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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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She mumbled, but followed him into the school, holding her arms firmly crossed on her chest. "I have a name you know." After a while, she glanced over to a strange male standing in the hallway holding a book over his face, before wondering off and approaching him. "Hello? Tell me something, where's the dorms?"
(Srry, stupid notification system...)

"We have to get you somewhere. You can't be around anyone for one day. Trust me' remember the test subject? That will happen to you except worse." He still pulls her into a room.
"You have a name?! I didn't know that!" He said it with playful sarcasm, and as he walks up to the entrance, he spots Karan reading against the wall. "Excuse me, but would you happen to know where the dorms are?" His eyes glowed yellow and green.
Elizabeth shivers in fear, not wanting to hurt anyone, but not wanting to be alone either. "Please don't put me in there, please." She says, her fear obvious in her voice. The fur on her feet started turning black, slowly spreading.
Karan saw Zero "oh its over there" he said as he points to the left "it's not far away from here" he said as he goes back reading his book.
Luna rolled her eyes, having already reached the strange, book-reading male named Karan, poking at his book. "And where exactly is 'over there' located?"
"So, instead you want to kill people without even knowing? You want me to die? If not, do what I ask." He puts her in the room, and locks it from the outside.
Tao decides to take a walk through the park. She also kind of hoped to see Elizabeth and tell her about her situation. As she is walking through the park she begins to have an extreme pain in her arm which causes her to collapse.
She watched him walk away, staying behind to poke at the back of Karan's book, tilting her head clockwise to attempt to read the title.
Elizabeth sits down and curls into a ball, silently sobbing. The fur all the way up to her kneecaps on both legs was now black, and it was starting to spread faster. The Watcher senses something wrong and appears in front of Taokaka. "Are you alright Tao?"

(@captain forever)
stops abruptly, sensing no pursuit from Luna, sighs, and turns around to grab her by the arm. "Come on Luna, if we don't do it now we're gonna get sidetracked and it will never happen, and not to mention we're wasting this persons time." And before she can resist, he would shadow travel down the direction Karan told us and appear in front of the dorms.
She smiled, standing upright, turning on her heels to follow behind Zero. "I know when I'm not wanted."

She blinked, glancing up at Zero, remaining silent for a few moments before giggling. "Fine, fine. I guess I'll behave."
Elizabeth smiles weakly and looks up at John, still crying. Now all of the fur up to half of her torso was black, as well as the feathers on her wings. The Watcher holds out a hand to help Tao out. "It happens from time to time. I just ignore it."

(@captain forever)
couldn't help but burst out laughing at that remark. "That's possible?" he teased her, and went on to figure out which dorms were for the girls and which for the guys.
"Don't worry. I had to go through this too, remember?" John walks outside, smiling. "I won't let anything happen to you."
The Watcher smiles and pulls Tao up. "To be honest I have no clue how I can live like this. As for who I am, Jax has surely already told you that he and Elizabeth are deities, am I correct?" Elizabeth curls back up into a ball, staying silent through the agonizing pain. The fur all the way up to her neck was now black, and it hurt immensely.

(@captain forever)
"Correct." Tao now standing up. "He still won't tell me who exactly who he is either." She giggled. "But then again, I don't push to hard."
John waited outside, not moving. He should've destroyed that a long time ago. Like he told the watcher, your bloodlust can hurt the ones you love. Like this.
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