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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Haiiro sighs, searching around her room before finding a sphere made of glass and staring into it, silently wishing to see Adam. The orb shows her Adam, leaning against a tree and looking distraught. She frowns, wishing that she could go and see him without causing the very thing she had to prevent.
khloerose said:
"Thanks," Serenity said, fixing her disgruntled appearance. "And I prefer, infrequently uncoordinated." She said in a matter-of-factly tone of dialect.
"Mhmm." Cerin stretched his arms upwards and let them fall across his head lazily.
Serenity shrugged, giving Cerin a small smile. "I'm going to go count now," she said, walking past Cerin, holding the door open for him.
khloerose said:
Serenity shrugged, giving Cerin a small smile. "I'm going to go count now," she said, walking past Cerin, holding the door open for him.
Sorry it's taking me a while to respond. I'm not feeling well so I'm kind of slow.))

"Alright, I'll go hide." Cerin left the room and looked both ways down the hall before disappearing into a cloud of smoke.
It's alright. :) I hope you feel better.))

Serenity leaned against the wall, covering her eyes and began to count to 40.

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Haiiro frowns, she really wished she could be there for Adam, but being there would only make things worse in the long run, still, she couldn't let Adam suffer like this, he was one of the only people that had ever been there for her. What was she going to do, even she didn't know.
adam walked through the forest before leaning against a tree and siting down lookin up at the leaves pulling out a baggie of drugs out of his pocket " why the hell did you go this sucks"

Layla stayed frozen, until he said he lived her. Hearing this, she curled into a tighter ball, bringing her hands to clutch her chest, a small sniffle originating from her nostrils, whilst her teary eyed gaze shifted towards the ground below.
khloerose said:
It's alright. :) I hope you feel better.))
Serenity leaned against the wall, covering her eyes and began to count to 40.

Cerin materialized in the courtyard, scanning the area quickly. A puff of smoke escaped his mask as He turned to face the trees and jumped into the nearest one with an unnatural speed, before leaping to the next one and the next-- continuing this until he had smeared his scent on most of them. Afterwards, he drifted off into smoke and materialized within the thick branches of one of the trees; clinging to the bark so that he didn't stand out and waited.
Serenity continued counting, finally reaching 40. She walked around the school, following the fading scent of Cerin. It ended somewhere in the main hall of the school, and she checked empty classrooms, searching them top to bottom, not finding Cerin. Serenity tapped her foot. "If I were Cerin, where would I hide?" she asked herself, as she walked out towards the courtyard. She looked around, underneath the benches, not seeing one trace left of Cerin. His scent was caught on the trees, and she walked towards them. It ended up on several, which didn't help at all. She chewed on her lip, staring up into several trees.
Cerin's vision automatically locked onto Khloe's figure when she came into view. He slowly climbed farther up the tree, his claws making faint scratching noises against the wood. Stopping once he realized he was making noise, he sunk closer to the trunk and blew a gust of wind that caused a few of trees' limbs to clatter, making similar noises to the scrapes.

My dad is home....))
Serenity thought that she heard scraping, until a gust of wind blew. She bypassed the noise, sniffing the air seeing if she could get a whiff of Cerin's scent. But it was no use, due to the fact that his scent was on several trees. Serenity sighed, biting the inside of her cheek. She wanted to get a good vantage point, so she climbed into a tree, oblivious to the fact that Cerin was so close.
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A large spider appears before Layla, hissing slightly. The spider gets close to her, when a voice appears in Layla's head. Poor girl... you've been tampered with. I see drama in your life... and lots of it. May I be of any help?

@Mashiro Shiina
It's a good thing! (:3) Today at least))

Cerin froze completely when Khloe had climbed into the tree ahead of him. His eyes where the only sign of movement coming from him, following her steadily.
adam feels her eyes on him but cant see her he looks straight at her though he dosent see her hes eyes were vivid the whites of his eyes are red from the drugs , looking odd with his bright blue eyes " come back Tuffy " he holds up the note" your the first girl i actually like"

Asphyxiated said:
It's a good thing! (:3) Today at least))
Cerin froze completely when Khloe had climbed into the tree ahead of him. His eyes where the only sign of movement coming from him, following her steadily.
Serenity held her breath, in hopes of her extraordinary hearing to give him away. She looked down from above the trees, and she didn't see anything. Figuring Cerin was a climber, she looked around the tops of the trees. Her eyes passed over him once, before she did a double-take, seeming to have seeing him.

Good. c:))
Haiiro blushes, staring into the orb for a few more seconds, she couldn't stand seeing Adam like this, it felt like an ant slowly chewing away at her heart. She appeared a few feet away from Adam, peeking out at him from behind a tree.
No longer able to hold the smoke in, A large black cloud burst from his mask. Cerin coughed a little and almost slipped from the tree, catching himself on a limb. "Oops."
" come here Tuffy " he says looking up at the sky his body felt like it was buzzing from the drugs his eyes scaned the trees for her untill they settle on her his eyes soften , still red "come here"

Layla remained still, not even bothering to determine the voices origin. She simply thought it to be Zero, which of course, would make some sense. Blinking, she finally sat up on the bed, rubbing at her irises, before sliding her way out of bed. "No...go away."
Asphyxiated said:
No longer able to hold the smoke in, A large black cloud burst from his mask. Cerin coughed a little and almost slipped from the tree, catching himself on a limb. "Oops."
Serenity watched the black smoke rise and she smirked, looking across from her. "Found you," she said cheerfully. "Be careful," she warned, raising an eyebrow in concern.
Shhhh... Baka. You still think too much... The Spider poofed into a black cloud, forming Zero holding a bowl of Ice cream for Layla. He set it in front of her, and then hugged her from the side gently. "I'm sorry for whatever is happening... I'm never informed so I can't weep with you." He let go reluctantly, and curled into a small ball besides her, looking at the ceiling blankly.

@Mashiro Shiina
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