Fantasy Highschool Life

ChubbyPenguin said:
View attachment 98919

Tomoko Yuki





Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live:


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

Human with powers


Allure- Yuki was given the power to naturally attract others, genetic.

innate capability

psionic inundation

(not awakened) bone manipulation.


Anime/manga, music, drawing, animals, making friends, not being bored.


Rude people, unneeded violence.

He has Acrophobia- Fear of heights.


Yuki is a friendly, humble teen with a strong love for anime. Despite his upbringing, Yuki doesn't like to standout too much in a crowd, and will never lie to someone unless he has to. especially if it's about his gender.


View attachment 98738

View attachment 98755


Yuki was raised with his human parents and their human family that each have a set of talents that make them famous; except Yuki. Despite his natural talent for acting, Yuki never wanted to be famous, and would rather go to an anime convention then the red carpet. especially since his set of powers differ from his family. When he was a baby, Yuki was given gifts from a "mythical" creature like any other child in their bloodline, only his turned out to be a demon who cursed him to change into a girl at times as a "gift" for his amusement. Because of this, many people thought he was a girl while he grew up as his mother and father chose to dress him as one instead of telling the truth. When he finally got a chance to leave the family at 18, he jumped the wagon without hesitation.

Dating/lover/crush: none

(Yuki has never dated anyone.)

Anything else:

he wears big glasses to cut off the Allure.

Name: Vincent Cross

Nickname(If Applies): Vince

Age: 18

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: House

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Shapeshifter

Powers/gifts: Can morph into a dragon BUT this dragon isn't huge. It's about the size of a draft horse, not towering over houses.

Dragon form:

Likes: outside, music, swimming.

Dislikes: People, indoors, liars.

Personality: Vincent is an outgoing guy who seems to get along with many although he can come across as a cold hearted an hot headed brute.


Bio:Vincent had always been a very secretive child an though he always got along well with others he most often refused to leave the comfort of his room after school. Now in high school an being a bit more grown up, Vince has gotten used to going outside and thoroughly enjoy's it. Vince had grown up with only his mother so his relationship with her isn't exactly great. Vince had been through almost a dozen schools before they finally settled here. You could say Vince was a slight bit of a trouble maker an would do anything to get out of going to class. Being the new kid wasn't exactly a bad thing for him, although his scar's made it difficult to get himself out to school every morning. Vincent had gotten his scars when he had been sent to live with his uncle while his mother was away on a business trip. His uncle was an abusive alcoholic an had passed away two years ago, giving Vince a slight bit of comfort.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else: Vincent wears a chain around his neck an has scars all along his ribs an back, he also has a scar on his right cheek.
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Name: Kalena Cicero

Nickname: Lena

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Alliance: Neutral

Accommodation: Forest

Year of Highschool: Senior

Species: Vila


- Air manipulation

- Healing (not self-healing)

- Prophetic powers (a painful experience that she will avoid unless forced)

- Allure (subconscious seduction of hetero males in her presence)

Likes: Men, Gifts and Dancing

Dislikes: Defiance, Liars and Cowards


Like most Vila, Kalena is frivolous and promiscuous. Above all else, she wants to have a good time with no strings attached and be free to do as she pleases. When kept happy, she is a delight to be around and the heart and soul of any social occasion. When scorned, however, she will maim and kill whoever upset her with vicious glee. She'd much rather be a lover than a fighter, despite being a fearsome warrior that should not be crossed lightly. As such she is a shameless flirt and will use her wiles and allure to get whatever it is she wishes out of her life. Her mood can change in an instance and whether she helps or hinders others depends entirely on a whim.


Kalena was originally a frivolous human female who met an untimely demise by the hands of her lover. In death she became a Vila, a spirit which floats between this world and the next. She remembers nothing of her past life and lives in the present, attempting to get the utmost out of life. Living in the forest, enjoying the company of many different men and partying are her ways of wiling away eternity. She attends school not for the education but for socialising as far too few people venture into the forest for her liking. Kalena has attended the school for several years and is known by everyone at least by sight unless they are new, her reputation does nothing to diminish her allure of men but causes much jealousy and rage from women with boyfriends.


