Fantasy Highschool Life



Name: Tasuke

Nickname(If Applies): Nine Lives Tasuke.

Age: 568

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Ice Demon - Former Human


Tasuke has the power to fully manipulate Ice and Snow, not only can he make it materialize from anywhere he wants, he can also cool the temperature of an area so that it start freezing water. He can make Ice grow from the smallest shard and form fully functioning Monster of Ice. He can instantly swap his real body with Ice or turn sections of it to Ice - Linked to the Angelic Crystal Heart.

Allows for a kind of Sixth Sense, he can sense other people but also mask his own presence. He has advanced Eyesight, but can get headaches (Reason why he wears glasses sometimes). His Eyes Give him the ability to be able to steal people's abilities, Mahiro has the same ability to he just doesn't know it. Tasuke has to witness the power and then seriously injure the user to acquire - Through this he has acquired Mahiro's Teleportation.

Tasuke loves Cats and has studied how they move, using his gift of being able to hide his presence through his red eyes can also move as silent as a cat and is very acrobatic. He has advanced senses and eye site anyway, but can now also Transform into a Black Cat - When in this form no one can tell who he really is, he basically acts as a normal cat that can trick even the most Advanced beings such as Gods. Now Perfected.

This is now the Source of Tasuke's Life Force basically, though it is extremely difficult to destroy his Crystal Heart works exactly like a normal one, but it also has added power. If Tasuke's Body is destroyed he can fully regrow it in a second from this heart and he doesn't have to regrow it from the full heart, it can be a small shard of it (as long as the Crystal Shard is glowing - it basically means he's not fully dead).

From the use of his Clones and own Studying, Tasuke has gathered a lot of information over a long period of time all at once. He is clever and can surprise other's on what he knows, he also usually has clones watching events in school or stalking people of interest from afar using his Cat Transformation


  • To Read
  • Manipulating people
  • Hurting people
  • Killing People
  • Other 'Bad' People
  • Flirting
  • Kaname, His Son
  • Cats
  • Music ( Can Play Piano )
  • Seclusion
  • Knowledge
  • Sushi


  • Money
  • Stupid People
  • Lots of other things


Arrogant, Flirtatious and Manipulative, Tasuke is these things. He can show a kind heart but he never usually means it, twisting his kind words into that of insult in a second - all done with a taunting grin on his face. He likes to break people's hearts whether it be females or even males and will sometimes go to any lengths to do these things. He is clever, he reads a lot of books and studies to get by, but he doesn't use this for good. Tasuke is usually never serious, grinning like a psychopath no matter how dark it gets. Though his temper is vile when lost, no one wants to see him like that, the darkness he radiates is monstrous.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)



Has been in the Highschool for some time, he just kept to himself, but he is ready to make his move. He only has his mother left and is the only person that he really loves at the moment. The reason he is the way he is, is because of his father and the only reason his father isn't alive is because Tasuke made it that way...

Ever since the death of his Father, Tasuke and Mahiro have hated each other. Mahiro being his twin brother. Tasuke was quiet during his first couple of years, he mainly studied gathering a vast amount of knowledge and then became active in his senior year - murdering students for The Watcher, Almost Murdering his brother and Raping Layla who then gave birth to his child; Kaname.

Tasuke's real body is actually studying and boosting his powers in another realm, it is neither Heaven or Hell but is known to be a branch of Realm related to Hell - Ice Clones have been moving around in his stead. After Raping Layla his body has been racking up years in this realm, so much so that he is no longer Human and is now a Demon. He was offered by an Angelic Figure this chance after almost dying, he had no idea why, he is a bad man - was this really an Angelic Figure? But The only condition were that he were to use the Crystal Heart in place of his own. The Heart gave him new powers also.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else: -
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yay( :) )

name: masao tagimato

age: 16

gender: male

sexual orientation: gay

good evil or neutral: neutral

where do you live: dorm

year: freshman

creature: elf

powers: anything masao paints or draws becomes real

masao can grow wings

masao can morph into any animal

can read minds

likes: everything ^-^

dislikes: nothing

personality: softy trying to be tough


bio: he has two sisters, tatsu and machito.

crush: tasuke
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Again resubmition...

