Fantasy Highschool Life

Name: Serenity Rose.

Nickname: N/A.

Age: 16-years-young.

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Straight.

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral.

Where you live: Dorm.

What Year of high school your in: Third Year.

What kind of being you are: Human/Wolf.

Powers/gifts: Heals quickly and extraordinary hearing along with speed.


- Music (to listen to and to play instruments and sing).

- Sports, and all exercising activities, especially running.

- Meat.


- Vegetarians.

- Couch potatoes.

- Messes (she's a neat freak).

Personality: Sweet, funny, fun to be around, a very sociable person, outgoing and overall kind and a type of person to go out of her way to make you smile if you're having a bad day, even if she's having a bad day herself.

Appearance: Both pictures of before and after transformation from human to werewolf are below.

Bio: Comes from a large tribe of wolves, and since her parents always wanted to make sure she had a good education, so they homeschooled her when she was younger and found out about the high school for the "others" and knew it was the place for her.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A at the moment.

Anything else: She is almost always seen wearing a smile, but she has a sad history that she doesn't like to bring up. It's a touchy subject for her, so if you are trying to get to know her, don't bring up talking about her background. She has several tattoos, including a large dream catcher that takes up a bit of her back and the feathers going down her spine, along with a tribal pattern on her right side of her hip.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/goals.jpg.47c51877befca97bf3088e422f53f655.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42313" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/goals.jpg.47c51877befca97bf3088e422f53f655.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/werewolf.jpg.cba51ed95ec4d9707c078fd362990420.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42314" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/werewolf.jpg.cba51ed95ec4d9707c078fd362990420.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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khloerose said:
Name: Serenity Rose.
Nickname: N/A.

Age: 16-years-young.

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Straight.

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral.

Where you live: Dorm.

What Year of high school your in: Third Year.

What kind of being you are: Human/Werewolf.

Powers/gifts: Telepathy and telekinesis.


- Music (to listen to and to play instruments and sing).

- Sports, and all exercising activities, especially running.

- Meat.


- Vegetarians.

- Couch potatoes.

- Messes (she's a neat freak).

Personality: Sweet, funny, fun to be around, a very sociable person, outgoing and overall kind and a type of person to go out of her way to make you smile if you're having a bad day, even if she's having a bad day herself.

Appearance: Both pictures of before and after transformation from human to werewolf are below.

Bio: Comes from a large tribe of werewolves, and since her parents always wanted to make sure she had a good education, so they homeschooled her when she was younger and found out about the high school for the "others" and knew it was the place for her.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A at the moment.

Anything else: She is almost always seen wearing a smile, but she has a sad history that she doesn't like to bring up. It's a touchy subject for her, so if you are trying to get to know her, don't bring up talking about her background. She has several tattoos, including a large dream catcher that takes up a bit of her back and the feathers going down her spine, along with a tribal patter on her right side of her hip.
(Sorry was Hibernating for a while, hope its ok if I make a new character)

Name: Yasei Kasai

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): House/Mansion?

What Year of highschool your in: 2nd Year

What kind of being you are: Human

Powers/gifts: Ice Magic


Being Cold




Being Alone


Hot or Warm Temperatures


Poor People


Personality: Irritable piss-off who looks at everything with a disinterest. Yasei is very intelligent but with the expressions that he puts on he often looks stupid. He gets bored easily and goes to no trouble to hide it which really insults some people. He doesn't really have any preferences except money and will do what he needs to do to get it. Hes not totally obsessed with money but he enjoys it more then the next guy. Hes a very skilled strategist and can lay out elaborate plans,
can. He loves to laze about and never puts himself into any real work tasks. Not anti-social he just doesn't enjoy peoples company ... that's pretty anti-social in other people's eyes. Learning all of the ropes for being well-cultured and having good manners at a young age he can be a very good gentleman but only when he wants to. Hes willing to warm up to someone after a while.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: Yasei was risen for good breeding from birth. He was born into a rich family that sat atop a business empire, trained with the best tutors he learned about all kinds of cultures and was force-fed information. His family hoped to erase his rude attitude but had no luck, instead they told him to fake manners and kindness when with clients and important people. Therefore he was able to switch out personalities on the turn of a dime. By 16 he had grown tired of his pampered life style and left home, coming to this school and buying a large house that was nearby. Soon he had figured out that it didn't matter how he acted, so he stopped switching personalities around people and ended up being a huge jerk.

Nickname(If Applies):


Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) dorm

What Year of highschool your in: 2

What kind of being you are: demon/human

Powers/gifts: control over shadows and dark magic and she is a very skilled in the arts of assassination



Personality: very curious and sometimes very violent and defensive and doesn't trust most people but becomes attached to certain people

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Anything else:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.b3093cd9bab195ec8da52eb7f72d1bbd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42547" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.b3093cd9bab195ec8da52eb7f72d1bbd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Rose James

Nickname(If Applies): None.

