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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Shira smiled after she kissed him back "morning" she said softly as she rested her head on ansoms chest again

Ansom sighed in comfort. "Yeah, good morning."

[QUOTE="subject 635]"Ohhhhh..... I see....."

Han nodded. "Yeahh....also he is crazy. Like uber crazy." He laughed.

(If I do not reply, I passed out xD )
Shira slid her hand down to ansoms stomach then slid up until she was at eye level with him and kissed his sholder happily before laying her head near his

subject 635](([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/ said:
@Fukushima Akira[/URL]
(( I'm gonna make a new character so could u plz accept it
((( I will only accept your character if it is within the rules Aria-chan laid out. If it breaks even one of the rules, I can't accept it, as I intend to enforce them xD )))
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( I will only accept your character if it is within the rules Aria-chan laid out. If it breaks even one of the rules, I can't accept it, as I intend to enforce them xD )))

(*puts away character sheet that is ultimate Godmod with unlimited powers and is good but he kills innocent. Can never get hurt and can kill people with one shot* Psshhh....who would try and take advantage of Aria's absence.)
AsongOfIceandFire said:
(*puts away character sheet that is ultimate Godmod with unlimited powers and is good but he kills innocent. Can never get hurt and can kill people with one shot* Psshhh....who would try and take advantage of Aria's absence.)
((( *Looks at Character Sheet, Kenji walks in, also looks at Character Sheet. Both of us look at you with pure rage in our eyes, talking in unison* You think this is a game..?

...♅Akira soon vanished, appearing within a ruined city, on top of one of the many roof tops, Kenji and Kuroh standing opposite him. There was nothing left of the city, with shrouds of fine grey dust covering everything from cars to windows. The buildings shredded into splinters, revealing streets flooded with blood, glass and metal, along with the occasional corpse. All that remained was ruined buildings, something that symbolised the chaos that had ensued, as well as the end of the city. The once-buzzing atmosphere of the city was now deafening in silence. Both Kenji and Kuroh spoke, breaking the silence♅...

“ What are we doing here, big bro? ”

“ Yeah, dad. This place is creepy.. ”

“ Survive.. ”

...♅Akira then appeared beside Kenji, slamming the base of his sword into his face, a small shock-wave occurring around the point of impact as Kenji was shot through the railing. He fell down to the ground ten stories below♅...


...♅Kuroh suddenly sprinted towards Akira, slashing at him with his sword. Akira spun around and slammed his foot into Kuroh's stomach, causing him to cough up blood. He then brought his sword up, all the while, he spoke♅...

“ Is that all you've got? ”


...♅Akira charged towards Kuroh, slashing his arms and legs. Blood sprang from the wounds as they were created by Akira's sword. At that moment, Kenji appeared from the broken railing, red flames surrounding his fists. As he drew closer, Akira looked around and in one motion, slashed his chest♅...


...♅Kenji went from a controlled posture, to spiralling out of control and slamming into Kuroh, holding his chest in pain. Kuroh quickly picked up Kenji and vanished, appearing on the borders of the city, during which, he appeared, falling out of the sky and onto his back. He spoke♅...

“ He's set up a level twelve barrier. We're stuck here.. ”

...♆Kuroh then looked at his unconscious uncle. He grabbed him once more and vanished, appearing on an abandoned street. Suddenly, Kuroh felt his father, Akira's presence rapidly approaching them. He spun around and unsheathed his sword. Akira reached them, and instead of talking, went straight for Kuroh. Akira swung his sword towards his throat, yet Kuroh barely managed to intercept the strike. At that moment, Akira slammed his knee into Kuroh's diaphragm, this jerked Kuroh slightly off of the ground. At that precise moment, Akira sent his foot into Kuroh's stomach, sending him flying through a window and onto the ground. He coughed multiple times, attempting to regain his breath♆...

...♅Akira walked through the broken window and stabbed his sword into the ground. He continued walking, leaving his sword in the ground, and stopped directly over Kuroh. He gripped his neck and lifted him into the air, soon slamming him against the wall located behind them. He spoke as he held Kuroh off of the ground by his neck♅...

“ You still brandish your sword though you know you can't win. ”


...♆Kuroh slowly raised his blade, however Akira gripped his wrist and pinned it to the wall. He spoke♆...

