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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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The Watcher nodded. "Yes, that would make all of you deities. I am a deity as well, and so is Jax. Elizabeth has no memory of being a deity though, so you must not mention it to her." He says. "You all have more power than you even know, and so does Elizabeth."
Zero leans to whisper into her ear "These are special things that they just recently have invented... the vendor here is a good friend of mine." He waves at Zero, and he waves back. "Now, I'm afraid that we're going to have to take that portal I showed you earlier... I have to check in on something important. I promise you no harm will happen." He looks at her, his eyes now a deep blue. "I promise."
Layla eyes showed few signs of fear, though she was still scared. As he spoke, her hues shifted from a crimson red, to a darkened purple shade, her silvered strands of hair slowly becoming engulfed in a darkened black color as a black gemed crown appeared on her head, both pure white ears upon her head turning black just as her clothes did. Henceforth becoming 'Luna', her opposite."Lead the way."

Laughs, highly amused. "You are one interesting woman." He would erect a portal, and step through it, the black muck engulfing him leaving blue flames behind and then fading, the portal than waits for luna's entry.
She followed directly behind him, herself crossing her arms across her chest. "Well aren't you the one to dish out compliments."

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John just stands up. "Fine. You got me. I told you not to follow!" He punches the wall, and looks around. "You have to go. These people that are coming, are hunters. Not weak ones. Stronger, even than the librarian. I have to convince them to... stop what they do. Please, hide, or run. "
Elizabeth shakes her head. "No, I will protect you no matter what!" Jax steps out from behind Elizabeth and nods. "And I will protect Elizabeth, even if it means my death, so you need not worry about her."
As you step through, the guck is ice cold, and after passing through it goes to an unbearable heat, but then is settled after a weird, mysterious dark cloud is cast over you. "I cast some of my magic to protect you from the heat... I apologize for having to bring you here." He no longer looks like the teenage boy at the academy, but this:


Nearby souls laboring away come and get on there knees, hailing him.

"Get back to work. I need no praising." Zero's voice was utterly filled with authority, and the souls instantly dispersed, going back to there various locations. "Well... Welcome to my domain. These are all shadows of fallen people, and they work here to be released... Too a better place." His eyes glowed a very bright orange. "Now, you may be wondering, 'Why are we here?' Well, that's an excellent question, and to give an excellent answer, I respond with this. He walks to a nearby soul, and talks to him for a brief moment, before gesturing for her to follow. "Follow me."

(What the place sort of looks like, except with more darkness and no lava:

"No. They will go after you, not me. That is my fear. You have to be careful, they will kill, then ask. Some of them, aren't even human. We did hire some... others." John hears some sounds above.
She yawned examining his enslaved souls before following him, allowing her darkened hue to wonder the premises, herself finding curiosity as to exactly how he came to rule such a place.
Elizabeth shook her head again. "Then they would end up finding me anyway, I'm going to stay with you, no matter what." Jax points upwards. "John, would you like me to get rid of them?"
John simply looks at him. "Some of them have been friends for a while, if they are not convinced, fight them. Some of them might surprise you." The steps become louder, and louder. "Just hide for now."
"Lord Soulis!" A strange shadow, that looked human except for the 2 horns on his head and his dark style of clothing, walked up to Zero. "Where in hades have you been? I've been having to run the place since you left!" Zero shoves him aside, and says in a very, deep tone, "Do not speak of my name in front of this woman. Hear me?" The strange shadow cowers back, and keeps writing up his script that he was working on. "Speaking of which Yan, is it done?" The strange shadow responds, "Yes my lord, it has been done for quite some time now... Here it is." The strange shadow, "Yan", goes back behind the rock he was sitting on and pulls out a long skinny object wrapped in a cloth. "I hope it is to your liking." "As do I," responds Zero, "Your life depends on it." Yan sinks back to his rock and continues his script. "We can go now... whatever you wish to be called in this form." He erects the strange portal yet again, and gestures towards it. "Ladies first." His eyes turn to a shade of green.
"I take it Layla doesn't know you very well." Luna flipped her hair, strolling over to the said rock the !an named Ryan was settled behind. "Evening Yan. Your Lord seems to be a bit temperate, isn't he?" She let out a small giggle, gently tapping on the surface of the rock.
Midori vanishes from The Watcher's arms, appearing in front of John, looking around for whatever may attack them. "Nothing... and I mean nothing... threatens to hurt mother, in any kind of way...!" She was filled back up with her power, though it didn't take away the normal life force inside of her.
Elizabeth peeks out from her hiding spot and stares at Midori. "Hello, you must be one of my daughters." She says cheerfully.
Luna paused, leaning down until her lips reached Yan's ear before she began to whisper. "Its okay. He's too cute to do such a thing. And so are you." With that, she gently placed a playful kiss upon the face of his for before returning to Zero's side. "Don't worry, I won't say your name." She then exited through the open portal.
A tear rolled down Midori's strong face. She was happy to finally hear her mother talk to her again, which just made her powers overflow, ready to protect Elizabeth with her life if she had to.
Yan, Turns completely red and falls flat on his rock, looking like he was hit by a bus. Meanwhile, Zero just sighs and walks through the portal as well. After he steps through the portal, he appears back in his teenage form, the portal in front of the school building. "So, can I have Layla back now?" Zero looks almost slightly irritated at this new form.
"She will return when she wills it. I only come out when she's afraid or in a life threatening situation." With that Luna closed her eyes, just as the for!s hair was returning to a silver shade, starting from its roots, along with her clothing and ears returning to their pure white color, just as the form lifted her eyelids to reveal matching crimson red hues.
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