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Asexual (but she is hetero-romantic)

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Apartment with some of her friends.

What Year of highschool your in: Second.

What kind of being you are: Human.

Powers/gifts: Can control Electricity and Water. (If I can choose only one then Water)

Likes: Kind people, joking around and being silly, drawing.

Dislikes: Being ignored, rude people, seeing blood, stress.

Personality: She is shy, somewhat quite mostly around strangers, kind, silly, she can be stubborn, sarcastic, anxious.

Appearance: Short dark brown hair, dark brown eyes. She is 5.2 ft.

Bio: She doesn't remember her family or much of her past, what she remembers is waking up to find herself alone on a forest, walking she saw the lights of a city so she started running to it, and when she entered the city she started to worry and panic, but she met a pink haired girl and a blue haired boy who were about her age (she was 7) (the girl is older then her with 1 year and the boy is 2 years older) they told her they were orphans, after finding that she was alone they took her with them back to the orphanage. Now she lives with them in an apartment.

Dating/lover/crush: No one. (a slight crush on the blue haired kid she met)

Anything else: Nope, hope you accept my character :) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/10987728_1391616541149326_5524139659077438220_n.jpg.97cdff154a8fd82324e3c4dd273e15dc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43120" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/10987728_1391616541149326_5524139659077438220_n.jpg.97cdff154a8fd82324e3c4dd273e15dc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Ravynne Vivian Clave

Nickname: Rae

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

Side: Evil

Living Space: Dorm

Year: Sophomore

Race: Blood Drifter



[blood Manipulation] User can create, control and otherwise manipulate blood of oneself, others or from their surroundings (blood-bank, hospital, battlefield, etc). Blood cloning is also involved allowing the user the ability to clone themselves.

[Teleportation] The user can teleport, ie, transfer of matter (beings/objects, including themselves) or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. This can be achieved by various means, including causing the atoms/molecules to travel at light-speed, warping the space, or use quantum superposition, in which the user teleports by replacing and restocking energy in a spatial behavior.While teleportation may seem like it is simply for travel, it can actually be a valuable ability, as it can be used offensively (and quite powerful, as a spatial attack), while offering superiority in terms of movement speed and distance coverage, and a skilled strategist/tactician can use it for many innovative manners.

[Necrokinesis] The user's magical abilities revolve around manipulating the dead, death, the life-force and/or souls for good (i.e., resurrecting the dead), evil (in various ways) or neither. Users can also use communicate with the deceased – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge. Many practitioners find a way to cheat death one way or another, whether by becoming some form of undead creature or by bypassing their own ability to die.



*Dark Chocolate

*Katanas and kunais

*The colors black and violet




*White Chocolate


*Not succeeding the first time she tries

Crush/Lover/Dating: No one at the moment.


Ravynne is a calm and composed young woman; she thinks everything through before acting and is in no way rash or impulsive. She's loyal to those she cares about, but she doesn't trust very easily. In fact, only those she considers family or friends are allowed to use her nickname. There is always a seed of doubt within her until she's positive of a person's motives. Ravynne is also cunning, sly, and ambitious, but she uses her mind rather than tactics to get what she wants. She's in no way arrogant- spoiled, yes. What rich kid isn't?- but she's funny and enjoys time with her friends.

She doesn't particularly like playing sports but has no problem watching; she prefers running just for the sake to feel the wind on her hair. When there is nothing to do and her friends are busy, she's either reading, studying, double checking homework, writing songs, or planning ways to torment others with her ingenious pranks. Ravynne doesn't dash head-on into a situation without preparation. Once a person becomes important to her, she'll protect them with a fierceness that's rare for her to display. Her temper is one thing she's famous for, and she has no qualms in using sarcastic and witty remarks before her wand to teach those against her a lesson.

Her quick mind, sharp tongue, and observant eyes makes her a force to be reckoned with. She's not the type to take lies or betrayal kindly, and she always lashes out retaliation ten times worse than what was issued to her. No matter who the culprit. Something that can be a slight fault when it comes to her unbridled anger if directed to a teacher.


Ravynne was a miracle child for her parents. It had been predicted that Selene (her mother) wouldn't have children after her accident two years after her marriage to Nicholai (Ravynne's father). For that reason, Selene had been shunned from her family. Due to that event, the couple had moved to Britain to begin their lives anew. The only person who even continued to correspond with her was her twin brother. After hearing of Ravynne's unexpected conception, Selene's family wanted to become acquainted with the Clave heiress. Despite past tension between them, Ravynne brought them all together. She was spoiled by her relatives, even more so by her parents and favorite uncle.

