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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Valkyre said:
"There's no need to apologise, you have been nothing but helpful and kind. It's hardly your fault that lowlife scum like that is so easily infatuated with you" Logan told her bluntly, his tone had gotten colder and lost a lot of his earlier charm. He had dropped the act somewhat, although not wholly. Never wholly if he could help it.
Layla tilted her head to the side. "Hm? Loss of temper ?" Giggling quietly to herself, Layla rested her head in her palm, staring into the windowsill. "I believe it is my fault." Taking a few moments to review her actions, she blew her breath and shook her head.
Han awkwardly patted Blue's back. "Mostly because you are under my sigil." He shrugged. "And because of your purity." He smiled and kissed her. "The important thing is that you're alive."
"Well I only know what I saw but from that I concluded that it was not your fault. You're never responsible for the actions of others. Not unless you take away their free-will, of course" Logan smirked, his made it seem like he was disinterested in Layla although that was not the case. His thoughts had merely wandered off to the few times where he had had to take away free will of another in order to feed, he'd done what he could to leave minimal damage. Only taking the bare minimum of blood and hypnotising them to forget he ever did.
blue looked at him carefully" they told me aweful things han "she wiped away some tears and sighed

Zoey leans closer intently , sincerely interested in him
" listening to what you have to say , you very interesting ,kid" she smiles and pours some rum into her slurpee stirring it in with her straw
dont fucking call me a goddamn kid!!- he slams the drink on the table and stands up leaving then starts running faster and faster every couple of seconds
Valkyre said:
"Well I only know what I saw but from that I concluded that it was not your fault. You're never responsible for the actions of others. Not unless you take away their free-will, of course" Logan smirked, his made it seem like he was disinterested in Layla although that was not the case. His thoughts had merely wandered off to the few times where he had had to take away free will of another in order to feed, he'd done what he could to leave minimal damage. Only taking the bare minimum of blood and hypnotising them to forget he ever did.
Layla shifted her gaze to look at Logan out of the corner of her eye. "Thank you. But it was my fault. It seems as though he received the wrong message." Layla then stood up from her seated position, circling around to enter the kitchen. "Thirsty? Hungry?"
zoey jumped a little and shurgs " i call everyone kid, jus a nickname" she leans back drinking her booze filled slurpee
"Vampire that just drank the equivalent of about three people...? I'm good" Logan shook his head and chuckled as he watched Layla, keeping his gaze as close to her eyes as he could and trying to ignore the hem of her jumper that didn't really cover much more than was absolutely necessary. He had no desire to incur the wrath of her possessive sort-of boyfriend.
E stands up, having a bit of trouble keeping herself steady. She starts pacing around in a circle, trying to come up with a plan to escape that wouldn't involve her death. Haiiro smiles, appearing in Han's dorm room and hiding. She was planning on waiting however long it took for Han to come back to his dorm room and then attack him before sending him to limbo, where his powers wouldn't work. That way she wouldn't have to worry about anyone trying to stop her.
Han frowned. "What did they tell you?" He wrapped his arm around her. "They only tell lies." He whispered. "They try to mess with your head. Don't let them."
-His eyes filled with tears as he ran to Lilly and hugged her as Lilly jumped and got confused.."Lilly I don't want to be a human anymore. I don't want to see anyone of this realm please send me back" Lilly shook her head no and just walked passed him as if to say you wanted this... I told you not to Kevin slowly walks to his dorm staring at a picture of his friends in different realms then a picture of two older people with him holding hands as he just sits on his bed. He puts the pictures down and sighs putting his face in his hands his eyes turning a lighter blue then before
"KID?! Your friend... Han... he let Elizabeth die. She's gone now. And I want to see him in pain! I don't care if I die, I just... I just want to be with Elizabeth." John exits, the black blood starting to go away.
Layla froze, peering out at Logan from the small window in the wall. "Explain something to me. Why must I be in sch trouble all the time?" Layla rolled her irises, clearly irritated by the fact such things happened all because she didn't share majority of the feelings other males felt towards herself. "I see it as, odd. You know? That its always the shy ones."
blue sighed and looked at him with wet eyes " they said i you let Elizabeth die and you refused to help her and that you didnt care about anyone and thats why you let me be shot " she wiped her eyes

zoey stood up and walked out of the cafeteria and flew over to E and instantly started laughing and took a sip of her booze ridden slurpee and smiled" you seem to get in theses situations alot"
E gives up on trying to figure out a way out, she just didn't have any ideas. If it weren't for Han allowing Elizabeth to trap herself in limbo and not even pretending to care or attempting to stop her she wouldn't be in this damn mess in the first place. She completely ignores Zoey.
"If it's always the shy ones then you are certainly safe from me. I could hazard a guess however; you're nice. The sort of person that might actually pay attention to scum and show them kindness now and then. So they get the wrong idea and think that maybe you like them, they like you too after all you actually acknowledged them as a person plus you're stunning to look at" Logan shrugged as he finished talking, he probably shouldn't have weighed in on a subject he knew nothing about but he wasn't bothering to be charming anymore so what did it matter?
Kevin sighs goes to his closet grabs a pair of new clothes and a towel and walked in the bathroom taking his shirt off takes his shoes off gets out of the restroom and puts his shoes next to the door then looks out his window shirtless
Layla giggled. "Ah. My kindness. What a pain." Blowing her breath, Layla twirled a strand of her hair on her index finger. Layla began to speak again, but was interrupted by his last statement. "Stunning? Thank you." Layla couldn't help but shift her gaze elsewhere before she continued. "My kindness only exists because I'm the opposite of my sister is all. I am kind majority of the time, so I don't end up like her."
Logan shrugged, he was merely being honest, how she took what happened to be a compliment was her business. "So if she didn't exist do you think you'd be a different person?" Lorgan asked, disregarding the fact that she might not want to start questioning her existence. It interested him and so he would ask whatever questions he liked until she obviously became upset with him.
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