Vila can be enslaved by men which carry a lock of their hair, obtained while they sleep (any attempt while awake would result in the man's immediate death). If the lock is burnt, stolen or lost the enslavement ends and the one that enslaved them is likely to meet a violent end. Only one lock can enslave them at any one time (the first enslavement takes precedence).​
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Boondox said:
Name: Vincent Cross
Nickname(If Applies): Vince

Age: 18

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: House

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Shapeshifter

Powers/gifts: Can morph into a dragon BUT this dragon isn't huge. It's about the size of a draft horse, not towering over houses.

Dragon form:

Likes: outside, music, swimming.

Dislikes: People, indoors, liars.

Personality: Vincent is an outgoing guy who seems to get along with many although he can come across as a cold hearted an hot headed brute.


Bio:Vincent had always been a very secretive child an though he always got along well with others he most often refused to leave the comfort of his room after school. Now in high school an being a bit more grown up, Vince has gotten used to going outside and thoroughly enjoy's it. Vince had grown up with only his mother so his relationship with her isn't exactly great. Vince had been through almost a dozen schools before they finally settled here. You could say Vince was a slight bit of a trouble maker an would do anything to get out of going to class. Being the new kid wasn't exactly a bad thing for him, although his scar's made it difficult to get himself out to school every morning. Vincent had gotten his scars when he had been sent to live with his uncle while his mother was away on a business trip. His uncle was an abusive alcoholic an had passed away two years ago, giving Vince a slight bit of comfort.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else: Vincent wears a chain around his neck an has scars all along his ribs an back, he also has a scar on his right cheek.

Valkyre said:
Name: Kalena Cicero

Nickname: Lena

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Alliance: Neutral

Accommodation: Forest

Year of Highschool: Senior

Species: Vila


- Air manipulation

- Healing (not self-healing)

- Prophetic powers (a painful experience that she will avoid unless forced)

- Allure (subconscious seduction of hetero males in her presence)

Likes: Men, Gifts and Dancing

Dislikes: Defiance, Liars and Cowards


Like most Vila, Kalena is frivolous and promiscuous. Above all else, she wants to have a good time with no strings attached and be free to do as she pleases. When kept happy, she is a delight to be around and the heart and soul of any social occasion. When scorned, however, she will maim and kill whoever upset her with vicious glee. She'd much rather be a lover than a fighter, despite being a fearsome warrior that should not be crossed lightly. As such she is a shameless flirt and will use her wiles and allure to get whatever it is she wishes out of her life. Her mood can change in an instance and whether she helps or hinders others depends entirely on a whim.


Kalena was originally a frivolous human female who met an untimely demise by the hands of her lover. In death she became a Vila, a spirit which floats between this world and the next. She remembers nothing of her past life and lives in the present, attempting to get the utmost out of life. Living in the forest, enjoying the company of many different men and partying are her ways of wiling away eternity. She attends school not for the education but for socialising as far too few people venture into the forest for her liking. Kalena has attended the school for several years and is known by everyone at least by sight unless they are new, her reputation does nothing to diminish her allure of men but causes much jealousy and rage from women with boyfriends.


Vila can be enslaved by men which carry a lock of their hair, obtained while they sleep (any attempt while awake would result in their immediate death). If the lock is burnt, stolen or lost the enslavement ends and the one that enslaved them is likely to meet a violent end. Only one lock can enslave them at any one time (the first enslavement takes precedence).​
Name: Luna Crosby

Nickname(If Applies):


Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: freshmen

What kind of being you are: Vampire

Powers/gifts:can summon a little pet rabbit

Likes:books,drawing,and partying

Dislikes: people with no manners

Personality:kind,outgoing,likely to stand up for her friends.

Appearance: (Anime PicturePerferred)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/images.jpg.e83cedd306ec6d41083f52cebeb92cae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40956" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/images.jpg.e83cedd306ec6d41083f52cebeb92cae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Dating/lover/crush:no one at the moment

Anything else:



  • images.jpg
    8.2 KB · Views: 62
Name: Malevolence

Nickname: None

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil

Where you live: No where

What Year of highschool your in: Finished highschool

What kind of being you are: Dark Elf/Witch

Powers/gifts: Magik

Likes: Death, Horrid pictures, Violence.

Dislikes: Love, Happy endings, ext.

