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Fantasy Fantasy adventure


In a land filled with adventure, a new journey awaits.

In a time of peace, the kingdom and its many towns have enjoyed great success. But when a group of adventurers are summoned to the castle, a new quest begins making people question just how safe the kingdom really is!


OOC Chat
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In the kingdom of Relena, peace has lasted over 200 years.

Aside from a few mild battles here and there from the neighboring races of fiends, the realm has been quiet since the great battle 200 years ago.

In that era, one of the highest members of the royal court, one of the king's assistants, had conspired with an enemy race, the Normacs, to take the throne and rule Relena Kingdom.

Relena's soldiers fought against the traitor and the Normacs and eventually prevailed. A sacred artifact known as The Template allowed the noble knights of Relena to defeat the traitor and the kingdom was at peace once more.

200 years has passed since then. Four generations of kings and queens have ruled since then.

The new king has summoned various warriors and adventurers to meet him in the Royal Town for a banquet. The various adventurers were given written invitations and told to meet in the Tavern in Royal Town.

Today is the day the adventurers will meet for the first time and a new quest shall begin.
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A young man walked to the entrance of Royal Town. It was the town closest to the castle.

Tasu had brown hair, average height and weight and a kind face.

The male walked to an inn and put his weapons in a room, before looking at the invitation he had been given.

"Well I already came all this way. May as well see what this is about."

He left his room and closed the door, before making his way into the streets of Royal Town.

"The Royal Town, huh? I wonder what the king has in mind for such an invitation," she said, glancing once more at the note she received a few days ago. Elrith took one last look at the town she had come to know over the last year. Making sure all preparations are ready, she head out towards the path that would take her to her destination. She put on her cloak and fastened her daggers carefully before finally setting out.


Upon her arrival at the Royal Town, Elrith slowed down her pace to observe her surroundings. "They've done a fair job keeping this place presentable." Another turn to the right will soon take Elrith a few meters away from the said Tavern. "Another day, another journey," she said before her feet carried her away closer the place.


Elrith neared the Tavern and wondered who'd she meet there. Entering the Tavern, Elrith stood by the wall and waited for what has to come next.

(I was going to describe the Tavern but then again I have no idea what it looked like XD nor do I know if there are any guards so I'll just leave her there for now^^)
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Dakota strode into Royal Town, knowing the place like the back of her hand. She had done numerous jobs here, and hung around here on her off time. Her outfit comprised of a one piece torso suit, with and piece of fabric attached above her hips, draping down to her ankles. She wore red sandals, clicking them into the sidewalk as she walked along. She walked with an air of pride about her, ignoring spiteful looks from the humans around her. Her light purple skin shined in the sun as she showed off her complexion. 

Dakota walked into the tavern, looking around for anything to tell her what she was looking for.
Cadence lurked around, blocking the sunlight with a long hood as she walked around in the crowded streets. In her pocket, tucked deeply, was her invitation. She hoped that she would get some kind of token or credit for she knew nothing on what was going to happen up next. A couple stared at the vampire with confusion and suspicion, she rolled her eyes and wore a fake smile to the couple as she strolled away from them. She scoffed as a young boy ran around with a toy with a girl, she stared at the foolishness and it made the kid yelp in terror. "Watch your step, boy." She spat, right before she entered the tavern. Cadence lowered her hood, revealing her dark locks and deathly pale skin. The girl looked around with her crimson/muddy eyes, looking for the guilty prey. "Hmm.." She tisked with her tongue, enjoying the new town she had entered. The stench of blood and rum welcomed her.
Walking in the Royal Town Plutia scanned the area trying to look for the Tavern. Plutia sighed to herself. Where is the Tavern? She walked some more. Bumping into people and accidentally getting pushed down. Going through this crowd was tiring Plutia and getting pushed around wasn't helping her mood. This gone for an hour until she found the Tavern. The purple hair girl entered the Tavern and walked to the nearest table. She sat on the chair placed her head on the table to get some rest.

"Does, perhaps, anyone know what this," Cadence grabbed the paper out of her pocket, letting the people look at her and stare at the invitation. "I would dearly appreciate it, if I knew what exactly I am going to do, your reward would be my extreme kindness." The vampire smirked. A little girl came over to her with a grin and reached up to her. The vampire picked it up, "Have your parents abandoned you in such a horrid place?" She asks, "Poor parenting."

"Lady, you scare me!" The little girl cried, "But I think you are fun!" 

Cadence smiled forcefully and set down the kid.

"Go find your parents and tell them how horrible they are that they let a small little being in.... a dangerous, ill-faced, crummy little tavern. Matter of fact, leave." The little girl started to tear up and dashed off, sobbing.

