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Erik's Apartment
~ Hackney, London ~

Billy King

1656166958251.pngBased on Ava’s reaction to his question, Billy wondered briefly if he had crossed some sort of line by asking her about her late husband. But then, he figured, he was only showing genuine concern, and if she was about to stay with them then boundaries would surely be crossed anyway. She was already standing in his and Erik’s bedroom, having seen him half-naked and having his wounds cleaned. Talking about a recent personal loss was incomparable, of course, but he wasn’t asking to make her feel uncomfortable. He just wanted to know if she was okay.

Even before she spoke, Billy could tell she wasn’t - but though she chose not to answer him directly, her words made sense to him. He nodded to her, thinking of the few losses he had had in his life. It wasn’t something that he had had to face head on before; his mother’s death still resonated throughout the family, but it had taken a few years after she had died until Billy was old enough to comprehend the memory of her lying lifeless on the bed, by which point he was used to being without her. The only other loss had been that of his best friend, but they hadn’t been on speaking terms when he died and therefore he had never figured out how to grieve for him. In comparison, what Ava was going through was life-shattering, it was raw and deeply personal and would no doubt turn her world upside down. But he couldn’t argue with the attitude she displayed - sometimes, there really was no way to prevent a loved one from dying.

Billy gave an understanding nod, and when the woman appeared embarrassed by the tear she shed, he dipped his gaze to allow her a moment of privacy. She went on to explain that she had support from Elvian and the rest of the family, and that coming to London was a welcome escape from the house that seemed to hold too many memories that now haunted her. “Yeah, I know,” he softly agreed with another nod. “My Uncle Bruce lost his wife and kids, and then my mum - his sister - all when I was small. He said it helped to move house after somethin’ like that. Stressful, sure, but distracting, ya’ know? Couldn’t live where all the memories were.” He looked at her with a faint smile. “I guess those were the ghosts.”

Taking a deep breath, Billy pushed himself off the dresser he had been leaning on. “Sorry, I’m bein’ a shit host,” he suddenly said. The tension he had been feeling in Ava’s presence had faded just from that brief exchange. “Let’s ditch the list for now, yeah? You want a drink of somethin’? I’m gonna put the kettle on - or I could get out somethin’ stronger, if ya’ like?”

He led Ava out of the bedroom and into the living room, where he gestured to the sofa for her to sit down while he set about making drinks. He put an extra sugar in his own tea for a boost and came to sit down in the armchair perpendicular to where she sat. “You’re stayin’ with us, then, are ya’?” he asked her. “It’s fine if you are, I just…” He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, being careful not to spill his tea in the process. He knew he had to become comfortable around her or he would just get annoyed at her, moody and withdrawn. “This healin’ process is a bitch, if I’m honest, and it’s all kinds of gross, and I just wanna warn ya’ now that you might not see me in my best light. So if you were gonna use this time to vet me as Erik’s…boyfriend...then please just know that I’m not always this grumpy, and I really do love ‘im a lot.” His cheeks reddened slightly and he raised his head to look at her, not realising that his gaze had dropped whilst he had been speaking.

“Anyway, I guess we’re both healin’ from stuff, right?” he said, softly blowing on his tea. “I think it’s good you’ve come 'ere instead of stayin’ in that house of ghosts. We’ll look after you, Ava. Maybe we’ll see sides of each other we didn’t think we would so soon, but I’m lookin’ forward to gettin’ to know you better. You’re so important to Erik, after all.”

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Ava
Cabin in the Woods
~ The Baskins, Dublin ~​
References to sexual abuse, suicidal thoughts and death
Elena Velazco

ezgif-4-c6908acc09.gif When Elena first woke up in the room of the cabin, it took her a minute to figure out what had happened. The room was pitch black but she sensed she was alone, and there was something heavy clasped around her neck that, after some examination, she realised was a chain attaching her to the wall behind her. Beyond terrified, her first thoughts were of Adam and Thomas - and that’s when she remembered the date she had been on at the casino. The bouncer she had bumped into outside the toilets was the last part of the evening that she remembered, and from that she guessed he must have taken her to his lair and chained her up.

Elena had been through a variety of hardships, but the closest she had ever come to captivity was having to exchange sex for shelter. Though homelessness would have been her only alternative, she at least had the freedom to choose. Yet, despite her situation, Elena had hope that she would have the strength to come up with a plan to get herself out - all she had to do was pay close attention to everything her captors did, said and revealed, and she might find a clue that could be her key to freedom.

Unfortunately, her hope didn’t last long enough. Five days later, Elena was wishing for death. Thomas and Adam had been killed, no one else was looking for her, and she had been degraded to some kind of sex slave destined to live out the rest of her days in the dark, in service to the men that had taken her father’s and boyfriend’s lives. They could have been lying, she supposed, but there were no signs of anyone looking for her, and she soon lacked the mental strength to believe in anything positive. With the windows boarded up, Elena had no way to tell how much time had passed, but it felt like over a week, at least. With no sense of the passage of time and no stimulation, her brain was beginning to shut down, creating stimulation for her in the form of strange, pulsating hallucinations that shimmered from the darkness.

Whenever her captors entered her room, she found herself feeling a glimmer of relief. Having them look at her and speak to her reassured her that she was still real and that people knew she existed. Of course, when they proceeded to torment, abuse and assault her, she wished that she didn’t exist at all.

That was exactly how she felt when the light came on and John came to sit beside her. She was sitting against the wall with her head resting on her knees. She was suffering the worst headache she had ever had in her life and could barely raise her head to acknowledge the man. Instead she just felt his possessive arm coil around her shoulders and listened to him speak, though the only word she understood was ‘Adam’. Before she could form an idea of what they might have said about him, she felt the man’s cold fingers slide up her thigh and she shivered, knowing what came next - but instead, he drew his hand away and stroked her face. When he stood up, Elena tilted her head up, confused as to why he was leaving - but it only left her exposed and he delivered a heavy backhanded smack across her face. The room was spinning so much she almost wished for darkness again.

By the time her vision cleared up, another man had joined them; at first she thought she might be seeing double, but when John threw her dress at her - the one she had been wearing at the casino - she saw that the other man was the much older one. They untied her hands, and though she still struggled to make sense of their words, she understood what they wanted her to do. Unable to think of a reason to fight back, she did as she was told and put the dress on. It made her think of Thomas again…but she was a different person now to the woman she had been that night. The dress didn’t make her feel pretty anymore - just hopeless, filthy and alone.

She didn’t have the strength to fasten it properly, but the men didn’t seem to care. John put her back in her restraints and the two men left again, shutting her away in the dark without an explanation.

Downstairs, the group of men were awaiting Adam’s arrival, having heard that he was now on his way. Shane and Jay were playing cards, smoking cigarettes and drinking whiskey like it was any old Friday evening - but this one in particular had put them in an exceptionally good mood. As soon as Adam showed up and John led the man into the cabin, the pair were happy for their game to be interrupted. Jay hardly recognised the man, having been extremely intoxicated the night that the Irish stormed their cabin and murdered Eoin. But Shane remembered his face. His cigarette hung from between his teeth as he grinned, taking pleasure in the man’s distress and watching John punch him. Once the gun to Adam’s head had him under control, Shane approached him and removed the cigarette from his mouth. “Oh, I’ve got plenty o’ words for this one,” he uttered with a smile - and he stubbed the burning cigarette out on Adam’s neck, right below his ear, pressing down on it for as long as he could to make the burn as bad as it could possibly be.

Meanwhile, Jay had come to stand behind Adam, and gave no warning before delivering a harsh kick to the back of his knees, sending him to the ground. Grabbing a fistful of Adam’s hair, he jerked him to an upright position, opening him up for Shane to deliver a heavy backhanded smack, the rings on his fingers splitting Adam’s cheek open. He then punched him so hard that Jay lost his grip on Adam’s head and dropped him. But by that point, they were fairly sure they had made their message clear enough and that he wouldn’t try to fight back.

“Right, that’ll do,” Shane uttered, retrieving a handkerchief to wipe the blood off his rings. “Bring her down.”

Jay didn’t need to be told twice, all too excited to bring the young woman downstairs. To see the relief on her face to learn that her father was in fact alive, only for her to then watch him die at their hands…Her pain meant nothing to them personally, of course, but it was through her that the memory of Adam’s mistakes would forever live on, and after what he did, that was exactly what they wanted him to be remembered for.

A few minutes later, the slow, irregular footsteps could be heard from the wooden staircase as Jay half-carried Elena down the stairs. Her head pounded with every step, and even though it was the first time being let out of the empty upstairs room, she still didn’t dare to hope that she was being set free. She kept her eyes on the ground the whole time, feeling so weak that she half-expected to drop to the floor at any moment.

“Here,” Jay said, eyes shining at Adam. “Alive as promised.”