At the age of five, she was able to read books far beyond what they had believed she'd be capable of. However, it soon became known that Ravynne had an eidetic memory which made it easier for her to contain the information she studied. Her uncle Alfonse began teaching her how to control her powers and what they were. She fell in love with the subject of blood manipulation and perused every book within her family's library. It wasn't long before they began teaching her other subjects so she would be well-versed.

On the eve of her eleventh birthday, Ravynne accidentally teleported to the front yard which generated much enthusiasm from the young girl and her uncle (who had been there to witness the event). They decided to celebrate the young girl’s show of power and began to further teach her how to use them. Over the years, she became thoroughly drowned within the knowledge she received. It didn’t help her tutors that she was insatiable to learn more than they could ever teach her. So, her parents decided to send her to school

On her first day, she was as eager as any other new student should have been. And as the year went by, Ravynne found herself slightly dispirited by how awfully bored she became. It didn’t help that a few older students hassled her the first week due to her slight accent. Considering her heritage, she had a slight Romanian timbre with a soft French accent dimmed within. Whenever she became angry, she tended to spout of curses in both languages unintentionally. Within weeks, her temper was known amongst her peers. Protecting herself and her friends became a daily issue for her. Not that it mattered to Ravynne in the slightest. It soon became common knowledge not to cross the young woman. Despite not openly evil, it was no secret that she was indeed malicious. She was known for her pranks, most not even intended towards anyone. It helped to ease her boredom incredibly. There was not much she could complain about. The only thing she could possibly protest was how routine her life had become. Now, in her sophomore year, she’s hoping something might just pique her interest and end her mundane pattern at the school.

[QUOTE="Ravynne Clave]

Name: Ravynne Vivian Clave

Nickname: Rae

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

Side: Evil

Living Space: Dorm

Year: Sophomore

Race: Blood Drifter



[blood Manipulation] User can create, control and otherwise manipulate blood of oneself, others or from their surroundings (blood-bank, hospital, battlefield, etc). Blood cloning is also involved allowing the user the ability to clone themselves.

[Teleportation] The user can teleport, ie, transfer of matter (beings/objects, including themselves) or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. This can be achieved by various means, including causing the atoms/molecules to travel at light-speed, warping the space, or use quantum superposition, in which the user teleports by replacing and restocking energy in a spatial behavior.While teleportation may seem like it is simply for travel, it can actually be a valuable ability, as it can be used offensively (and quite powerful, as a spatial attack), while offering superiority in terms of movement speed and distance coverage, and a skilled strategist/tactician can use it for many innovative manners.

[Necrokinesis] The user's magical abilities revolve around manipulating the dead, death, the life-force and/or souls for good (i.e., resurrecting the dead), evil (in various ways) or neither. Users can also use communicate with the deceased – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge. Many practitioners find a way to cheat death one way or another, whether by becoming some form of undead creature or by bypassing their own ability to die.



*Dark Chocolate

*Katanas and kunais

*The colors black and violet




*White Chocolate


*Not succeeding the first time she tries

Crush/Lover/Dating: No one at the moment.


Ravynne is a calm and composed young woman; she thinks everything through before acting and is in no way rash or impulsive. She's loyal to those she cares about, but she doesn't trust very easily. In fact, only those she considers family or friends are allowed to use her nickname. There is always a seed of doubt within her until she's positive of a person's motives. Ravynne is also cunning, sly, and ambitious, but she uses her mind rather than tactics to get what she wants. She's in no way arrogant- spoiled, yes. What rich kid isn't?- but she's funny and enjoys time with her friends.

She doesn't particularly like playing sports but has no problem watching; she prefers running just for the sake to feel the wind on her hair. When there is nothing to do and her friends are busy, she's either reading, studying, double checking homework, writing songs, or planning ways to torment others with her ingenious pranks. Ravynne doesn't dash head-on into a situation without preparation. Once a person becomes important to her, she'll protect them with a fierceness that's rare for her to display. Her temper is one thing she's famous for, and she has no qualms in using sarcastic and witty remarks before her wand to teach those against her a lesson.

Her quick mind, sharp tongue, and observant eyes makes her a force to be reckoned with. She's not the type to take lies or betrayal kindly, and she always lashes out retaliation ten times worse than what was issued to her. No matter who the culprit. Something that can be a slight fault when it comes to her unbridled anger if directed to a teacher.


Ravynne was a miracle child for her parents. It had been predicted that Selene (her mother) wouldn't have children after her accident two years after her marriage to Nicholai (Ravynne's father). For that reason, Selene had been shunned from her family. Due to that event, the couple had moved to Britain to begin their lives anew. The only person who even continued to correspond with her was her twin brother. After hearing of Ravynne's unexpected conception, Selene's family wanted to become acquainted with the Clave heiress. Despite past tension between them, Ravynne brought them all together. She was spoiled by her relatives, even more so by her parents and favorite uncle.