Name: Himeragi Seiker

''Long name isn't it?''


''How old did you think I am?''


''I-Isn't it obvious due to my obvious chest...?''

Species: Demon/Angel

''Demon-Angel...basically its half and half''


___Main ArchDemon Form & ArchAngel Form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c24c0c4ca_HimeragiSeiker1.png.9b0dcdb6f8cc75e33178057773e2af90.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50804" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c24c0c4ca_HimeragiSeiker1.png.9b0dcdb6f8cc75e33178057773e2af90.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c24c104bb_ElswordArchDevilandArchAngel.png.ffd772994faa7e77d808043836d99d6a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50805" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c24c104bb_ElswordArchDevilandArchAngel.png.ffd772994faa7e77d808043836d99d6a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



''I don't want you to know my back story...''



  • Himeragi Seiker1.png
    Himeragi Seiker1.png
    620.9 KB · Views: 1
  • Elsword ArchDevil and ArchAngel.png
    Elsword ArchDevil and ArchAngel.png
    215 KB · Views: 1
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[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]Name: Himeragi Seiker
''Long name isn't it?''


''So what I'm so young jumping between worlds and killing demons, so what?''


''I-Isn't it obvious due to my obvious chest...?''

Species: Human

''I enjoy being human...I'm already powerful enough to destroy countless demons...''

Class: Nobless

''A female Noble if you have no idea what a Nobless is!''


''Haha, I look like a demon don't I?''

View attachment 104883 View attachment 104884 View attachment 104885

Personality: Depends on the situation, but usually acts a bit like a Tsundere

''D-Don't stare at me like that, or I'll kill you a hundred times!''

Bio: A human that found herself in the demon world when she was only 6 years old. She was then adopted by a demon noble. The demon noble treated her like his own daughter. He then gave her some of his demon powers to her causing her right eye to become red and have a mode in her eyes. For when both eyes are red, she will mainly become aggressive and berserk in combat. When they are both Blue, she will mainly become emotionless and defensive. The demon noble, who posed as her father, was then assassinated on the streets in the demon world. Himeragi then lives in the mansion, that was once the demon noble's, and managed to live with the demons. However, she was then also targeted by the same demons that killed that demon noble at the age of 13. Himeragi then went back to the human world and jump between the human and demons worlds. She then started eliminating the Bad demons as she jumped between worlds after a while. She is now 16, fully experienced with Dual Gun Blades, Massive Magic Gauntlets, the noble's weapon (looks like a cross-shaped blaster)Marbas, and Soul Spears.

''I was 14 when I started killing...what did you expect when I saw so many deaths at such a young age?''

Weapon Showcase:

it can be charged and fire a piercing bolt and can be shot rapidly almost like a machine gun. (very light when Himeragi holds it and heavy when other people hold it)

shoot, slice.

Magic Gauntlet
slash, pound, scratch, burn

(soul spear not available, just imagine a light blue spear) usually just gets summoned by this rune
and a soul spear emerges from it and either homes onto desired targets or shoots directly straight forward. It can stab/pierce through enemies or create a shockwave or quake when hit on impact on the ground.

Extra: She's busty and likes to wear revealing clothing but tries to remain looking a bit royal. Prefers to hug something when she sleeps (usually a body-pillow she can summon) somewhat perverted and more extras will be found out in rp (p.s. she's very weak so basically, game wise, her HP and defense is very low)...oh and this is the demon noble who took her in...


this link will just take you to a video when the demon Noble was fighting alongside with Himeragi to stop preparations of a demon invasion and evolution.

Note: not my video but...i just wanna stick it in here xD don't worry, in role play, i won't make her too OP.