When she didn’t look up, Jay grabbed her by the face and lifted her head for her so she could see who it was they were talking to. Her eyes found her father, but she didn’t know if she could trust what she was seeing. Maybe she was hallucinating, or dreaming, or this was just a vivid memory she had forgotten about? But the longer she stared at him, the easier it was to believe. Her chapped lips parted and in a faint voice, she uttered, “P…papa?”

Misty Gray Misty Gray Adam, John

Bellz Bellz Thomas
Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Leo
Thomas Porter
Elena and His Apartment

~ Dublin City Center, Dublin ~
While Thomas was many things, the one thing he wasn't was a man without some plan. So when Adam suggested that he needed to go to the cabin alone without any sort of solid plan, Thomas' anxiety started to peak. He acknowledged that this whole thing was more than likely a trap but stated the difference was that he was prepared for it. While he respected Adam more than most, he wanted to call him out on his foolishness at that moment. No matter what it was, no one was ever ready for a trap, at least not completely. There was always going to be something that caught them by surprise. "Yes but Adam, we really have t-" He was cut off as Adam explained where Elena was.

He told Thomas and Leo that if they didn't know it, Chase could help them find the location. Thomas actually knew where it was. One of the many locations that didn't fly under his family's radar, though it seemed likely it had been - clearly. Thomas nodded his head firmly in understanding when Adam specified that they made it clear he needed to be alone. He made the unnecessary point that this conversation was eating up time but Thomas knew what he was feeling, at least on some level.

Before he had the chance to ask what he wanted them to do, he looked back at them as he got into the car telling them to drop back a bit in case anyone was watching. Adam was suggesting an ambush...Thomas felt confident in having an upper hand like that...if everything went to...whatever this was. Adam didn't have to tell him what the prime objective was, Thomas already knew, but Adam made a point to say that if saving her meant leaving him behind...then they needed to do it. As noble as that was, Thomas didn't have it in him to abandon anyone on his team. Of course, he would weigh the dangers and risks involved in it, making sure that Elena was as far away and as safe as possible...but he wasn't going to leave Adam or Leo behind.

Thomas turned to Leo, ready to come up with their own plan as Adam was heading into the belly of the beast when Adam caught his attention again. He reminded them that there were a lot of places to hide in the woods, saying they needed to be vigilant. With those parting words of wisdom, he sped off.

The man watched his car drive off only for a split second before looking at Leo. "He took the guns." Thomas said, not asking his cousin but more making a statement as they stood there for another half a second. "Come on...we are going back to my place." Thomas told Leo, waving for him to follow as Thomas strode through the remainder of the parking lot to his car. They hadn't driven together, but leaving one car in the lot would minimize suspicion that anything was amiss if someone was actually watching them both.

The car ride was mostly silent as Thomas was coming up with a game plan in his head that would get them to Adam and Elena without being too injured. The primary objective was Elena's safety, the secondary was Adam's and Leo's and Thomas' last objective was his own. Despite the triggering situation, Thomas' head was quite clear...his instincts from his time in the service taking over..giving him no other opportunity to freak out until it was all over. It was funny how it worked out that way...but fight or flight mode had a way of soothing even the most anxious people in dangerous situations.

Thomas pulled in front of his apartment building, not waiting for Leo as he turned off the car and leaped out. He knew his cousin would be following close behind. The veteran didn't say anything until they were in the safety of his apartment. "Go into Elena's bedroom...open the closet and feel around for a latch on the bottom of the floorboards, pull out all of the guns and bring them into the living room." Thomas said to his friend, not bothering to address the inevitable question in his features about Thomas hiding weapons in his girlfriend's room.

There were also weapons in his room, but he wasn't going to disclose that somewhat classified information to his best friend...even if he was family. His own stash was located in his bathroom...under what looked to be hard tile but ended up being flexible plexiglass that could open like the hatch in Elena's room. The latch was small enough to fit in the cracks of the "tile" but needed to be lifted with the small object so that Thomas could grasp it with his fingers. For someone who had never dealt with opening it, it would prove difficult enough to be fatal in a life or death situation...but for Thomas, it was easy.

Flipping up the glass, Thomas looked at the military green duffle bag bunched inside the hollowed-out compartment and his heart skipped a painful beat. The last time he'd looked at the bag was when he moved...and while it hadn't been that long ago, it still brought up unwanted feelings. The fact that he was going to be using the contents of the bag threatened to overwhelm him. Taking a deep breath, he reached inside quickly before heading back into the living room where Leo was supposed to meet him.

Once in the room, Thomas looked to his cousin, "Alright, these aren't your average mob weapons..and while those pack a mean punch, these aren't meant to wound they are meant to kill on impact." He wasn't sure if that made sense to Leo but he needed to understand that these weapons were not what he was used to, minus the exception of a few handguns and one standard rifle.

"I believe I had stashed both an AR-15 and an AK-47 in that bag you're holding...with plenty of ammo belts to last you. My recommendation is to stick to the AR until you run out of ammo, it's lighter and doesn't have much a kickback compared to the AK..." Thomas was quick to demonstrate how to reload both rifles and which bullet belts to use before looking in Leo's bag. "You also have quite a few handguns in there, nothing different from the ones we use except for this one..." Thomas pulled out one of the two Desert Eagles he had on him when he was in Iran.

The minute the gun was in his hand...his muscles began to twitch struggling to hold the familiar weight of it. He stared at it for a long moment before saying, "This might be the deadliest weapon in that bag...I stashed more than enough rounds in the belts..." Thomas let out a harsh sigh..."I took down several people with this gun back in Iran before I was knocked unconscious. Its headshot accuracy will be our saving grace I suspect...just don't be a shit shot." The man made a light joke before zipping up Leo's bag for him and looking at him.

"You ready? I'll go over the plan in the car...but...I will let you know right now that I expect you to take Elena to safety if and when I have to go back for Adam. You promise you will do that?" He asked, his voice holding a heavier tone now as he looked at his cousin.
with: Leo Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess
mentions: Adam Misty Gray Misty Gray ; Elena Pyroclast Pyroclast
Harper's House
Jeremy Gray
1656227476062.pngThe laugh Harper gave him did not sound like a real laugh, and that made Jeremy only want to tease her more. Before the accident Harper had been so… Vivid and alive, the drugs had stolen that, but he had faith she could make the trip back with enough patience and support; something he was willing to give. He would do anything she needed, if only she would open her heart to him fully and let him love her the way she deserved to be loved. His hand rested on her back near her heart, allowing him to feel all the heavy thumping which only spurred his body on more. Jeremy had never been one to have issues holding himself back, but with her in his arms, it was torture he had never known.

Harper’s voice just started to speak his name, sending tingles up his skin, but the smile that graced her lips was what he wanted. When she smiled, so did he, the grin lighting up his face like she was a light that had switched on before him. “Fine, I’ll only sing to you, and no one else. Can’t have you getting jealous, can I?” He teased. When the knock came at the door, a loud groan broke his lips, Harper flipping away like a teen caught kissing behind the schoolhouse. Sighing, reminding himself that this was progress and that proceeding forward would be a challenge, not an overnight event – part of what he enjoyed so much about it. Easy women were not now, nor ever were, his thing. They were ditzy, dense, fake, gold-digging skags. Harper was like fine wine that got better over time – how he had missed it for so long was now a crazy idea for him.

When Harper got up, or fell off rather, he giggled and held his hands up in defeat at her bossy attitude, even as his body wanted to jump up and help her. “Fine, fine, I’ll stay. Just… Be careful please.” There was an admiring glimmer to his eye as he watched her with a smile so few people had ever seen. “Can’t have us both end up off our feet, we’d have to share a bed.” He laughed and scootched to try and catch her without her seeing, but she ordered him to stay again, so he leaned back and laughed again, shaking his head.

Jeremy was enjoying a daydreamy mood until he heard a voice echo into the room that had him out of bed in seconds – too fast as he ended up sitting back down on the bed until the spinning stopped. Adjusting himself, and himself, into not looking like he had just had a tumble in the hay, he headed slowly out of the room. He couldn’t stop the flushed look on his cheeks, but otherwise, he had smoothed his hair down and tucked away the remaining evidence. Once he had made his way out, he stopped at the entry to the living room, crossing his arms and ankles as he leaned against the wall, watching the two of them.

Trevor was standing in the room, Harper with her back to Jeremy, and the look he held wasn’t as much animosity as it was curiosity. Spencer and Bruce had already filled him in on what had happened, it was one of the reasons Jeremy was still at her house even though Bruce didn’t know about the things he had told Spencer. Clearing his throat he perked an eyebrow at the man, sizing him up silently. There was no aggression, just a protectiveness mixed with a cool and professional ease. “Stewart, I knew you had balls, but I did not think they’d be big enough to show up here. You at least could have called first, might have saved yourself a trip if she was busy or out.”