At the age of five, she was able to read books far beyond what they had believed she'd be capable of. However, it soon became known that Ravynne had an eidetic memory which made it easier for her to contain the information she studied. Her uncle Alfonse began teaching her how to control her powers and what they were. She fell in love with the subject of blood manipulation and perused every book within her family's library. It wasn't long before they began teaching her other subjects so she would be well-versed.

On the eve of her eleventh birthday, Ravynne accidentally teleported to the front yard which generated much enthusiasm from the young girl and her uncle (who had been there to witness the event). They decided to celebrate the young girl’s show of power and began to further teach her how to use them. Over the years, she became thoroughly drowned within the knowledge she received. It didn’t help her tutors that she was insatiable to learn more than they could ever teach her. So, her parents decided to send her to school

On her first day, she was as eager as any other new student should have been. And as the year went by, Ravynne found herself slightly dispirited by how awfully bored she became. It didn’t help that a few older students hassled her the first week due to her slight accent. Considering her heritage, she had a slight Romanian timbre with a soft French accent dimmed within. Whenever she became angry, she tended to spout of curses in both languages unintentionally. Within weeks, her temper was known amongst her peers. Protecting herself and her friends became a daily issue for her. Not that it mattered to Ravynne in the slightest. It soon became common knowledge not to cross the young woman. Despite not openly evil, it was no secret that she was indeed malicious. She was known for her pranks, most not even intended towards anyone. It helped to ease her boredom incredibly. There was not much she could complain about. The only thing she could possibly protest was how routine her life had become. Now, in her sophomore year, she’s hoping something might just pique her interest and end her mundane pattern at the school.



Kaname Honey Soulis

Nickname(If Applies):

Honey/ Kane/ Kan





Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:












Being called a pervert



Curious, Childish, Etc. xD To be added

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)



Considered an "accident" child, Kaname was birthed from an act of rape from Tasuke, onto Layla. Due to still being a child, Kaname doesn't have much of a bio, but is currently living with his...father figure along with his mother accompanied by occasional visits from his birth father.


Pretty Girls are his crushes xD

Anything else:

Nupe? Looks and etc to be edited as he grows older

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[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]


Kaname Honey Soulis

Nickname(If Applies):

Honey/ Kane/ Kan





Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:

Neutral! He's a kid xD

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:









Being Woken Up From Naps ( This happens:



Curious, Childish, Etc. xD To be added

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)



Considered an "accident" child, Kaname was birthed from an act of rape from Tasuke, onto Layla. Due to still being a child, Kaname doesn't have much of a bio, but is currently living with his...father figure along with his mother accompanied by occasional visits from his birth father.


Pretty Girls are his crushes xD

Anything else:





Kenji Fukushima.

Birth Name:

Genesis Vi Euphoria.

Nickname(If Applies):

Ken-chan, Kensakura.


One thousand, eight hundred and sixteen years old.



Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):

Fukushima Estate

What Year of highschool you're in:

Third Year

What kind of being you are:

Angelic Sanctum.


Kenji possesses superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes and stamina. He is skilful with both melee weapons and magic, utilizing them as proficiently as a master mage and combatant. He wields a custom made Katana and variably uses it one or two-handed. Kenji can channel magic into his sword, endowing it with a red aura and emblazoning runic symbols along it's length. Kenji makes liberal use of magic and uses spells with fire-type appearances, such as Homing, Flash, and Dark Energy, but it is unknown which of these spells are cast using his own power wells. He also shows the ability to conjure monsters to battle for him. He has three more forms that have different powers, however these are unknown at this time. When battling, he can command the feathers to fly about and use them in projectile attacks.










Kenji is both soft and arrogant with a large sense of justice. His main source of turmoil comes from his older brother, Akira resenting himself due to Kenji's death long ago. He takes pride in the handsome figure he cuts, his fighting style, and the popularity they garner him, but does not enjoy mingling directly with people, and only opens himself up to his elder brother, Akira.

Regular Appearance:


Combat Appearance:


Judgement Form:



Kenji was born in High Realm and is the younger brother of Akira Fukushima. Like him, he is a Sanctum, due to being the son of Ragnarok. However, unlike Akira, Kenji didn't inherit the same amount of power as his elder brother, however he is close. All he remembers is being on the run from Ragnarok with Akira, then being impaled by him, his own father. For centuries, his soul lingered in limbo waiting for Akira. However it didn't occur. Until Akira was finally able to release the seal on Kenji's body, then, Kenji came back. He had grown from the young boy he was when he was killed. He has developed a high proficiency in literature and combat. He had been brought back. Now it was time to find his brother.


