"Ow!" Vex held his head, his eyes watering from the pain. "Don't hit me! I'm a child right now!" His hands dropped from his head as he started to answer Mahiro," ah....that's the bad part.." Two small index fingers came up to fiddle with each other,"I've no idea how to change me back." Vex quickly moved out of Mahiro's reach, waving his arms a bit, "I thought you were going to hit me....HAHAHA- I'm cute right? Who would want to hit an adorable me?.."LonelyAssassin said:Mahiro smiled when he said he gave him his lifeforce, but it soon faded and he slapped the back of Vex's head, "BAKA! How do we change you back!? People will give me strange looks if they find me being all lovey dovey with you."
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