She's Neutral but is just in the tipsy side of the Evil side.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Likes and Dislikes: you'll have to find out (basically, the info you don't know, just find out xD )

Her ''Home'': a random dorm she forcefully claims as a ''base'' or the school rooftop



jakobtatee said:
yay( :) )
name: masao tagimato

age: 16

gender: male

sexual orientation: gay

good evil or neutral: neutral

where do you live: dorm

year: freshman

creature: elf

powers: anything masao paints becomes real

masao can grow wings

masao can morph into any animal

likes: everything ^-^

dislikes: nothing

personality: softy trying to be tough


bio: he has two sisters, tatsu and machito.

lover: katomu mandura


Kuroh Fukushima










Sexual Orientation:


Good, Evil or Neutral:


Where you live:

Fukushima Estate

What Year of Highschool You're In:


What kind of being you are:

Demonic Sanctum.


Silver Aura:

As the son of Akira, Kuroh possesses a unique Silver Aura. This Aura grants Kuroh the ability to manipulate gravity where he could levitate himself and or anyone he's synced his Aura with. He is able to channel the Aura into Masamune to strengthen it's attack power and speed. He can also manipulate gravity to run up buildings.


Kuroh has the power of invulnerability where any external influence would be rendered useless, the strength of this power is proven when Kuroh could survive from falling from outer space and when his father, Akira stabbed him during training, only leaving his uniform torn. See "Regrowth" below for further details on this.

Expert Strategist:

Kuroh has been shown to have the ability to instantly devise a plan whenever he was cornered.


Kuroh has the ability to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between.

Heat and Molecular Control:

As the son of Layla, Kuroh possesses the unique ability to control the heat in his immediate area and in hostile attacks. He can also change the molecular structure of solid objects and vibrate the molecules of said solid objects so that he may pass through them with ease.


Kuroh has a supernatural ability that allows him to manifest a wispy, lavender gel-like hand, which he can use to take hold of various objects, regardless of whether it has a solid form or not. He can generate such an ability from the palm of his hand, very matching of its physical form.

Spatial Distortion:

Using his ability's unique pull factor, Kuroh can literally "grab" the matter within the area, "pulling" onto it, thus distorting its properties and manipulating its structure.

Spatial Manipulation:

Kuroh can warp, bend, flip, crush, control and otherwise manipulate physical aspects of space within an area of his choosing, including an area and whatever is inside of that area. They are able to trap subjects or objects in space temporarily and push that space, throwing the subject and object away from him or to create wormholes, paradoxes, and other strange events by warping spatial areas and twisting them around.

Since space is permeated by 26.8% dark matter and 68.3% dark energy, Kuroh can also take advantage of this composition to control electromagnetism and gravity via distortions. By distorting space and gravity, Kuroh can distort the flow of time slightly, which is known as the space-time curvature. See
Gram Demolition for a more specified application of this power.

Elemental Sight:

Elemental Sight is a sensory ability that allows Kuroh to connect to the Information Dimension. He can then specify the Magmus of his surroundings individually, regardless of distance. He can analyse the Magmus of targets.

Decomposition -Demon Right-:

Decomposition is one of Kuroh's two innate active magic abilities along with Regrowth with which he inherited from his father, Akira. This technique relies on his innate talent to directly interfere structural information. Using Decomposition, after identifying the design of any Magmus, Sequence, or object, he can decompose the design. For physical objects, he can translate the physical object into signals, and then erase the base design at his leisure. For an information body (magic spells), he can directly disassemble the design. Therefore, if used on a person, the parts that form the human body, including skin, flesh, nerves, body fluids, bones, and cellular structures would be decomposed at a molecular level. This is one of the most difficult magic imaginable and a bit reason why Kuroh is unable to freely wield any more powers as too much of his brain's Magic Calculation Area is dedicated to this ability and his other ability: Regrowth.

Kuroh is incredibly dexterous and skilled with this ability. He is able to fire his ability as a projectile, can cast it as an area of effect Decomposition magic to act as a defensive wall around him, and can focus it around portions of his body to act as a "sword."