He walked forward, passing the two with a quick touch to Harper’s lower back with his hand as he slid past the two. Thankfully, at this point, aside from being sore, his mind was strong enough to be focused for now, as well as his body moved enough to get him around. Sticking his head out the door, he eyed the guard for a moment, then nodded, letting him know he was up and about and with them. Closing the door, he headed to the kitchen, putting the kettle on and setting up a tray to bring cups and tea mixers to the table. “Sit.” He told the man, moving to help Harper to her seat with a look booking no argument from her as he noticed the pain in her leg must be bothering her more then normal. “Common Harp, you too.” He took a seat next to them as the tea kettle screamed and he brought it back to the table, sitting it between them.


Christian's House
May Thatcher
1656227500433.pngMay laughed, nodding, “It is definitely part of the initiation, I’ve already had my audition, turns out they liked it to much they made me family.” She winked, letting him know she held no hard feelings. As he opened his gift, she watched him appear to enjoy it, and teasingly responded, “Yup, fatten you up so you’ll have to go dancing with me when you’re better to lose all that weight again. Me, do research?” The grin that broke her face was one of a proud child knowing they had done good, “Maybe, maybe a little. You’re welcome I hope it helps get you through the rest of your recovery, and you can call me any time you want company for cards. I might even teach you a trick or two.” May was known as a bit of a card shark – something no one could figure out where she got from. Now, she had a sneaking suspicion.

“Well, I tell you what, I’ll just come by daily from now on, and you can’t stop me. We can go for walks, watch soaps, play cards, whatever you want. I’ll even cook for you – maybe some beans on toast – I don’t think I can mess that one up. I’m glad you’re all good though, I was really scare yo- all of you I mean- were hurt.” She blushed a little, carefully reconstructing her sentence to be inclusive even though she hadn’t been as worried for the other two as she had the one sitting before her. Billy had already had a brotherly feel to him, knowing he was her brother now, just had her hoping he would make it so they could get to know each other better. Jeremy was someone she had seen in passing but never had a lot of direct interaction with. Christian though, he was the one she couldn’t get out of her head until she talked to him – not that she was going to admit that right now.

When he said she could change his bandages, she got up and gathered everything she needed to help him get it back in order, sitting back closer to him this time, her skin a rosy pink as she moved his sleeve out of the way, her fingers lightly brushing him as she did. When he apologized to her, she shrugged, not appearing to mind in the slightest. She carefully removed the old bandages and holding his arm still with one hand, she cleaned the wound which looked to be healing well. Wrapping it again carefully, she looked up and caught his eyes and gave him a soft and genuine smile, “It’s ok, Christian, I understand. It’s not personal, it’s business – and your business came before knowing me. I trust you to know, if the situation ever arises, when to tell me first and when to handle it through Bruce and the rest of the King’s. I’m kind of like the chaos factor thrown into the middle of the London lives right now, I can’t expect them to just trust me like family yet.” She bit back that she had never know what a decent family was like anyways. For a brief moment, she thought about Tommy and Alfie, deciding that the trip to see them she had planned later in the year would now need to be announced to everyone equally, but that would come later.

“It’s completely alright, I understand. As for the other night… Well, I can’t say it went bad, but I can’t say it went good either. Harper kind of exploded, Spencer seemed to doubt my choice, Bruce didn’t seem keen on having to tell me at all… Shona and Darcey made me feel welcome though. I can’t say I’m happy or sad or any particular emotion yet about my choice – I haven’t had time to see any kind of difference in my life. I think I might still be in shock, I’m not completely sure. Then everything with you guys broke things off early, and everyone’s been so busy, I haven’t even talked to anyone but you since then.” Shrugging she sat back, releasing his arm, her knee still slightly touching him. “I guess only time will tell. I think I made the best choice I could given the information I had at the time. Hopefully when I look back in ten years, if it didn’t work out the way I hoped, I can remember that.”

Mentions Bellz Bellz - Harper
Misty Gray Misty Gray - Trevor/Christian
On the Beach
~ Bournemouth, England ~

Spencer King

Spencer listened as Shona told him about the sand boats she would make with her mother when she was younger. A playful smile took over his face as he thought about it. "Maybe you should show me how it's done and make us all a boat today," he joked. He nodded in agreement at the suggestion of frequenting Bournemouth with Eddie, so their son would love the place. Despite so many bad memories from his past, Spencer still had enough good ones to have grown particularly fond of Victoria Park from a young age. He wanted to make sure Eddie had significantly more good memories and numerous places he could love. "I'd like that too. We can make these trips last longer too," he said, with their present trip being shorter than he'd have like but enough to reasonably fit into his stressful schedule.

As soon as Shona began to respond to his question about how she put up with him, he began to think he shouldn't have. Over recent weeks, he'd managed to have some kind of disagreement or have to defend his decisions to those closest to him. Bruce, Alex, Billy and Harper had all had some kind of issues with him recently. Granted, Billy's was more presented in a drug-induced waffling about Spencer being moody and that he shouldn't retaliate further against the Sullivans - a request Spencer wasn't sure he could grant. Someone else he'd upset and argued with recently was Shona herself, so whilst it made sense for him to ask how she put up with him, he knew there wasn't really a need to ask her. Not if they were as strong as he believed they were. Still, that, along with him being moody, did make him wonder if Shona did deserve someone better, someone without so much baggage and risk.

He met his wife's eyes as she admitted how rough thing were with their family and that it did scare her. Spencer plucked the chocolate flake out of his ice-cream and took a large bite of it as she moved to kneel on the sand next to him. She reassured him that none of their family's dramas were going to scare her away, which drew a warn smile from him. He swallowed the chocolate before reaching out to gently stroke her cheek for a brief moment. "I couldn't live without you either, babe," he assured her. Although they hadn't been together nearly as long as he'd been with Letitia, Spencer already knew things with Shona were different. There were no warning signs or compromises he'd had to make with Shona; no putting up with any of her behaviours out of some belief he didn't deserve to be happy. With Shona, it was all natural and she made him feel like he was worthy of her love.

Shona reminded him of the difficult life she'd had before they met, and though he would have wanted her to have had a happier upbringing than she'd had, in a way it did mean that they had a shared understanding. In contrast, Letitia had grown up in a well-off household and with parents who spoiled her, so she hadn't been so understanding of why he was he way he was. When Shona finished assuring him, she then asked him if he was happy, his own insecurity potentially rubbing off on her. "I'm completely happy. You understand me... you get me. I've never loved anyone the way I do you and I know I never could. So yeah, you're stuck with moody old me," he said, flashing a playful smile.

Once he'd finished his ice-cream, he went into the beach hut and checked on Eddie who was still fast asleep. Returning back out onto the sand, he set about unfolding a large blanket and spread it out onto the sand so he and Shona could sit on it together. Gently pushing some loose hair from Shona's face, he left his hand to rest on the side of her head before leaning in to softly kiss her. He then moved his hand away and took some time to look out onto the horizon, taking in the relaxing atmosphere around them. It had been so busy over recent days that he hadn't had much time to tell Shona about everything that had been going on and the recent developments in their crazy family. That did mean that it was all still weighing on him, as Shona was the one person the could be completely open and honest with, especially on an emotional level.

With his legs stretched out in front to catch the sun, he leaned back on his elbows, using them to prop him up rather than lie down completely. "So, you were there the other night to see how pissed Harper is at me," he began, having not spoken to his sister since. "Well, to add to that... Her and Jeremy have a thing going. Jeremy told me the other night that he's in love with her. He's my best mate and I think he was expecting me to be jumping for joy, but I was just... Well, it feels weird. Is it weird?" he asked her. "She's my sister and he's my best mate."

Pyroclast Pyroclast (Shona)
Harper's Apartment
~ Bethnal Green, London ~

Trevor Stewart

When Harper answered the door to him, Trevor couldn't help but think she seemed surprised. However, he didn't think it was purely down to his presence, it was more that she was perhaps flustered? Still, there was certainly some element of surprise reserved for him arriving on her doorstep and that was understandable. He was glad to see her laugh a little at his remark about the security guard - the Kings generally didn't react in any kind of positive way when around him. He nodded his head when she invited him inside. "That would be good, thank you," he said, sending her a friendly smile.

"I can see I caught you by surprise and perhaps at an inconvenient time, so I apologise for that," he told her. It had been more a sudden urge and him feeling brave that led him to showing up without arranging it in advance, but it was too late to backtrack on it either way. When they were inside the lounge and Harper stood facing him, he couldn't help but again pick up on how flustered she appeared. Had he shown up when she was about to do something she would want to hide from him? Was she being drawn in by the drugs that he'd been worried could be luring her in?