“ It seems you really want to die. ”

...♅Kuroh looked at Akira in fear, unsure if he was actually trying to kill him. He tried to talk, yet was unable to say anything due to Akira's strong grip on his throat. Akira then tightened his grip around Kuroh's wrist, forcing him to release his blade from his grasp. Akira spoke♅...

“ I'll grant you that wish. ”


...♅Akira soon tightened his grip around Kuroh's throat, causing him to open his mouth at a desperate attempt to breath♅...


...♅Kuroh soon clenched his teeth and managed to speak slightly♅...

“ J-just.. kill me already. ”

“ Trying to be pushy even though you're the loser? Dogs should be like dogs and just bark. ”


...♅Akira tightened his grip more, causing Kuroh to be certain that Akira was actually going to kill him. At that moment, Kuroh raised his arm and loosely gripped Akira's arm. Akira spoke♅...

“ If you were to cry and beg for forgiveness, I may change my mind about killing you. ”


...♅Kuroh soon pushed off of the wall, attempting to break free. Akira simply forced him back into the wall. Kuroh looked up at Akira with a glare♅...


...♅Akira looked into Kuroh's eyes and commented on them♅...

“ What arrogant eyes you have. ”

...♅At that moment, Kuroh pushed against the wall and brought his feet up, sending them at Akira's shoulders. When they impacted, Akira moved backwards, releasing Kuroh. This caused him to fall to the ground♅...


...♆Kuroh soon tried to stand up, yet fell to the ground, due to lack of oxygen. He quickly picked up his sword and point it at Akira. He spoke♆...

“ As if I'd beg for my life. ”


...♅Akira simply looked at him for a few moments, then continued walking forward until he was merely meters apart. He looked at Kuroh's determination to continue fighting and closed his eyes, smirking. He spoke as he turned around and began walking towards his sword♅...

“ I'll play with you again when I feel like it. ”


...♅Akira continued walking away, picking up his sword as he walked. He soon vanished from sight, leaving Kuroh in a defensive state♅...


...♆Kuroh slowly staggered to his feet and staggered over to Kenji, lifting him up and vanishing. He soon appeared within a building, one of which was populated with men and women, all of whom seemed friendly. Kenji slowly drifted back into consciousness and stood up on his own. They both looked around, noticing a man and woman passing out food. He spoke. Kenji spoke♆...

“ Ah~ So it's this.. ”

“ What is? ”

“ My brother told me about a training program he was going to put us on, this must be it. ”

“ A training program? You mean he's training us? Are you sure, as he just tried to kill me. ”

“ He went soft on you. ”

“ No he didn't, he was suffocating me. ”

“ If he wasn't going soft on you, you'd be dead. My guess is you saw an opportunity and took it. ”

“ Yeah, so? ”

“ My brother left that opening for you so that you may take it. Even if he kills us, he can bring us back from the dead, so that we may learn from our mistakes and grow stronger through battle experience. ”

“ Then what's all this? ”

“ It's a 'safe zone'. Where we can eat and rehydrate. He isn't going to let us starve. He's only doing this to make us stronger. ”

“ I see. He really had me fooled into thinking he was actually going to kill me. ”

“ He was. As I just stated, even if he kills us, he can bring us back. He's going to be serious and will actually be trying to kill us. He won't be fully trying to kill us, as we'd be dead in minutes. If he sees an opening in our attack or defence, he will take it and kill us. So don't let down your guard. Ever. ”

“ Gotcha. ”

“ Also, most of the locals in this city are violent and hostile, so you'll also have to watch out for them, as they will attempt to kill you. ”

“ Alright. ”

...ΨBoth Kenji and Kuroh then went to their allocated room. As they walked in, they saw that it was spacious and that two queen sized beds awaited them. Kenji closed the door. Both of them childishly jumped onto the bed, landing on their stomachs with their arms stretched wide. As they touched the soft fabric, they fell asleep due to how exhausted they wereΨ...

...♅Akira soon came to a large, mansion, which seemed to be untouched. He walked past the guards, who beckoned him in. The gates closed behind him. As he walked into the house, it was brightly lit and held many paintings. He walked up the stairs and past multiple staff members and entered his room, soon removing his clothes and laying in his king sized bed. A voice came from the other side of the door♅...

