Fantasy Highschool Life





Nickname(If Applies):

Yuki, Bird, Bones.





Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live:


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:



-Allure: The ability passed down from his mother that allows for him to strongly attract people to him regardless of gender.​

-Innate Capability

-Psionic inundation

When Yuki was brought back, this original power was officially awakened. This ability is one that allows him to not only control bones, but mold them as well. He can use his own bones, or the bones of other creatures.
Yuki was given this ability after he was reawakened. It allows him to manipulate, create, and control a dark substance that is a lot like ink or oil. if it hardens, it becomes unbreakable by almost all forms of weapons/force, and is very flammable even after it hardens.
This was a gift given to him to replace the one he was born with. Instead of being able to form into girl, he now has the ability to change forms into raven. This allows him to control ravens and most other birds, and also allows him to fall great distances and take a lot of damage, without getting hurt.
Literally as the name is called, Yuki's left eye was replaced with the eye of Death, a powerful entity. At full power, he can kill a regular human just by looking them in the eye, but it can't kill supernaturals like that as he only has one of the eyes. It can also blast a beam (or multiple shards) of dark matter/an unknown form of energy from it, and track the movement of a person; revealing the exact time and speed at which they are moving. A downside to having the eye, is that it has a weakness to bright lights, and brings him a lot of pain when it's over-used. The eye itself looks like a normal demon's eye: a murky green iris, lined with a bright blue, and a black, slanted pupil. The only difference is the small symbol that appears in the iris when it's powers are used. his other eye is the same color as before he died, and he often hides the eye of death to match his right eye.
Yuki not only got new powers after being reborn, but new physical abilities as well. Reflexes, Flexibility, senses, and speed. he even formed a sort of resistance to pain; seeming more so to enjoy it than cry about it. However, he still isn't very strong in hand-to-hand situations, unless there are weapons involved.


Birds, animals, manga, anime, food, pain, sleeping, music, being productive.


overly clingy people, unneeded violence.


Yuki is still a lot like his old self; though, a bit more rough around the edges. He still has a love for anime/manga, but it is more nostalgic than the love he had for it. While he tries to keep it hidden and suppressed, Yuki has a lot of dark thoughts and urges that come to his mind that he used to never have, and it takes quite a bit of self control for him to keep them at bay.


Other than the EOD, Yuki's features still look exactly the same as they were when he was alive. There are a few differences such as his skin being paler, his hair is cropped differently, and he has more of an athletic build compared to his old scrawny self; though, it doesn't look like he has changed much at all. At times, he will wear a mask, though for no real apparent or obvious reason.


Yuki was raised with his human parents and their human family that each have a set of talents that make them famous; except Yuki. Despite his natural talent for acting, Yuki never wanted to be famous, and would rather go to an anime convention then the red carpet. especially since his set of powers differ from his family. When he was a baby, Yuki was given gifts from a "mythical" creature like any other child in their bloodline, only his turned out to be a demon who cursed him to change into a girl at times as a "gift" for his amusement. Because of this, many people thought he was a girl while he grew up as his mother and father chose to dress him as one instead of telling the truth. When he finally got a chance to leave the family at 18, he jumped the wagon without hesitation.

Yuki doesn't talk much about what happened in Allon's dimension after he was brought back, but He finally managed to defeat the demon who had been tricking his family over the years, and gained an unwanted companion from the battle along with a few new powers. Even so, he has no recollection of who exactly his family is, though he remembers he had one. He cannot remember the person who killed him or why he was killed, only the sound of a maniacal laugh.


None currently

Anything else:

Yuki grew an immunity to Allures and Attractions that aren't natural after he died.

He often tries to avoid Azara, as he feels sorry for the demon for having him as a master.


Unwanted Companion





Azzy, azz (ass)



(time passes by quickly in Allon's dimension)



Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:

Neutrally evil

Where you live:

Where ever Yuki lives.

