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Fantasy Fantasy Freshman

Aetheria shrugged. "Anything that can fit on your person." He laughed and scribbled notes in some foreign language.
Red pulled put her phone and began to play Don't Tap The White Tile on faster mode her fingers flying ng as she chewed on winter green gum

Sanya made her way into the class and found a seat with no attempt to make a big entrance. Attention was the last thing she wanted right now.


Ace took her first steps onto the school's yard and looked around boredly. After taking in the sight, she sauntered off towards the office to get a schedule and a map.
Aetheria smiled at the girl who just walked in. "Welcome." He nodded and returned his attention to his computer, which was running some school program. "Can anyone tell me the best way to defend against an attack from a shortsword?" He asked, looking up at the three students.
Iak slowley walked towards class 203 so he could participate.When he finally reached the door he knoked softley 3,headlooking at the ground, his hands un able to keep still,he look as if a falling feather would give him a heart attack.
Aetheria walked to the door and ushered the young man inside. "Welcome!" He exclaimed cheerfully. "Sit.anywhere you like." He pointed to Red. "You have an answer to my question?"
Iak nodded quickly and, keeping his head down, walked towards a empty desk that was separated from anyone else and just sat their quietly, still looking nervous and scared.
" If you where using a shield it would be a more protective way to defent your self but if not then with a counter attach then use it to your advantage and knock there sword out of there hand leaving them unarmed " Red said and then took a deep breath

Aetheria nodded. "That could work but the simpler approach would be distance. Shortswords are exactly what they're named, short. If you stay a good distance away, you could tire out your opponent by running in circles." He chuckled. "You get a gold star for trying, imaginary of course." He smiled and looked around. "Is this everyone?"
Aetheria smiled and stood at the front of the class. "Everyone pair up." He looked around the room. "If you can't find a partner, pair up with me."
Aetheria glanced at the Fox-child. "Yes?" He asked as he walked closer to the boy's desk. "Having trouble?"
" wouldn't that not count as defense since you are just running away." he asked " it would be better for him to try attacking you and then you blocking it for then he would try to knock you down in which when he trys that you can bash him with your blocking object" he points out

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