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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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(Ok then)Shiroe went inside his dormroom and wore his glasses and sighed Looks like,She will forget me soon Shiroe then lays down on the bed and sighs more and closes his eyes


(@Slaxt @LonelyAssassin replied to your post)

Shiroe opens his eyes after a long sleep and yawns as he stands up from the bed then scratches his head They havent come home yet,might aswell just do something to pass time Shiroe Sits on the couch and thinks about Yuroichi Maybe,She doesnt like me Maybe she thinks of me as a friend,Well whatever i will find another person to love Might aswell be friends with Yuroichi Shiroe then looks at the clock and yawns more and lays down on the couch after turning on the Tv

(All these mofos in my house e-e. Mind you, not just anyone can pop into the home of the siblings, and with it being this damn early, i dont feel like explaining. Anyway, since I'm lazy, I'll allow it this once. Plus I feel bad for you.

Himegari, stop being a kid, and grow up. I know its "fun" to you, but its annoying as hell to us, stop.)

Luna was about to respond to Tasuke, just as her nephew, as well as some complete stranger appeared to be standing in the room. Luna was immediately about to kill the stranger, until she heard Kuroh talking about his father. This brought curiosity to Luna, which soon resulted in her simply nodding her head to Tasuke, shifting her attention to her now half relaxed sibling, who seemed to have slumped down on the couch sleepily. Sighing, Luna spoke without even looking at Kuroh. "Where is your father? And why is he increasing Layla's pain?"
“ I have no idea. However I can tell he's.. different. His overall power feels the same but his power density... it's.. heavier. It's much more darker than before. ”

...♆Kuroh said as he looked over at Layla, soon sighing. He took the scarf off of his neck and wrapped it around Layla's hand♆...

LonelyAssassin said:
Yoruichi walks into McDonalds and up to the counter, "Could I get Chicken Nuggets and one of them bottled orange juices please, I'll have a Big Mac Meal with milk as a drink." She grins and looks at Sora, "Go find a table."
(Yoruichi sped off)
"Okie!" Sora walked off to search for a table. He saw one near the window so he got in it and sat down. "I can't wait fer chicken nuggets!"

(Sorry was asleep... Had to wake up early for doctors..)
LonelyAssassin said:
"Shiroe, if you could check what it was for me that'd be great. I have to stay with Sora." Yoruichi wrapped an arm around Sora, "I'm glad I make you feel safe. You feel like going some where?"
@Shiroe Kurona @Slaxt


What Vex said to Mahiro left him speechless, but it didn't stun him, his mouth was open in awe and his eyes looked deeply into his. Mahiro suddenly rushed forward, kissing his wonderful lips flooding him with passion, holding his wonderful face, everything about him was wonderful and no matter what he did he would remain so in Mahiro's eyes.
Vex smiled behind the kiss with a wave of warmth that spread to the back of his head and heart as he pressed his pale lips against Mahiro's own soft ones. The black ears on his head fell backwards in reaction to the contact. He was so happy right now that it make his heart ache, but didn't dare to separate his lips from Mahiro's. Letting go of him wasn't something he plan on doing either, pulling him near until they couldn't possibly be any closer, and pulling more. Lids closed over their eyes as he leaned into the kiss passionately, but gently.
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*lowers gun blades seeing the bullets disintegrate*
''Well, I can't just watch as you kill him. What has he ever done to you?''

“ Is it any of your business? ”

...♅Akira spoke as he looked at the female, his large grin remaining on his face. His eyes flashed red as he continued talking, clearly amused at the female's bold decision to step between he and his target♅...

“ Besides. You can leave whenever you wish. Of course, you're welcome to stay. I don't mind adding you to the body count. ”



...ΦZero soon sighed as he looked at his surroundings. No one was around. He had no idea where Layla was, and he couldn't sense her presence. This partially frustrated him, as he was normally able to sense her. He knew there was nothing he could do about it, so he lay back on the grass under a tree in the courtyard and placed both of his hands behind his head. He lay there motionless, waiting on something to happen. He motioned his head upwards without saying a word, a shadow soon moving from it's host and vanished from sightΦ...

[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
“ Is it any of your business? ”
...♅Akira spoke as he looked at the female, his large grin remaining on his face. His eyes flashed red as he continued talking, clearly amused at the female's bold decision to step between he and his target♅...

“ Besides. You can leave whenever you wish. Of course, you're welcome to stay. I don't mind adding you to the body count. ”



...ΦZero soon sighed as he looked at his surroundings. No one was around. He had no idea where Layla was, and he couldn't sense her presence. This partially frustrated him, as he was normally able to sense her. He knew there was nothing he could do about it, so he lay back on the grass under a tree in the courtyard and placed both of his hands behind his head. He lay there motionless, waiting on something to happen. He motioned his head upwards without saying a word, a shadow soon moving from it's host and vanished from sightΦ...


*raises Gun blades at Akira again*

''just who are you anyway?!''
“ Your worst nightmare. ”

...♅Akira watched the female raise her gun at him, causing a slight laugh to erupt from his mouth. He soon manifested his own silver-coloured gun and pointed it at the female who stood before him, a maniacal grin forming once more. He spoke eerily♅...

“ Oh~ Guns. Let's see who's is faster. Mine, or yours? ”

*shoots a bullet at Akira's gun trying to disarm it*

''but who has a better grip?''
(In teh hospital I'll reply when I can @LonelyAssassin WISH ME LUCK GUIS)
“ That is the question, isn't it? ”

...♅Akira's voice rang out from behind the female. he had shifted to Himeragi's position just as the bullet had been fired. He spoke once more, placing his hands onto his head♅...

“ This game is getting boring really quick. You're not as fun a toy as I initially thought. I know! Maybe I will rip off your arm, so that I can see how long you'll survive before bleeding out! ”

...♅Akira reached for the female♅...


“ Your reflexes are pretty slow, ain't they? ”

...♅Akira stood now on a building above the male and female, looking down at them. His smile had faded, and he was now observing them with a curious expression on his face♅...

“ Don't you want to run? It's no fun if you don't at least attempt to escape me.. ”

''like i came to entertain you...!''

*summons gauntlets and and jumps at him then clawing at him*
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]( So.
I've decided to make another guy.

Himegari, I ban you from getting near him)

and i dont think il get near him despite i only know isabella)))
“ When I'm not having fun. I tend to get... physical. ”

...♅Akira raised one of his fingers and suddenly, Himeragi was sent through one of the school's many buildings♅...

((( Bear in mind, when in combat, you may have your attacks land like I have done in my post, however such attacks cannot be fatal and they have to be in your character's actual power gap. For instance, Himeragi won't be able to land a hit on Akira, simply due to the power gap between them being so massive. )))
*after getting thrown, i try to get up with both of my eye red and send out soul spears to impale Akira*
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