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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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...†As Akira walked away, he then spoke to himself, contemplating several things at once within his mind†...

" I've been getting hails from Heaven for quite sometime. I wonder what they want.. "

...†He then disappeared in a small wisp of black smoke, appearing at the Gates Of Heaven. He then thought to himself†...

" So these are The Gates. A bit bigger than I imagined. Seems like God is compensating for something.. "

...†Akira then spoke†...

" You called? "

...†The Gates then opened, beckoning Akira inside. As he stepped in, the Gates closed behind him quickly. Akira then spoke†...

" An ambush? "

...†Arch Angels then swarmed around Akira. One of them spoke†...

Arch Angel #1: "We have been given orders to arrest you."

" On who's authority? "

Arch Angel #1: "On God's.."

...†Akira then thought to himself†...

" If I resisted, I could kill all of these Angels. That would also cost the lives of many Human spirits here which may inadvertently affect Earth, where that girl Layla resides. I'll have to go along with them quietly.. "

...†Akira then spoke†...

" I have no intentions on resisting. "

Arch Angel #1: "Good. Men, take that Demon for reconditioning."

Arch Angels: "Yes sir!"

...†The Arch Angels then took Akira into custody and took him to the reconditioning chamber, the place where some rogue Angels go to be re-educated on what it means to be an Angel. However, the place Akira was taken to was the torture chamber†...
Elizabeth managed to break free of her chains and tried to run, but The Watcher stabbed her in the back of the leg with the knife. "No running. This will be over quickly." He says, preparing to steal Elizabeth's soul from her body. Haiiro sighed, laying down on the roof of the school and staring off into the sky.
Layla watched him for a few moments, before lowering her voice to a barely audible whisper. "Why am I always alone..." Quietly, she pulled her headphones back over her ears, disregarding his response, whilst laying her head back to rest against the inside of the windowframe, fixating her gaze on the area below.
...†Some time seemed to have past and Akira was chained up against the wall. As he stood there, it was apparent that he was incredibly injured, being that he was barely standing at all. Just then, the door swung open. It was the Arch Angel Gabriel†...

Gabriel: "We're not done yet. We've found who helped you. We noticed that a certain female allowed you into her home. No Humans who helped a Demon such as yourself deserves to live. We've dispatched Arch Angels to kill her. The male is next."

" Call them back.. "

Gabriel: "Or what, Demon? You'll kill me? Please. You're chained to a wall by chains God created himself. You're helpless in the state you are now."

" You don't understand. I can't quite control it yet.. "

Gabriel: "Control what, exactly..?"

" My power.. "

Gabriel: "The woman will die."

...Gabriel then picked up a communication device. He spoke into it...

Gabriel: "Eliminate the woman now."

...Arch Angels then smashed through Layla's roof in search for her. They then found her sitting on the window sill. They charged at her. Gabriel then snapped a monitor into existence and spoke as it turned on, featuring the Arch Angels charging towards Layla...

Gabriel: "You will watch her die, Demon."

" I'm begging you. Let her go. She didn't help me. I invaded her home. "

Gabriel: "You can't fool me, Demon. I-no. We saw it happen."

" Don't do this. You WILL regret it.. "
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blue finishes the bottle and stumbles to the next bottle and starts on it as well siting on the porch very drunk
(Hah. They think Layla is human xD )

Layla only slowly glanced up from her comfortably seated position upon the windowsill. Mumbling to herself, she removed the headphones from her ears, glaring intently upon the invaders of her home. Growling with each word, Layla clasped her hands together, delivering her message in a soft, but threatening tone. "I've said once...invade or damage my home...and you die. Sadly, although you are all archangels, I have nothing against your kind, you have denied me of my one and single rule. Thus, I must end your lives. Agreed?"
"If you need me I'll be in my room!" Slaxt called out as he started walking to his dorm.
The Watcher smiles, tapping a jar filled with an odd, blue gas as Elizabeth's body lays on the cold hard ground, completely limp and barely breathing. Her soul was gone, but her body was still living oddly enough. The Watcher kicks Elizabeth across the room. "Perfect, time to go create an artificial soul."
...The Arch Angels then laughed as they continued to charge...

((( You can take over the fight, if you want :) Akira's gonna, well. You'll see ;) .... )))
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(Like how Slaxt leaves as soon as she gets attacked xD . Good luck to Akira.)

"Fine. Have it your way." Layla remained seated, simply untangling her hands from one another. Immediately, a large wave of heat ignited the room whilst flames bordered the entire building, allowing nobody in, or even out. With a childish giggle, Layla slowly opened her eyelids, allowing bloodied red irises to stare angrily at the archangels. "Lets play a game." Immediately, flames burst out from each and every direction of the room. Of course, these weren't normal flames, but hell flames, black and blue to match her own origin. "Die."

