives outside of The Existence, as I've said before. Also, Akira can defy the laws of logic due to being a Sanctum and Omnipotent ;)

The Author controls what happens in the universe, the universe being Fantasy Highschool Rp. Akira is in it, making him vulnerable. If he wasn't, Akira wouldn't be able to do anything, for Author writes every scenario
give me a gun, the hope diamond, 3 tons of cheese, a horse, 10 Ferrari 458's, a mountain of silver, a Popsicle, and an ounce of plutonium and i could do it... i could kill author if i had all those...
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]give me a gun, the hope diamond, 3 tons of cheese, a horse, 10 Ferrari 458's, a mountain of silver, a Popsicle, and an ounce of plutonium and i could do it... i could kill author if i had all those...

(Then everything would cease to exist. Besides, he is literally impossible to harm.)
AsongOfIceandFire said:
The Author controls what happens in the universe, the universe being Fantasy Highschool Rp. Akira is in it, making him vulnerable. If he wasn't, Akira wouldn't be able to do anything, for Author writes every scenario
Read what Complete Arsenal is, then you'll understand. Akira has all abilities, every single one. He lives outside of existence and defies logic. He is omni-locked as well, due to him having Complete Arsenal as a power. He can use any power, impossible and not. He could just remove Author's power with a glance.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]Read what Complete Arsenal is, then you'll understand. Akira has all abilities, every single one. He lives outside of existence and defies logic. He is omni-locked as well, due to him having Complete Arsenal as a power. He can use any power, impossible and not. He could just remove Author's power with a glance.

Author can scratch a few lines through Akira's CS, making him cease to exist.
AsongOfIceandFire said:
(Then everything would cease to exist. Besides, he is literally impossible to harm.)
Everest would still manage to do it... and keep existence intact as well...
AsongOfIceandFire said:
Author can scratch a few lines through Akira's CS, making him cease to exist.
Akira is immune to all powers and abilities, though ;)
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]Everest would still manage to do it... and keep existence intact as well...

M'kay, I'll let you believe in your theories.
AsongOfIceandFire said:
But his CS isn't
It is, it's immune to all powers due to Akira making it himself ;)

-I say that because Akira's name is my real name XDD-
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]It is, it's immune to all powers due to Akira making it himself ;)
-I say that because Akira's name is my real name XDD-

But what if Akira never made it....*Cue inception BWAAA*
I can have Akira break the laws of logic and come through the fourth wall to slap you xD

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