Regrowth -Divine Left-:

Regrowth is one of Kuroh's innate and unique abilities which he inherited from his mother, Layla. Changes in the Magmus can be rewound up to 24 hours in the past, copying and rewriting the Magmus from before any damage or harm from external sources were incurred, then using Magic Sequences to rewrite the current Magmus. The rewritten target will adhere to the updated information and restore itself to before any harm was suffered.

Unlike regular Healing Magic which needs to be repeatedly reapplied during it's effective period, Regrowth's effect is perpetual and applying it to a wounded person will make it as if no injury had ever occurred. According to Akira, the magic is instantaneous and the target is not restricted to biological organisms. Kuroh can restore anything, regardless of whether it's a body or a piece of machinery.

However, Kuroh must review the catalogue of changes in the Magmus to completely copy the Magmus. To do this, he must read through all the stored information regarding the Magmus, including the victim's pain. All the pain is condensed into an instant as it is transmitted.

It is noted that the longer the duration of the wound, the greater the condensed pain. Owing to that condition, to erase an injury suffered an hour ago, Kuroh must suffer pain 10,000 times greater than the original.

When used on someone even if the heart had already stopped, the brain shut down, the throat torn open, if that was the extent of their injuries then revival was still possible. Even an instantly fatal wound, as long as rebuilding the body and restarting the circulation of blood would have had even the faintest chance of resuscitating the person

Just as Decomposition is often referred to as "Demon Right", Regrowth is sometimes referred to as "Divine Left".

Self Restoration:

Self-Restoration is Kuroh's unique ability to restore his own body to it's original state when an abnormality/injury occurs. His personal Restoration ability automatically completes the repair processes in the blink of an eye, although he can deliberately suppress the activation. It has been said that, "the speed of his Self-Restoration ability has long since surpassed the realms of human cognition speeds," and not even his father, Akira nor his opponent, Caden was able to notice it.

It is automatically cast whenever combat efficiency drops below optimal levels, which Kuroh cannot stop. If Kuroh receives a fatal attack, his entire Magic Calculation Area gets monopolized by his Self-Restoration and he is unable to do anything else during that time.

Gram Demolition:

Gram Demolition is one of the two strongest counter techniques within Kuroh's arsenal. It uses compressed Magmus particles to blow away the Activation Sequence of his opponents power-related attack. It is simply a cannonball of Magmus that has neither structure nor a Magic Ritual to modify an event, so it is not affected by Zone Interference. There are only two known "flaws" in the technique. First is that the Magmus travel in the physical realm (as opposed to the Information Dimension) and thus has limited range. Second, Gram Demolition is a highly inefficient technique that requires an incredibly high Magmus count, making it an incredibly rare technique.

Kuroh is able to apply Gram Demolition on parts of his body for close combat.

Far Strike:

Far Strike is a form of Gram Demolition developed by Kuroh, but it works on the Information Dimension rather than the physical realm. Far Strike affects the astral form rather than the physical form, the "soul" to be specific which he can "see" with the aid of his Elemental Sight.

Gram Dispersion:

Gram Dispersion is the other strongest counter magic within Kuroh's powers. Gram Dispersion is literally that: Gram (or Power) Dispersion/Dissolution. This technique takes a Magic Sequence and decomposes it into a group of Magmus particles without a meaningful structure. Gram Dispersion is considered impossible to use to anyone other than Kuroh. To dissolve a magic sequence as required by Gram Dispersion, it is necessary to analyse the technique before the power is activated. However, Kuroh is able to use this because of his other ability, Elemental Sight. Kuroh's Gram Dispersion can also be considered an extension of his Decomposition technique.

Specific Power Jamming:

Specific Power Jamming is a counter magic developed by Kuroh. It involves utilizing the power waves that interferes with one another when using two powers simultaneously. One technique invokes the jamming technique while the other technique does a power reversal. From two opposing powers, the simultaneous activations will release power incident interference waves. It is difficult to use as this jamming must be done precisely at the moment the opponent is activating their powers and because all three powers (Kuroh's jamming technique, Kuroh's reversal technique, and the opponent's power that Kuroh is trying to jam) involved must be of the same type, hence "specific" power jamming. Kuroh is able to use this because he can read and interpret any techniques he sees.









