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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Haiiro sighs, disappearing and returning to her realm, grabing a piece of paper and a pen. "Dear Adam, I'm sorry I didn't tell you this, but I won't be able to be around for a while, if at all. It's all because of that dream. I might never come back, but know this, it was not your fault. It was mine." She says as she writes those words down on paper. She quickly grabs a knife, cutting the tip of her finger and signing her name in her own blood at the bottom before the letter disappears, appearing on Adam's bed. The Watcher sighs angrily. "What the hell am I thinking, my plan won't work...yet...I need to keep the seal from breaking." He mumbles, placing his hands on the seal and using his powers to reinforce it.
the paper lands next to adam and her looks at it with red eyes reaching slowly and reading it " damn it tuffy." he mutters sits up immediately regretting it his body buzzed with the drugs running through him "TUFFY" he yells geting up stumbling blinking trying to clear his head

Haiiro sighs, it was the only way to keep her nightmare from becoming a reality. If she stayed on Earth she would end up becoming the cause of her nightmare, and she knew that. The only way to be sure that she wouldn't cause that nightmare was to stay in her own realm until the threat passed over, which could take centuries.
...†Akira soon stood up and spoke†...

" I'll always love you, Layla. "

...†He then began walking, soon turning into nothing more than black mist before disappearing. He reappeared behind The Watcher and observed him for a few moments. He finally spoke up†...

" It won't work. The seal will automatically be broken in five minutes. The least you could do is help defeat him. "

The Watcher smiles. "Smart kid, I'll give you that, but there is a way to avoid said time limit. It'll require a whole hell of alot of power though, so hurry up." He says, not even caring if Akira was listening. "That is, unless you DO want him to be released, which I highly doubt. I helped create this seal, I can deactivate the timer, but I need more power to do so."
" I don't think so. You want my father's power. Who's to say you won't attempt to take mine during this whole process? Of course, it'd be literally impossible. I don't think power is enough to deactivate it. Most seals as powerful as this, contain fail-safes in case tampered with. Most seals either deactivate themselves or strengthen. "

...†Akira said as he continued observing The Watcher†...
The Watcher sighs angrily. "Listen, I designed this seal to be strengthened enough to keep Ragnarok asleep if given enough power. Now shut up and help me. I would have to kill you in order to gain your power, and we both know that isn't going to happen." He says. "You're almost as stubborn and hard headed as Auros." He mumbles, having no intention of doing anything but keeping Ragnarok sealed away for another millennium or so.
" Okay. However, you try anything funny and I'll end you. "

...†Akira said as he walked over to the seal and placed two hands onto it's magical runes†...
khloerose said:
Serenity nodded. "Yea, that's pretty much it," she said, smiling. "Hopefully you're not as unfortunate as I was to be found so quickly." Serenity said, shrugging her shoulders. Subtly, she took a long whiff in of Cerin, holding his scent.
"Well, I've never played this before, remember? I'm not the best at hiding." Cerin watched her carefully, dismounting the desk one foot at a time.
The Watcher sighs. "Alright, I just hope that this is enough to keep him sealed away." The seal starts glowing, draining power from The Watcher and Akira and strengthening, the timer until it automatically breaks stopping. "I'll tell you when it's absorbed enough power, hopefully he have enough to keep him sealed away for a long while."
Asphyxiated said:
"Well, I've never played this before, remember? I'm not the best at hiding." Cerin watched her carefully, dismounting the desk one foot at a time.
Serenity came from behind the desk--or at least attempted to-- tripping over the leg. She was headed straight to the ground, placing her hands out in front of her as quick reflexes.
" Let's hope it is.. "

...†Akira continued pressing both hands onto the seal. His power didn't seem to be depleting, however the seal was still absorbing said power. Akira didn't seem to be affected by the seal draining him†...
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The Watcher pulls away from the seal, looking a bit pale. "I'm gonna need some time to recover..." He mumbles. His power was immense, but the seal had drained it as if it was nothing. If he hadn't pulled away he might have lost his power for good. He sits down quietly, staring at the seal.
...†Akira looked over at him and slightly smirked, speaking†...

" Pussy. "

...†Akira hadn't changed ever since he put his hands on the seal. If anything, he found it boring. This was one of the many perks of being the creator of all gods' son. Infinite power†...
The Watcher flicks Akira off, laying down and staring at the ceiling of the chamber. "When I created this seal the chamber wasn't here...odd...wonder who built it." He mumbles.
" Back then, the school wasn't here. My guess is the construction company built it.. "

...†Akira said as he looked around, analyzing the structure. He soon continued as he looked over at The Watcher†...

" So, how much more power? "
khloerose said:
Serenity came from behind the desk--or at least attempted to-- tripping over the leg. She was headed straight to the ground, placing her hands out in front of her as quick reflexes.
Cerin grabbed her arm, keeping her from hitting the ground. He stood her back into place, raising a brow. "Klutz?"
The Watcher stares at the seal. "I'd say about five more minutes for one millennium of power for the seal. It charges itself pretty damn quickly." He says, smirking. As soon as the seal had absorbed enough power it would let out a really annoying screeching sound and flash bright enough to blind anyone in the chamber, so he quickly put a gas mask with tinted lenses on.
" H-hey! W-what the hell are you doing? "

...†Akira said as he watched The Watcher put on the gas mask†...
The Watcher smiles. "It's full." He says as a screeching noise loud enough to break anyone eardrums and still ring for weeks afterwords fills the room and a bright flash strong enough to permanently blind anyone fills the room at the same time. He was unaffected due to the gas mask blocking out the sound and light.
" Wha- "

...†Akira was then interrupted by the feeling that a terrible screeching noise, as well as a blinding light was coming. Akira didn't know why he felt this, but he quickly closed his eyes and shielded his ears just as the noise and blinding light begun†...
The Watcher disappears, the light and sound continuing. It probably wouldn't stop for about an hour. He appears on the roof of the school. "Why did I add that to the failsafe?" He mumbles.
Asphyxiated said:
Cerin grabbed her arm, keeping her from hitting the ground. He stood her back into place, raising a brow. "Klutz?"
"Thanks," Serenity said, fixing her disgruntled appearance. "And I prefer, infrequently uncoordinated." She said in a matter-of-factly tone of dialect.
adam stumbles out of the dorms and out the campus stumbling into the woods "Tuffy!!!" he yelled leaning against a tree
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