What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

Demon: type: Incubus: sub-type: weapon


-Fatal Charm: Azara has the gift of attraction. He can attract people of any gender to him just by being near them, and can charm even snakes into doing what he wishes them to. This doesn't work for people who aren't attracted to males. Along with this power, Azara can put people into a trance to feed off of the contents of their minds. If they don't get set free or escape the trance after a period of time they will be stuck in a comatose state.

-Sensation Manipulation: He can place things such as pain, fear, pleasure, and nausea into someone through even the smallest touch, but can take them away just as easily.

-elemental manipulation

-healing factor/form change: he can heal himself and others around him at the cost of his own energy. He can actively change his form to between his true forms and his made up ones.

-Weaponry: He can become, create, and wield multiple weapons at a time all with different effects. he can also modify and upgrade weapons.



music, fighting, teasing others, making weapons, feeding, reading, writing, messing with yuki.


prudes, snobby angels, depressing people, being bored, being told what to do by people other than his master.


Azara has an ever wavering personality that may or may not change depending on his mood. Though, he is usually curious, playful, and mischievous, he can be serious when he wants to be. He can be a bit innocent-minded, and tricks himself into doing strange or otherwise stupid things that he will regret so that he doesn't grow bored. Reading and writing are two things he does as a way of escaping his rapidly changing mind, as it is the main thing that keeps him calm other than Lya, his snake. Even when he is making a weapon he finds it hard to concentrate on one thought, and often ends up with half-finished trash. When he gets excited about something, or his heart starts to race rapidly, even if its the simplest thing, he immediately tries to distract himself to calm down out of habit; not wanting to end up attacking someone.


Current Form-



Azara is an incubus with a very solitary past. He was taken from his father at a young age and raised in servitude under the demon Allon. Because he wasn't brought up around others of his species, he was never taught how to properly feed from both the dreams and sexual pleasures of others, and, instead, feeds mainly on the dreams and nightmares of people. This is also the reason Azara doesn't have horns, but has a tail. When Allon was finally challenged by Yuki, Azara was there to help with killing his master by healing Yuki and giving him the EOD along with Allon's mark. By taking the mark from Allon, Yuki was granted ownership over Azara, but he repeatedly denied the fact and basically told Azara he was free to do what he wanted. Nevertheless, Azara, with or without Yuki's knowledge, is compelled to follow Yuki wherever he goes, and can't escape the compulsion until he is within at least 900 feet of him.


No one, really.

Though he often proclaims that he loves Yuki, he only sees the boy as his friend.

Anything else:

He has a pet snake named Lya, the one in the picture.

He feeds off of Dreams and Nightmares instead of the other route; having no experience in such things. When he does feed off of dreams, his form changes quite a bit.
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Due to this being an Update

on Kenji's Judgement Form,

I will only be updating the

most basic stuff about him.


Kenji Fukushima (Judgement Form)



Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:



Red Aura:

Kenji has power over fire, imbibing itself in a red-coloured Aura. When exerted, the Aura has great offensive potential to allow Kenji to attack his enemies. The Aura also provides a strong defence.

Flame Slash:

Kenji engulfs his left hand with his Aura and holds it in the air, then pulling it back closer to his face. A wave of the Aura is ejected and sent towards a great distance at a relatively high speed. It is able to horizontally slice through an entire clock tower and cause the upper half to collapse.

Illusion Breaking:

Kenji's Aura was able to effortlessly break and disintegrate the most powerful illusions to date just by releasing his aura into his surroundings.

More Powers TBR in RP.


Acts of kindness



All forms of evil, regardless of the severity.

