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Fantasy Fantasy Freshman

Castiel nodded. "Whatever. I blew my chance with you, so it sort of makes me sad to be around you." He smiled a little. "I made the wrong choice." He mumbled and pulled the blanket over his head.
Cas nodded. "Ok....but that doesn't mean that you want to be with me." He looked at Suzanna. "You're too cute for me." He chuckled before pulling the blanket back over his eyes.
Cas shrugged. "Only to the people I have feelings for." He stood up from the bed and began to do pull ups on a nearby bar. "I don't need love to live." He sighed.
Castiel nodded. "Yeah." He dropped down from the bar. "I'm going for a walk. Gotta clear me head." He smiled and walked out of the room, heading towards the woods.
Cas sighed and walked to a clearing in the woods. He sat against a tree. "Oh Cupid, why must you torture me so?" He groaned and lied down on the grass.
Aetheria walked into the front office. He put his mouth to the intercom and spoke. "Students. Advanced Defenses is not a required course, but it is highly suggested. If you would like to join, meet me in room 203. Thank you." He walked into his classroom and sat at his desk in the front of the class.
Chester heard the announcement He had been at this school for a while know but still haven't token many classes other then music. He decided he would go to it and walked to room 203

Maria heard the annoncment whel she was practicing self defense by herself. "Hmm ironic" she murmered to herself. Then she headed to room 203
Aetheria stood up from his desk and pulled out a rapier from his drawer. He began to practice thrusting and swiping. Once he did a few flourishes, he set up a magical charm in the room, one that would remove any being's powers for the duration of the class. "Just a normal defense lesson today." He muttered to himself.

Red ran in as a wolf and jumped landing in her wild neko form in front of the teacher tail wagging ears perked and she smiled and said " ide love to !

xD "​
Aetheria laughed. "Ah, wonderful!" He turned to the blackboard and wrote his name. "You may call me Mr. Richard." He smiled and sat at his desk. "Sit anywhere you like." He motioned around the room.
Red jumped and did a baxkflip landing in a chair " I'm Red nice to meet you Mr. Ric " she said and giggled

Aetheria chuckled at the nickname. "We'll wait a few minutes to see if anyone else shows up." He smiled and began to write on a piece of paper. "Feel free to use any tech in this class. You can even chew gum, whatever relaxes you." He nodded and continued to write.

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