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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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adam pulled her closer kissing her forehead still half asleep he smiled hearing her mumble and just djustes the blankets around them
Asphyxiated said:
"tch.." Cerin leaned over and knocked his head against Yuki's,"I don't know what that means, but shut up." He rested his head on his shoulder, slowly beginning to push his weight down on it, "I think I'm getting too tired, I can't control my weight," his tone was serious, though he was trying to lighten the weird vibe he got from Yuki. He continued to press his upper body forward as if he were falling over while sitting, "oh nooo." it was hard for him to sound like he was joking, but he spoke fast to keep it from sounding too serious.
Yuki squeaked as he suddenly felt himself being bent beneath the pressing weight. "cerin! stop it! i cant hold you up!" he kept being pushed downward, his forehead eventually coming in contact with the ground which was followed by a growl from Yuki, "Sit 'chur lazy butt up." As tempting as it as it was, Yuki refused to use his powers in such a situation, seeing as it was in fact only Cerin trying to play. Even that was obvious to Yuki. Yet, he started to wiggle and squirm to try and get out from beneath his torso. "Dammit."
"good morning tuffy" he say queitly with a smile knowing she didnt love the nickname she was stuck with "want some food ? egg white omlet with bacon cheese and ham and some veggies?"
Cerin chuckled, but sucked air through his teeth and wrapped his arms around Yuki to stop his squirming. He lifted himself back up, bringing Yuki up with him, and placed Yuki onto the ground next to him. "You're a terrible pillow," he mumbled, placing his own head into his hands and huffing.
Yuki shrugged, frowning, "You was the one trying to squish me." He pulled his knees up to his chest and sighed, looking down at the courtyard yet again,"what am I to do.."
“ Do you believe I'm doing this for you or Layla? I'm doing this for everyone else. He's raped once, he will rape again. If he doesn't understand the consequences of those actions, I am going to kill him. You are right, I am not your father. I couldn't care less about what Akira thinks, I'm not him, nor do I follow his orders. If he gets in my way, I'll kill him too. ”

...ΨKenji spoke as he observed both Tasuke and Luna. His red aura began flowing around him as he began walking towards Tasuke, his hands in his pockets. He spokeΨ...

“ I'm gonna to rip you out of your little wonderland that you're stuck in and show you how the real world works. ”



...♅Akira soon sensed a strong presence and he snapped his head over to the direction of the presence's origin. He spoke quietly♅...

“ Something's wrong. Kenji's power signature is growing. My guess is that he found Tasuke. ”



...♆Kuroh smiled as the female shortly before feeling a strong presence. He looked around, soon pinpointing the presence. He recognized the signature. Kuroh spoke as his facial expression was now serious♆...

“ Uncle Kenji? ”



@LonelyAssassin @Himeragi Seiker
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[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina](Aaron. Stop raping people -.- xD )

Luna growled. She was not her sister. She wasn't about to lounge around while these two idiots fought over nothing. Luna then stepped before Tasuke, sharpening her gaze towards him. "Shut the hell up, dramatic bastard." Luna rolled her irises and shifted her gaze over to Kenji. "You're not my damn father, stop acting like you're obligated to deal justice on everybody. Just, go. You're not needed. Not by me, not my Layla."

(I'm not Dx )

Tasuke looked at Layla, an amused grin played on his face, "And you wonder why I like you." Tasuke's gaze aimed back to Kenji, his raised hand started to gather little sparks of energy that seems to float in from all around...

jakobtatee said:
Masao pulls out a white amulet out of his pocket. He then proceeds to plunge the dagger into his leg, and then covers the crystal in his blood. He smashes the amulet on the ground, and then an exact clone of himself appears in front of them. " there, fuck him" masao says to tira.
...Tira raises and eyebrow and Tasuke does also, he goes to walk over to it but then his body cracks up and shatters into pieces of Ice. All that's left is a spark of energy that shoots away. Tira scratches her head, "Well he's gone."

Tasuke's hand starts taking in all the sparks of energy from all around the world, all the clones he had working he had now brought their power and knowledge gained back to his body, the aura around him glowing, "He's not going to leave Luna - if you're going to fight - Be Ready."

“ I'm going to end you. ”

...ΨKenji continued walking, soon bursting into a sprint. Flames engulfed his right hand as he quickly closed the gap between both Tasuke and himself. He swung his fist as he spokeΨ...

“ Die. ”



“ I'm gonna have to stop him. His power keeps escalating. At this point.. ”

...♅Akira spoke, soon releasing Layla. He spoke♅...

“ I have to go for now, Kenji is doing something stupid.. ”


[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
“ I'm going to end you. ”

...ΨKenji continued walking, soon bursting into a sprint. Flames engulfed his right hand as he quickly closed the gap between both Tasuke and himself. He swung his fist as he spokeΨ...

“ Die. ”




Tasuke's right foot slid back, getting into a more stable stance and his raised arm comes down to meet Kenji's flaming fist which connected with Tasuke's left palm. A loud hiss sound is heard when the two connect, a large amount of steam rising from it and all the way up Tasuke's arm but the flames are extinguished as a continuous amount of Ice forms around Kenji's hand and travels up his arm.
...ΨKenji releases more of his red aura, soon melting the ice. He brought his right foot upwards, it connecting with Tasuke's gut. He spoke as a smirk formed on his faceΨ...