Personality: Malicious, Evil, Elegant.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/dark_witch_ii_by_polyraspad-d6d0ez9.jpg.d31ab0edb4b9f1168161f6212d63e5e9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41000" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/dark_witch_ii_by_polyraspad-d6d0ez9.jpg.d31ab0edb4b9f1168161f6212d63e5e9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: TBR

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else: If someone can convince her, she'll probably turn good again!



  • dark_witch_ii_by_polyraspad-d6d0ez9.jpg
    601.1 KB · Views: 58
Name: Tasuke

Nickname(If Applies): N/A

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bi

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Senior (hope that's ok)

What kind of being you are: Human


Advanced Ice Manipulation

A 'Sixth Sense', granted to him through his Red Eyes.


  • To Read
  • Manipulating people
  • Hurting people
  • Other 'Bad' People
  • Flirting
  • His Mother
  • Cats
  • Seclusion
  • Sushi


  • Money
  • Stupid People
  • and Everyone Else
  • and Then a lot of other things


Arrogant, Flirtatious and Manipulative, Tasuke is these things. He can show a kind heart but he never usually means it, twisting his kind words into that of insult in a second - all done with a taunting grin on his face. He likes to break people's hearts whether it be females or even males.

He is clever, he reads a lot of books and studies to get by, but he doesn't use this for good.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)



Has been in the Highschool for some time, he just kept to himself, but he is ready to make his move. He only has his mother left and is the only person that he really loves at the moment. The reason he is the way he is, is because of his father and the only reason his father isn't alive is because Tasuke made it that way...

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else: -
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LunaCrosby said:
Name: Luna Crosby
Nickname(If Applies):


Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: freshmen

What kind of being you are: Vampire

Powers/gifts:can summon a little pet rabbit

Likes:books,drawing,and partying

Dislikes: people with no manners

Personality:kind,outgoing,likely to stand up for her friends.

Appearance: (Anime PicturePerferred)View attachment 99168


Dating/lover/crush:no one at the moment

Anything else:
LonelyAssassin said:
Name: Tasuke
Nickname(If Applies): N/A

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bi

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Senior (hope that's ok)

What kind of being you are: Human


Advanced Ice Manipulation

A 'Sixth Sense', granted to him through his Red Eyes.


  • To Read
  • Manipulating people
  • Hurting people
  • Other 'Bad' People
  • Flirting
  • His Mother
  • Cats
  • Seclusion
  • Sushi


  • Money
  • Stupid People
  • and Everyone Else
  • and Then a lot of other things


Arrogant, Flirtatious and Manipulative, Tasuke is these things. He can show a kind heart but he never usually means it, twisting his kind words into that of insult in a second - all done with a taunting grin on his face. He likes to break people's hearts whether it be females or even males.

He is clever, he reads a lot of books and studies to get by, but he doesn't use this for good.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)



Has been in the Highschool for some time, he just kept to himself, but he is ready to make his move. He only has his mother left and is the only person that he really loves at the moment. The reason he is the way he is, is because of his father and the only reason his father isn't alive is because Tasuke made it that way...

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else: -
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Name: Malevolence
Nickname: None

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil

Where you live: No where

What Year of highschool your in: Finished highschool

What kind of being you are: Dark Elf/Witch

Powers/gifts: Magik

Likes: Death, Horrid pictures, Violence.

Dislikes: Love, Happy endings, ext.

Personality: Malicious, Evil, Elegant.


View attachment 99234

Bio: TBR

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else: If someone can convince her, she'll probably turn good again!

[/QUOTE] accepted all three are
Name: Rosalin Ferolin

Nickname(If Applies): Rosy, Feri

Age: 16 (since she died at 16 and therefore never aged)

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Sophomore

What kind of being you are: Ghost

Powers/gifts: She can create illusions, levitate items, and teleport. Certain frequencies can dissipate her until she is out of range.