"I'm comfortable being here if you are," he assured her. "Bruce and Spencer can try all they want to get rid of me, but they don't own London, now, do they? We all have the freedom to choose how and where we live our lives," he reminded her, knowing she understood that battle all to well. Bruce and Spencer asserting their authority of Harper was something she'd made clear to him that she wasn't overjoyed with. "So yeah, I'm still here and in one piece. The hand is healing well," he said, glancing to the support brace on his hand and wrist. "How is your recovery going, though? You took a bigger hit than I did--"

Trevor had trailed off as he saw the familiar man approaching them. Clear facial injuries aside, the younger man was looking similarly flustered as Harper had. He was sure he didn't have any right to go into the protective father mode and seem defensive about having potentially interrupted the pair during some kind of intimate moment. When it came down to it, Harper was an adult and he didn't have any say in her life. Not to mention, if almost being caught in bed with a guy was the reason for Harper seeming so flustered, then Trevor would happily take that over having almost caught her taking drugs or already high as a kite. From his own experience, sex was healthier than drugs!

When Jeremy addressed him by his surname, clearly trying to assert himself, Trevor smirked back at the younger man. "Perhaps you're right, lad. If Harper here wants me to call ahead in future, then that's what I will do. As far as I'm aware, this isn't your place, so it's the lady's choice," he pointed out. "Jeremy, isn't it?" he said, knowing full well who he was and that he was a close friend of Spencer's. "I hardly recognised you with the..." he began, acknowledging the man's bruised face, "...new haircut?" he asked, flashing a smile.

Although he didn't like being instructed to "sit", Trevor knew when to pick his battles and it wasn't like it was Bruce or Spencer trying to call the shots. Taking a seat across from Harper and Jeremy, Trevor remained sat up straight as the younger man set out the drinks. "I had a couple of reasons for showing up. The first to see you, Harper, for another chat and to see how you're recovery is going. I guess your leg is still causing some bother," he said, having seen Jeremy had needed to help her sit down. "It takes time, I know first hand," he told her.

Glancing to Jeremy and again acknowledging the man's injuries, he soon focused back on Harper. "The other thing, and I know might not be my place to ask, but I heard Billy has been attacked. I know the lads want nothing to do with me, but I have to know if he's going to pull through. Were you caught up in it all too?" he asked Jeremy directly.

Bellz Bellz (Harper) BasDorcha BasDorcha (Jeremy)
Woodlands/Farmland Area
~ The Baskins, Dublin ~

Adam Harper

909655e60da83e90557fafa2450bf884.jpgAlthough under better circumstances, Adam would have a go at taking down three men, the fact there was a gun to his head and Elena's life could be at risk meant he had no choice but to comply with the men. For now, he could take in his surroundings and pinpoint any escape routes, flaws, advantages. Only when he knew Elena's status could he consider fighting back. Shane approaching him forced Adam to look his way. He made it clear he had issue with him right before stubbing out the cigarette on Adam's neck. The intense burning caused Adam to clench his jaw as he tried to block out the pain, letting out a hiss as it melted into his skin.

Before Adam could say what he thought of Shane in very impolite terms, Jay kick the back of his knees hard, causing Adam to buckle and fall forward onto the floor, reaching out with his hands to break his fall. Before being able to push himself back up, his hair was grabbed by Jay to drag him upright. Adam took in a few deep breaths, doing what he could to stay calm and not lash out in retaliation. The heavy back-hander across his face ripped the skin of his cheek, drawing blood in an instant. Still kneeling, a punch followed immediately, the strength behind it causing Adam to fall onto his side after Jay had stopped holding his head up. Adam let out a pained groan, but still held his tongue, deciding to let the men get it out of their system without provoking them into needing to deal further blows.

Shane soon brought a stop to the violence and told Jay to bring her down. Adam knew he was referring to Elena and despite the dire situation, he could at least be glad she was still alive. He just knew things weren't over yet, so he needed to maintain the resolve to direct any suffering onto himself rather than his daughter. Whilst they waited for Elena to be brought down, Adam pushed himself back up onto his knees then spat out a mouthful of blood onto the floor. "Stay the fuck on your knees," John commanded, pressing the barrel of his gun into the back of Adam's skull. Adam didn't make any move to stand up, instead using the back of his hand to wipe his bleeding cheek. Looking down to see how much blood had transferred to the back of the his hand only served to make him further determined for the evening to end with the three men dead. A painful, bloody death each. When John crouched down to speak into Adam's ear from behind, he found himself having to hold in his anger. "Pretty lass, your daughter. I've enjoyed spending time with her, y'know," he taunted him.

Adam was about to speak back, expressing how much he would enjoyed ripping John's eyes out. Instead, the approaching footsteps drew his focus away. He looked up to see Jay and Elena stop in front of him. The man lifted Elena's face to make her look to her father. In turn, Adam saw the smudged blood on her skin from John's earlier strike across her face. "Which motherfucker laid a hand on her..." he furiously hissed. Elena looked terrified, exhausted, and helpless. It broke his heart to see her in such a state. When she uttered his name, he quickly nodded her head. "Yeah, love, it's me," he softly reassured her. Despite his bleeding face, he was able to muster enough of a hopeful smile for her. "Haz lo que digo. Estarás bien."

Adam speaking Spanish caused John to hit him across the side of the head with his gun. "Speak English, arsehole. Fucking English!" he angrily ordered him. Of course, Adam was already certain none of the men spoke Spanish and their reactions confirmed it. He'd keep that knowledge in mind.

"Alright, lads. You've got me now, and she's clearly suffered enough," Adam spoke up. He didn't know what she'd been put through over the last few days but he knew now wasn't the time or place for him to ask her. "Let her go now and do whatever you have to do to me. I'm the one who killed Ross and I'm responsible for the situation that led to Eoin getting killed."

"You hear that, Elena?" John asked, now standing up and looking down to the top of Adam's head. "Everything that's happened to you here is your dad's fault." Using the gun to point to the kitchen area, John nodded to Jay. "Get the girl a knife would, ya?" he asked. "What we need you to do, sweetheart," John began, flashing a crooked smile at her, "is stab Adam with that knife. You get to pick where on his body, but make sure to do it properly - make sure he learns his lesson for dragging you into all this mess. You help us out and you can earn your freedom. But if you don't, I'll kill the both of you."

"Are you getting off on this?!" Adam muttered, disgusted by John's messed up instruction. Still, he fixed his eyes on Elena and nodded his head. "Do it, Elena. I can take it, remember?" he encouraged her, expecting she would know where on the body to drive the knife in that would be the least severe. He wasn't sure how far his captors would go, but he was willing to take as much damage as was needed to buy them some time. He hoped Thomas and Leo knew what they were doing. Regardless of what happened to himself, he needed the two of them to get Elena to safety.

Pyroclast Pyroclast (Elena, Jay, Shane)
Erik's Apartment
~Hackney, London~
Ava Moretti

There was something about Billy that made Ava comfortable enough to share her grief with. She'd also considered herself a strong woman when it came to such matters, however, just speaking on such a small scale with him made her feel better. He didn't have to ask her how she was feeling when it came to her husband. He didn't have to show concern after she'd given him her answer, yet here he was. The genuine nature of his words is probably what got her to this point, which only made her like him more. It meant that if/when asked about his feelings about her cousin, he would give her his honest words. Luckily for him, she would hold back on it for now.

Billy then showed his own understanding of how she felt by sharing some of his own loss. Or rather, his uncle's. Ava hadn't yet been made aware of how Bruce had been making Erik feel as of late. She was, however, aware that the man was his second boss. Ava briefly thought about how messy things could get for her cousin if things didn't go right, but put a pin in those thoughts so she could pay attention to Billy. He'd lost his mother when he was younger- much like herself and Erik. It was nice to know that someone really could relate to the pain and not just put themselves in your shoes. Some days, experience trumped sympathy. "Sorry you had to go through that; the loss of your mother. But your uncle," she looked down at her feet, shaking her head as she let out an amused chuckle. "Uncles are our saving grace, aren't they?"

Though her words had been a tad sarcastic, it was more so towards her own uncle than Billy's. She was sure that by now Erik would've shared some stories about Roger and therefore hoped he understood the action. He then spoke up once more, apologizing for being a shitty host. She looked up and shook her head at him, shrugging her shoulders. "I've had worse." He then suggested they ditch the list for now and Ava didn't hesitate to take him up on it. "Oh thank god," she said, dropping her hands to her hips. "I love my cousin to death, but he can be so neurotic sometimes!" He offered to put the kettle on and for a moment she paused, trying to see if she could decipher his words. She'd heard him say it to Erik more than once and Erik had put a teapot on the stove. "A ket- make tea," she asked inquisitively. "Sorry. Still getting used to how you guys say stuff," she lightly teased, nodding her head. "How about tea with a splash of say, bourbon? Or even vodka. Think vodka will taste great."