Personality -Judgement Form-:

Despite his status as a Sanctum, Kenji actually cares little about the title and at one point in his life, questioned why he even had it. He is quite lazy and spends a lot of his time sleeping, which he does so much that he is able to fall into a deep sleep in a matter of seconds. Likewise, he is not affected from being woken up by a head slam, reacting calmly when such an incident occurs. In contrast to this casual nature of his, Kenji has been said to be the most violent-tempered of all the Transcended Beings, such a statement being more evident in his Judgement Form. Kenji also appears to have good manners. Food is occasionally an attribution to Kenji's dark sense of humour. He once suggested to name a horse “Basashi” and grew hungry once he looked at it's shoulder, which is a known part of the horse to be commonly eaten. Kenji possesses a genuine relationship with his family and cares for their well-being. His is also an avid smoker.



Kenji's Judgement Form is a tall, muscular man with red hair and amber eyes. His red hair is kept short, ruffled, and spiked, with two strands of hair near the opposite sides of his head falling over his face, as well as distinct sideburns. As a teenager, his hair, while still short and ruffled, was messier and his bangs fell across his forehead. Since at that age, there have been light creases under Kenji's eyes, which he still has.

He wears a black, leather jacket with a fur collar and a white V-neck underneath. He wears dark blue, denim jeans held up by a simple brown belt, with a silver chain attached from the belt to his back pocket, additionally with black shoes to top off the rest of his outfit. Kenji wears other jewellery pieces with his clothes, primarily silver: a silver ring, and a star-shaped necklace. He also has a piercing in his left ear.

Theme Song:


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ChubbyPenguin said:




Nickname(If Applies):

Yuki, Bird, Bones.





Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live:


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:



-Allure: The ability passed down from his mother that allows for him to strongly attract people to him regardless of gender.​

-Innate Capability

-Psionic inundation

When Yuki was brought back, this original power was officially awakened. This ability is one that allows him to not only control bones, but mold them as well. He can use his own bones, or the bones of other creatures.

Yuki was given this ability after he was reawakened. It allows him to manipulate, create, and control a dark substance that is a lot like ink or oil. if it hardens, it becomes unbreakable by almost all forms of weapons/force, and is very flammable even after it hardens.

This was a gift given to him to replace the one he was born with. Instead of being able to form into girl, he now has the ability to change forms into raven. This allows him to control ravens and most other birds, and also allows him to fall great distances and take a lot of damage, without getting hurt.

Literally as the name is called, Yuki's left eye was replaced with the eye of Death, a powerful entity. At full power, he can kill a regular human just by looking them in the eye, but it can't kill supernaturals like that as he only has one of the eyes. It can also blast a beam (or multiple shards) of dark matter/an unknown form of energy from it, and track the movement of a person; revealing the exact time and speed at which they are moving. A downside to having the eye, is that it has a weakness to bright lights, and brings him a lot of pain when it's over-used. The eye itself looks like a normal demon's eye: a murky green iris, lined with a bright blue, and a black, slanted pupil. The only difference is the small symbol that appears in the iris when it's powers are used. his other eye is the same color as before he died, and he often hides the eye of death to match his right eye.

Yuki not only got new powers after being reborn, but new physical abilities as well. Reflexes, Flexibility, senses, and speed. he even formed a sort of resistance to pain; seeming more so to enjoy it than cry about it. However, he still isn't very strong in hand-to-hand situations, unless there are weapons involved.


Birds, animals, manga, anime, food, pain, sleeping, music, being productive.


overly clingy people, unneeded violence.


Yuki is still a lot like his old self; though, a bit more rough around the edges. He still has a love for anime/manga, but it is more nostalgic than the love he had for it. While he tries to keep it hidden and suppressed, Yuki has a lot of dark thoughts and urges that come to his mind that he used to never have, and it takes quite a bit of self control for him to keep them at bay.


Other than the EOD, Yuki's features still look exactly the same as they were when he was alive. There are a few differences such as his skin being paler, his hair is cropped differently, and he has more of an athletic build compared to his old scrawny self; though, it doesn't look like he has changed much at all. At times, he will wear a mask, though for no real apparent or obvious reason.


