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Fantasy Fantasy Freshman


The strength of the smack sent her tumbling to the floor, she held onto it, looking at hin with more blush.
Cas winked. "Don't mess with an archangel." He laughed and stuck his tongue out. "You look like you enjoyed it." He taunted.
Castiel stood up and walked over to Suzanna. "Sorry about that." He picked her up bridal style, and he set her on her bed.
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((So sorry that it's long, just had an idea, yeah...))

Ashley sighed and walked through the halls. She needed a place to think, a place to be alone. She was so confused. Her thoughts were centered on Castiel. Does he like me? No, he probably just pretended, he likes Suzanna.. But then why did he kiss you? He must have some kind of feelings for you! Her wolf part seemed intent on joining her debate. Stay out of this.. Plus, he's probably kissing Suzanna right now! You'll only be in the way, I need somewhere I can clear my head and with you around, that would be nowhere... She thought. Fine... Her wolf disappeared from her thoughts and she shrugged. Do I have feelings for him? I don't know.. He was so kind to me when we first met, well, he still is.. And he is just so handsome! And a bit cute....

She shook her head and decided to go back to the dorms. As she entered, she saw Castiel setting Suzanna on one of the beds. She took a step back and muttered, 'sorry', before walking out again. She went up to Aura's dorm and looked at the note. It now said AS.L.E.Y. There was something familiar about the letters and their order that made Ashley freak out. She walked away. She finally found the gates leading outside and rushed out. She turned into wolf form and rushed into the woods, caring little about her surroundings.

As she ducked under a big tree root that had started to lift itself off the ground, someone crashed into her side, knocking her over. She whimpered as she hit the ground and looked up to see a male wolf. She was about to turn human when three more surrounded her. The wolf snarled with his teeth bared. He laughed. "And who do we have here?" He said as the other wolves built a triangle shape around them. She was surrounded, there was no escaping now...

She growled as she tried to stand up, but the wolf knocked her off her paws again. "Stop!" She hissed in fury. "Just let me go! I've got enough problems without you showing up.." As the male wolf closed in on her, she scratched his muzzle, making him yowl in pain. He jumped at her and they rolled over. Ashley was easily outmaneuvered, he had the advantage from having a stronger build along with being much bigger than her. He pinned her to the ground. She tried to rake her hind claws on his belly but he was too fast. He rolled off her and stood up, his neck fur rising.

"You don't want to pick a fight with us m'lady.." He said and the other three growled at Ashley. One off the wolves, a jet black, jumped at her and bit her shoulder. She shrieked in agony but threw the wolf off. There was a searing pain where he had bitten her when she ducked under one of the other wolves failed attempts to knock her paws from under her. She aimed for the leading male wolf and crashed into his side. He tumbled to the ground and she pinned him down. She bared her teeth and was about to bite his neck when she stopped. She turned away and ran as fast as she could back towards the school. The rogues were closing in on her but she was faster.

Just as she was about to rush into the building, someone grabbed her scruff by his teeth. She veered around and clawed at her opponent. "Let me go!!! Stupid rogues!!" She yowled in fury. She tried to scramble out of his grasp but couldn't. The leader approached her. He flung here against a rock and she hit her head. She yelped in pain as her head hit a hard stone and before she passed out she howled. "Help!..." Everything went black and she closed her eyes.
Cas saw Ashley walk into the room but she quickly walked back out. "Ash!" He called but she didn't probably didn't hear. He let out a sighed and walked over to his own bed. "I wish that she would stop disappearing." He mumbled and pulled out a book from his suitcase. He sat on his bed and began to read.
(I know but I don't know how Cas would know that she passed out so I just made him read. I'm too tired to come up with creative posts xD )
(Oh whelp. Must've missed that. I didn't know that she was in yelling distance. Super hearing isn't one of my abilities hehe)
[QUOTE="Han Alister](Whoops sorry. :C I see that now. Stupid tired vision.)

((Haha yeah that can be annoying))
Castiel let out a loud yawn and set his book down. He stood up from his bed slowly and stretched. He walked out of the door and shut it softly. He walked down the hall and eventually to the main entrance. "I need a walk." He laughed to himself. To cas, a walk mea t flying through the sky so he shot up into the air and began to fly over to woods. Everything was normal, until something caught his eye. It was a figure that lied on the ground, not moving. Cas frowned and slowly descended to the ground. As he got closer, he noticed that it was Ashley. "Ash!" He said as he reached the earth. He knelt beside her and gently shook her, not even noticing the sound of the nearby wolves.
Ashley slowly opened her eyes and her instincts kicked in. She turned human and stood up. She grabbed two guns from her belt and pointed them at the wolves. She spoke in wolf language. "Leave, or I will kill you.." The leader stepped forward and snarled. "Really?" He suddenly turned human. He was holding a bow in his hand and pulled his arm back, taking an arrow from his quiver.

He aimed at Ashley. "I'd like to see you try.." Ashley's eyes went wide for a second before she lowered her guns. She put them back on her belt and he lowered his bow and arrow. He turned to Castiel. "And who are you? Her knight in shining armor?" He laughed, his white teeth shimmering in the moonlight. Ashley took a step forward and smiled.

"Well, sleep tight.." She said. The boy looked at her, confused. She reached into her pocket and threw a blade knife at him, burying itself in his shoulder. He fell to the ground and Ashley went up to him. She kicked his head, making him pass out. She turned to the wolves and turned herself into a wolf. She growled and her neck fur rose. She snarled and unsheathed her claws, closing in on them. "Leave.." She hissed. The three male wolves scurried away, whining.

She turned to Castiel. She walked up to him and turned human. She stood up and hugged him. She put her arms around his neck and breathed in his scent. "We have to move him.." She said in his ear. "I have to know what they were doing here, so far away from rogue territory.."
Castiel nodded. "Agreed." He looked at the male on the ground. The sound of thunder sounded overhead. "Really? Him?" Cas yelled to the sky. A louder thunder boomed in the sky. "Fine. Save a spot." He grumbled and a white life engulfed the unconscious male and quickly dispersed. "Where would you like to relocate him to?" He asked Ashley.
"Well, we could spare him a dorm, but then someone would have to guard him." She thought. "I could do it.. I'm a werewolf, he is a werewolf. He is no match for me if I keep a gun nearby.." She tried to smile but couldn't.

She walked up to the man on the ground and and crouched down next to him. She shook him but he did not wake up. She put his arm around her neck and lifted him a bit off the ground. She walked towards the door, his feet dragging behind him. She clenched her teeth at the effort but kept on dragging him inside.
Castiel followed Ash and noticed that she was struggling a bit. He chuckled and grabbed the body from her. He slung the male over his shoulder effortlessly. "If you guard him, would that mean that you're moving into a different room?" He asked. I hope she doesn't leave. She's cute and fun to be around. He sighed and shrugged his shoulder to keep the male from falling.
Ashley shrugged. "I guess that would be it.." She sighed. I don't want to.. What if something happens between him and Suzanna?.. But I have to... She smiled at Castiel. "But hey, you'll still see me, just mostly you'll have to come and visit me instead of me visiting you or whatever..."
Castiel frowned and looked at the ground. "That sucks." He muttered. "Just when the place was becoming like Heaven." He smiled slightly and ccontinued to follow Ash. "We didn't even have one night as roommates." He sighed.
Ashley smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "Hey, don't be sad." She said. "You could always sleep over in our dorm anytime you want, give me some extra help." She winked at him and laughed.

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