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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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AsongOfIceandFire said:
Ansom woke up to find Violetta curled up right next to them. Their shoulders were touching. He chuckled. I can't get up. I might wake Vio. He sighed and closed his eyes again.
Violetta stirred, waking up a bit. She turned her head, seeing how close she had gotten.


She half teased as she stretched out a bit, a sleepy smile on her face.

"Mornin', Annie."

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Annabel giggled slightly then looked back at the boy who was now a girl "what's your name" she asked

"My name is William but as a girl hmmm........" She said while clearly lost in thought

Al clenched his Mark "Damn it what did you do to me!?" Cam laughed "I poisoned you!"
Hinas eyes went wide when she herd the words and grabed a towel wraping it around her before her sword appered in her hands and she launched through the door past Al and at the other boy swinging her sword as fast s she could
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Hinas eyes went wide when she herd the words and grabed a towel wraping it around her before her sword appered in her hands and she launched through the door past Al and at the other boy

Cam laughed before vanishing and saying "It's too late for him"
(No, nothing.@jakobtatee. Well, nothing besides this. )

Kili stood over Masao, grinning largely, before his expression returned to normal. 'So, what do I do now?'

'Whatever you like' Killia replied. 'This boy serves you now. You could keep him, tell him to kill himself, heck, you could tell him to wear a dress and change gender if you were so inclined. ..'

"W-well, I'm not!" Kili yelled out loud, blushing slightly. He then kneeled down to Masao. "Umm...Masao? What do you think I should do with you? I mean, I appreciate the offer, but..."

'You idiot! If you just wanted to decline him, you could have said no in the first place!' Killia said in a voice of both anger and disbelief.
Hinas eyes went wide with rage as her hair started to float as power radiated off of her before she looked around "where are you" she said anger in her voice
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]"Lilly" annabel suggested to him with a smile as she looked her down

She laughed "Lily it is then" She said with a adorable smile


[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Hinas eyes went wide with rage as her hair started to float as power radiated off of her before she looked around "where are you" she said anger in her voice

Al closed one of his eyes in pain "He wasn't here to begin with" He said in a painful voice
Nonalaka said:
((Ooof I fell asleep uvu;))
"More about myself?" She turned to him, chuckling to herself, she found his awkwardness rather charming. "Well,....hmmm.. Okay, you can ask any question about me and I'll Answer it, how does that sound?"


(whoa, fighting? is this in the courtyard?)
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Hina quickly ran over to Al and put a hand on his mark then a hand on hers as they started to glow

Al coughed up a bit of blood "Man this might be it!"
"I'm asking what you would want to do..." Kili says, sighing. "Listen. You can do whatever you like. You can even flirt with me, if you like. " he said, as Killia screamed at him in his head. "Just don't expect me to reciprocate." Kili said, smiling gently.


(Go to CS @Dj Sears)
[QUOTE="Dj Sears]May I join?

((Yeah just go to the character sign up and make a character! Someone will accept it once it's made.))
"well i already tried to flirt with you, and look where that got me." masao said to kili."but honestly, i dont know what i wanna do." he said. "i actually never know what i wanna do. i just walk around and find something to do." he said as he shrugged

@Kalin Scarlet
"Favourite things....." she narrowed her eyes in thought "Well Books for a start" she held up her bag which had half a dozen books in it "...I guess that makes me a dork huh," she laughed a bit. "I don't cook often but I love food..hmm, I used to play sport but I got kicked from the team for being....well, a liability" she shrugged. "What about you?"

@Jofune Tsurabisu
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]"No no no" she said as tears started to come to her eyes as there marks flowed more

Al laughed a little "I'm sorry I could not stay longer" He said as he patted her head
Tyler smirked. "I haven't lost yet old man..." His father eyes widened. It was impossible! Tyler never beat his father! Tyler quickly got up and started running quickly around his father, and a tornado started up. "I'm not losing again... Not ever!" Tyler declared kicking his father around the tornado. His father landed in a heap.
"Then how about we hang out...platonically." Kili says, offering a hand as he stood up. "Well, actually, I guess you can't really refuse me...sorry about that. I kinda did it without thinking."

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Hina started to cry as her mark started to dim "no I won't let you" she said desperately to him

Al wiped away her tears "It's fine I knew I would really die one of these days anyway"
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