Beings being rude


Kuroh is often very playful and sneaky, doing silly and childish things such as buying good luck items that are obviously a scam, giving Kaname a childish jacket, and other things. He also sometimes slacks off somewhere. There are also times, however, when Kuroh appears very serious and mysterious, like in certain situations. Kuroh can be crude and unpredictable, although it is hinted that he can also be a cruel and merciless person. These actions might have been motivated by his need to survive in the future.

Kuroh is seen to have a very low tolerance for weak spirited people and if they want to commit suicide, he has little motivation to help them. This is mostly because spirits like children did not experience a full human life, and because they've died from an accident, killing them at a young state. This low tolerance usually causes those around him to become upset.

Kuroh will often indulge in fantasies of himself being a very successful god with more followers than any other Transcended Being or God. Despite his aloof and often idiotic personality, Kuroh is a god that is seen to be quite wise and very serious when the situations requires it. He is also a gentleman to women.



Kuroh appears to be a 'young man', standing at 173 cm (5'8") with shaggy purple-black hair that reaches to his neck, and bright striking blue eyes. He is often seen wearing a sweater jersey and track pants with an old white bandana/cloth around his neck, which he describes as 'fluffy' (fuwa fuwa). He also wears a pair of brown knee-length boots.

When imagining his future as a popular god, Kuroh wears a red cape and a golden crown, and is often seen with a pink fan within his imagination.

He carries his sword Masamune beside his waist.


Kuroh lived with his family, consisting of his birth parents, Akira and Layla, his uncle, Kenji and his elder brother, Kaname in the Fukushima Estate. He travelled back in time in order to prevent a certain event which was come to known as “ The Fall of the Transcended Beings ”.

More will be revealed in the RP.



Kuroh carries a katana called “Masamune” with him at all times. It was hand forged by his father, Akira Fukushima. Masamune has a black tsuka ito weave with an ornate silver same under the cord, and a bronze kashira. It has a black tsuba with a normal steel blade; the scabbard is dark blue and has a bronze tip that matches the kashira.

Voice Recorder:

Kuroh possesses a handheld, black voice recorder. It has seven buttons, six on the front and one on the upper left side. Three buttons on the front side are bright whereas the others are dark. The recorder is patterned with yellow tomoe symbols, specifically one on the lower right side of the device, and a variation of the Japanese symbol on the cover. The one on the front side of the recorder stretches out as a thin circle with minor distortions on the top, left and bottom sides of the circle; on the bottom is another tomoe connected to the circle, one small arrow pointing towards the left on the fitting side, and a small line at the top that connects to an even small circle that wraps around one of the buttons. Between the larger circle is the speaker for the recorder. Finally, near the corner of the device's front is a small, white, capitalized "M". There is a strap handle on the left side. Kuroh has had the recorder for years, using it to capture as many of his mother and father's quotes whenever possible.


Cell Phone:

One of Kuroh's other possessions is a simple, black cell phone.



Kuroh carries a large, black briefcase entirely filled with cooking utensils, which was hand made by his mother, Layla. He uses the utensils to make meals for himself or for multiple people. The upper compartment carries measuring spoons, spice jars, chopsticks and a peeler. There are four measuring spoons of varying sizes placed on the left, while the eight multicoloured spice jars are aligned on the right, with the peeler directly below them. There are two pairs of chopsticks; one pair is simple and wooden while the other is longer and black in colour. On the lower compartment, there is a spatula, chopping knife and dicing knife. Though the briefcase contains small, lightweight materials, it appears to be quite heavy.




Anything else:

Kuroh's favourite food is Tamago Yaki (Omelette).

What a Sanctum is:

A Sanctum: Sanctum's are free from the constraints of the material world, as in the case of a Deity or other beings that can overcome the limitations of physical existence and also become independent of it.

