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Fantasy Fangs, Claws, and Technology

Lupa yelps as the spear is yanked back to Marcus. The point just barely cutting her chest but burned like hell. She could no longer ignore Marcus for the sake of getting her claws into Tyrone. She watches as Marcus sinks his teeth into Victoria thinking it ws the oddest thing ever. She was on top of marcus in a heartbeat pinning him down and snarling in his face. 
(Guiness and Tequila are my faves)
Victoria was slipping in and out of reality, she could hear her dead fiancé's voice echohing through the forest.

'Victoria my love! Come to me, I have missed you so!'

She looked towards the sound of his voice which was the opposite direction of the mausoleum. She started dragging herself that way. She spoke in a soft whisper.

"my love, my...."

She continued dragging herself across towards the sound of his calling voice. Weak and delusional if she didn't get blood soon she will waste away from trying to heal herself.
This is as good a chance as any. Conner thought to himself before leaping at Tyrone. With all the stuff that was happening near Marcus, let alone the burst of gunshot, Tyrone's attention should have been more in that direction then behind him. Looking to pin the hunter under his weight, Conner would have smiled if he could.
When he got Victoria off him he hoped he could have a moment to recover or at least get this chuck of flesh out of his mouth but within second's lupa was on him. 'There you are.' He thought to himself and in one moment spit the chunk of vampire meat in his mouth at her point blank along with a bit of spit and blood. Then since lupa hadent pinned his hands like victoria he disconnected the last part of his spear so it was only connected by chain and brought it and slammed lupa in the face with the silver handle before moving his legs under her lower body and kicking up full strength.
Mourdrin and Muldrin both took aim at Marcus then fired off a armor piercing arrow and an explosive rifle round while Magora, the Dragoon Lancer, crouched down with her lance and shield leveled towards Marcus. She then launched with inhuman speed toward Marcus with lance ready to "split him in two" with her lance and shield strike. During the occurrence, both the dark and light paladin were satisfied with waiting to see what would happen, the velveteen swordsman held his arms folded with a disappointed "hmph" at the sight of Marcus being brought down so easily. The wizard now enacted the final phase of his spell which caused a gale of wind to rip through the area and continue to whip around in the area of the clouds. This gave way to having a heavy rainstorm, loud claps of thunder, and gales of wind which caused the surrounding area to become unstable as debris began to form and fly through the air at high speeds and cause any "weak" natural life to be broken/thrown/ripped around. The Halve-elve then made his way over to Muldrin with intent and leaped up to Volcanos' right shoulder pauldron and rummaged through the backpack of holding having seen the amount of blood the vampire was loosing and took out an enchanted leather bag that held within it, the blood of their former king. He then hopped down then moved swiftly over to Victoria. By appearance alone, Victoria would be unable to tell what species he was. He did however look like a fellow vampire with his dark and pale skin tone and withdrawn facial structure. The pouch of blood was held to Victoria's mouth with eyes that said for her to drink. The light flashes and thunder giving way to the Halve-elve's appearance seemingly out of nowhere which might add to her delirium.
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(ladies and gents Victoria's son.......see Victoria's character sheet for his info)

Alexandru walked through the forest towards a familiar smell. He had been returning home from the failed ball when he smelled blood. He was still in his plain tuxedo but, with an addition of a cloak. He rushed through the forest followed by a mix of vampires and human supporters. He stopped when he saw something covered in brown fabric crawling on the ground. The storm that had formed suddenly left him worried about his mother.

"Oh thank god"

He spoke with a similar Romanian accent as Victoria. He ran up to Victoria grabbing her and turning her over. He grew angry at the sight of her wound. The winds were very strong and he drug her behind a tree to block the winds. He pulled out a flask which containing blood. He opened up her mouth emptying the contents into her mouth. The wound started healing some more but, it wasn't enough. One of the other vampires offered a flask. This one did the trick, her neck was healing but, he knew she would be out for a while. He hugged her.

"I'm just happy you are alive mother."

He smelled werewolves near, he signaled the others to wait. The wolves were most likely fighting the enemy, they would have to wait for the winds to die down.
Farcus, The Halve-Elve, snorted as he noticed his aid go unnoticed then withdrew back to Volcanos where he hopped up onto his right shoulder pauldron, opened the backpack upon Muldrin, then deposited the blood pouch back into the pack and the pack close. He then hopped down and made his way back over to the main group with sword in hand after having seen the growing numbers. It was at this time that the two paladins drew their swords and the Mage Knight drew his huge dual handed sword as it began to glow a sickly red green.
((alright im gonna say i got away from lupa.))