Layla watched while some of the weaker ones were immediately eliminated, whilst others continued onward. "Not bad." Shrugging her shoulders, Layla raised her left palm, allowing a darkening cloud to shape the premises, causing their vision to me dismantled. Lucky for her, she could see in such conditions. In doing so, she finally rose from her seated position, removing her weapon from her torso, slicing it through the air a few good times, only to be followed by the sound of falling bodies scattered throughout the room. Blowing her breath, Layla shook her head, shifting her gaze back towards the now clouded window. "Ruined my mood." Layla disregarded the fact her clothing was now stained with the blood of the archangels, though something that didn't phase her at all.

(Had to cut the battle short. Semi-busy)
Cerin went to the cafeteria and got himself some pizza, scarfing the slices down and drinking the liquid in no time. He got up and left the cafeteria, having taken about twenty minutes to completely finish and get out of the building.

Red optics looked around whilst exhaustion settled in. That's right..Vex was Cerin's main source of energy for a long time. A yawn escaped and he stretched, letting out a drag of gray smoke as he headed back to the dorms.

It was taking longer then usual to get there. so, when he got to the side of the dormitory, he jumped up to his open window and crawled in.

To Cerin's surprise, someone was sitting on his furniture and reading one of his books.

"Oh...... surprise!" The male said, though he seemed more surprised that Cerin was there.

Cerin stared, blinking a few times. "Vex....?"

"No. the boogie man." The teen said, turning his gaze back to the book.

Not much difference..."You found one so quickly, but.....how?" Cerin was shocked, still partially hanging in the room from the window.

"It wasn't that hard to find someone." Vex said, not looking up as he flipped the page and chuckled.

Cerin didn't know what to think. It was almost as if he knew exactly where someone would be..he shrugged it off and finished climbing into his room.

"Well? How is it?" Cerin asked, studying Vex. "Where is my necklace?"

Vex shrugged, "a body is a body, though it's pretty comfortable. Oh, Your necklace is on the nightstand." He pointed a slender finger in the trinkets direction, still reading.

"That's good, I guess." Cerin said, scratching his head. "Anything you want to do?"

"Nyeh.." Vex stuck a pierced tongue out for a second, pulling it back and shrugging. "I want to read."

He huffed an "ok", before laying beside the cracked door. Cerin let a puff of smoke out into the hallway, pushing the door open and closed in boredom.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.6f1c53b22b8b9d715b394d7ee6cf9746.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39389" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.6f1c53b22b8b9d715b394d7ee6cf9746.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Slaxt stopped halfway through the hallway and turned around to go back to Layla's room.. He felt bad leaving her alone so he ran back as fast as he could and arrived seconds later he then knocks on Layla's door "Hey you ok?"

(Night cya tomorrow! @The Dark Princess)
((( Don't worry, This post is where it gets real. )))

...As the Arch Angels fell, Gabriel spoke...

Gabriel: "I see. So she's a Demon. Too bad. Those were only low and mid class Angels. The Arch Angels should be arriving now."

...Just then, Arch Angel dropped outside of the apartment. There seemed to be a small army...

Gabriel: "Now she will perish. Look, Demon. Watch the woman that you have fallen for... die."

...†At that moment, something within Akira snapped. His head began hurting immensely. He then spoke in amongst has screams of agony†...

" Stop! Please. Stop! "

" Death is all around you. But it doesn't matter, does it? "

" You're wrong.. "

" Am I? "

" You're wrong! "

" The world is yours to take. All you have to do is open up. Release it... and kill. "

...†The conversation within Akira's head seemed to be of him and his power. Akira then began to scream in pain†...

" Until everything disappears before your eyes... "

...†His eyes, which were filled with pain, changed. His screams of agony suddenly and quickly changed to a menacing laugh†...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/tumblr_moskdc67qA1s66zsjo1_400.gif.ce77ca47ed1621a743ac945b33206e0b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39390" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/tumblr_moskdc67qA1s66zsjo1_400.gif.ce77ca47ed1621a743ac945b33206e0b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gabriel: "What the..?!"

...†The chains that bound him to the wall began disintegrating. Gabriel walked up to Akira to inspect what was wrong. Just then, Gabriel's head suddenly sprung open and rapidly disintegrated, along with his body. Akira shot out of the reconditioning chamber and out of Heaven. Moments later, he was on a tree, facing the Arch Angels. A menacing, maniacal laugh escaped his mouth as the Arch Angels then turned their attention to Akira. Akira then spoke in a menacing tone†...

" Monster. Devil. God. Hero. Call me what you will. "

...One of the Arch Angels then shouted...

Arch Angel #15: " It's The Alpha Stigma! "

Arch Angel #1: "No. It's much worse than an Alpha Stigma! Everyone, get out the objects that were blessed by God and run!"