Yuki was raised with his human parents and their human family that each have a set of talents that make them famous; except Yuki. Despite his natural talent for acting, Yuki never wanted to be famous, and would rather go to an anime convention then the red carpet. especially since his set of powers differ from his family. When he was a baby, Yuki was given gifts from a "mythical" creature like any other child in their bloodline, only his turned out to be a demon who cursed him to change into a girl at times as a "gift" for his amusement. Because of this, many people thought he was a girl while he grew up as his mother and father chose to dress him as one instead of telling the truth. When he finally got a chance to leave the family at 18, he jumped the wagon without hesitation.

Yuki doesn't talk much about what happened in Allon's dimension after he was brought back, but He finally managed to defeat the demon who had been tricking his family over the years, and gained an unwanted companion from the battle along with a few new powers. Even so, he has no recollection of who exactly his family is, though he remembers he had one. He cannot remember the person who killed him or why he was killed, only the sound of a maniacal laugh.


None currently

Anything else:

Yuki grew an immunity to Allures and Attractions that aren't natural after he died.

He often tries to avoid Azara, as he feels sorry for the demon for having him as a master.


Unwanted Companion





Azzy, azz (ass)



(time passes by quickly in Allon's dimension)



Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:

Neutrally evil

Where you live:

Where ever Yuki lives.

What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

Demon: type: Incubus: sub-type: weapon


-Fatal Charm: Azara has the gift of attraction. He can attract people of any gender to him just by being near them, and can charm even snakes into doing what he wishes them to. This doesn't work for people who aren't attracted to males. Along with this power, Azara can put people into a trance to feed off of the contents of their minds. If they don't get set free or escape the trance after a period of time they will be stuck in a comatose state.

-Sensation Manipulation: He can place things such as pain, fear, pleasure, and nausea into someone through even the smallest touch, but can take them away just as easily.

-elemental manipulation

-healing factor/form change: he can heal himself and others around him at the cost of his own energy. He can actively change his form to between his true forms and his made up ones.

-Weaponry: He can become, create, and wield multiple weapons at a time all with different effects. he can also modify and upgrade weapons.



music, fighting, teasing others, making weapons, feeding, reading, writing, messing with yuki.


prudes, snobby angels, depressing people, being bored, being told what to do by people other than his master.


Azara has an ever wavering personality that may or may not change depending on his mood. Though, he is usually curious, playful, and mischievous, he can be serious when he wants to be. He can be a bit innocent-minded, and tricks himself into doing strange or otherwise stupid things that he will regret so that he doesn't grow bored. Reading and writing are two things he does as a way of escaping his rapidly changing mind, as it is the main thing that keeps him calm other than Lya, his snake. Even when he is making a weapon he finds it hard to concentrate on one thought, and often ends up with half-finished trash. When he gets excited about something, or his heart starts to race rapidly, even if its the simplest thing, he immediately tries to distract himself to calm down out of habit; not wanting to end up attacking someone.


Current Form-



Azara is an incubus with a very solitary past. He was taken from his father at a young age and raised in servitude under the demon Allon. Because he wasn't brought up around others of his species, he was never taught how to properly feed from both the dreams and sexual pleasures of others, and, instead, feeds mainly on the dreams and nightmares of people. This is also the reason Azara doesn't have horns, but has a tail. When Allon was finally challenged by Yuki, Azara was there to help with killing his master by healing Yuki and giving him the EOD along with Allon's mark. By taking the mark from Allon, Yuki was granted ownership over Azara, but he repeatedly denied the fact and basically told Azara he was free to do what he wanted. Nevertheless, Azara, with or without Yuki's knowledge, is compelled to follow Yuki wherever he goes, and can't escape the compulsion until he is within at least 900 feet of him.


No one, really.

Though he often proclaims that he loves Yuki, he only sees the boy as his friend.

Anything else:

He has a pet snake named Lya, the one in the picture.

He feeds off of Dreams and Nightmares instead of the other route; having no experience in such things. When he does feed off of dreams, his form changes quite a bit.