Sanctums are physically and mentally beyond essentially all forms of harm or other ways to influence them (outside of other beings of similar status, superior beings or some specific concepts), and gain powers that are supernatural and magical to the outside viewer. While they can enter into the material universe, becoming immanent, their true being is outside the existence and thus both independent and outside everything that happens to their manifested/avatar form.

As they are able to perceive the existence in a completely different and transcendent way, they can achieve things that are beyond the understanding of lesser beings, for example, a children's toy built by them could be used as a dangerous, and unstoppable weapon by the lower races -Humans, Angels, Demons etc.

There is, and will only ever be, five Sanctums: Akira, Kenji, Kuroh, Ragnarok -Deceased- and The Watcher. So no, you can't 'become a Sanctum'.


All of Kuroh's powers
do have a weakness. I have obviously not included these weaknesses, as I want you to find them out in the RP. They won't be hand fed to you, so you will have to look hard for them. There will be subtle hints throughout the use of his powers, so look out for them when I decide to reveal/use Kuroh's powers! 幸運!(^∇^)ᕗ

Theme Song:



@Mashiro Shiina @AriaTheWatcher
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[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
O.o how is Kenji his older brother?

((( I meant Uncle.. Okay. I'm trying to think of a power from Layla.. and... done. )))
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Name: Kyuru Tsukohime

Nickname(If Applies): None

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

*Side Note*: She can basically do anything, she doesn't really care.

Where you live: Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: 2nd Year

What kind of being you are: Demon

Powers/gifts: Dark Arts


Quiet Places


Video Games


Loud Noises

Lots of People

Hot Temperatures

Personality: Overall Kyuru’s personality is depressing, she herself is depressed. She often sighs, mopes, or doesn’t talk at all. She doesn’t like people in general and acts very detached, she attempts to be aloof. Her outer core is always quiet, sad, and slightly indifferent. Whenever she looks at people they can get the feeling that she does not wish to talk to them. If someone gets her mad she uses a cold, spiky defense that stuns people, because it’s extremely different from her weak presence. She can act kind or sweet, but never in front of other people.


Bio: Kyuru was born from all of the sadness in a town after the Mayor's daughter had died. She ended up looking just like her, and fed off the town's depression until the citizens found her. They were disgusted and horrified, this was a girl who looked just like the late girl but had horns and long ears. Claiming her to be a monster they chased her out, where she found an isolated mansion on a rocky cliff. Nearly jumping off the cliff in a vain attempt to end her pointless life a figure came out of the hulking house, and stopped her. He was a scientist who was fascinated with her horns and they was she was born, taking her in, but not daring to experiment on her because he did not want to ruin her, she came to be his lab assistant. Soon he sent her away to this school so she could be with people much like her.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else: None
Rain said:
Name: Kyuru Tsukohime
Nickname(If Applies): None

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

*Side Note*: She can basically do anything, she doesn't really care.

Where you live: Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: 2nd Year

What kind of being you are: Demon

Powers/gifts: Dark Arts


Quiet Places


Video Games


Loud Noises

Lots of People

Hot Temperatures

Personality: Overall Kyuru’s personality is depressing, she herself is depressed. She often sighs, mopes, or doesn’t talk at all. She doesn’t like people in general and acts very detached, she attempts to be aloof. Her outer core is always quiet, sad, and slightly indifferent. Whenever she looks at people they can get the feeling that she does not wish to talk to them. If someone gets her mad she uses a cold, spiky defense that stuns people, because it’s extremely different from her weak presence. She can act kind or sweet, but never in front of other people.