Likes: Organization, poetry (even though she is really bad at it), blobfish (if you don't know what they are, just ask Google), anything out of the ordinary, science, preforming animal experiments (often resulting in strange mutations and weird species crosses), and playing the piano

Dislikes: Children, bad attitude, two-faced people, disorganization

Personality: She is usually cool and collected and but panics when put on the spot. Classy, although some might say slightly on the snobby side. She is rather intelligent, having an extensive history of high grades, as well as being resourceful. Even though sarcasm is her native tongue, she will be fairly blunt and realistic when it comes to telling you how it is. She doesn't like to sugarcoat things. She sometimes helps Colton on particularly tricky thefts.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)


Bio: When she was alive she dabbled in sorcery and the like, starting at age 6. Unfortunately in a few years time her high class family found out. They did not want anyone finding out as it would negatively impact their reputation and business and as a solution their sent her away to live with her uncle, the father of Colton, who used her as his maid. She begrudgingly tutored Colton in sorcery when he was 11. She died at age 16 when Colton killed her while he was under demonic influence.

Dating/lover/crush: None yet.

Anything else:

Name: Colton Ferolin

Nickname(If Applies): Colt

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Apartment

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Gifted human

Powers/gifts: He can turn into shadow mass for a few moments at a time, drain the life out of someone, and preform various spells and incantations, though they have a habit of going wrong.

Likes: Money, pick-pocketing, teasing, eating fried octopus tentacles (yes, I really wrote that), his car, machinery

Dislikes: Dogs, hard work

Personality: He has a very carefree, easy-going personality and leans a bit towards the pervy side, retaining many of the low class habits he grew up with. He is selfish and has a very strong self-preservation instinct. He is not above hurting people to benefit himself. He is able to work well under tense circumstances and is good at improvising. He is a gentleman when it comes to girls. He is a C+ student as grades are not exactly high on his priority list. As a hobby he enjoys working on various mechanical projects.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)


Bio: As a kid he grew up in a lower class neighborhood with 4 older brothers, all of which were part of a gang. They often beat him around and let their dogs loose to chase him just for the heck of it. However, he would still like to hang around with them since they were his role models and treated him better than his father did. One day his brothers went to an old mansion at the edge of town that was rumored to be haunted so that they could claim it for their gang. Colton, who was 11 at the time eventually lost sight of his brothers. Before he could even call out for them something seized him, pinning his body against the wall. He felt himself suddenly take a deep inhale as a force entered into him. He slowly slid down from the wall and sat sat on the floor. Shortly afterward he caught up to his brothers. He tried to tell them what happened but they just told him to piss off. He decided it would probably be best not to mention it again. A couple of weeks passed and nothing out of the ordinary occured, until he caught Rosalin reading her spell book. He promised not to tell anyone in exchange for her to give him lessons. During lessons, she was surprised how fast he caught on. You see, the Ferolin blood-line tends to have an aptitude in sorcery and dark magic. So that fact in addition the lessons in the occult was enough to fully energize the demon within Colton. Within a week it was enough for the demon to take full control of Colton who them murdered his uncle and brothers in the middle of the night. Rosalin being the last one had enough time to run out of the house. She was pursued by Colton who corned her on a bridge and pushed her over, causing her to snap her neck as she fell into a frozen lake.. The shock of witnessing her death bought him a moments clarity in which her poured a pouch of salt- Rosalin had instructed him to always carry this, just in case- into his mouth, driving out the demon from him. However, its trace still remained, leaving him with certain powers. For four years he honed his skills and was eventually was able to preform a spell which was supposed to bring her back to life, but instead brought back as a ghost. He now uses his powers to steal and sometimes assassinate people for money.

Dating/lover/crush: None yet.

Anything else: I'm sorry the bio is so loooooong. I meant for it to be like eight sentences, and well as you can see it didn't really work out.
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Nickname(If Applies): Hiro

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bi

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Human


The Ability to do short distance Teleportation (Like Nightcrawler)

A 'Sixth Sense' granted thanks to his eyes

Has Skill in Firearms and Kenjutsu










People who think they're above everyone else



Although he seems tough and aggressive, Mahiro does care for friends he makes and will go through any lengths to protect them. He is also pretty smart and has read a lot of Shakespeare which he often conversed with his sister about. He can be quite flirtatious with both women and men, but he will always prefer women. He can also seem to be pretty mean at times and never really means it, he just speaks his mind

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)



Mahiro is the Twin brother of Tasuke even though he has blonde hair and don't look too similar, their eyes are the main link and if carefully observed can be noticed to be identical with each other. The two were very close when they were little, but grew apart and now hate each others. Tasuke took a dark road and Mahiro took a lighter one, he also loved his mother and hated his father, instead he wasn't twisted by what his father did and used it as an excuse to do good so no one has to to go through that again.