None as of yet.


@Mashiro Shiina @AriaTheWatcher
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Mio Amaha (Valfor)





Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:





Music, sweets, playing, singing, instruments.


Bullies, lousy adults, blood.


Sweet, stubborn, and a tad bit shy.




Mio is very young, so her bio is short.

She is the consequence of a fling between Xander Valfor, and her mother, a minor light goddess. Because of her genes, she ages quicker than most outside of the realm of light, and is very intelligent for her age. However, the darkness in her mixed blood was discovered to be prominent after a few days in the realm, and she had to be sent to her father as her mother couldn't leave the realm for another fifty years.


She secretly likes Kaname

Anything else:
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Asphyxiated said:
Mio Amaha (Valfor)





Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):


What Year of highschool your in:

None yet

What kind of being you are:





Music, sweets, and playing.


Bullies, lousy adults.


Sweet, stubborn, and a tad bit shy.


View attachment 103836


Mio is very young, so her bio is short.

She is the consequence of a fling between Xander Valfor, and her mother, a minor light goddess. Because of her genes, she ages quicker than most outside of the realm of light, and is very intelligent for her age. However, the darkness in her mixed blood was discovered to be prominent after a few days in the realm, and she had to be sent to her father as her mother couldn't leave the realm for another fifty years.


crushing on kaname after they meet for the first time.

Anything else:

(Will revise when she is older.)
Name: Ahnyn

Nickname(If Applies): Annie

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual (falls in love with any sex.)

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Small house owned by her brother.

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: Half-angel

Powers/gifts: Able to woo anyone she wishes simply by talking to them.

Likes: Weak-willed humans, other angels.

Dislikes: Those with strong will, demons.

Personality: Smooth, sexy, careful with her words.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred) (Yay for SafeSearch!)


Bio: Soon after she was born, her mother, Shask, was taken by the other angels for breaking their most sacred rule. She was raised by her father until he re-married. His new wife didn't hate Ahnyn, but she tended to be unfair towards her. Her step-mother died in a car crash, later determined to be caused by Shask out of jealousy and spite. Shask rid herself of her power, turning herself human, to stay with her daughter.

Dating/lover/crush: None.

Anything else: Likes to seduce people, if you couldn't already tell. Almost always carries around some sort of aphrodisiac in a little pouch on the inside of her dress.
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AngeliclyAwesome123 said:
Name: Ahnyn
Nickname(If Applies): Annie

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual (falls in love with any sex.)

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Small house owned by her brother.

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: Half-angel

Powers/gifts: Seduction

Likes: Weak-willed humans, other angels.

Dislikes: Those with strong will, demons.

Personality: Smooth, sexy, careful with her words.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred) (Yay for SafeSearch!)


Bio: Soon after she was born, her mother, Shask, was taken by the other angels for breaking their most sacred rule. She was raised by her father until he re-married. His new wife didn't hate Ahnyn, but she tended to be unfair towards her. Her step-mother died in a car crash, later determined to be caused by Shask out of jealousy and spite. Shask rid herself of her power, turning herself human, to stay with her daughter.

Dating/lover/crush: None.

Anything else: Likes to seduce people, if you couldn't already tell. Almost always carries around some sort of aphrodisiac in a little pouch on the inside of her dress.
Watching Akira interact with her will be hilarious xD
AngeliclyAwesome123 said:
Name: Ahnyn
Nickname(If Applies): Annie

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual (falls in love with any sex.)

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Small house owned by her brother.

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: Half-angel

Powers/gifts: Seduction

Likes: Weak-willed humans, other angels.

Dislikes: Those with strong will, demons.

Personality: Smooth, sexy, careful with her words.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred) (Yay for SafeSearch!)


Bio: Soon after she was born, her mother, Shask, was taken by the other angels for breaking their most sacred rule. She was raised by her father until he re-married. His new wife didn't hate Ahnyn, but she tended to be unfair towards her. Her step-mother died in a car crash, later determined to be caused by Shask out of jealousy and spite. Shask rid herself of her power, turning herself human, to stay with her daughter.

Dating/lover/crush: None.

Anything else: Likes to seduce people, if you couldn't already tell. Almost always carries around some sort of aphrodisiac in a little pouch on the inside of her dress.
Name: Jamie

Nickname(If Applies): Jay

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil, she was good but now she just gives off the idea of Neutral.

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: Angel, a dark one at that.


  • She can fly
  • Easy Manipulator
  • Uses darkness as one of her powers

Likes: Being in the dark, being around guys (She gets along with them better but usually crushes.. hard.)

