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Fantasy Fantastical Island


Senior Member
While caught at sea in a storm, a handful of humans were washed up on an uncharted island located right in the centre of the Bermuda Triangle. And it's entire population is made up of all of the creatures they didn't believe existed. Now all of these races must learn to work and live together, because once you reach the island, there's no going back!

The island has modern technology, probably more advanced than we have in the outside world.



  • Regular RPN rules
  • No godmodding
  • Relationships encouraged, but interact with other characters as well!
  • You can have as many characters as you can handle
  • If you've read these rules, put 'Waffles' on your character sheet~
  • Also, while I believe in quality over quantity, please keep one liners to a minimum! Thank you!
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((Okay! We're all set to start!! :D ))

The red haired 19 year old sighed contentedly as he stared out at the waves, leaning on the railing in front of him. He was on the upper deck of a rather nice cruise ship, sailing off to somewhere he didn't really pay attention to when he signed up for this. It didn't really matter to him. He was just happy to be out of the city. At the moment, he was one of the few people out on deck. He supposed that most of them were inside their cabins, getting ready for dinner or something. It was still light out, but dinner would be served in about half an hour, after which there would be a small party, so people were encouraged to look their best this evening. Luke figured he'd just throw on a dress shirt and some nice pants and call it looking his best.

Something caught his attention off in the distance, and bright green eyes narrowed, trying to catch a glimpse of whatever it was again. It looked almost like lightning, but the sky was clear and the weather was perfect. So what had it been...?

"I was worried. the storm kept coming closer and closer. I felt like now I came across a horrible streak of bad luck, the storm looked horrible and it felt the world was shaking. I was Scared." Fima was on the Bow, And as soon as he seen it, he alerted the captain and other people. After that, he went to his room, checking for his supplies.
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Eden peered out her window at the storm front approaching. It was still far away, but it looked to be quite a big one, and would probably be extremely bad for the ship at least in Eden's suspicious and paranoid mind. Eden then began to pack up her backpack with all the stuff she'd brought, and including some of the nicer things from the cabin, like the blankets and pillows from the bed. She guiltily thought to herself that she'd return the stuff if the storm front passed.
Lilith was just jumping and doing flips off the trees as she ran towards the beach. She laughed at her brother who was trying to catch up,"Come on Drake or you're going to miss it!", she shouted at him.

Drake took this opportunity to leap forward and pass Lilith, his ears pressed against his skull as he focused,"This better be good!"

Lilith grinned at him and landed on the sand, causing it to spread around her feet. She always disliked wearing shoes, they blocked her senses in her feet. As she glanced at the water and sand she stretched,"I know something fun will happen today!", she said excitedly.

Drake rolled his eyes,"You say that every day. You think a crab is interesting.", he said crossing his arms. He searched around,"And the beach is empty...", he added.

Lilith glared at him,"Your senses are as high as mine are, practically everyone is on edge today. I have a feeling okay?"

(Any non-humans feel free to join my characters on the beach lol)
Mimi sat cross legged on her bed in we room, reading a book filled with tales of demons and hell. She glanced out of her window and saw a stom brewing in the distance. She paused for a moment, inwardly cursing her look before climbing off of her bed and heading to her window to get a better view. She had hoped for a nice, relaxing experience on the cruise but it seemed the forces of nature were set against her.
Frowning slightly when he noted that it was, indeed, a storm approaching, Luke turned to go back to his cabin. He didn't want to be caught out on deck in a storm, after all... "Of course there would be a storm while we're out in the middle of nowhere..." This was just his luck. Next thing, the boat would be capsized and he'd be stranded on a deserted island with no way to get back to civilization...
"Ms. Dracoseir! You're tea is ready, my darling!" A light, delicate voice chirped from beneath the marble spiral staircase. An Elven woman with black, ash colored hair stood at the bottom of the elegant staircase, holding a shiny plate lined with gold and silver flowers. Upon the glass plate, sat a steaming cup of honeyed tea, a soft fog of heat wafting off the sweet liquid. When the woman heard no response, she huffed quietly under her breath and cleared her throat.

"Ms. Dracoseir!" The woman called out a bit louder this time. Hearing silence once more, the woman grabbed the hem of her dress in irritation and quickly prodded up the stairs. She entered a long white hallway, wooden picture frames of old royal Elven heritage littering the walls. The woman passed a white glossy table, almost knocking over an expensive vase that sat atop of it as she pivoted into a large, but very beautiful room.

The room's white walls were covered with golden ivy that spread from corner to corner of the ceiling. A marble hearth fireplace stood magnificently on one of the walls, the fire dancing in the pit and flashing colors of orange and yellow throughout the darkened room. A swift POP of the fire caused the woman at the doorway to jump, rattling the china plate and cup in her hand.

A girl sat on the windowsill, tracing her finger along a raindrop that had splattered on the window. Hearing the sudden rattle, the beautiful Elven girl looked up, and met the woman's gaze. She had long, wavy golden hair that was pinned up in a soft bun on her head, delicate pink and white flowers edged in between the shining strands. A crown sat above her forehead, gems of all rarities and sorts bound into the royal metal. Her eyes were the color of morning dew, a honey-like effect twisted into the girl's thoughtful gaze. As if lost in the girl's beauty standing before her, the woman at the door simply stared breathlessly. Than, adjusted her collar and cleared her throat.

"Ms. Dracoseir. You're tea." The woman said, a stern tone now infused in her voice. The Elven girl waved her away, watching her set the delicate tea set on a bed stand.

"Yes, yes. I heard you before." The girl muttered, standing up gracefully from her seat on the windowsill. Her long, silky white dress dragged on the floor slightly as she trailed towards her bed, and lifted the tea off its plate. The woman watched her, looking a bit tense as the hot liquid met the girl's lips, and slipped down her throat. Letting out a satisfied sigh, the girl sat on her bed and crossed her slender legs.