[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]

Due to this being an Update

on Kenji's Judgement Form,

I will only be updating the

most basic stuff about him.


Kenji Fukushima (Judgement Form)



Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:



Red Aura:

Kenji has power over fire, imbibing itself in a red-coloured Aura. When exerted, the Aura has great offensive potential to allow Kenji to attack his enemies. The Aura also provides a strong defence.

Flame Slash:

Kenji engulfs his left hand with his Aura and holds it in the air, then pulling it back closer to his face. A wave of the Aura is ejected and sent towards a great distance at a relatively high speed. It is able to horizontally slice through an entire clock tower and cause the upper half to collapse.

Illusion Breaking:

Kenji's Aura was able to effortlessly break and disintegrate the most powerful illusions to date just by releasing his aura into his surroundings.

More Powers TBR in RP.


Acts of kindness



All forms of evil, regardless of the severity.

Personality -Judgement Form-:

Despite his status as a Transcended Being, Kenji actually cares little about the title and at one point in his life, questioned why he even had it. He is quite lazy and spends a lot of his time sleeping, which he does so much that he is able to fall into a deep sleep in a matter of seconds. Likewise, he is not affected from being woken up by a head slam, reacting calmly when such an incident occurs. In contrast to this casual nature of his, Kenji has been said to be the most violent-tempered of all the Transcended Beings, such a statement being more evident in his Judgement Form. Kenji also appears to have good manners. Food is occasionally an attribution to Kenji's dark sense of humour. He once suggested to name a horse “Basashi” and grew hungry once he looked at it's shoulder, which is a known part of the horse to be commonly eaten. Kenji possesses a genuine relationship with his family and cares for their well-being. His is also an avid smoker.



Kenji's Judgement Form is a tall, muscular man with red hair and amber eyes. His red hair is kept short, ruffled, and spiked, with two strands of hair near the opposite sides of his head falling over his face, as well as distinct sideburns. As a teenager, his hair, while still short and ruffled, was messier and his bangs fell across his forehead. Since at that age, there have been light creases under Kenji's eyes, which he still has.

He wears a black, leather jacket with a fur collar and a white V-neck underneath. He wears dark blue, denim jeans held up by a simple brown belt, with a silver chain attached from the belt to his back pocket, additionally with black shoes to top off the rest of his outfit. Kenji wears other jewellery pieces with his clothes, primarily silver: a silver ring, and a star-shaped necklace. He also has a piercing in his left ear.



The Van Deschan Twins

Malanie /Matthew

Mal /Matt

Looks around 17

Female / Male

Straight / Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral



Arch Demon.

An Arch Demon is like an Arch Angel but instead of getting their powers from good and light basiclly everything good, an Arch Demon gets its power from evil, darkness anything bad.An arch demon are very powerful but not as powerful as Opasts demon but close. They can even be classified as Fallen Angels.​


Can fully

interpret and replicate the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others without reading apparent symptoms, allowing them to understand introverts or discover one emotion is actually hiding another. They can attack someone in a personal and emotional way since they know exactly what emotion is flowing through themselves and can use this knowledge to play against them. Some users may learn to read emotional imprints left into environment or objects.

implant memories, thoughts and emotions into the minds of others in order to manipulate them.Able to make a person do anything they desire, even commit suicide. But they must be looking into their eyes.
can manipulate, modify and control the thoughts, mindsets, and upper brain functions, allowing the ability to render others unconscious, suppress their memories, and negate the use of abilities, increase/decrease mental capacity, modify minds to be agreeable, sway sensations to induce altered perception, bestow mental disorders or break down mental barriers. Have too look into person's eyes for more than 30 seconds.