They both went to the same school, and have fought a couple of times, it usually ended with both of them pretty messed up. If they crossed paths it didn't really end well.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else: N/A
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OctopusTechnician said:
Name: Rosalin Ferolin
Nickname(If Applies): Rosy, Feri

Age: 16 (since she died at 16 and therefore never aged)

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Sophomore

What kind of being you are: Ghost

Powers/gifts: She can create illusions, levitate items, and teleport

Likes: Organization, poetry (even though she is really bad at it), blobfish (if you don't know what they are, just ask Google), anything out of the ordinary, science, preforming animal experiments (often resulting in strange mutations and weird species crosses), and playing the piano

Dislikes: Children, bad attitude, people who can't make up their minds, two-faced people

Personality: She is usually cool and collected and but panics when put on the spot. Classy, although some might say slightly on the snobby side. She is rather intelligent, having an extensive history of high grades, as well as being resourceful. Even though sarcasm is her native to tongue, she will be fairly blunt and realistic when it comes to telling you how it is. She doesn't like to sugarcoat things. She sometimes helps Colton on particularly tricky thefts.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)


Bio: When she was alive she dabbled in sorcery and the like, starting at age 6. Unfortunately in a few years time her high class family found out. They did not want anyone finding out as it would negatively impact their reputation and business and as a solution their sent her away to live with her uncle, the father of Colton, who used her as his maid. She begrudgingly tutored Colton in sorcery when he was 11. She died at age 16 when Colton killed her while he was under demonic influence.

Dating/lover/crush: None yet.

Anything else:

Name: Colton Ferolin

Nickname(If Applies): Colt

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Apartment

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Gifted human

Powers/gifts: He can turn into shadow mass for a few moments at a time, drain the life out of someone, and preform various spells and incantations, though they have a habit of going wrong.

Likes: Money, pick-pocketing, teasing, eating fried octopus tentacles (yes, I really wrote that), his car, machinery

Dislikes: Dogs, hard work

Personality: He has a very carefree, easy-going personality and leans a bit towards the pervy side. He is selfish and has a very strong self-preservation instinct. He is not above hurting people to benefit himself. He is able to work well under tense circumstances and is good at improvising. He is a gentleman when it comes to girls. He is a C+ student as grades are not exactly high on his priority list. As a hobby he enjoys working on various mechanical projects.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)


Bio: As a kid he grew up in a lower class neighborhood with 4 older brothers, all of which were part of a gang. They often beat him around and let their dogs loose to chase him just for the heck of it. However, he would still like to hang around with them since they were his role models and treated him better than his father did. One day his brothers went to an old mansion at the edge of town that was rumored to be haunted so that they could claim it for their gang. Colton, who was 11 at the time eventually lost sight of his brothers. Before he could even call out for them something seized him, pinning his body against the wall. He felt himself suddenly take a deep inhale as a force entered into him. He slowly slid down from the wall and sat sat on the floor. Shortly afterward he caught up to his brothers. He tried to tell them what happened but they just told him to piss off. He decided it would probably be best not to mention it again. A couple of weeks passed and nothing out of the ordinary occured, until he caught Rosalin reading her spell book. He promised not to tell anyone in exchange for her to give him lessons. During lessons, she was surprised how fast he caught on. You see, the Ferolin blood-line tends to have an aptitude in sorcery and dark magic. So that fact in addition the lessons in the occult was enough to fully energize the demon within Colton. Within a week it was enough for the demon to take full control of Colton who them murdered his uncle and brothers in the middle of the night. Rosalin being the last one had enough time to run out of the house. She was pursued by Colton who corned her on a bridge and pushed her over, causing her to snap her neck as she fell into a frozen lake.. The shock of witnessing her death bought him a moments clarity in which her poured a pouch of salt- Rosalin had instructed him to always carry this, just in case- into his mouth, driving out the demon from him. However, its trace still remained, leaving him with certain powers. For four years he honed his skills and was eventually was able to preform a spell which was supposed to bring her back to life, but instead brought back as a ghost. He now uses his powers to steal and sometimes assassinate people for money.

