Fantasy Highschool Life

well no, because an author doesent actually create the books... he just writes what SHOULD be going in them... as i said, the author is useless without the printer, and the same works in reverse...
that is the definition of azathoth right there.... cept he couldent be bothered to give two shits after starting the story..

theres a reason he's known as the blind dumb god...
Then he can't have the same power that Author has. a book author can write a book, but nothing will happen if the author quits writing.
the were all members of azathoths court according to lovecraftian mythos... basically they did everything for him...
lol i just thought of a new species... "Misprint"- formed when a stray blob of ink got into authors book and gained sentience, defying all logic laws and reasoning, it is the only being in the world with ability to defy the storytellers" lol

i didn't delete it...
You know what would happen to that blob of ink, the page would be torn, making it so that being never existed.

Aria deleted your CS xD
It can't....because it never existed.

Wait...why are we arguing about this. Azathoth wasn't fact, he was deleted. xD sucks to suck
meh, i still have Everest... who now that i think about it has the ability to create a paradox... oh god my brain is going in circles...
well... if Everest touched author's book he could deconstruct it... but that would cause a paradox, but then he would also be able to recreate and reuse.... oh god brain hurting... all i know is basically Everest can deconstruct and replicate anything... i suppose that would also include the space time continuum... oh god... even i didn't realize the full implications of his powers when i created him....
The book exists outside of existence, so that means no one even know it exists, except for Author. So, touching it is literally impossible. *Smug smirk*. Technically, Akira entered Author's book, making him a character. :D
except we witness the changes correct? that still works... all he has to know is a power was used and x was the outcome... after a few times seeing it, he can replicate it...
FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU i still kinda think that omnipotents are just excuses to become to op and screw over the other characters
thats why, initially he didnt need to see Elyes' power... only the outcome...

im just here for the ride... i honestly dont care either way, i just dont like being threatened...
Nobody knows it is Author changing anything. Everybody thinks that is is extreme coincidence. Author is Omnilocked, menaing he exists outside of everything, being immune to all powers.

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