Dislikes: Falling in love so easily. People trying to manipulate her

Personality: She's nice and sweet and actually does care about people but she can be very dark and mysterious.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1ad8923b_ScreenShot2015-02-28at12.55.53PM.png.5ed1503b283e8d0eb1aed43d8f5266b4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43815" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1ad8923b_ScreenShot2015-02-28at12.55.53PM.png.5ed1503b283e8d0eb1aed43d8f5266b4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: She was left by her family, always feeling a deep sorrow. She vowed to be good but Jamie never really go there. She found fascination, pride, powerfulness in being evil. She was taught at a young age, be good or get out so she figured it was time to get out and get on with her life.

Dating/lover/crush: No one yet, she does fall in love easily though.

Anything else:

Find's it pretty hard to hide her wings.

Makes friends easily, doesn't manipulate them often.

Often times makes herself pretty in public.



  • Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 12.55.53 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 12.55.53 PM.png
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JadeWuvsCookies said:
Name: Jamie
Nickname(If Applies): Jay

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil, she was good but now she just gives off the idea of Neutral.

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: Angel, a dark one at that.


  • She can fly
  • Easy Manipulator
  • Uses darkness as one of her powers

Likes: Being in the dark, being around guys (She gets along with them better but usually crushes.. hard.)

Dislikes: Falling in love so easily. People trying to manipulate her

Personality: She's nice and sweet and actually does care about people but she can be very dark and mysterious.


View attachment 104311

Bio: She was left by her family, always feeling a deep sorrow. She vowed to be good but Jamie never really go there. She found fascination, pride, powerfulness in being evil. She was taught at a young age, be good or get out so she figured it was time to get out and get on with her life.

Dating/lover/crush: No one yet, she does fall in love easily though.

Anything else:

Find's it pretty hard to hide her wings.

Makes friends easily, doesn't manipulate them often.

Often times makes herself pretty in public.


Shizuya Ai


The Puppeteer, Shizu, ai-ai, The sadist


appears to be 16



Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:

Neutral/evil (undecided.)

Where you live:


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:



The power to use all variations of Puppetry. Shizu can control any amount of both living, and nonliving beings, by focusing energy (or chakra) onto them and also the use of telekinesis. He can also transfer his energy onto another living being to serve as his/her own in return for serving him, but the person would become mutated from the power until the energy has run out. At full power, the range that this Puppetry can reach is up to 1000 feet, but it usually only reaches to 50-500 feet depending on the situation and the condition he is in. If someone is caught in his puppetry, there are very few ways to escape. Unlike most Puppeteers, Shizu's weakness isn't focused at one point, but rather a range of areas hidden throughout his body.

The ability which allows Shizu to suck the energy out of another living being over time. This goes hand in hand with transferring his energy on to someone else. He refrains from using this power unless he has to, as it causes his other abilities to weaken substantially until the connection is broken.

While still learning to control this power, Shizu can wield the energy of different elements, and can manipulate most elements. Though similar to an elemental, he can only manipulate elements if they are near by, rather than create it from nothing.

•Immune to allures of any sort.

•intensified senses, reflexes, physical capabilities, and instincts.(including a 6th sense)

•slight immunity to poisons/certain elements.


Reading, eating, dancing/singing, observing others, teaching/learning new things, being amused, being active, watching people fight.


Stupid people, being bored.


Being around Shizu is like being around three separate people. It's not that he has split personalities, it's more along the lines of a constant battle of different mindsets. In an all-around summary, Shizu usually a kind hearted and ambitious person, with a knack for being blunt minded/spoken and sometimes cruel. If someone were to want an honest opinion on something, Shizu is the person to ask. Some people have come to believe that he enjoys hurting others with his words, which he just sees it as speaking his mind; however, it gave him the nickname "the sadist" among the school's students. Shizuya is in denial about this, seeing as he is very kind to most of the people he meets.

When he gets bored, Shizu can be very mischievous, and enjoys causing minor troubles for others; though, his actions and words don't usually show it. Even if he is caught doing something, he will refuse to take the blame unless it's absolutely necessary.


Shizuya attended the school here his first year, but left half-way through the second semester. No one knows why, or even where he went. He keeps his past a secret other than that little known fact.

shizuya is the reincarnation of a villainous figure known as "The Puppeteer", who, in his prime, killed millions of people. He was known for being an assassin that never had to pick up a weapon.


None. He doesn't usually fall for people easily.

Anything else:
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Asphyxiated said:


Shizuya Ai


The Puppeteer, Shizu, ai-ai, The sadist


appears to be 16



Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:

Neutral/evil (undecided.)

Where you live:


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:



The power to use all variations of Puppetry. Shizu can control any amount of both living, and nonliving beings, by focusing energy (or chakra) onto them and also the use of telekinesis. He can also transfer his energy onto another living being to serve as his/her own in return for serving him, but the person would become mutated from the power until the energy has run out. At full power, the range that this Puppetry can reach is up to 1000 feet, but it usually only reaches to 50-500 feet depending on the situation and the condition he is in. If someone is caught in his puppetry, there are very few ways to escape. Unlike most Puppeteers, Shizu's weakness isn't focused at one point, but rather a range of areas hidden throughout his body.