"There's a storm brewing tonight." The girl suddenly whispered, her dew colored eyes drifting towards the window. Lightning struck outside, illuminating the darkness as it forked across the grey sky.

"Yes... And it looks like a nasty one, doesn't it?" The woman with black hair exclaimed before wandering over to the window, and sliding curtains across the stormy view.
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Eden, once she was finished ransacking her room, walked up to the deck. Our dearest Mistress Paranoid did not want to be anywhere on the ship where she could be trapped.
"Hm," Elsieth opened her eyes from her deep, nice, nap. A look outside the window would be enough for anyone right in their mind to know that the weather didn't seem so good. But unlike many others, she didn't mind. The girl actually found the upcoming storm soothing -- really calming. The girl looked down on her clothes. It wasn't as girly as she didn't want it to be, so it was all right.

She stood and took her cellphone from the table before exiting her cabin. Her cellphone was pretty much the only thing that she needed, being that it was her favorite gadget, and she could hack into almost everything that works through technology here with just a press of a button. But of course, she'd barely do that.

Elsieth looked around. It seemed to still be the cruise ship she was on earlier. She let out another satisfied
"hm." She could hear the thunder booming in the distance, waiting for their ship to reach the peak... and...


"Miss?," a man called out to Elsieth, and she calmly faced the direction of where the voice may have come from, her phone in her gentle grip. Instead of replying, she stared at him almost blankly until he finally spoke, a nervous tone laced in his voice. "I-It is not safe here, miss. We suggest you go back to your respective cabins."

"Thank you for the suggestion," she spoke with the casual, lady-like tone of hers. "I don't need it."


"I don't, need it," she said, her voice matter-of-fact, but never turning cold.

It was a puzzle how she could charm and convince people with just that voice of hers. But at least it worked.

"A-All right, miss. Stay safe."

Her slight nod ended the conversation, and the man bowed and fled soon enough. Thank goodness. She wasn't so good with these things.
"Did I do it right?," she wondered to herself, soon walking towards some random direction which soon led her towards the deck. That was good enough. She could watch the nice storm for herself.

Fima checked his room, and he decided to put a fold-away pocket knife in his pocket, and he decided to pick up his bag of books, and sling it over his back. Then he felt it. The boat was rocking, and heavily.

"Things were suddenly rolling everywhere. I almost got hit by a lamp! I ran outside, but it was almost just as worse. A Horrid mixture of hail and rain were falling upon me. And then, I was struck by lightning."
A little green fox with kind of torn wings hopped up on a rock and sniffed the air. She had been awake since early in the morning looking for food. She had not found anything yet. Maybe she could find something in the beach. Emilia nodded to herself and scampered off towards the shore.

Once there she shifted back into her humanoid form and took off her shoes and socks before going into a very shallow area to find some fish.
A white Wolf, almost twice the size of a Lion climbed up some rocks. The Wolf transformed into his normal form, a black haired teenage Vampire. He stood there, watching the ocean, he could smell Humans nearby, he got thirsty. He pulled up a sleeve and drank from his own blood, 'No! I'm not letting you out!' he kept thinking, he was trying to restrain the beast inside.
Luke held tightly to anything he could grab. He'd packed all of the things he wanted to keep into his bag and did the buckle up over his chest. Thanks to that buckle, he was a lot less likely to lose all of the things he deemed important. But... this storm was really bad... Just then, something fell on his head and everything faded to black...
When he finished drinking the young Vampire, Hikaru Satō Jumped down and sat on the beach, he closed his eyes and started to meditate.
Emilia wadded through the water as she looked for a fish or maybe even a crab. She went still when a fish large enough for a decent breakfast was stupidlt curious enough to wander towards her feet. The girl watched it as she slowly took out a small knife from her pocket. Swiftly, she stabbed the fish and picked it up. The fish struggled for a little bit before going still. Emilia smiled at her catch and quickly ran back onto land to get a fire started for cooking.
Isa silently made her way to the beach. She'd heard a rumor that there was a human cruise ship inside the Triangle, and the black haired vampire wanted to see it for herself. There was a storm coming, but that made no difference to her. It wasn't like she could get sick from the rain, after all. Stopping in her tracks about three feet from the water, she stared at the ship in the distance, expression impassive. "So... It was true after all..."
As Emilia was getting the fire started, she noticed an object on the water. She blinked and set down the wood she had gathered and put her fish on top of them before going towards the water in curiosity. It looked like a very large boat. She had not known that boats could be made that big. The girl tilted her head to one side as she watched, forgetting her breakfast.
Hikaru opened his eyes, the scent was closer. He got up and started running across the beach, he intended to see whatever gave off the scent.
When the storm came, Eden was proven right, for once. It was a whopper. The ship rocked and rolled (and not in the musical way; although that would be hilarious), and Eden grabbed on to the deck rail to prevent herself from becoming accidental human catapult ammo. She was not of the sort to get seasick, but the raging power of the storm was threatening to revoke that.
Emilia saw the storm along with the boat and frowned. It was going to rain? That would mean that she would have to walk all the way back home with hee fish to eat. Her attention went back to the boat after she accepred that she was going to have to walk back.
Hikaru ran as fast as he could, he stopped, he saw a strange creature (Emilia) it stopped him in his tracks.
Emilia glanced up at the sky and decided that she could probably get a fire going long enough to cook the fish. It wasn't that big. She began to sit down to get it started when she noticed somebody looking at her. The girl looked back, ears twitching slightly. She completely froze.
Emilia blinked and quickly picked up her shoes, socks, and fish, getting ready to run. "None of...your business!" she responded, her voice choppy as if she had not spoken in years, or at least not as much as a normal person.

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