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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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He takes her hand, and walks through the portal, this time the surface is warm and soothing. He now appears next to Yan, the strange shadow from earlier, in his demon state. "Yan! Wake up!" "AHHHH!" Yan falls off his rock, and hits his head on the ground, then immediately gets on his knees. "What do you require Lord?" "Activate code DoomsNight." "S-S-S-Sire! Are you sure?" "Dead sure." Yan gives him a look, but then makes loud screeching noises, in which any nearby shadows start mimicking the same action.
She glanced at Tan, raising her right arm, only to point her index finger at him. "You're the one I- my opposite kissed?" She glanced from Zero to Tan, waiting for an answer while the screeching shadows continued.
"Please.... Don't remind me of that..." He shudders, and then continues. "Since you're still in one place, we better get to the palace while we can." All the nearby shadows start going one direction.
"In one place?" She tilted her head, but followed his lead to the said palace. "What if.....I....kissed you? Would you shudder?"
Karan goes out of his dorm and walks to the school while reading his book and he was really focused on reading on his favorite part of the book.
Isabel holds Cade above the ground by her collar. "You know your great grandfather is coming... and not to say hello. You can't even hold your own against me and you plan to stop him?" A blast of deity flame sends the unconscious Cade flying into a school window. "You're late for school."
"No?" Zero seemed somewhat confused by the question, but then it clicked and his face turned red. "N-n-n-n-n-no! I-I-I wouldn't b-b-be..." His eyes a mixture of yellow and green.
She had a serious expression printed upon her face as she examined his reaction. "I don't know....I never know when Luna will return."
Then Zero's expression turned to stone. and slowly morphed into disappointment. "We're at the palace. Behold the splendor. All the dead things. Whoo." His voice was heavy with sarcasm as he lead her to the balcony of which he was to speak in front of the crowd of millions of shadows.
She was completely silenced, having noticed the instant sound of disappointment and facial change. As he led her to the balcony, she stayed hidden behind him, peering out over the crowd.
Zero, steps up to the front of the balcony, and starts talking. "People of my humble kingdom, I come here to tell you something very important. I am resigning from my post, for.... Personal reasons that I may or may not regret." Zero coughs, in a regard towards Layla "The new ruler will be Mingx.... For I trust him on being a good ruler and being kind... ish. to you. I know our time here was short, I know I only have been in this position for about 500 years.... But do not fret! Soulis will live on! All live Soulis!" All shadows repeatedly start chanting "All live Soulis!" as Zero steps down and walks over to Layla. "Let's go already." His eyes are glowing Crimson red, as he opens the portal and walks through it, not waiting for Layla.
Karan got to the entrance of the school and still focused on reading he goes to the stairs and as he steps at the 3rd stair he tripped and falls to the ground even though it hurts he still has his expressionless face "I should've stop reading right now" he said and stands up and continues to the stairs.
Jax becomes normal again and slams his staff against the ground, surrounding himself inside of a rock statue shaped exactly like him.
She stares at him for a mere moment, observing the change in his ways after his speech. Seeing this she shook her head, taking a few steps herself up to where he once stood to make his announcement. "I....Layla Morgan...refuse to allow Ze-....Lord Soul is to resign from his important position...and I'm quite positive all of you feel the exact same way." She then glanced at the portal, ignoring the fact that he was already gone, more so concerned a about how he felt and looked at her just then.
One of the shadows from the crowds shout "We've been waiting for Lord Mingx to come into power! We wouldn't let this opportunity go to waste!"

Then another one of the shadows yells, "Everyone, He has a portal open! Let's go and kill him!" The Shadows from the crowd all summon pitch forks and torches, and start piling past the palace guards to get up to the portal.
She sighed, shutting her eyes. "I really didn't want to have to do this....again..." Her skin became dark, just as her clothing, hair, eyes became the darkest shade of red, and ears became pitch black. Herself being the from of darkness itself, a blackened gemed crown standing upon her head, her ears disappearing into her head as the crown appeared. She then held out her hand, holding a darkened ceptar.

" I, Luna , princess of darkness, refuse to allow such idiocy and ignorance in my presence."

A deep voice erupts from behind Luna "It's about time you transformed." From behind you appears Lord Soulis. "Now... what should I even start to say to you..." His eyes glow such a bright crimson red, you'd think his eyes would explode from it.
She sighed, shutting her eyes. "I really didn't want to have to do this....again..." Her skin became dark, just as her clothing, hair, eyes became the darkest shade of red, and ears became pitch black. Herself being the from of darkness itself, a blackened gemed crown standing upon her head, her ears disappearing into her head as the crown appeared. She then held out her hand, holding a darkened sword.

" I, Luna , princess of darkness, refuse to allow such idiocy and ignorance in my presence."


"Let me guess, Lord Soulis. You must still be angry about that line I crossed?" Luna kept her gaze on the crowd, readying herself.
"Slightly... However I have not planned a trap to punish you, but instead for research... This is all I needed too know." His eyes turn to a yellow, and he out stretches a hand. "Shall we go before we're overrun by a mob of shadows?" He smiles, almost looking happy.
"Lord Soulis. If I develop the knowledge of you trying to use Layla, I will not forgive you." With that she turned on her heels, causing her hair to fly behind her as she exited through the portal.
"Use her...? Come on I'm not /that/ evil." With that, he followed after her through the portal as well, appearing in front of the academy with her, then making the portal disappear so the shadows can't follow through.
Karan continues to walk on the second floor and stops to look outside the window and sighed "I hope there will be something interesting that will happen today" and continues to look outside the window.
"Don't play with her feelings, imbecile. You call yourself a Lord. Toying with innocent girls is ridiculous." She scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "She's been used enough in her life. I may just keep her away from you for that reason."
"I'm not studying Layla, I'm studying the differences between you and Layla. I do not ever plan on using her for any purposes. I love her the way she is, and I refuse to toy with her emotions." Zero's eyes turned green, boring straight into Luna.
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