The two of them moved to the living room and she sat down, watching as Billy go to make their tea. Seeing that she was right about her question she nodded to herself. "Put the kettle on," she whispered. When he returned to her, she thanked him for the drink before he asked if she was staying with him. It was clear he was a bit uncomfortable but she figured that was normal. Having your boyfriend's family member suddenly show up during your healing process was sure to be something. "I was plannin' on it, but I don't wanna make you uncomfy in your love den," she teased, hiding her smile behind her cup. He went on to explain his moody behavior and she could only nod her head. "It's nothin' I ain't seen before. Erik used to get in trouble a lot. I could be a fuckin' nurse wit' all the wounds I've had to patch up." She rolled her eyes just thinking about it. She then watched as his face turned red while he professed his love for her cousin. "I know you do," she said, not missing a beat. "Otherwise you wouldn't be puttin' up with even a quarter of his bullshit." Her words were brutally honest, she recognized, but she wasn't one to sugarcoat.

"You're the only person I've gotten the warm and fuzzies from," she continued, "Which says a lot." There was a brief pause as she debated continuing with her statement or stopping before she offended him. The former won her over as she stared at him, Billy watching the floor. "But I don't 100% trust you yet, I will say. And ''s not your fault. Erik's a hopeless romantic and has made shitty relationship decisions in the past. They've all ended with me havin' to step in no matter how much they 'claimed' to have loved him. I can tell you care and love him, but that doesn't mean I trust you. You understand, yeah?" Ava wasn't trying to be harsh or rude with Billy; she was just blunt. And making it known how important Erik was to her had always been her prerogative.

She smiled when Billy suggested they'd be able to get to know each other better; that they'd take care of her and she nodded. "I think so too. My work can only keep me distracted for so long," she said, taking another sip. There was a silence that hung in the air, which Ava promptly took care of. "I feel like I should be asking questions about you now? So... What sort of other work do you do? Like, in the legal realm."

Billy ( Pyroclast Pyroclast )

Thomas' Apartment
~Dublin City Centre, Dublin~
Leo Sullivan
Adam seemed so sure that he'd be able to navigate things if it turned out to be a trap. Still, his words did little to nothing to calm down his nerves. Leo looked between both Adam and Thomas trying to steel his nerves and contain his emotions. The former explained the location, which Leo trusted Thomas was familiar with. It was only recently that Leo had been learning about things about the business and that included locations. He went on to explain that he was told to come alone and Leo visibly tensed. It felt like they were just playing into the enemy's hand, but Adam seemed to know what he was doing. Adam was the expert here so perhaps they had no other choice but to trust him.

After reiterating their end goal Adam drove off towards the destination, leaving him and Thomas in the parking lot. The plan was simple; get Elena to safety and don't get killed in the process. However, the steps needed to get to that point are what Leo worried about. They didn't know how many men were going to be present nor what other little tricks they'd have up their sleeves. What the three of them had was the element of surprise, but that could only do so much for them right now. That worry he felt earlier was starting to grow and it wasn't until Thomas startled him that he realized how big it was getting. "What?" He said, missing both Adam's final words and Thomas' own. Well, more like not processing them at the moment. A quick second later and his brain caught up with him. "Guns, right. I'm with you."

Once they arrived at Thomas' place, Leo berated himself for feeling so nervous. He knew he needed to get his head on straight so he wasn't a liability for his cousin, Adam, and Elena. It wasn't that he was scared or anything for his life; ever since his brief dance with death he no longer feared it. He was worried about the others and them getting killed in this process. Thomas gave him instructions and he followed them without question, saving it for a time they could really discuss what the hell he was doing with such a stash, to begin with. He immediately found what it was he was sent for and managed to grab them all before setting them on the couch. Thomas also emerged from the back and started to explain the weapons to him, some he was already familiar. But considering it was James who had helped with some of that knowledge, Leo decided it best to just nod and take in what he was being told.

Though it was a lot of information to take in at once, Leo was making sure he understood all of it. It didn't take a genius to understand how both important and traumatizing all of this must have been for Thomas - listening as he began to talk about his own kidnapping. His cousin hadn't talked much about that time - for reasons he understood - so hearing it now made his heart feel heavy. Having been kidnapped before, he could sort of relate. However, being a POW was sure to have a few different effects. Though he wanted to reach out, give him some sort of reassuring touch he knew better. He told him not to be a shit shot and Leo couldn't help but let out a dry chuckle. "Don't worry. I've been practicin' okay?" Though Leo wasn't as confident a shot as he should've been, he was aware of how important all of this was and would do his best. Thomas relayed that he would explain everything in the car, Leo nodding and zipping up his bag.

Thomas then tried to make him promise to leave him and Adam behind if it came down to it, ensuring Elena's safety. It caused Leo to pause and stare at his hands. Was he really asking him to abandon him? As if he could do that- again. Leo felt like Thomas didn't know what he was asking his cousin to do, but Leo sure as hell couldn't say that to him right now. And while Thomas was making him promise to get Elena to safety first that didn't mean he wasn't allowed to come back for them. Therefore, he would be complying with his promise while also making sure both men made it out alive. Or at least, that was the plan in his mind. Taking a deep breath, Leo finally looked up at his cousin, though he struggled to meet his gaze. "I-... Yeah. Promise."

Adam ( Misty Gray Misty Gray ) Thomas ( Bellz Bellz )
Lucy Porter
Blake McCarthy

The Sullivan House

~ Sutton, Dublin ~
There was just a beat of silence before Ali opened the door and both Lucy and Blake's faces lit up at the sight of her. Lucy let out a little squeal of excitement as she hugged her sister-in-law, bouncing on her heels excitedly. Letting out a soft laugh, Lucy gave her a smirk as she rolled her eyes, "Ah you know how the men in my little family can be, more dramatic and needy than I am. I'm just so happy I get to see you all now!" Lucy exclaimed. While Blake was just as excited to see her best friend, she couldn't match the enthusiasm beyond forcing the most natural smile she could muster. Regardless of this, she let out a small laugh as Ali called her the actual love of her life, "You're looking good enough to eat, mi amor." Blake said in a teasing tone, returning the kiss on her cheek. "I'm doing alright...just...worried about Adam and Elena." The blonde mentioned that she wasn't wanting to spoil anyone else's fun.

After greetings were out of the way, they all stepped foot into the house and Blake couldn't lie, she was a little overwhelmed with all the noises and chatter as they moved to the conservatory. Lucy knew her sister was upset with Conor and to an extent...Lucy knew it was well deserved. But as the eldest of the Sullivan children, Lucy was worried for both of her younger siblings...even if they were well in their 50s now. Lucy decided to take a seat next to her sister before pulling her in for a hug whether she wanted one or not. "Hello, darling. What's an older sister got to do to get you to answer your phone. It's becoming awfully boring talking to Petey. When did he get into golf? He was telling me all about watching it on the TV the other day and I swear to god I was going to fall asleep over the phone." Lucy tried to joke with her sister, wanting to at least get a smile out of her.

Blake took the opportunity to pour herself a larger glass of spiked lemonade and knew Lucy would want one as well, so she didn't hesitate to make her a glass. The blondes exchanged a nod with each other and Blake looked to Sinead, "There is no problem too small for alcohol, Sin. Just remember that. Conor will start to look smaller and smaller if you just keep drinking." She wasn't sure who she was reassuring anymore as she went to sit by Ali. As she sat in her seat, her leg started to immediately bounce.

Michelle entered the room and Lucy looked at her niece with a smile, "Well well well, Miss Michelle, it's been a long time. Aren't you looking positively radiant! Running for Mayor, you say? You'd definitely give those snooty old men a run for their money." She hummed pleasantly. Blake managed to pull herself out of her own mind enough to wave at Michelle, complimenting on her outfit.

Anymore that Blake would have said was silenced when Michelle asked Ali about Elena and Savannah. Blake didn't meet Ali's eyes but stared in her direction as she downed her entire glass in one gulp standing quickly to fill it with something a little stronger this time as Ali continued to say that she didn't know where Savvy and her family were because they needed to maintain deniability. Lucy moved to rub her sister's shoulder gently as her arm stayed wrapped around her.

"I'm sure wherever they are, they are having the best adventure. As we all know, these things don't last forever. And I'm sure that Adam and Elena will make it home safe." She added, eyeing Blake who had been standing near the drink table looking out the window. Blake didn't say anything, her anxiety starting to get the best of her as she tapped her fingers against her freshly poured glass. Despite moving on, Blake couldn't help but think of Jackson...a gathering similar to this one had been taking place when Conor came home to tell her that he hadn't made it back home.

Once again, she downed her glass and ground her teeth to keep them from chattering out of control. Pouring another, she moved to sit back down with the group. Lucy could see that she looked uncomfortable talking about the situation currently happening anymore so she changed the subject a little bit. "So how are everyone's kids doing? It's been a little while since we've all had a family gathering...I think it's high time that we arrange something soon."
with: Ali Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess
Sinead Misty Gray Misty Gray
Michelle BasDorcha BasDorcha
Harper King
Her Apartment

~ London ~
Harper reached a hand to scratch the back of her neck awkwardly as Trevor stated that it looked like he caught her at an inconvenient time, biting the inside of her cheek in an attempt to stop her cheeks from flushing. "They definitely wish they did." Harper muttered but offered her father a small nod in acknowledgment of what he was saying. He mentioned that he was still in one piece and the hand was healing well before moving to ask her how her own recovery was going. Harper was fully prepared to just carry on the conversation where they were, not exactly preparing for Jeremy to walk out...who she thought she told to stay in bed. His voice caused her to immediately glare at him, the soft moment they were having in the other room completely gone now as she clenched her teeth.