Marcus rolled just managing to get away from lupa's tearing claws and sharp teeth. He had almost killed the vampire that much was obvious, but of course reinforcements had come and seemed to be saving her life. As he was standing he suddenly became aware of a bullet and arrow being aimed at him in the rain. In the split second he had to act his sidestepped so the bullet flew past him and he deflected the bullet off the shaft of his spear. Despite the fact the arrow was armor piercing the spear didnt even dent, whatever it was made out off was some strong stuff. When the Lancer jumped at him marcus reacted perfectly to her speed and side stepped and wrapped the chain spear around her lance and pushed to the right putting the lance in the way of her shield all but blocking and monopolizing her large lance at the same time. Then grabbed the link with the tip as only about a quarter of the spear was used to wrap the lance once and trap it and sliced at her throat while both her items were indisposed. In the same motion without losing momentum he unwrapped his spear from her lance twirled behind her and thrust his spear from behind at the back of knee which would shatter it even threw her armor as it wasent piercing if it his before stepping forward away from her keeping his eye on his many many opponents. He seemed to not want to retreat.
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(So how is weapons and armor made of silver able to cut through anything?)

The bullet exploded upon the ground near Marcus and gave off a mighty shock with fragmentation. What seemed like a victory for him was met with laughter as Magora stood from the attack Marcus had dealt to her. By now her ability was already hidden before any sight took notice. She then proceeded to laugh as she jumped away from the immediate area. Vision was becoming hazy and blurred as the winds picked up the rain and debris. What could be seen now was a brightly glowing aura of gold in the distance as Shartheth stepped into view.
((well they arent pure silver, more like its just edged with it, the inner material is much stronger, also why isnt her throat a red slit? Thers no armor there, you have to tell me how you countered if the vision affect are just taking notice))
(dragon scale empowerment due to her history of training with dragons. 
(Her flesh would seem normal, but upon impact, the scales show then hide once the pressure was alleviated
((so do i kill her by slicing harder and harder like ichigo vs zaraki xD , or do i just shove a grenade down her throat. I do hope she's kill-able, i hate unkill-able things))
(she is killable, just like the rest of them. As for external damage, not much of an option less you have something that can pierce dragon scale.
((i can do electrical damage and kill her insides, i have some really good electric brass knuckles))

He barley glanced at her as she got up and laughed. 'Did i miss or was i blocked, no her weapons were disabled and i dont miss. I simply could cut her and it wasent her armor that stopped me. Ill try once more if she comes again to confirm.' Sight was becoming more and more useless, though he couldnt bring himself to care much. He could hear, he could smell, he could feel and that was enough. He was more then skilled enough to fight with his eyes closed. He watched her leave the area and the golden warrior approach. "So is it your turn now, or do you all plan to jump me in this rain." He said in a normal tone though many would have trouble hearing him over the noise.
(Im really feeling like im in a dont give a fuck mood so im gonna head to bed and reply tomorrow since this isnt a good mood for rping in)
Beowulf said:
This is as good a chance as any. Conner thought to himself before leaping at Tyrone. With all the stuff that was happening near Marcus, let alone the burst of gunshot, Tyrone's attention should have been more in that direction then behind him. Looking to pin the hunter under his weight, Conner would have smiled if he could.
It took but only a moment as Rogthar, the mage knight, stabbed his huge sword into the ground which caused his magiks to affect the ground as far as he could will. This power caused the earth to heave and shake beneath their feet as the land became broken up and wet from the rain. Shartheth stood stoic and silent before Marcus with sword in hand ready to fight. Zengram, The Necromancer, saw his chance at capturing/killing Marcus and began to move his sickly green orb stave in a circular motion in time with his rapid and quiet chants. The chants brought the insects, parasites, and all manner of other dwellers to begin a revolting mutation as many bonded to form larger ones. What came next could only be described as shocking as 3 of the bonded pairs had formed huge worm-like creatures that had a body length of 12ft and was 16in in diameter. The 3 necroworms broke through the loose and wet earth, surrounding Marcus as hundreds more remained singular and began to crawl their way up Marcus' body.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Purple_Worm.jpg.de0b9774fa7185f523cdd13ca3ad5acf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26949" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Purple_Worm.jpg.de0b9774fa7185f523cdd13ca3ad5acf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Tyrone fell upon colliding by the werewolf, he was indeed fast and quite heavy but Tyrone was agile himself, as soon as they collide his other pistol was ready and aimed at the werewolf's leg. " SUPRISE Mother*** " he yelled shooting the whole clip at his feet. Tyrone then tried to push him off but it seemed the wolf still had some fight left within him. He glanced towards his left looking at Lupa, he knew either he was to run off now or he would be served as dinner by these werewolfs. " GET.OFF.OF.ME! " Tyrone said as he pushed him with all his might
((lol tyrone is fighting one werewolf while im fighting a archer and dwarf sniper, a warrior that cant be cut, and a few mages. And now the guy that glows like a light bulb xD ))

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