Staff member: “Have a wonderful sleep, Your Majesty!”

“ To you too, Invictus, Auriel. ”

...♅Invictus stood guard at the door. Invictus was an Honour Guard, a group of hand selected, extremely powerful beings who protect and serve only Akira. Honour Guards are compiled from both Humans and Gods. Throughout time, the most powerful warriors of both Heaven and Earth would be granted power far beyond a God's to serve only Akira. Being men of honour, they swore their allegiance whole heartedly, and would die to protect their king. Invictus remained standing at the door, along with a female Honour Guard, Auriel. Despite numerous times with Akira offering them to sleep instead of stand guard, they always insist on remaining at the door, so Akira eventually gave up and allowed them to stay there while he slept. Akira slowly fell asleep♅...
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you can interact with Himeragi, i only fell asleep xD @subject 635 )))

*Himeragi is sitting on the bench reading a book with one leg crossed over the other and her wings are not shown anymore*
Luce looked up at the roof, as Thana reappeared. He leaped up beside her, staring at her curled up form. "I know it was unexpected, but am I really that bad at kissing?" He said.

@Daniel reaver
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira continued looking back at Al, soon replying as he looked ahead of him and began to walk away♅...
“ Why? Because I felt like it. You're boring, so until you wish to fight, don't interact with me. A word of warning, if you attempt to come near me while I'm with Serenity, I'll cut you down on the spot. ”

...♅Akira vanished from sight, reappearing in the courtyard. As he did so, he spoke, changing his form♅...

“ Time to spy in on Ansom~ ”

((( Ignore my last post @AsongOfIceandFire )))

Gilbert dropped to the floor and passed out from the pain sure he was immortal but damn it stung

Cam walked through the gates of the school "Let's see if I can find anyone to my liking" He said before putting on a devilish grin
Available Intractable Characters:

Himeragi - Courtyard reading book

Natsumi / Natsuru Computer Room

Emiko / Ciella - Class hanging out

Add - Library reading a book
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Shira slid her hand down to ansoms stomach then slid up until she was at eye level with him and kissed his sholder happily before laying her head near his

Ansom smiled. "Is there anything you would like to do today?" He asked Shira. "Anything at all?"


shortyshot8 said:
Gilbert dropped to the floor and passed out from the pain sure he was immortal but damn it stung
Cam walked through the gates of the school "Let's see if I can find anyone to my liking" He said before putting on a devilish grin
(You can interact with Sven if you want. He is practicing archery in the woods.)
Shira smiled warmly at ansom then layed her head under his chin "I don't care what we do today" she said softly

Kuroko said:
(Man....I'm bored like hell, a y open characters?)
(I have a bunch xD )


[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Shira smiled warmly at ansom then layed her head under his chin "I don't care what we do today" she said softly

Ansom nodded. "Are you sure?" He asked. "I can bring you anything that you like. Money, gems, games, a body." He shrugged. He stood up from the bed and got dressed in his normal black getup. He looked at Shira with a slight smirk.

Shira sat up while holding the sheets to her body "but I don't need any thing any more. all I need is right here" Shira said with a soft smile as she watched him

"Bored bored bored, what shall I do.. for what this school is worth, it can be boring wuthout someone new" " I guess I might go to check the gates." Said teleoorting to the gate and looking around, seeing someone approach the gate.

Kuroko said:
"Bored bored bored, what shall I do.. for what this school is worth, it can be boring wuthout someone new" " I guess I might go to check the gates." Said teleoorting to the gate and looking around, seeing someone approach the gate.
Cam looked at the boy "Hey there!"
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Shira sat up while holding the sheets to her body "but I don't need any thing any more. all I need is right here" Shira said with a soft smile as she watched him

Ansom chuckled. "Ah, I see." He laughed and yawned. "Well. I have heard that people need gods but never in that manner and never to me personally." He shrugged and sat on the edge of the bed. "Thanks....I guess."

(My open charactera are:

Han- courtyard

Silva- forest

Catelyn- dorm

Sansa- dorm

Aerobus- dorm

Lyre- playing music in cafeteria

Sven- archery in the woods

Theorus- cafeteria)

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