Cadence looked up, "Again, my reward to you is kindness if you tell me what this invitation is about." She wavered the paper in the air.
As toko  Rode his horse in to the Royal town He carried a banner of the Iron bull Templars with him. (toko: *sighs* well i hope i can recruit anyone while im here) Toko then unlatched one of his pockets on his belt and pulled out the invitation  and observed it (Toko: Hmmmm) after about 15 minutes of observing the letter Toko then put it back in his pocket and  Rode his horse deeper in to the Royal town. As he rode his horse he began to set up banners on the streets hoping some one would notice. As toko set up the last banner he took a deep breath (Toko: Welp thats the last one better head to the tavern) He then got on his horse and rode toward the tavern. He soon arrived to the Tavern and tied up his horse and walked in. As he walked in he could could smell ale and rum (toko: i think im going to like this place) he said as he walked towards a table and sat in a chair. 
Honoka walked into the royal town carrying her umbrella over her head. Even though it wasn't raining she still had it open. She thought it gave her a type of charm which it did. Plus it kept the sun from her face. Her face was young and expressive. She smiled at those she passed and men blushed as she walked by. While walking she took a look at the invitation she was given. "Well this is nice. To think I'm being summoned to the castle. I wonder how young the king is....and if he is single." A sly smile appeared on her face then quickly disappeared with innocent one. "Well I best hurry up." She continued to walk through town. Once she made it to the Tavern before she could even walk in. A man open the door for her giving her a charming smile. "Why thank you sir." She walked in and took a look around. She then spotted a free table and sat down. The moment she did a man came up to her. Apparently he worked there. "Hello Miss can I get you anything?" Honoka looked up at him sweetly. "Oh no thank you I'm here for the banquet so I'll just wait. Plus I don't have any money on me." She said giving him cute but sad smile. "No money?! Haha you don't have to worry your pretty head about that! Tell you what anytime your into town I'll let you have whatever you want on the house." She gave look of surprise and blushed. "Oh thank you sir that's so sweet of you." She then stood up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you oh so much." He stumbled away shocked that she kissed him on the cheek with is face red. She then sat down closed her umbrella. Well this just gets easier day by day.
Cadence smirks as she looked at the man and woman come in, why was everyone coming here? 

She sat down and stared at everyone, observing everyone. 

"Hm, is there anyone with a fellow invitation?" She held the paper in the air, looking around for someone to answer, she tapped her heel on the floor impatiently.
 As Toko took a big drink of ale he slowly set the cup down on the table (toko: I....think i might have a had a bit to many) He said feeling a bit Hazy and light headed. He then took out a book about Fire magic and began to read a bit of it (Toko: hmm i didn't know i could make fire Explode) He said to himself as he flipped through the pages of the book. but as he was reading he heard a woman say something @MissCrimson121  He then got up from his chair and walked over towards her. As he approached her he said (toko: wait you got a invitation to?) 
Cadence raised an eyebrow with a smirk, looking at the man with a curious glare. "I do." The vampire answered, "Do you suppose you know what it is all about?" She said, looking at the stranger who had the invitation as well. @Tanimoto Sozen!
Dakota sat at a table alone, crossing her legs and walking her fingers across the table. She watched the gathering of people across the tavern, all flashing their papers, presumably the same one she had. She squinted and decided not to join them for now, but merely watch their proceedings. 
(Toko: well if we take closer look at the Invitation it has fine print which would mean its from some one of like.....nobility maybe) he said taking out his invitation and showing to her (toko: it might be a person of great wealth that sent us our Invitation) He then gave a embarrassed Experression (toko: but other then that.....i don't know) @MissCrimson121
Cadence shook her head, "Of course, it came from a nobility. The crest means it is from the King, stranger." She pockets her invitation and crosses her legs sitting at a table, scooting away the cup of ale away from her as if it was poison. It needed to be blood and blood is what she always will crave. Her energy seemed to fade as she began to feel light-headed at the thought of it.
Toko took a chair from a another table and sat (toko: so where are you from exactly it doesn't seem your from this place?) he said getting comfortable in his chair (Toko: i'm from the great mountains it snows a lot there) He said hold the cup of ale
While Honoka was sitting there she noticed a woman asking around about the invitation. She then saw a man get up to talk to her about it. "Oh they go it to huh?" Honoka stood up picked up her umbrella walked over to the two. "Excuse me but I over heard you two got a invitation. I got one as well this the right place to meet isn't it?" She smiled.

@Tanimoto Sozen!

Cadence answered quitely, "I rather not speak about the past. All that matters is that I am here now." She bit her lip, trying not to crave the blood as began for her thirst. She turned her head at the woman in front of her, "We do, this is the place as requested from the King." She spoke, her eyes leaving from the woman's gaze and looks down at the table in front of her. @animegirl20 @Tanimoto Sozen!
"Oh good, you don't mind if I sit here do you?" She looked around for a chair but a man had gotten up and brought one to her. "Thank you" She then sat down and put her umbrella next to her. "Well this certainly a honor don't you think? To be summon by a king?"


@Tanimoto Sozen!
(Toko: well its certainly a surprise) he then took another drink of ale (Toko: so where are you from?) he said with a puzzled look @animegirl20 
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She looked at the man. "Oh I come from a Kingdom in the East. Oh! I didn't give you my name I'm Honoka." She said to both of them. She then looked at the girl. "Yeah I guess  it's  like that for most people. So might as well get your names. I assume we will  all be working together."

@Tanimoto Sozen!


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