"When have I ever been known to answer the phone." Harper snapped back at him for her father. "Only thing I've been busy doing is taking care of your arse." He slipped past the two of them, touching her lower back lightly, which sent an unwanted tingling feeling through her. She didn't know if she wanted to jump his bones to contribute to his collection of bruises or do something that was completely unorthodox to do in front of her estranged father. Harper could certainly tell where she got her quick tongue from as Trevor pointed out that this apartment wasn't his place. The blonde woman bit her lip to hide any smirk from revealing on her face. As cocky as Jeremy was, Harper didn't think he knew that he was now dealing with two very similar personalities. Whether anyone in her family wanted to admit it or not, Harper shared a lot of similarities with her father. As did her other siblings.

Trevor went on to clarify Jeremy's name and point out his different appearance which once again had Harper fighting a smile. It was clear that neither Harper nor Trevor enjoyed being ordered to sit, but neither was willing to fuss about it now. Her leg was killing her...and her collarbone...and just about everything that had been squashed at the nightclub. And falling off the bed a few moments prior was going to leave her stiff at some point. Harper said something under her breath of course, about making Jeremy sleep on the couch before moving to sit down at her kitchen table with her father as Jeremy helped her. Normally, Harper would have fussed with Jere getting anything at this point, he was still concussed and at any point could just topple over but for now, she relinquished hosting control to him as Trevor caught her attention.

He stated that he had a couple of reasons for coming out and Harper took the cup that Jeremy placed in front of her, raising an eyebrow slightly as she held it between her hands. The first was that he wanted to check on her, Harper's eyes glanced down at her still booted leg...which was slowly healing after being shattered in several places. It was fine enough for her to walk with the boot, but each step without her medication recently had been nothing short of agonizing. Harper wasn't weak though, her pain tolerance was impressive at least as far as everyone else knew. She took every moment she could to herself to cry and allow herself to express the pain she was feeling before shutting it all down again. With Jeremy needing constant attention over the last few days, she hadn't been able to show any discomfort beyond what her withdrawals were giving her.

As if on cue, a wave of nausea hit her and her skin grew clammy and warm. She said nothing as Trevor said that the healing took time, nodding her head gently before her father's attention was drawn to Jeremy briefly before he looked at her once again. Harper couldn't help but feel surprised by his next reason for showing up unannounced. He was worried about Billy? Why that surprised her perplexed her in a way she couldn't quite pinpoint. Trevor clearly wanted a relationship with them. Even if they wanted nothing to do with him, he still sought out her to ask if her brother was okay. It brought on a wave of emotion that Harper wasn't expecting.

While she had been told so many terrible things about Trevor over the years, he left her conflicted as he sat before them, looking worried about one of his children who refused to acknowledge him. Harper hardly knew her father but she couldn't help but feel he was being absolutely genuine. She didn't know many parents who didn't care about their children at all. "Billy's....recovery well from what I understand. I haven't spoken with him in a few days. We aren't exactly pleased with each other." Harper murmured to her father before looking to Jeremy, wondering if he would answer Trevor's question without being an ass.
with: Jeremy BasDorcha BasDorcha
Trevor Misty Gray Misty Gray
mentions: Billy Pyroclast Pyroclast
Thomas Porter
En Route to Cabin

~ Dublin ~
Thomas could see the hesitation in his friend's features as he promised that he would get Elena to safety. Thomas knew that Natasha and he were through, but he knew Nat would personally kill him if anything serious happened to Leo regardless. Thomas wasn't the person to leave anyone behind at least without trying to save them. "Good. Let's go." Thomas said and from the kennel, she was in, Lucky let out a soft whine. Thomas looked to his room where she was but didn't move to let her out. She had food, water, and everything she needed in case he didn't make it home, at least for a few days.

He pushed back that thought as they both walked out the door towards the car in a hurry. Throwing the bags in the back of the car, Thomas allowed Leo to put his seatbelt on before heading off in the direction of the cabin. He could picture the layout in his head, there was a long road that led up to the small 2 bedroom cabin. A road that he was sure would have guards sprinkled throughout the area. While it was dangerous, their best chance of not drawing too much attention was hiding the car about a quarter of a mile out from the road and heading into the forest on foot. "Here's the plan, we are going to stop about a quarter-mile from the dirt road that leads up to the cabin. There are going to be guards littering the perimeter throughout the area I'm sure."

Looking into the rearview mirror, he noted that the sun was quickly starting to set...making Thomas extremely nervous. "The sun is going to set soon and it's going to be dark as hell. That will work in our favor but it can also make it easy for anyone to attack. We have the weapons we need, but the shots will let off a little bit of light which could give us away...we need to try and not use them as much as possible at least until we get to the cabin." Thomas looked towards Leo wondering if he truly understood what he was getting himself into. "Using the butt of the rifles is effective..." He wasn't going to say anything about snapping a man's neck. Thomas had done it only a few times and...it was the feeling of taking someone's life with your bare hands that kept him awake most nights.

Swallowing hard, Thomas looked back to the road. "We stay together and don't split up. No one gets left behind. Do whatever you have to to get out of their alive, again our object is saving Elena." The car ride was relatively short thanks to Thomas speeding the entire way. He stopped about a quarter-mile from the dirt road, finding a hill to park his car behind. The shadows of the night started to blanket the forest, casting an eery atmosphere over the land. A mockingly beautiful sight for the bloodbath they were about to head into. "You ready?" Thomas asked his cousin. "Just say vigilant, stay quiet...I'll be right next to you." He murmured before getting out of the car, ready to grab the guns he needed. After recommending what Leo should have on him, they made their way down the road towards the dirt one that lead to the cabin.

Thomas's eyes glanced around the forest, after having spent so many days locked in the dark his eyes had adjusted permanently to poorly lit areas. The sun wasn't completely gone yet...and perhaps that would be enough to get to the cabin without shooting in the dark. Starting to step more lightly on his feet, Thomas placed his rifle in its shoulder hostler as he heard the snapping of twigs not too far ahead.

Thomas pushed Leo gently towards a bunch of bushes, motioning him to get down as he dared to look to see who was walking towards them. So far, only two burly-looking men could be seen. He couldn't see any weapons on them...at least any rifles. Looking to Leo, Thomas whispered, "crawl to that other bush to the left...follow my lead okay?' He said. Letting Leo crawl before looking up slightly. Thomas's foot slipped, causing a few twigs to snap and the men's attention to turn towards them as they halted their conversation.

The veteran cursed under his breath listening as one of the men told the other to check the perimeter to the left while he went to the right. They were breaking up...that was good. Thomas held his breath as the footsteps came closer and closer to him, soon he could see the man's feet about to step past the bush and that's when he sprung into action. Leaping up, he covered the man's mouth first as he tried to warn the other man, then he reached for his gun in a panic which Thomas had been prepared for. Twisting the man's dominant hand back, it snapped with ease. The man screamed into his hand, throwing his head back in an attempt to throw Thomas off of him. He then threw his arm out, hitting the ex-marine in the gut, knocking the wind out of him successfully before Thomas took his hand, placing it over his head and twisting until the man when limp in his arms. The sickening yet familiar wet snapping sound of his neck made his mouth dry but he remained in control as he set the lifeless man on the forest floor.

"Al?" The man closest to Leo called, suddenly realizing that his companion disappeared...
with: Leo Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess
mentions: Adam Misty Gray Misty Gray ; Elena Pyroclast Pyroclast
The Sullivans Pub
~ Dublin City Centre, Dublin ~

James Porter

James reached out and shook Tom's hand when he offered it. The redheaded man then asked if he could join him. "No, I don't mind. Take a seat. Though I'm not sure why a young lad like you wants to spend your time in the pub with an old man," he joked. The young man soon flagged down a waitress and placed an order. "Another pint for me, love," James was quick to add in another drink for himself.

When Tom then told him he had something he needed to talk about, James was curious as to why he'd chosen to come to him to do so when he was more familiar with the likes of Syd and Leo by now. "Something tells me I'm going to wish it was mechanical work you want to discuss," James joked when he picked up on whatever it was he had to say about his sister was relatively serious. "Oh yeah, good luck trying to get hold of Syd. I'm starting to forget what my son looks like," he remarked. Despite his comment, he knew first hand how difficult it was to run the business, which meant he understood just how demanding Syd's present role was.

