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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Elizabeth smiles, she pulls the vial full of black liquid out of her pocket, holding it tightly but carefully. "Hey John, what is this? I found it lying around."
" Good, but I hate doing English " Alexis said as she walked to the horrid class
He lifted his face from hers, looking down at her with his eyes glowing a hot pink. "This is me breaking the seal that binds us... I give you permission to return to your real self... I can't live with the idea of you living a lie... Please, I will take care of Luna, I promise. but if you truly love me... and if you truly want to feel freed of your past... Then do it. I will love every side of you, every split personality, but I'd prefer to love the real you." He said it so sincerely, so desperately, his eyes flash with determination.
She stared at him, her body beginning to flicker as he spoke, shifting from Layla's form, to Luna's form, then back again. A tear began falling from her right eye as she spoke in a soft whisper while Luna's body came to a halt, although it still flickered."You can't....I...You promise?"
"I promise... and I promise to never break the promise." He looks down at her, with the most compassionate smile he can make, a tear falls down his face.
Everything froze. Luna's form appeared in her place, her eyelids resting over her hues, with her head held down. "You sure you can love me...Lord Soulis?"
Elizabeth's tail started getting tired and the vial leaned over just enough for a tiny, easily noticeable drop of the liquid to drip out and land on Elizabeth's fur. Elizabeth didn't notice it.
Zero would pick her chin up, and rest his forehead against hers "Of course I can." He then would pull her close and kiss her compassionately with everything he could possibly put into it, his eyes glowed a bright pinkish yellow.
Luna's face flushed with a light shade of pink as his lips met her own, never being kissed before in her life, she was obviously embarrassed to the fact he could both say and do such a thing, but she couldn't help herself, thus letting it happen.
Pulling back, he looks at her and chuckles. "There's your proof that I do. Now do you believe me?" He looked so incredibly happy, words can't accurately describe it.
"What the... Elizabeth!" He smacks the vial away. "We have to get you somewhere.... It has touched you. Come on." He pulls her by her hand.
The vial hits the ground and splashes on the back of her legs, which she only notices because a shard of the glass had gone into her leg. "Oh no..." She says nervously. Elizabeth follows John, really scared of what might happen.

(@captain forever)
She crossed her arms over her chest, turning her back to him and her gaze towards the schools windows. "Shut up....I didn't say I'm convinced..."
laughs almost happily "I didn't think it'd be that easy. Come on princess, you gotta have a place to sleep." and with that, he started walking into the school to find someone who knew where the dorms were.
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