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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"That's the only thing I can do, make you human." She said. "At this point you're no longer John's soul in Celia's body, you're Celia's soul in Celia's body." (I can reply one more time before I leave in a few minutes)
Elizabeth regains consciousness as she gets water dumped over her head. She couldn't see who had done it and tried to sit up, but found that she was chained to a cold, metal table. The Watcher walks in, holding a knife. "Why hellooo there Elizabeth!"
(Oh Jesus the watcher with a knife D; brb I need to go to ze hospitalial for teh peelz HAVE FUN GUIS!)
Han rolled his neck and cracked his knuckles. He stood in front of a large metal vault door that was labeled 'Confiscated Items'. He smiled and punched the door, leaving a dent in it. He frowned and punched again, this time making a hole in the door. He nodded and his hand was engulfed in a red light, causing the door to melt away. He stepped inside and looked at all the items. Phones, game systems, magazines(wink wink), weapons, and more flotsam and jetsum. "Sweet."
Elizabeth rolls her eyes. "Really? A knife? You're going to be that cliche?" She asks, staring at The Watcher. The Watcher smiles. "Oh no no no, I'm not going to kill you with this. In fact, I'm not gonna kill ya' at all!" He says, imitating Elizabeth's voice perfectly for the last sentence. "I am merely going to make you a living weapon."
Vex shifted a little in the seat, his bones aching.

What's your problem?

I want to go home.

Ok, then we can go back to the room.

No. Our house.


Vex huffed, pushing black hair from his eyes. Why?


I need to get a few things. Plus, I'm tired of changing so much. So, we're going to find you your own shell

You sure about that? Soren won't approve.

Who gives a shit? He left us here alone to deal with it, so we will.

Since when are you feisty and demanding?

Shut up and leave.

Vex chuckled under his breath before turning to look at Layla. "Is there a specific way we have to leave or can we just walk out?" He didn't care about using 'we' considering she knew about them.

@The Dark Princess
blue gets off her bed and stomps down the stairs to the kitchen and into the cabinets she looke into each and every one until she found a full bottle of rum she smiled grabing it and waling it outside climbing a tree and starts drinking
"A specific way? No. Here." Layla stood up, making her way to the door, simply opening it to reveal the hallway of the school's dormitory. "Out you go. But it looks different from the outside." Layla then shrugged her shoulders, placing herself against the door whilst she waited. "Nice having your company."

Elizabeth winces, wishing she could run away even though she was chained to the table. The Watcher was slowly walking towards Elizabeth, enjoying watching Elizabeth freak out. "Nowhere to run now." Haiiro appeared on the roof of the school, trying to sense the presence of a demon. She was hoping to get one on her side so that she would have a saboteur that would help her destroy hell.
blue drinks the bottle and climbs down in a clumsy fashion she walks back to the kitchen and grabs the next bottle drinking half of it on the slow walk back to the tree she looked up at the tree and desided that climbing up would be to hard

blue drinks the bottle and climbs down in a clumsy fashion she walks back to the kitchen and grabs the next bottle drinking half of it on the slow walk back to the tree she looked up at the tree and desided that climbing up would be to hard

blue drinks the bottle and climbs down in a clumsy fashion she walks back to the kitchen and grabs the next bottle drinking half of it on the slow walk back to the tree she looked up at the tree and desided that climbing up would be to hard
Vex stood and walked over to the door, giving her a lazy salute with a smile. "You too," he said before walking out and disappearing down then hall.

Once he made it to Cerin's room, Vex had a stretch and plopped down onto the floor. The moment he came in contact with the ground, he began to revert back to Cerin's form. It was less painful as his muscles and bones shifted around beneath the shrinking skin, changing. Once the hair atop the figure's head change to a pale white, he was completely pushed back and Cerin took control.

Cerin stretched, letting a cloud of smoke out that filled the room, raising to the ceiling. "Finally.."

The youth stood back up and began looking around through his things and putting clothes and various objects into a bag. When he finished this task, he let out another thick cloud of smoke and began to harden mold something together with it. It was a person, taking what looked like a solid form; Clothes and all. Only, Cerin took the hand-spun necklace from around his shoulders and placed it on the Figures own.


Get out.

You sure I can use that?