Dating/lover/crush: None yet.

Anything else: I'm sorry the bio is so loooooong. I meant for it to be like eight sentences, and well as you can see it didn't really work out.


LonelyAssassin said:


Nickname(If Applies): Hiro

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bi

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Human


The Ability to do short distance Teleportation (Like Nightcrawler)

A 'Sixth Sense' granted thanks to his eyes

Has Skill in Firearms and Kenjutsu










People who think they're above everyone else



Although he seems tough and aggressive, Mahiro does care for friends he makes and will go through any lengths to protect them. He is also pretty smart and has read a lot of Shakespeare which he often conversed with his sister about. He can be quite flirtatious with both women and men, but he will always prefer women. He can also seem to be pretty mean at times and never really means it, he just speaks his mind

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)



Mahiro is the Twin brother of Tasuke even though he has blonde hair and don't look too similar, their eyes are the main link and if carefully observed can be noticed to be identical with each other. The two were very close when they were little, but grew apart and now hate each others. Tasuke took a dark road and Mahiro took a lighter one, he also loved his mother and hated his father, instead he wasn't twisted by what his father did and used it as an excuse to do good so no one has to to go through that again.

They both went to the same school, and have fought a couple of times, it usually ended with both of them pretty messed up. If they crossed paths it didn't really end well.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else: N/A
(These probably aren't open any more but I'm going to go for it xD )

Name: Ritora Odayakana

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: An Apartment

What Year of highschool your in: 1st Year

What kind of being you are: Cat/Human

Powers/gifts: 6th Sense

Likes: Food, people who give her food, cats

Dislikes: Loud noises

Personality: Ritora Odayakana is often called a robot for her calm, emotionless face which sometimes creeps people out. Speaking in a monotone voice with short sentences, you can tell that there's a lot going on in her head, or not?

Actions speak louder than words, very much so in her case. Just because her face is indifferent and she is too doesn't mean she has no real emotions, but its hard to tell how she feels as she likes to hide everything.

What she has to say is typically said in her head, she doesn’t observe her surroundings and would easily bump into a wall right in front of her if her uncanny “6th Sense” didn’t warn her which is used to predict things such as a flying book hitting the back of your head or smacking into a wall right in front of you. Thus she easily avoids unknown dangers. Sometimes she says ridiculous things in her monotone voice that leave people very confused.

A true food lover she will love you for life if you give her food.

She came from a high-class family/society and still retains some of the old-fashioned, respectful aspects that she once had.


Bio: Born in a high-class family into a high class society she originally came from England. She was labeled the strange child when she often stopped talking for long periods of time and then entirely to the point where she only said a few words and stopped and the strange love of food.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else: None
[QUOTE="Tamotsu Fukui](These probably aren't open any more but I'm going to go for it xD )
Name: Ritora Odayakana

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: An Apartment

What Year of highschool your in: 1st Year

What kind of being you are: Cat/Human

Powers/gifts: 6th Sense

Likes: Food, people who give her food, cats

Dislikes: Loud noises

Personality: Ritora Odayakana is often called a robot for her calm, emotionless face which sometimes creeps people out. Speaking in a monotone voice with short sentences, you can tell that there's a lot going on in her head, or not?

Actions speak louder than words, very much so in her case. Just because her face is indifferent and she is too doesn't mean she has no real emotions, but its hard to tell how she feels as she likes to hide everything.

What she has to say is typically said in her head, she doesn’t observe her surroundings and would easily bump into a wall right in front of her if her uncanny “6th Sense” didn’t warn her which is used to predict things such as a flying book hitting the back of your head or smacking into a wall right in front of you. Thus she easily avoids unknown dangers. Sometimes she says ridiculous things in her monotone voice that leave people very confused.

A true food lover she will love you for life if you give her food.

She came from a high-class family/society and still retains some of the old-fashioned, respectful aspects that she once had.


Bio: Born in a high-class family into a high class society she originally came from England.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else: None

Accepted, and this rp is still accepting :)
Name: Eiji Akio

Nickname: E.


Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Apartment above a diner

What Year of highschool your in: 3rd year

What kind of being you are: Nekko

Powers/gifts: Amazing acrobatics and speed

Likes: All food and racing

Dislikes: Prepy people

Personality: He is a very swift learner who works reaally hard and w=is always helping someone or doing something nic.