The ability which allows Shizu to suck the energy out of another living being over time. This goes hand in hand with transferring his energy on to someone else. He refrains from using this power unless he has to, as it causes his other abilities to weaken substantially until the connection is broken.

While still learning to control this power, Shizu can wield the energy of different elements, and can manipulate most elements. Though similar to an elemental, he can only manipulate elements if they are near by, rather than create it from nothing.


Reading, eating, dancing/singing, observing others, teaching/learning new things, being amused, being active, watching people fight.


Stupid people, being bored.


Being around Shizu is like being around three separate people. It's not that he has split personalities, it's more along the lines of a constant battle of different mindsets. In an all-around summary, Shizu usually a kind hearted and ambitious person, with a knack for being blunt minded/spoken and sometimes cruel. If someone were to want an honest opinion on something, Shizu is the person to ask. Some people have come to believe that he enjoys hurting others with his words, which he just sees it as speaking his mind; however, it gave him the nickname "the sadist" among the school's students. Shizuya is in denial about this, seeing as he is very kind to most of the people he meets.

When he gets bored, Shizu can be very mischievous, and enjoys causing minor troubles for others; though, his actions and words don't usually show it. Even if he is caught doing something, he will refuse to take the blame unless it's absolutely necessary.


Shizuya attended the school here his first year, but left half-way through the second semester. No one knows why, or even where he went. He keeps his past a secret other than that little known fact.

(will add more detail in a moment.)


None. He doesn't usually fall for people easily.

Anything else:

Name: William

Nickname: Ghost of Fantasy High

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Place of Residence: Nature

Year: Officially, two.

Species: Embodiment of Nature


Nature Control: Self explanatory

Spirit Transformation: Self exploratory, only happens on specific days at night

Life and Death: The ability to bring someone of something back from the clutches of death, can also heal anyone of life-threatening injures.

Likes/ Dislikes:

+ Nature

+ Animals

+ Peace

+ Vegetables

+ Spirits

- Disrespect of nature

- Pollution

- Arrogance


William is a very strange boy, he loves to interact with people and have fun; but doesn't do it that often due to circumstances. He is a person of solitude for the most part, unseen by many of the people of the school unless called upon. The boy is truthful at all times, not hiding nor revealing anything from anyone. He hates people who disrespect nature or pollutes it, and often punishes them with cruel and unusual punishments.



True Spirit form:



The boy has been around since the beginning of mother nature, a pure embodiment of nature itself; a higher nature spirit to say. He has seen everything that as ever really happened, and disdains humans for their disrespect of nature and unability to lean of their arrogant ways. Ever since the school was built, he has decided, for some strange reason, to live among the others and sort of watch over the school. He has gotten the name, Ghost of Fantasy high, due to the many rumors about his mysterious person and how people contact him. If you want those answers to a test?, want to know if someone loves you or not?, etc... then you preform a ritual at night in a place with nature and he will come to you; fulfilling his part of the bargain if only you do.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else:

Ritual of summoning: In order to summon him, you must find an open patch of nature around campus around midnight and bring with you nine candles, a piece of paper, and a needle. Before you leave for it, make sure only one candle is lit at the moment and quickly make your way to the spot without letting the candle burn out. When you get to your spot, it should be about ten minutes to midnight, enough time to set up.

Start by placing the other eight candles in a circle; it doesn't have to be perfect but make it as best as you can, and place the sheet of paper in the middle, note that if more then one person is being involved in the ritual or someone is watching , they will need their own piece of paper. One by one, go in a circle and use the already lit candle to light the other candles; light the last one at the moment of midnight; if all goes correctly, William shall calm; though no one really knows his real name as it has never been spoken by him. Stand in the middle of the circle, along with anyone else currently their, and simply wait (Should take no more then 5 minutes for him to show), once he is there you need to respectfully asked for your request (One at a time if there is more), and he will nod in understanding.

Now before the contract is signed, you must offer him something in return, something simple as helping out the environment or helping out someone else. If he accepts it, which you can tell if he does, you will then use the needle in front of him and prick your finger enough for a drop of blood to spill on the blank paper; the contract is signed and you will have what you requested soon, somehow. You must complete your end of the bargain a.s.a.p, for if not completed by the end of the day; you are now his for eternity, your soul is magically bound to him and will most likely be put to work in the fields.

Name: Lilly

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual


Where you live: Dorm

Year: 1st

What kind of being you are: Oni


Ancient magic: She has the powerful magic of the ancient ones, old and fierce deities that once ruled over the planet. She manipulates the essence which exists between Light and Darkness. Able to make attacks, defenses, and constructs.