Bio: Kyuru was born from all of the sadness in a town after the Mayor's daughter had died. She ended up looking just like her, and fed off the town's depression until the citizens found her. They were disgusted and horrified, this was a girl who looked just like the late girl but had horns and long ears. Claiming her to be a monster they chased her out, where she found an isolated mansion on a rocky cliff. Nearly jumping off the cliff in a vain attempt to end her pointless life a figure came out of the hulking house, and stopped her. He was a scientist who was fascinated with her horns and they was she was born, taking her in, but not daring to experiment on her because he did not want to ruin her, she came to be his lab assistant. Soon he sent her away to this school so she could be with people much like her.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else: None
name- mayota

nickname- mayo

age- 14

gender- male

S/O- bisexual

G/E/N- neutral

where you live- dorm

year- freshman

creature- ice/snow prince

powers- can make it snow

can shoot ice blasts

can make weapons out of ice

can read minds

can sense when people die

likes- cold, music, reading, his friends

dislikes- someone trying to kill him, heat

personality- mayota is very outgoing and friendly


bio- no family left, all dead

crush- not telling
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Nickname(If Applies): Misguided Angel of Death

Age: 17

"Though she is actually a lot older, she began a new 17 years ago when she fell from the heavens."

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Anywhere

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Fallen Angel


The Dance of Death is Tira's fighting Style where she utilizes a loop blade (also known as Eiserne Drossel). The Loop Blade is a pretty versatile and deadly weapon, acting like a hula hoop with a sharp outer edge.

Her twisted personality turned her once Light Magic into Lightning Magic, she can now manipulate it into fast streams and imbue it into her Loop Blade to create Lightning Tornados. She can even control real lightning, she can even travel at tremendous speeds.

Sometimes she can slip into her Angellic Form, giving her loads more power that allows her to fight even those deemed as 'Gods', it grants her the ability to fly at high speeds and also summons many copies of her Loops Blade she can control at will. Though this uses a lot of her power and because she is no longer an Angel cannot use it properly.

Tira has a pet Raven named Hale, the Raven can speak to her and has accompanied her ever since she fell from the heavens. The Raven has abnormal glowing red eyes and has actually aided Tira by using it's beak and claws to hurt her enemies or distract them, it mainly talks to her though and doesn't have any other special gifts except that it can Heal wounds by chanting spells, black shadows will then fix the wound - Tira hurts herself a lot if she gets in a fight and so Hale comes in handy.



  • Animals, Especially Birds
  • Killing People
  • Teasing and Flirting
  • Sex
  • Dancing
  • Pranks
  • Pain and Blood


  • Being Bored
  • Innocent People


Tira is nearly as ruthless and sadistic as her master, having no qualms with claiming the lives of her victims. She derives a demented form of amusement from others' suffering, apparently due to her upbringing as an assassin, and is lethally addicted to murdering others. It is speculated that Tira suffered from some form of bipolarity due to her interchangeable and unstable emotions. Tira develops two disparate personalities due to being exposed to Angel's and Demon's conflict, both representing the opposite spectrum's of her erratic emotions. These alternate personalities manifest themselves in her battle style, as two stances: Jolly Side and Gloomy Side.

It seems that both of these personalities co-exist in a friendship-like manner . Additionally, they will engage in occasional banter or praise each other's moves during battle. Gloomy is much more avarice and egotistical than Jolly, but shows signs of protectiveness toward the Jolly side and Tira as a whole while being rather sour and aggressive toward other people. Jolly, on the other hand, is much more childish but has the possibility to form bonds with other entities, which shows best in her concern about Nightmare as a person and not as a host for Soul Edge. In contrast, Tira is shown to be affectionate toward animals, especially birds, easily valuing their freedom over people's lives.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)



Though she is actually a lot older, she began a new 17 years ago when she fell from the heavens (Doesn't remember any of the events before falling). Tasuke has actually known her from childhood and after murdering his Dad took her in, she didn't learn to be a good girl and was Tainted by Tasuke, so she has a great connection with him and he also figured out that she was an Angel before. They keep in contact with each other and he asked her to keep low for a while, using her as like a secret weapon.

In her time she has been a hired Assassin and has killed a lot of people, but her kill count is still shy of Tasukes, it is her goal to overtake his count.


Has a 'Strange' Crush on Tasuke, she says that "I love him so much that I eventually want to be the one to kill him - Thihi~."