Bio: He grew up in a big city that was his playground and one day a bad fight happened between him and his family so he ran off then he rented an apartment on the top of a diner paying it off by working at the diner.

Dating/lover/crush: None yet

Anything else: nope.
LunarShines said:
Name: Eiji Akio
Nickname: E.


Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Apartment above a diner

What Year of highschool your in: 3rd year

What kind of being you are: Nekko

Powers/gifts: Amazing acrobatics and speed

Likes: All food and racing

Dislikes: Prepy people

Personality: He is a very swift learner who works reaally hard and w=is always helping someone or doing something nic.


Bio: He grew up in a big city that was his playground and one day a bad fight happened between him and his family so he ran off then he rented an apartment on the top of a diner paying it off by working at the diner.

Dating/lover/crush: None yet

Anything else: nope.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.5adeba53b1e3f4b8c202fc216fdb3c6f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41396" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.5adeba53b1e3f4b8c202fc216fdb3c6f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Xander Valfor

Nickname: Stein (only used by Soren.)

Age: unknown

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: n/a

Good or Evil or Neutral: neutral

Where you live: a condo in the city.

What Year of highschool your in:

Not enrolled (yet)

What kind of being you are:



+element manipulation, heightened senses/physical capabilities, shadow/blood manipulation, and regeneration.

+Can give, and take away, fear and pain with a touch.

+he can emit a toxic smoke from his lungs like Cerin, but it's only temporary, and he has to build it up.

-he uses a lot of energy, and can fall asleep doing things. If it gets low enough, he'll becomes paralyzed.

-he has a fear of falling on his back.

-can't use all of his powers in his current form.


Blood, chocolate, pain, music, science, hospitals, learning things about new species, dissecting people.


Fighting, loud people, his dad, dogs.


Odd is the main word to describing Xander. Though he has a very jolly attitude most of the time, he can be sly. He does things without thinking, and usually doesn't put a second thought into the outcome unless it benefits him. He has a love of knowledge, and is skilled in anatomy and medical practices despite his estimated age. Once he takes an interest in someone, he won't stop until he has either benefitted them or left them in chaos.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.0faa10a9fa5dc3b7d4c1da4cce83cca2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41433" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.0faa10a9fa5dc3b7d4c1da4cce83cca2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.a6be2e6ddb1c3810506f8e9c3f83c247.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41398" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.a6be2e6ddb1c3810506f8e9c3f83c247.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Xander is the oldest of the four brothers, and the first one to be experimented on by their father. Because of this, he has most of the same powers as they do, but combined along with his own. He was raised strictly under the eyes of their mother like the rest of them, but was shunned behind closed doors because of his obsession with dissecting things which was placed onto him from the trauma their father caused. It is also the reason he wears a gas mask. When he reached the age of nineteen, he left their home and became independent, working as a young doctor for both underground organizations, and the supernatural, to earn money. Because of his minor mastery in the medical field, he made a lot of money, which he used to buy the things he needed to continue his practice. However, when he was 21, he made a simple mistake in a formula that made him revert back to his teenage form, causing him to lose many of his clients. Xander only saw it as a chance to check up on his only living relatives that matter to him, his brothers, and tracked them down to this school. It was irrational, but he did so anyways.

Dating/lover/crush: none yet. He has a strong love for his work.

Anything else:

He hates taking his masks off because people misjudge him based off his good looks.



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SorenDarrah said:
View attachment 99841
Name: Xander Valfor

Nickname: Stein (only used by Soren.)

Age: unknown

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: n/a

Good or Evil or Neutral: neutral

Where you live: a condo in the city.

What Year of highschool your in:

Not enrolled (yet)

What kind of being you are:



+element manipulation, heightened senses/physical capabilities, shadow/blood manipulation, and regeneration.

+Can give, and take away, fear and pain with a touch.

+he can emit a toxic smoke from his lungs like Cerin, but it's only temporary, and he has to build it up.

-he uses a lot of energy, and can fall asleep doing things. If it gets low enough, he'll becomes paralyzed.

-he has a fear of falling on his back.

-can't use all of his powers in his current form.


