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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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shortyshot8 said:
(He's gonna be strong though just warnin ya xD )

(Really excited for The Watcher VS. Akira fight xD )
((( The Watcher is good now. There's another fight which is going to be larger, Akira Vs Zero xD )))
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( The Watcher is good now. There's another fight which is going to be larger, Akira Vs Zero xD )))

shortyshot8 said:
((( Plus I am going to make a prequel to this RP which is centred around the Sanctums, and how there are only five surviving Sanctums in existence. It's gonna be a war RP, centred entirely on plot and chaos. Each post will be relevant to the story, and the posts will either be RPers fighting one another, or surviving. Not to mention, by the end of the RP, only five Sanctums will remain; Akira, Ariadne, Kenji, The Watcher and Zero. Every other character, including Roleplayers' characters, will be dead. It essentially tells the story of the Sanctums. )))
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( Plus I am going to make a prequel to this RP which is centred around the Sanctums, and how there are only five surviving Sanctums in existence. It's gonna be a war RP, centred entirely on plot and chaos. Each post will be relevant to the story, and the posts will either be RPers fighting one another, or surviving. Not to mention, by the end of the RP, only five Sanctums will remain; Akira, Ariadne, Kenji, The Watcher and Zero. Every other character, including Roleplayers' characters, will be dead. It essentially tells the story of the Sanctums. )))

(I'm not so sure I'm ok with the whole being dead thing xD )
shortyshot8 said:
(I'm not so sure I'm ok with the whole being dead thing xD )
((( No characters in this RP will be in the Prequel. It starts long before this RP, meaning your character wouldn't be alive. Only the Sanctums in this RP -Akira, Ariadne, Kenji, The Watcher and Zero- will be in the prequel. Also, I intend on only allowing people into the RP who won't write one liners all the time. Each post will be a minimum of four lines. )))
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( No characters in this RP will be in the Prequel. It starts long before this RP, meaning your character wouldn't be alive. Only the Sanctums in this RP -Akira, Ariadne, Kenji, The Watcher and Zero- will be in the prequel. Also, I intend on only allowing people into the RP who won't write one liners all the time. Each post will be a minimum of four lines. )))

( xD For a moment I thought you meant that Al would die after you faced Zero my bad)
(( I don't think the whole Sanctum scene is for Uncle Roman, though I haven't put any thought on that fact yet. I guess I would be ok with watching the rp. ))
Metaphysics said:
(Actually, Diel was sent back in time, so she probably might be.)
((( In this prequel RP, only Euphoria exists, as it's just after God and the other Gods was created. Earth hadn't been created at this point, only Heaven. God nor the other Gods knew of the war. )))
Metaphysics said:
((( Basically, the RP starts off with the daily lives of Sanctums within Euphoria and the creation of Gods and the other Gods by Ragnarok, then it descends into chaos when Ragnarok loses his good side and turns evil. Sanctums turn on each other and fight to the death. Of course, for this RP, I'm allowing anyone -Who doesn't one line..- to create a Sanctum character -The maximum is two characters, once both of your characters die, you won't be allowed to interact with the RP, nor create new characters, only watch-. Each character that is created will die by the end of the RP, leaving only Akira, Ariadne, Kenji, The Watcher and Zero alive. After that, it comes to the beginning of this RP. The Prequel RP won't be used after the main plot is over, and it will remain at the conclusion. Meaning; The RP will end forever, with no more replies being made after the main plot is over. )))


Metaphysics said:
(Did you respond to my last post Akira?)
((( Akira picked up the girl and placed her under the tree. That was my last reply, and I don't think you replied to it. My notifications have been messing up lately xD )))
(( Alright. I'm bored now and no one is on to reply. Well, except @shortyshot8 ))
Metaphysics said:
(Basically her arm is starting to fade and she's crying for help. Also link me if it's up.)
((( Ah, alright. I haven't began making the RP yet, I'm only on the planning stage of the plot. I'm thinking up various scenarios which will test each character. We will also be seeing a very special someone in the RP, hopefully ;D )))
((( Also, I'm about to go to bed, I'm too tired. I'll reply when I wake up and I'll tag you. @Metaphysics Anyway, good night people! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ )))
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( Basically, the RP starts off with the daily lives of Sanctums within Euphoria and the creation of Gods and the other Gods by Ragnarok, then it descends into chaos when Ragnarok loses his good side and turns evil. Sanctums turn on each other and fight to the death. Of course, for this RP, I'm allowing anyone -Who doesn't one line..- to create a Sanctum character -The maximum is two characters, once both of your characters die, you won't be allowed to interact with the RP, nor create new characters, only watch-. Each character that is created will die by the end of the RP, leaving only Akira, Ariadne, Kenji, The Watcher and Zero alive. After that, it comes to the beginning of this RP. The Prequel RP won't be used after the main plot is over, and it will remain at the conclusion. Meaning; The RP will end forever, with no more replies being made after the main plot is over. )))

((( Akira picked up the girl and placed her under the tree. That was my last reply, and I don't think you replied to it. My notifications have been messing up lately xD )))

(Normally, I para rp, but its hard when others do not, not that I fault them. So i trim my posts down thoughtfully. But for sanctum I would para rp till the end of time.)
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