+Protecting his sister

+Learning new things



-Seeing Melanie Cry






°Brutally Honest

°Doesn't trust easy

°Get's flusted easy


•Nice when he wants to be








<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/3f9d24313708df045a79d1a3608e88fd.jpg.4d401ec90989e6fcb8d0828b9628c090.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44525" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/3f9d24313708df045a79d1a3608e88fd.jpg.4d401ec90989e6fcb8d0828b9628c090.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1bf503f1_friendshippic2.png.2c85f885ec37edacd8f9ffcb2d984ce6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44526" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1bf503f1_friendshippic2.png.2c85f885ec37edacd8f9ffcb2d984ce6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/images.jpg.3de5b9e8f7e8ebc8ed3f47d8cb83d83f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44527" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/images.jpg.3de5b9e8f7e8ebc8ed3f47d8cb83d83f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1bf560af_images(1).jpg.9efd1b2e6862ca10ddaf727abb6f6ced.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44528" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1bf560af_images(1).jpg.9efd1b2e6862ca10ddaf727abb6f6ced.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44529" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Her hair is brown and her eyes are blue but turns gold when angry.She is 5'5<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/f654e9086747e1ec3aad7a7c85836b34.jpg.03790d10b2cbd10abe4851822a339d88.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44535" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/f654e9086747e1ec3aad7a7c85836b34.jpg.03790d10b2cbd10abe4851822a339d88.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1bf711ae_images(3).jpg.a9268634a07ec562d12dafed42130c1c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44536" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1bf711ae_images(3).jpg.a9268634a07ec562d12dafed42130c1c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
His hair is brown, his eyes are blue but turns red when angry. He is 6'0

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1bf6671a_images(2).jpg.3ed0f8566a40f88ff07ef505d0451bc8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44532" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1bf6671a_images(2).jpg.3ed0f8566a40f88ff07ef505d0451bc8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/tumblr_n1jmdrAvRx1t2lnl7o1_500.png.339bc82cf16177e0084c653421cd31fe.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44533" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/tumblr_n1jmdrAvRx1t2lnl7o1_500.png.339bc82cf16177e0084c653421cd31fe.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/c834fd5d2e3eed128d545b89255f1819.jpg.b973c7a2a3d29b251ebb8aa0dde6d4b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44534" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/c834fd5d2e3eed128d545b89255f1819.jpg.b973c7a2a3d29b251ebb8aa0dde6d4b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Malaine and Matthew where born around the time the war between the Angels and the Demons started to happen. They where forced to be in the war at a young age when the looked to be around 6 years old because they bared the mark of the Arch Demon and being twins they were strong when together. After the war they basically been travling the world together until there "uncle" Lucifer told them to come to this school so they could learn to be social with other people other than themselfs. People always think of there"uncle" as a crul ,an but in truth he was nice,well to them anyway.

Dating/lover/crush: None yet.

Anything else:




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DemonicPrincess said:

The Twins.

Malanie /Matthew

Mal /Matt

Looks around 17

Female / Male

Straight / Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral



Arch Demon.

An Arch Demon is like an Arch Angel but instead of getting theor powers from good and light basiclly everything good, an Arch Demon gets its power from evil, darkness anything bad.A arch demon are very powerful just as powerful as Lucifer. They can even be classified as Fallen Angels.​


Can fully interpret and replicate the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others without reading apparent symptoms, allowing them to understand introverts or discover one emotion is actually hiding another. They can attack someone in a personal and emotional way since they know exactly what emotion is flowing through themselves and can use this knowledge to play against them. Some users may learn to read emotional imprints left into environment or objects.

implant memories, thoughts and emotions into the minds of others in order to manipulate them.Able to make a person do anything they desire, even commit suicide. But they must be looking into their eyes.

can manipulate, modify and control the thoughts, mindsets, and upper brain functions, allowing the ability to render others unconscious, suppress their memories, and negate the use of abilities, increase/decrease mental capacity, modify minds to be agreeable, sway sensations to induce altered perception, bestow mental disorders or break down mental barriers. Have too look into person's eyes for more than 30 seconds.