Blood, chocolate, pain, music, science, hospitals, learning things about new species, dissecting people.


Fighting, loud people, his dad, dogs.


Odd is the main word to describing Xander. Though he has a very jolly attitude most of the time, he can be sly. He does things without thinking, and usually doesn't put a second thought into the outcome unless it benefits him. He has a love of knowledge, and is skilled in anatomy and medical practices despite his estimated age. Once he takes an interest in someone, he won't stop until he has either benefitted them or left them in chaos.


View attachment 99847

View attachment 99844


Xander is the oldest of the four brothers, and the first one to be experimented on by their father. Because of this, he has most of the same powers as they do, but combined along with his own. He was raised strictly under the eyes of their mother like the rest of them, but was shunned behind closed doors because of his obsession with dissecting things which was placed onto him from the trauma their father caused. It is also the reason he wears a gas mask. When he reached the age of nineteen, he left their home and became independent, working as a young doctor for both underground organizations, and the supernatural, to earn money. Because of his minor mastery in the medical field, he made a lot of money, which he used to buy the things he needed to continue his practice. However, when he was 21, he made a simple mistake in a formula that made him revert back to his teenage form, causing him to lose many of his clients. Xander only saw it as a chance to check up on his only living relatives that matter to him, his brothers, and tracked them down to this school. It was irrational, but he did so anyways.

Dating/lover/crush: none yet. He has a strong love for his work.

Anything else:

He hates taking his masks off because people misjudge him based off his good looks.

Name:Johnathan Kanie

Nickname: Wolfy



Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:Neutral

Where you live:Dorm

What Year of highschool your in:12th

What kind of being you are:Wolf demon

Powers/gifts:Johnathan has amazing control over the underworld and is able to summon various demons (although they are small) to help him fight back. He is able to summon a few simply demons in order to combat foes, sometimes simply summoning parts of the demon (Head and neck, fists, legs, ect.) and using them towards his own advantage. There is a problem with this, not only does it wear on him but he can't move while summoning a demon otherwise it'll stop the summon. Being a demon, Johnathan is able to not only take on a human form but his true demonic form. In this form Johnathan is very large and powerful, able to carry around two people on his back (although he'd really prefer not to). He is very fast and agile in this form, even able to run up walls with the use of his massive claws. While in this form, Johnathan is able to talk, but in a very deep and harsh tone. When he repeatedly changes from form to form this can also cause fatigue on him to the point where he almost passes out from the energy it takes to go into two very separate forms.

Likes:Teasing others, joking, getting into fights (He can't always control his inner demon you know?), and enjoying a little peace and quiet now and then.

Dislikes:Having people on his back in demon form (Unless this person is a very close friend, or he has no choice), being picked on for being a wolf demon, being treated like a dog, and cats.

Personality:Johnathan is very playful, usually laughing and joking with others. He has a bit of a interesting tone in his voice when joking with people, usually trying to sound like royalty usually just for the laughs of it all.

Appearance: Human form:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1766f18d_Atsui_Shint.jpg.34204e473c7ac715cb45551c8d6d4f0e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41425" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1766f18d_Atsui_Shint.jpg.34204e473c7ac715cb45551c8d6d4f0e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Demon form:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/werewolf2.jpg.fab643820eeb3c2c03cdc968ce1036ca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41426" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/werewolf2.jpg.fab643820eeb3c2c03cdc968ce1036ca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio:Johnathan was born into a family of demons. Practically everyone in Johnathan's family was demonic, so Johnathan also took to this gene and came out a demon himself. The only problem was, he had access to the underworld that his family normally wouldn't have, so they'd try to use him to get certain things from the underworld (which of course he couldn't do since he had barely realized this power). They would use him like a slave to try and summon one thing or do some other odd thing. Eventually, Johnathan had enough of this madness and ran away from home. He sought for shelter anywhere but his home and found this school, it would provide some education and shelter at the same time. Hopefully, Johnathan knows what he's doing and is able to make it through this odd school with only a few "problems" and get out of them without a problem.

Dating/lover/crush:None as of now

Anything else:Although the picture of his human form doesn't show this, Johnathan has short fangs and a pair of glasses. He also has a short tail, usually hidden in his shirt but sometimes he choose to let it hang out.



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