" Analyse existence. Disappear. "

...†At that moment, all of the objects they had that were blessed by God disintegrated. Akira then spoke†...

" First comes destruction. I create nothing. I bless nothing. Save nothing. I just erase. Completely. "

...†Akira then disappeared and the Arch Angels began getting cut in half and were rapidly dying in gruesome ways. It was clear Akira was moving at a high speed, as none of the bodies were disintegrating. As he killed the small army of Arch Angels, he spoke†...

" Shatter. Crush. Break and disappear! "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/tumblr_n8ij6rnz1v1s9eb75o5_400.gif.76f1efb8fe74fb02f27c9ee0b60f8ed0.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39391" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/tumblr_n8ij6rnz1v1s9eb75o5_400.gif.76f1efb8fe74fb02f27c9ee0b60f8ed0.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

...†After Akira had done this, he put his hands over his eyes and then spoke†...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/tumblr_mlpmx9fK2i1sovic5o4_400.gif.944551fa93c4611421aeb972ebc72a20.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39394" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/tumblr_mlpmx9fK2i1sovic5o4_400.gif.944551fa93c4611421aeb972ebc72a20.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

" I have to stop. I've done what I needed to. Just... Stop! "

...†Akira then shouted†...

" Begone! "

...†Akira's power then returned to normal. However Akira dropped onto the ground. He then slowly got onto his knees, obviously being worn out. The courtyard was filled with Arch Angel bodies, along with their blood. Akira then spoke as he stood up†...

" I did it. I.. saved her. Hopefully she never finds out I like her. I'll probably just tell her we're even.. but then she'll think I'm cheap. Damn.. why is this type of stuff complicated...? "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c14561e6a_eGVsa3hnMTI_o_the-legend-of-the-legendary-heroes-rule-fragment.jpg.1f1956a1b699dbe79ef18d09628a5733.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39395" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c14561e6a_eGVsa3hnMTI_o_the-legend-of-the-legendary-heroes-rule-fragment.jpg.1f1956a1b699dbe79ef18d09628a5733.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="The Dark Princess](Awwwwww xD I know what show this is from now.I've seen the anime. Something Stigma. )

((( Only this form is from an Anime called The Legend Of The Legendary Heroes xD The other forms are from different Anime, but they all have the premise of Magic, plus they look similiar haha ))
Layla took in a deep breath, shifting her gaze downward upon the courtyard. She didn't like the fact he had fought them off instead of herself fighting her own battles, but in the end, all was well. "Yes...I'm fine Slaxt " Layla then opened her roomdoor, exiting just as she did so, making her way down to the courtyard.

(Ending with this post
xD )
[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]
Layla took in a deep breath, shifting her gaze downward upon the courtyard. She didn't like the fact he had fought them off instead of herself fighting her own battles, but in the end, all was well. "Yes...I'm fine Slaxt " Layla then opened her roomdoor, exiting just as she did so, making her way down to the courtyard.
(Ending with this post
xD )

((( Alright, see ya! I'm gonna head off too haha. )))

...†Akira then began to walk back to the dorms, his wounds had mainly healed, however his power was pretty low for his standards. He had to rest†...
Slaxt was worried about Layla so he followed Layla "Are you sure? You don't seem fine"

(Oh snap Akira fell for Layla cx)
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Layla stumbled a bit while making her way down the front steps, but immediately caught herself and straightened her posture. "I'm ....fine?"Once she regained her composure, her gaze shifted towards a single wound on her back where she had been impaled. A darkened shade of her blood trailed from her wound and down through her oversized shirt. Seeping through and trailing down her leg in the process. Tilting her head to the side at the sight, she couldn't help but giggle, whilst her voice lowered to a whisper. "Where did that...come...from?" Layla's irises immediately shifted shades simultaneously, whilst her body simply collapsed to the ground.

(Just because. But uh. Layla has met and saved Akira, then Akira saved her, Layla got into a fight and was injured from behind without knowing, Akira is making his was towards the dorms to rest. Layla has passed out from blood loss.)
Jin went to find some snacks when he found Shinjis Love layla in pain maybe i could become her boyfriend and make shinji jealous haahhahaa Jin thought as turned into shinji and he ran towards her and kneeled down and said "Hey are you fine let me help"

Jin went to find some snacks when he found Shinjis Love layla in pain maybe i could become her boyfriend and make shinji jealous haahhahaa Jin thought as turned into shinji and he ran towards her and kneeled down and said "Hey are you fine let me help"
The Watcher laughed maniacally, lifting the jar containing Elizabeth's soul into the air and preparing to smash it. "It seems you are no longer necessary Elizabeth. Now I shall send you to Hell, quite literally." He says, glancing over at Elizabeth's still limp body. He had plans for what to do with Elizabeth, and turning her into a living weapon was just the beginning.
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