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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Shira looked at the girl then looked her down and smiled seductivly "ansom what are you playing at" she asked him with a slight giggle

@AsongOfIceandFire @subject 635
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Shira looked at the girl then looked her down and smiled seductivly "ansom what are you playing at" she asked him with a slight giggle
@AsongOfIceandFire @subject 635

Ansom chuckled. "Oh, nothing dear. Just helping you survive." He looked at Himura. "What do you say?" He asked.

@subject 635
Nonalaka said:
@subject 635
((Did I miss your reply?))
(( yea u did he said how bout your favorite on from your book))

She hears a voice in her head *Do not trust him.... he is only trying to destroy u*

she is shaky "I...."

((shoot gtg guys brb))
Luce blushes slightly as their lips met. He looked surprised, and felt completely taken off guard by her action. He looked down at his wrist, and then up at her. "What...what did you just do, and why did you do...that?" He said, in reference to the kiss. He nearly took another step back, before realizing where he was again.

Thana smiled and grabed his wrist and held it up as a Bracket like symbol appered around his wrist<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.2b41d0500e0425041e2b46b94becdca7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51563" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.2b41d0500e0425041e2b46b94becdca7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Your mine now" she said as she turned and started to walk before jestiring for him to follow

@Kalin Scarlet



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@subject 635

"Hmm I don't really have a favourite...." she tapped her chin with her finger "hmmm, this potion makes things change state when touch them, its fun for harmless pranks just pour a bit on someone's belongings and when they touch them they just melt" she chuckled.
The severity of what had just occurred hit Luce hard. for a while, he simply stood there in disbelief, before running after her. "Like hell I am! You have a boyfriend, what the hell do you need another slave for!?" as he ran along, he tried biting, scratching, and licking the mark away, all of which obviously didn't work.

@Daniel reaver
She smiled nervously "r-right, of course, I forgot." She regained her composure "I just got a bit embarrassed by your comment I guess."

@Kalin Scarlet
Thana giggled "so what if I have a boy freind i love him more than I'll ever have feelings for you plus I have one other like you but he offered him self to me plus it increases my strength but you don't have to worry about being with me in the romantic way" Thana said as she walked to the Court yard "plus now you have the shadow powers of death" Thana said as she brushed some hair behind her ear "and I kissed you because that was the only way" she said frankly

@Kalin Scarlet
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"I honestly cant believe this is happening..." Luce said, shaking his head before looking up at her again. He found himself staring at Thana as she brushed back her hair, and despite how he was feeling, he couldn't deny that he still found her cute. He then pulled himself together and continued.

"Why me, though? Couldn't you have just tried taking off my head? Wouldn't that have been easier?" he said. In reality, killing him would have been about as easy as it was for him to admit he was wrong about something...sufficed to say, that wasn't often.

Daniel reaver]Thana giggled "so what if I have a boy freind i love him more than I'll ever have feelings for you plus I have one other like you but he offered him self to me plus it increases my strength but you don't have to worry about being with me in the romantic way" Thana said as she walked to the Court yard "plus now you have the shadow powers of death" Thana said as she brushed some hair behind her ear "and I kissed you because that was the only way" she said frankly [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15598-kalin-scarlet/ said:
@Kalin Scarlet[/URL]
Gilbert waved at Thana as she entered the Courtyard "Hey there Thana!" He said while running and waving
Thana shook her head "I didn't just want your soul I hbae enough to fill up every realm five times over "she said as black smoke flooded out of her hands and across the court yard before shadowy creatures appered all around every thing from a unicorn to a dragon to a satyr before she smiled twoards al

@Kalin Scarlet
Gilbert ran over "Honestly my name is Gilbert that's who I am........However!" He clenched his chest "I have Al inside of me that I know!....That's why I will live on not only as Gilbert but also.......I WILL ALSO LIVE AS Al!!" He said seriously
Gilbert clenched his chest even harder "I don't yet know my reason for living but all of my memories came back when I found out who killed my mother it was.........Akira!" He said as a tear slid down his face
"Good luck going after him" Thana said as she pet the shadow dragon then turned to around to face the other boy and smiled at him before laying down in the grass
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]"Good luck going after him" Thana said as she pet the shadow dragon then turned to around to face the other boy and smiled at him before laying down in the grass

Gilbert smiled as he looked up "But I know why I knew who you and Akira were from the start......You were both there that day!.......Akira killed my mother and you being Death had to be there as well....."
Her face turned a darker shade of pink as she looked at his hand again "I guess all of them..." she chuckled a bit

@Kalin Scarlet
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]"Well of course I had to collect a soul" Thana said as she held her hand up and the exact soul appered in her hand

Gilbert looked shocked as he slowly looked down before wiping his eyes "So she really is gone?"
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