The waitress was quick with bringing their drinks, prompting James to down the rest of his old pint so he could move on to the fresh, new one. When asked by Tom if he minded him running his concerns by him, James shook his head. "I don't mind. Not promise I'll have the answers or solutions you want, but go ahead," he invited him to share his concerns.

BasDorcha BasDorcha (Tom)

Textile Factory - Mob Base
~ Dublin City Centre, Dublin ~

Patience Davenport & Phelan Sweeney

Patience was grateful when Edwards and Stella came to her aid, but her face reflected deep concern when he said there were no phones nearby. "None at all?" she worriedly asked. The man said he knew a nearby place with medical supplies and she wearily nodded. Maybe that place would have a telephone so they could call for an ambulance from there, she wondered. She didn't expect two bystanders to have medical skills, so calling for an ambulance was her automatic thought. With the man's help, Patience and Stella were able to support Phelan enough to get him to the textile factory. He looked very pale, which worried Patience, especially after seeing how Mrs. Callahan had looked before the ambulance arrived to tend to her and the paramedics had said how much worse matters could have been had they got there only minutes later.

When Edwards and Stella set about tending to the heavily bleeding wound in his abdomen, Patience stood by nervously as she felt helpless in the situation. Soon, she found herself silently praying for the injured man to be okay; putting her faith in God to hear her and help Phelan. After a while She looked back to the others in the room, seeing Edwards had quickly dealt with the wound. Although he told them things should hold until they could get Phelan to a real doctor, Patience couldn't help but feel concerned by how pale Phelan appeared. He was looking deathly white and taking rapid, shallow breaths. Phelan looked dizzy, like he was struggling to focus on anyone around him. Suddenly, the man moved onto his side in his seat and began vomiting in the nearest bucket he could find. Despite grabbing the bucket, much of what he threw up missed it and it instead rushed out of his mouth splashing onto the floor. Patience, covered her own mouth with her hand as she saw the bright red blood that was being hurled up from his stomach. "I think... I think he needs a doctor," Patience said, her desperate voice muffled behind her hand.

@Kawashima Lightning (Edwards, Stella)
Biancardi Residence
~ Queens, New York City ~

Riccardo Biancardi

3352fbdce864ec48f559e8c379ef62cf.jpgEven though Giovanni had left Roxie in charge of the Biancardi business, Ricky had found himself much busier with his work since the man had died. He wasn't completely sure what exactly it was that was motivating him to get his head into the paperwork, but he heavily suspect Gabriel had managed to rub off on him. The Moretti boss was a stickler and extremely pushy when it came to the business, which seemed to work wonders lately in getting Ricky to focus on business. Granted, a part of him acknowledged he may be doing it partly to outweigh any guilt he felt for his involvement in Cristina's abduction. Perhaps if he proved himself valuable and significant enough to Gabriel, then the man would think twice about getting rid of him - an asset.

From his office, Ricky had broken away from his paperwork for a time to watch the thunderstorm out of the large window. He always did find storms fascinating. In fact, the sudden change from a warm, sunny day to the dark, humid, thunderstorms was just about as erratic as his own behavioural changes, so it was all too relatable. Despite the excitement, he'd soon returned to his work, reading over more contracts relating to joint ventures Gabriel had pushed his way. Sometimes Ricky wondered if he needed to bother going through it so meticulously seeing as Gabriel would have busted his balls scouring the documents for the slightest error. But it was worth it to Ricky for the times he did notice an issue Gabriel hadn't pick up on.

Hearing the footsteps approaching his office from the hallway, Ricky didn't move, instead continuing to underline some wording on the paperwork that he didn't agree with. When the knock on the door came, he knew he wouldn't be able to stay buried in his work for much longer. Julia let herself into the room but Ricky didn't look up to her until she greeted him. Peering at her over the frame of his reading glasses, he quirked an eyebrow at her as she approached. She sat on the desk, blocking some of the paperwork from his view.. "Hi Bored. I'm Ricky," he teased, not sure how he could help her with her problem whilst he was working. When she complained about them working so much and needing some adventure, he remained silent for a brief time. After a moment, he slowly removed his glasses and set them down on the desk, lifting his head up to meet Julia's eyes. "Well..." he began, pausing as she straddled his lap. "All work and no play makes Ricky a dull boy," he playfully reasoned. Sitting back, he ran his hands up the outside of her thighs. "Did you say pizza?" he suddenly asked,

Letting out a sigh, he relented with a nod. "Alright, let's sack work off for the day," he agreed. He let out a dry laugh when she suggested going to TP Gabriel's house. "As fun as that sounds, the old grump is away in London, so I'd hate to mess the place up for Elvian to have to sort. She's an alright woman," he told her.

"You're the lady, you tell me what you want to do," he suggested. "Choose wisely, because if I don't like your ideas, then paperwork it is!"

Bellz Bellz (Julia)
Cabin in the Woods
~ The Baskins, Dublin ~

Elena Velazco

ezgif-4-c6908acc09.gifStill unsure if her eyes were deceiving her, Elena just stared at her father, taking in the blood trickling from his face. It made her own cheek throb from where she had also been smacked, but she already ached all over - what hurt the most now was seeing the men hurt Adam. The Spanish he spoke to her made her feel more conscious than she had in a while; all the English the men used had been taking her an increasing amount of effort to understand in her weakened state, but the Spanish was as clear to her as anything. She just had to do as Adam said, and it would all somehow be okay.

However, not a second went by before John hit him over the head with his gun and ordered him to speak in English. Elena’s eyes burned with tears - she wanted to believe her father’s reassuring words, but from the position he was in, she wasn’t sure how he would manage to uphold them. Then he started bargaining with the men in the room, offering himself in exchange for her safe release, and instead of replying to him directly, John turned to Elena and reaffirmed that Adam was to blame for what she had been through. “No…” she mumbled back, shaking her head. It didn’t make sense to her. Adam couldn’t have forced them to kidnap, torment and assault her; that was all their doing. She didn’t even know of the bad things he might have done to warrant their actions. Something to do with the bullet she had removed from his arm, maybe?

Either way, the terror returned to her when John flashed her that crooked smile and began to explain that in order to earn her freedom, she had to stab her father or they would both be killed. He offered no option in which Adam wouldn’t be hurt, and it terrified her that she wouldn’t be able to think of a way to save him. Jay placed a sharp kitchen knife in her palm and wrapped her fingers around it, giving them a squeeze to let her know to grip it tight. “No,” she uttered, her eyes widening as she looked at her father. The light glimmered off the blade as it shook in her trembling hand; it was pointed at Adam, but she couldn’t move. He encouraged her to do it, assuring her that he could take it and implying that he had taken it before. Her eyes filled with tears. “No quiero hacerlo,” she whimpered. “No me hagan hacerlo!” She begged them for a way out - of course she didn’t want to die, or for Adam to die, but she just couldn’t bring herself to stab him.

“Hey, what’d he just say!” Jay shouted at her, giving her a shove towards Adam. “Speak English, ye’ fuckin’ sp*c!”

Elena gasped when pushed, scared that she would accidentally stab Adam by falling into him. With tears now streaming down her cheeks, she began to shake her head. “I..”

“What was that?” Jay said, leaning right down beside her. “Speak up, love.”

“I c-can’t do it,” she whispered, tears flowing down her cheeks. “Please…”

Jay looked over at Adam with a smile, apparently endeared by her feeble protest. “She’s a doll, is she not?” he asked rhetorically, before turning back to Elena. “Just a little push, that’s all it takes. Now, where d’ye want to aim for? Straight through the heart will do it fastest. Belly is slower and painful, but ye’ get more time for a goodbye that way. Arm might not kill ‘im, but eventually the infection will. Pros and cons…it’s a tough one, isn’t it?”

She knew he was taunting her, but it was working. Still suffering the effect of isolation, lack of stimulation and dehydration, her brain was too foggy to be able to even begin thinking of a way out. Instead, she just held the knife the way the man had instructed, shaking and crying at what she was being expected to do. Keeping her eyes on Adam, she shook her head at him, but before she could say anything more, Shane spoke up from behind her, his gravelly voice giving her chills.

“Don’t forget, kid…you’re outnumbered.”

Blinking the heavy tears from her eyes, Elena took an unsteady step forward, holding the knife outstretched until it was almost touching Adam’s shoulder. She looked down at him, suddenly feeling extremely sick. If she didn’t do it, then he would be killed and herself along with him; if she made a mistake, she could end up killing him herself. But then she began to look at his body like one of the diagrams she had studied in nursing school back in Havana. She could suddenly map where all of his arteries were, the tendons and veins and nerves. The bullet in his arm had been too close a call; even though he had survived it, she wasn’t sure he would have if she hadn’t stitched him up in time, so she didn’t want to stab him there. The hand was probably non-lethal, but could cause lifelong dexterity issues which she was sure would impact his life forever.

Carefully, she lowered herself to the ground to be at Adam’s level. The men watched her, murmuring to each other about what was about to happen. But she just held her eyes on Adam. “I’m careful,” she assured him with a nod. Then, under her breath, she added, “Estarás bien.”