Yes, it will only last a few days at the most. So you'll have to hurry and find an empty shell.


Cerin grabbed the temporary shell's hand and Vex left, attaching himself to the necklace, then the body.

Vex moved the hands around to make sure it was working.

"You can't speak, so don't bother trying." Cerin said, having done this once before. "I suggest you hurry, I can't promise it will last as long as I think."

Vex nodded and grabbed the bag Cerin had put together before disappearing.

Cerin slumped over, "so much for going home, just doing that took too much energy." He stepped over to the window and opened it, letting the smoke out. Two nimble fingers pulled the mask back onto his face before grabbing a painted bottle from the small fridge in his room and leaving the dorms. He needed to eat, the sooner the better.
Walks out of the small classroom out of the school and into her neighbor hood. Lilith quickly goes back to normal form her shrinking tears falling from her face. " Embarrassment isn't the thing I need from you Kevin. You're supposed to protect me dumb ass!" Eyes quickly flash blue a slight smile appears not in control she wipes her tears away. An imprint of a soft kiss was placed on her cheek, a faint voice echoing quietly, " Lil' I'm sorry. I'm home so just to let you know. And don't cuss I thought I fucking told you not to cuss around me god dammit!!!" Lilith's eyes widen... She stops running, jaw dropped, she slowly walks her eyes going back to a light grey. " I'm sorry bub." She sighs, and arrives at home her brother, Kevin, waiting for her... You're drunk. What happened? He smiles a little then sits on the couch leaving a space for me. I look at him, only seeing me, repeating in my head 'twin'. " You know I never asked to live with you. You made me! Mom and dad didn't want me near you for this exact reason!" How fucking dare you lie to me! I think my eyes tearing up as I walk up to him quickly raise my hand up at him and... SLAP!!. A red mark appears on his face but he isn't fazed, as my eyes tear up more a hand print bright red is now on my cheek as I fall. Him thinking How dare you even think of hurting me. I thought you would have learned by now... He smiles again. A couple seconds pass, his smile fades. Go to your' room now! He snaps quickly standing up and pointing towards the steps, his eyes red staring straight in mine. He looks for something in my eyes but he can't find it. I get up and run up the steps and slam my bedroom door shut.
( I'm back.. That took longer then expected ;-; )
The Dark Princess][I]Layla stood from her seated position amongst the floor of the room said:


  • eGZwNmNsMTI=_o_the-legend-of-the-legendary-heroes-a-mind-not-filled-.jpg
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Layla examined him for a few moments, observing his distinct looks. For a moment she found him to be, cute? Regardless, she only shrugged her shoulders, extending her own hand as well for, a handshake? Such simple people she was surrounded with. Shaking her head while she thought to herself, Layla forced a polite smile on her lips. "You were no problem. I was simply curious so I picked you up."
...†Akira smiled as he grasped her hand, firmly yet gently. He then spoke as he didn't break eye contact with her†...

" I'm happy to have been saved by a beautiful girl such as yourself.. and the other guy as well. "

...†Akira then laughed gently as he released his grip. He then turned around and walked out of the door. As he did so, he raised his hand and waived†...

" Hopefully we can meet again, Layla. "

...†He then closed the door and began walking down the hallway†...
Layla couldn't help but be intrigued by his manner of parting ways for the time being. Watching him leave her place of rest for a few moments, Layla giggled, shutting the door with her form leaning against it. "Well. All the guests have departed." Layla yawned, staring down upon her attire. "Don't need this anymore." Removing her clothing, Layla walked towards a nearby closet, simply tossing on something more..simple to her taste, which was a simple oversized shirt with wording on its front. Placing a pair of headphones upon her head once she was done, Layla finally settled to dit in the windowsill. As she did so, her crystal blue irises scanned the courtyard, her once blackened strands of hair shifting to a light shade of brown.

(Gotta have images.)
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"Umm should I leave too?" Slaxt said walking to the door and opening it
Layla slowly shifted her attention towards Slaxt. She had completely forgotten he hadn't left...and she just...Layla gulped, slowly removing the headphones from her ears, allowing them to hang around her neck. "Did you..see any of that?"
"No... Maybe.." Slaxt started to back up into the hallway.
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