+ Music

+ Being around others

+ Having Fun

+ Drawing

+ Night

- Strong sunlight

- Arrogance

- Yelling

- Rudeness


Lilly is typically a fun person to be around, she likes to chat a lot and keep people happy; though is not extremely bubbly herself. She hates it when people get rude, and will try to help those in need if she is able to. Lilly prefers to have the attention on other people, but secretly likes it when people pay attention to her. She does, however, have a nasty side that gets out when she is angered, and when that happens; just run for your life if you know whats good for ya. She usually attracts a lot of attention from boys on campus due to her carefree attitude and long orange-hair that falls to right above her butt.




Lilly does not reveal much about her past, other then she is from a different realm.

Dating/lover/crush: None yet

Anything else:
Odin4Life4Life said:
Name: William
Nickname: Ghost of Fantasy High

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Place of Residence: Nature

Year: Officially, two.

Species: Embodiment of Nature


Nature Control: Self explanatory

Spirit Transformation: Self exploratory, only happens on specific days at night

Life and Death: The ability to bring someone of something back from the clutches of death, can also heal anyone of life-threatening injures.

Likes/ Dislikes:

+ Nature

+ Animals

+ Peace

+ Vegetables

+ Spirits

- Disrespect of nature

- Pollution

- Arrogance


William is a very strange boy, he loves to interact with people and have fun; but doesn't do it that often due to circumstances. He is a person of solitude for the most part, unseen by many of the people of the school unless called upon. The boy is truthful at all times, not hiding nor revealing anything from anyone. He hates people who disrespect nature or pollutes it, and often punishes them with cruel and unusual punishments.



True Spirit form:



The boy has been around since the beginning of mother nature, a pure embodiment of nature itself; a higher nature spirit to say. He has seen everything that as ever really happened, and disdains humans for their disrespect of nature and unability to lean of their arrogant ways. Ever since the school was built, he has decided, for some strange reason, to live among the others and sort of watch over the school. He has gotten the name, Ghost of Fantasy high, due to the many rumors about his mysterious person and how people contact him. If you want those answers to a test?, want to know if someone loves you or not?, etc... then you preform a ritual at night in a place with nature and he will come to you; fulfilling his part of the bargain if only you do.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else:

Ritual of summoning: In order to summon him, you must find an open patch of nature around campus around midnight and bring with you nine candles, a piece of paper, and a needle. Before you leave for it, make sure only one candle is lit at the moment and quickly make your way to the spot without letting the candle burn out. When you get to your spot, it should be about ten minutes to midnight, enough time to set up.

Start by placing the other eight candles in a circle; it doesn't have to be perfect but make it as best as you can, and place the sheet of paper in the middle, note that if more then one person is being involved in the ritual or someone is watching , they will need their own piece of paper. One by one, go in a circle and use the already lit candle to light the other candles; light the last one at the moment of midnight; if all goes correctly, William shall calm; though no one really knows his real name as it has never been spoken by him. Stand in the middle of the circle, along with anyone else currently their, and simply wait (Should take no more then 5 minutes for him to show), once he is there you need to respectfully asked for your request (One at a time if there is more), and he will nod in understanding.

Now before the contract is signed, you must offer him something in return, something simple as helping out the environment or helping out someone else. If he accepts it, which you can tell if he does, you will then use the needle in front of him and prick your finger enough for a drop of blood to spill on the blank paper; the contract is signed and you will have what you requested soon, somehow. You must complete your end of the bargain a.s.a.p, for if not completed by the end of the day; you are now his for eternity, your soul is magically bound to him and will most likely be put to work in the fields.

Name: Lilly

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual


Where you live: Dorm

Year: 1st

What kind of being you are: Oni


Ancient magic: She has the powerful magic of the ancient ones, old and fierce deities that once ruled over the planet. She manipulates the essence which exists between Light and Darkness. Able to make attacks, defenses, and constructs.


+ Music

+ Being around others

+ Having Fun

+ Drawing

+ Night

- Strong sunlight

- Arrogance

- Yelling

- Rudeness


Lilly is typically a fun person to be around, she likes to chat a lot and keep people happy; though is not extremely bubbly herself. She hates it when people get rude, and will try to help those in need if she is able to. Lilly prefers to have the attention on other people, but secretly likes it when people pay attention to her. She does, however, have a nasty side that gets out when she is angered, and when that happens; just run for your life if you know whats good for ya. She usually attracts a lot of attention from boys on campus due to her carefree attitude and long orange-hair that falls to right above her butt.




Lilly does not reveal much about her past, other then she is from a different realm.

Dating/lover/crush: None yet

Anything else:

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