“ Like that'll work! ”
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji releases more of his red aura, soon melting the ice. He brought his right foot upwards, it connecting with Tasuke's gut. He spoke as a smirk formed on his faceΨ...
“ Like that'll work! ”

Tasuke's left hand gripped around Kenji's fist still, his right arm came across his gut and grabbed Kenji's ankle forming more Ice over his limbs to stop him from moving as much, "I didn't say it would." From out of the ground behind Kenji Ice rips through the earth and would skewer his back so that it protrudes through his chest, a Clone of Ice with a Sword made of the same substance laughs.
...ΨKenji's aura began melting the ice, his legs now being free, he leap backwards, the ice hitting his head sending him spiraling backwards. He came to a stop, his head facing the air with his hands back in his pocket. His coat had been disintegrated. He spoke as he brought his body forwards, his red aura bursting forth, destroying the ground around him in a thirty meter radiusΨ...

“ You're really starting to piss me off.. ”

[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji's aura began melting the ice, his legs now being free, he leap backwards, the ice hitting his head sending him spiraling backwards. He came to a stop, his head facing the air with his hands back in his pocket. His coat had been disintegrated. He spoke as he brought his body forwards, his red aura bursting forth, destroying the ground around him in a thirty meter radiusΨ...

“ You're really starting to piss me off.. ”


Tasuke raises his hand as the flame spreads, the power making his clothes whip back, before it can get to the part where he stood the flames extinguished again and it eventually calmed. He let out a heavy sigh and formed a Sword of Ice in his hand, but this was different, the blue Ice had a Red Glow from within it.

"You're not very Tolerant. For a 'God'."
“ Shut your mouth. ”

...ΨKenji's red aura began surrounding his arms and soon concentrated on both of his hands as he raised them behind his head. He then spokeΨ...

“ Planetary Devastati- ”


“ What do you think you're doing? ”

...♅Akira appeared directly infront of Kenji, looking at him. His form had changed. He had short dark blue hair and violet eyes. He also wore frameless, rectangular-shaped glasses. Akira's outfit was quite similar to his standard outfit. He wore a high collared, long-sleeved dark blue trench coat left unzipped from the waist down; around it, there was a black belt with a gold-coloured buckle strapping the two pieces of clothing together. Underneath his intricate coat, Akira wore a white shirt with an upturned collar, dark blue pants, and knee-high black boots with silver metal frames. Akira's blue aura clashed with Kenji's red aura♅...

“ I'm doing what you couldn't. Killing this piece of trash. ”

“ It's been over a year. Let it go. ”

“ No. Justice must be served on him. If you're going to stand in my way, I'll kill you too. ”

“ I'm warning you. Cease this immediately. ”

“ Make me. Big brother.

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[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
“ Shut your mouth. ”
...ΨKenji's red aura began surrounding his arms and soon concentrated on both of his hands as he raised them behind his head. He then spokeΨ...

“ Planetary Devastati- ”


“ What do you think you're doing? ”

...♅Akira appeared directly infront of Kenji, looking at him. His form had changed. He had short dark blue hair and violet eyes. He also wore frameless, rectangular-shaped glasses. Akira's outfit was quite similar to his standard outfit. He wore a high collared, long-sleeved dark blue trench coat left unzipped from the waist down; around it, there was a black belt with a gold-coloured buckle strapping the two pieces of clothing together. Underneath his intricate coat, Akira wore a white shirt with an upturned collar, dark blue pants, and knee-high black boots with silver metal frames. Akira's blue aura clashed with Kenji's red aura♅...

“ I'm doing what you couldn't. Killing this piece of trash. ”

“ It's been over a year. Let it go. ”

“ No. Justice must be served on him. If you're going to stand in my way, I'll kill you too. ”

“ I'm warning you. Cease this. ”

“ Make me. Big brother.

Tasuke grinned taking a ready stance as he was about to unleash a move, but then Akira came out of no where and stopped him. Now both Fukushima Brother's were here, for some reason Tasuke felt pretty good that Akira was protecting him, he didn't know why - he got a kick out of it. But this wasn't the time to stop, he wasn't going to stop just because they were both here.

As soon as Kenji finished his last Sentence, 'Big Brother', Tasuke drove his Glowing Red Ice Sword through Kenji's back and out of his Chest- he had teleported there using his brother's stolen gift. The Blade wouldn't melt, and the glowing red would glow brighter, affecting and wounding Kenji's body.

"I'm still here..."
...♅Due to Akira's power clashing with Kenji's, the ice clone seemed to be wiped from existence. Neither Akira nor Kenji was focused on anyone else other than each other. After all, one wrong move could end in one of their deaths. Akira pushed Kenji backwards, sending him through the nearest tree. Kenji back flipped and landed on his feet. Akira watched him and drew his sword, smirking. Kenji got into his fighting stance soon after. Akira spoke♅...

“ Let's do this. I've been wanting to see how strong you are. ”

...ΨKenji smirkedΨ...

“ Bring it. I'll happily beat you down. ”

*tugs on Kuroh's arm*

''hey...why do i sense there is some kind of intense rivalry nearby?''
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