+Protecting his sister

+Learning new things



-Seeing Melanie Cry






°Brutally Honest

°Doesn't trust easy

°Get's flusted easy


•Nice when he wants to be







View attachment 105680 View attachment 105681 View attachment 105682 View attachment 105683 View attachment 105684

Her hair is brown and her eyes are blue but turns gold when angry.She is 5'5View attachment 105690 View attachment 105691

His hair is brown, his eyes are blue but turns red when angry. He is 6'0

View attachment 105687 View attachment 105688 View attachment 105689


Malaine and Matthew where born around the time the war between the Angels and the Demons started to happen. They where forced to be in the war at a young age when the looked to be around 6 years old because they bared the mark of the Arch Demon and being twins they were strong when together. After the war they basically been travling the world together until there "uncle" Lucifer told them to come to this school so they could learn to be social with other people other than themselfs. People always think of there"uncle" as a crul ,an but in truth he was nice,well to them anyway.

Dating/lover/crush: None yet.

Anything else:


((( Just to let you know, Ark Demons aren't the most powerful demons, nor are Arch Angels. The most powerful demons are called “Opasts” and the most powerful Angels are called “Seraphs/Seraphims”. Opasts are classified as being just as strong as Lucifer. Seraphs are classified as being just below God. Just thought I'd point it out xD )))
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( Just to let you know, Ark Demons aren't the most powerful demons, nor are Arch Angels. The most powerful demons are called “Opasts” and the most powerful Angels are called “Seraphs/Seraphims”. Opasts are classified as being just as strong as Lucifer. Seraphs are classified as being just below God. Just thought I'd point it out xD )))

Oh, I was just going off the stories my grandfather tells me... I guess I have yo fix it don't I?..
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( Not really, I was just pointing it out, not to be an ass xD )))

Well thanks .. I guess I'm gonna pop my grandpas bubble.
Name: Ivy Bates

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight but hates men

Good or Evil or Neutral: Considerably Evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): House

What Year of high school you're in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Fox Demon

Powers/gifts: Foxfire, fox magic, is very skilled with weapons

Likes: loud music, animals, fire

Dislikes: preps, goodie-two-shoes, nice girls

Personality: She always speaks her mind no matter whom it is to, she doesn't care what others think about her, she is very rebellious, she is not afraid of anyone.

Appearance: (Exactly like picture. She is 5ft 6 with white fox ears)

Bio: She was born to a very powerful fox demon mother and a god who took on many concubines. Her mother was his most favorite and with that, Ivy was born and was the favorite child. At a young age, Ivy's father disappeared and when she next heard of him, he was dead. She witnessed her mother cry and shut herself from the world. From that day forward, Ivy swore that she would never trust anyone ever again.

Dating/lover/crush: none

Anything else: She is in need of someone to unfreeze her frozen heart. She isn't as mean as people think if they gave her a chance.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1ce50dcc_ScreenShot2015-03-11at9.04.43PM.png.3a299b475384d9a76a368be680d7ace2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45144" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1ce50dcc_ScreenShot2015-03-11at9.04.43PM.png.3a299b475384d9a76a368be680d7ace2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Screen Shot 2015-03-11 at 9.04.43 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2015-03-11 at 9.04.43 PM.png
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lonecoyote said:
Name: Ivy Bates
Nickname(If Applies):

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight but hates men

Good or Evil or Neutral: Considerably Evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): House

What Year of high school you're in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Fox Demon

Powers/gifts: Foxfire, fox magic, is very skilled with weapons

Likes: loud music, animals, fire

Dislikes: preps, goodie-two-shoes, nice girls

Personality: She always speaks her mind no matter whom it is to, she doesn't care what others think about her, she is very rebellious, she is not afraid of anyone.