Anything else:

Her Jolly and Gloomy Side can change randomly, but it depends on how hurt she is usually

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jakobtatee said:
name- mayota
nickname- mayo

age- 14

gender- male

S/O- bisexual

G/E/N- neutral

where you live- dorm

year- freshman

creature- ice/snow prince

powers- can make it snow

can shoot ice blasts

likes- cold, music, reading, his friends

dislikes- someone trying to kill him, heat

personality- mayota is very outgoing and friendly


bio- no family left, all dead

crush- not telling
LonelyAssassin said:


Nickname(If Applies): Misguided Angel of Death

Age: 17

"Though she is actually a lot older, she began a new 17 years ago when she fell from the heavens."

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Anywhere

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Fallen Angel


The Dance of Death is Tira's fighting Style where she utilizes a loop blade (also known as Eiserne Drossel). The Loop Blade is a pretty versatile and deadly weapon, acting like a hula hoop with a sharp outer edge.

Her twisted personality turned her once Light Magic into Lightning Magic, she can now manipulate it into fast streams and imbue it into her Loop Blade to create Lightning Tornados. She can even control real lightning, she can even travel at tremendous speeds.

Sometimes she can slip into her Angellic Form, giving her loads more power that allows her to fight even those deemed as 'Gods', it grants her the ability to fly at high speeds and also summons many copies of her Loops Blade she can control at will. Though this uses a lot of her power and because she is no longer an Angel cannot use it properly.

Tira has a pet Raven named Hale, the Raven can speak to her and has accompanied her ever since she fell from the heavens. The Raven has abnormal glowing red eyes and has actually aided Tira by using it's beak and claws to hurt her enemies or distract them, it mainly talks to her though and doesn't have any other special gifts except that it can Heal wounds by chanting spells, black shadows will then fix the wound - Tira hurts herself a lot if she gets in a fight and so Hale comes in handy.



  • Animals, Especially Birds
  • Killing People
  • Teasing and Flirting
  • Sex
  • Dancing
  • Pranks
  • Pain and Blood


  • Being Bored
  • Innocent People


Tira is nearly as ruthless and sadistic as her master, having no qualms with claiming the lives of her victims. She derives a demented form of amusement from others' suffering, apparently due to her upbringing as an assassin, and is lethally addicted to murdering others. It is speculated that Tira suffered from some form of bipolarity due to her interchangeable and unstable emotions. Tira develops two disparate personalities due to being exposed to Angel's and Demon's conflict, both representing the opposite spectrum's of her erratic emotions. These alternate personalities manifest themselves in her battle style, as two stances: Jolly Side and Gloomy Side.

It seems that both of these personalities co-exist in a friendship-like manner . Additionally, they will engage in occasional banter or praise each other's moves during battle. Gloomy is much more avarice and egotistical than Jolly, but shows signs of protectiveness toward the Jolly side and Tira as a whole while being rather sour and aggressive toward other people. Jolly, on the other hand, is much more childish but has the possibility to form bonds with other entities, which shows best in her concern about Nightmare as a person and not as a host for Soul Edge. In contrast, Tira is shown to be affectionate toward animals, especially birds, easily valuing their freedom over people's lives.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)



Though she is actually a lot older, she began a new 17 years ago when she fell from the heavens (Doesn't remember any of the events before falling). Tasuke has actually known her from childhood and after murdering his Dad took her in, she didn't learn to be a good girl and was Tainted by Tasuke, so she has a great connection with him and he also figured out that she was an Angel before. They keep in contact with each other and he asked her to keep low for a while, using her as like a secret weapon.

In her time she has been a hired Assassin and has killed a lot of people, but her kill count is still shy of Tasukes, it is her goal to overtake his count.


Has a 'Strange' Crush on Tasuke, she says that "I love him so much that I eventually want to be the one to kill him - Thihi~."

Anything else:

Her Jolly and Gloomy Side can change randomly, but it depends on how hurt she is usually



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