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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"Oh...oh man that's funny... Two things, one, trying to catch The Watcher is like trying to find the origin source of air, he could be anyone or anything, he could be here as we speak. Two, I'm surprised that you are able to even sleep at night. Think of all the innocents you killed, don't you think that maybe, just maybe, some of them had families too?"
John: "Well then, get out. Hey! Librarian! Do what you want."

Librarian: "Fine..." He runs past them, grabs some tools, and runs to a room. Screaming can be heard from there.
Elizabeth stares in confusion at the Librarian before wiping a tear from her eye. "Look, The Watcher does what he does because of what you people have done. He is trying to protect our kind from extinction, slavery or worse." She says with a shrug. "Besides, it's organizations like this one that drove him to such extreme measures."
Elizabeth follows Taokaka. "I'm not sure we even want to know." Elizabeth says, putting one hand on Taokaka's left shoulder.
John: "Stay back!" He runs in with a gun, firing all of the sudden. "It got out..."

Librarian: He ducks down behind cover. A fireball suddenly shoots out, hitting him square. He only staggers.
John: He suddenly stops. He yells at the librarian. "Leave him be! He has to be alone for a day!"

Librarian: "Fine!" He runs out, shutting the door.
Elizabeth glares at John, gripping the trigger. "What are you holding in there." She says with a hint of anger and fear in her voice.
John: Suddenly relieved, he turns to Elizabeth. "We have been experimenting with, that thing I was infected with earlier, the corruption. That was the reason I has psi powers. We can be able to make the perfect soldier here... Don't worry, the person volunteered. We can mix DNA from any creature we find. I was infected with demon DNA for example..."
"What does he have there?" Eisen steps into the room. "Possible reasearch, data, just waiting to be unconvered. We are developing weapons from creatures, not creatures of light, but of darkness. We want to see what drives them,and makes them tick. This is for the greater good."
Elizabeth growls angrily and exclaims, "That is inhumane, you are an idiot if you think I will let you turn a living being into a weapon! Tao, rip the door open."
"I wouln't recomend it." Eisen said. "Unless you want to burn." Eisen's hands flared up, blue energy pulsing from them.
I wake realizing I was back home "why does this always happen" I sigh and sit up wincing before getting out of bed and walking outside. "Well lets see whats new today" I Open my wings and take off into the air heading towards the school.
John: "Don't!"

Librarian: "Now this all over again..."

The creature looks at the group with bleeding black eyes. It looks human, but with a black plate on one half. He has tattered wings. Suddenly, he launches himself at Taokaka.
Eisen runs up to Toa and kicks him with a front kick usuing his denomic strength, his wings going black, his eyes turning a blood red.
The creature knocks Eisen aside, clawing at Tao.

John: He tries to pull it off, but also gets knocked aside, and falls unconscious. The soldiers start to shoot at the subject.

Librarian: His eyes glow and the creature suddenly is lifted by an invisible force. It still attacks the air, but immobile.
It dies, falling to the ground.

John: "One of our soldiers..." He glares at Elizabeth. "Librarian. Do what you want with them. I do not care anymore. Same for everyone else."

Librarian: "Sounds like fun..." Shards made of light form, pinning them to the wall.
Nanami and Mai appeared next to Elizabeth out of water in the ground that floated up into physical form. "Nobody threatens Elizabeth," Nanami said.
John: He sighs and kicks the wall. "They had to see..." He faces the crowd. "That was very stable actually... and we have some more DNA..." He finds fur everywhere. "Send this to the lab..." The soldiers grab some fur and start to work."

Librarian: "Ill catch up with them..." He runs outside, after the two.
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