Appearance: (Exactly like picture. She is 5ft 6 with white fox ears)

Bio: She was born to a very powerful fox demon mother and a god who took on many concubines. Her mother was his most favorite and with that, Ivy was born and was the favorite child. At a young age, Ivy's father disappeared and when she next heard of him, he was dead. She witnessed her mother cry and shut herself from the world. From that day forward, Ivy swore that she would never trust anyone ever again.

Dating/lover/crush: none

Anything else: She is in need of someone to unfreeze her frozen heart. She isn't as mean as people think if they gave her a chance.
DemonicPrincess said:

The Van Deschan Twins

Malanie /Matthew

Mal /Matt

Looks around 17

Female / Male

Straight / Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral



Arch Demon.

An Arch Demon is like an Arch Angel but instead of getting their powers from good and light basiclly everything good, an Arch Demon gets its power from evil, darkness anything bad.An arch demon are very powerful but not as powerful as Opasts demon but close. They can even be classified as Fallen Angels.​


Can fully interpret and replicate the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others without reading apparent symptoms, allowing them to understand introverts or discover one emotion is actually hiding another. They can attack someone in a personal and emotional way since they know exactly what emotion is flowing through themselves and can use this knowledge to play against them. Some users may learn to read emotional imprints left into environment or objects.

implant memories, thoughts and emotions into the minds of others in order to manipulate them.Able to make a person do anything they desire, even commit suicide. But they must be looking into their eyes.

can manipulate, modify and control the thoughts, mindsets, and upper brain functions, allowing the ability to render others unconscious, suppress their memories, and negate the use of abilities, increase/decrease mental capacity, modify minds to be agreeable, sway sensations to induce altered perception, bestow mental disorders or break down mental barriers. Have too look into person's eyes for more than 30 seconds.









+Protecting his sister

+Learning new things



-Seeing Melanie Cry






°Brutally Honest

°Doesn't trust easy

°Get's flusted easy


•Nice when he wants to be







View attachment 105680 View attachment 105681 View attachment 105682 View attachment 105683 View attachment 105684

Her hair is brown and her eyes are blue but turns gold when angry.She is 5'5View attachment 105690 View attachment 105691

His hair is brown, his eyes are blue but turns red when angry. He is 6'0

View attachment 105687 View attachment 105688 View attachment 105689


Malaine and Matthew where born around the time the war between the Angels and the Demons started to happen. They where forced to be in the war at a young age when the looked to be around 6 years old because they bared the mark of the Arch Demon and being twins they were strong when together. After the war they basically been travling the world together until there "uncle" Lucifer told them to come to this school so they could learn to be social with other people other than themselfs. People always think of there"uncle" as a crul ,an but in truth he was nice,well to them anyway.

Dating/lover/crush: None yet.

Anything else:


Name: Safia Lancaster

Nickname: Saffie

Age: 16

Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live: Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: Human

Powers/gifts: Very skilled with hand to hand combat

Likes: Animals, the outdoors, magic

Dislikes: mean people, bullies, being alone

Personality: She's a very friendly person who has moved a lot in her 17 years. She tries to see the good in everyone even if they may not have any. She has many secrets which causes her to have trust issues. She likes to listen to people instead of talking. She always puts others first before herself.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/red_haired_ninja_anime_girl__by_sasukexsariya-d5fz53v.jpg.780f88247c8e9bcebf5e1b6bcce8f88e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45155" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/red_haired_ninja_anime_girl__by_sasukexsariya-d5fz53v.jpg.780f88247c8e9bcebf5e1b6bcce8f88e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Safia is an only child to her father. Her dad is in the army so she's technically one of those, "army brats". She has moved all over the states due to this. With her father's job she stayed at home by herself a lot so her contact with people is not very good but she is always willing to make friends. Safia is a naturally kind person and never starts anything with anyone unless she has a good reason. She stands up for what she believes in, no matter how wrong or stupid it may be.

Dating/lover/crush: None at the moment

Anything else: She's an MMA fighter



  • red_haired_ninja_anime_girl__by_sasukexsariya-d5fz53v.jpg
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