Sucking in a sharp breath, Elena positioned the tip of the knife into the side of his upper thigh, where it was widest. She knew where the artery was, and his leg was muscular enough to hopefully provide some extra padding. Holding his thigh with her left hand, she told him, in Spanish, to hold his breath - and then she did it. It was quick, in-and-out, not just to spare Adam further pain but also so that the three men wouldn’t notice how deep she went - which wasn’t very deep at all. Of course, it would still hurt, and it instantly started bleeding, and even though Elena knew he would be okay with some assistance she still dropped the knife and fell back, erupting into fresh sobs. She was shaking with horror at what they had made her do when Shane and Jay hauled her up from off the floor and away from Adam.

Then, with Shane keeping her in a tight grip, Jay moved forward and knelt at Adam’s side. He peered carefully at the wound. “See, now, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” he asked the pair, sharing a smile between them both. Despite the blood pouring out of Adam’s leg, Jay just chuckled. “Barely call that a flesh wound,” he lightly commented. He then lifted his boot enough to run his fingers under the sole, lifting off a clump of dirt, and, firing a quick grin in Elena’s direction, proceeded to insert his finger into Adam’s wound, smothering the inside with dirt. When he stood up, he wiped his blood-stained hand on a handkerchief and looked down at the man. “That’s better,” he decided. “Much more fun once the stakes are raised.”

Misty Gray Misty Gray Adam, John, Shane
Jeremy Gray
(to be prettified later when I'm not dying)
Both Trevor and Harper seemed to think he was trying to be cocky but he really was trying to just be civil, maybe he just had that kind of manner about him. He was protective of Harper, especially since he had come to terms with his feeling, plus the King men trusted him to take care of her. Once they were settled around the table with the hot kettle, Jeremy cleared his throat looking at both of them. “You know, my suggestion about calling ahead is for you, and you Harper, as much as it’s a comment on common curtesy. What if Bruce or Spencer had been here? I don’t want things harder for Harper then they have to be.” He left it at that, pouring them each a cup if they answered yes at his silent offer of the kettle near their cup.

“New haircut, new face to boot. Looked worse a few days ago.” Jeremy shrugged unbothered by the mans attempt to get a rise out of him. Not much ruffled his feathers, except Harper, and Trevor was no exception. Looking at Harper’s face, she was obviously upset with him, but one of the things they were going to figure out how to make work for now is that he was still employed by her uncle and brother. In that manner, he had to straddle a fine line between making them both happy – her and her family. When Harper tried to make it sound like he was forcing her to take care of him, he perked a challenging eyebrow at her. He seemed to recall her demanding him to stay there so she could help, not the other way around. “Look I get that I’m not very nice to you right now and haven’t been recently but could you just humor me by staying so I can at least know your okay?” - Her voice still rang in his ears.

Mentally, Jeremy made a note to offer Harper a massage later, he could see by the way she was now moving the pain had gotten bad again. He was sure she would think he had some ulterior motive, but the truth of the matter was he just wanted her to be in as little pain as possible. Considering that Harper was hot, he got up, grabbed a glass of ice from the kitchen and came back sitting it beside her teacup in case she wanted to cool the drink off before drinking it, or even pour it over the ice once brewed. She even muttered at him about the couch, which made him wonder why she would think the couch unless maybe she was considered sharing the bed with him and was now kicking him out of it, which brought a shit eating grin to his face as he looked at her with a teasing look for a flash of a moment before it was gone again.

He was not ungrateful for Harper taking care of him, but he now understood it was more for her then him – she was using him and his medical issues as a distraction from her own problems. Part of him was saddened by this, but part of him was willing to take it in hopes it was under lied by other things. Trevor asking about Billy when he knew Billy wanted nothing to do with him raises a bit of a red flag for Jeremy, but he was trying to keep an open mind for Harper’s sake. If Trevor really was different and trying, she was going to need someone in her corner.

Jeremy nodded in response to the question Trevor asked him, “Yeah, right in the big middle of it. Couple of punches and a rope necklace later, this is how I look.” Jeremy tried to make light of it, he didn’t want to stress Harper more then necessary. His rough voice was probably enough to indicate just how bad it was, as his voice sounded like some raspy jazz singer and he had never sounded like that before – though Trevor had likely only heard him speak once or twice before today. “As for Billy, they said he should be alright, physically. Haven’t had much of a chance to check on him myself as my jailor rarely lets me out of bed.” Jeremy didn’t consider the innuendo behind this when he said it, shrugging it away afterwards. “But as long as she’s here bossing me around, at least I know she’s alright.” For a split second his tone softened, as well as his eyes as he looked at her, before he refocused on his tea.
The Royal Taphouse
~ Bethnal Green, London ~

Bruce King

1656436909827.pngThe relationship that Bruce was building with Gabriel held no sign of friendship - it wasn’t based on anything, really, besides a shared enemy in the Irish Mob. Still, it paid to be civil with other kingpins, especially ones as powerful as Gabriel Moretti - and Bruce respected the man’s polite demeanour. However ruthless Gabriel may be, he was certainly politer than his nephews and niece. So, while he was sure the man didn’t actually care about Billy on a personal level, he saw his concern as a sign of respect. “Thank you, I appreciate that,” he said, sending the man a nod. “It might take some time, but I’m confident Billy will be just fine - the others, too. Still, it ain’t somethin’ I will be takin’ lightly.”

On the topic of Erik being put at risk, Bruce was glad to hear that Gabriel was in agreement with the Sullivans posing a threat to both of their families in London and that he was open to discussing a solution. However, the Italian boss then brought up the failed assassination attempt on Conor, the action that likely provoked the attack at the Chinese restaurant. Bruce sighed, part of him still ashamed about the failed job despite making amends with Spencer about it. “That’s fair of you to ask, you have a right to know,” he acknowledged, taking another sip of his whisky. “It was a strong plan, you’re right…and it was goin’ accordingly, until some loiterin’ Sullivans picked up on what was goin’ on and got in the way. My men weren’t fast enough to get the job done before they were interrupted and outnumbered, and the threat of coppers nearby forced them to abandon the job before it was done.”

Bruce sat back, the fresh sting of regret concealed behind a strong poker face. “Unfortunately that’s not all,” he continued. “Some point durin’ the scuffle, Billy ended up killin’ one of their men. A soldier, mind, not a key family member, but it was serious nonetheless. I’m sure they would have loved to go after myself or Spencer for the way Conor ended up, but Billy tells me they were questionin’ him and Jeremy about the dead man, that they both confessed to bein’ the killer, and that the Sullivans tried to finish ‘em both.” He took another sip of his drink and shrugged. “Once again saved by the fuzz.”

“It ain’t our finest work, I’ll admit,” he said. “Dangerous job puttin’ a hit out on the Irish mob boss, so it’ll take some serious discussion over how and when, and even if, we make another attempt. The risks are high, and obviously it’s somethin’ that your family are involved in, too.” He glanced at Erik as he spoke of family; though Bruce had come to see him as one of his own, he had to remind himself that he was still strongly associated with the Morettis. “The manpower you gave us is helpin’ considerably,” he went on, returning his focus to Gabriel. “But I know I must respect your wish to keep ‘em safe. Please understand that my highest security is extended to them as well as my own…but that we still require their assistance during attacks. If you’d like to re-evaluate any boundaries, then do let me know. Given your family’s recent loss, I would understand if you wanted to keep ‘em close.”

He looked at Erik again, aware that Ava, Marcus Moretti’s wife and Erik’s cousin, was currently in London for a visit and staying with Erik and Billy at the man’s apartment. It suddenly occurred to him that if Gabriel were to pay his recently widowed daughter-in-law a visit whilst in the city, he might question why Billy was currently living at another man’s apartment. Obviously, Bruce wasn’t going to say anything to Gabriel now, but he made a mental note to warn Billy to leave and stay with him instead until the Italian boss was on his way back to New York.

“Well, since he’s ‘ere with us,” Bruce said, glancing at Gabriel and Teddy before settling his eyes on Erik. “Erik, if it ain’t too much trouble, why don’t you give Gabriel and Teddy an account of your experiences? Tell ‘em about the injuries you’ve sustained, ‘bout what happened to you the night of the restaurant, how the Sullivans treat you. It’s important we know exactly how well they’re keepin’ up their end of this peace treaty, and since neither myself nor these gentlemen were with you on any occasion, it would be best to ‘ear it directly from you. Don’t leave out any details, alright?”

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Erik, Teddy
Misty Gray Misty Gray Gabriel
Woodlands/Farmland Area
~ The Baskins, Dublin ~

Adam Harper

Still on his knees, Adam kept his eyes on Elena as she expectedly said no to harming him. Any concern he could have about being stabbed barely registered with him as it was overshadowed by how much it was killing him to see his daughter look so scared. He glanced to the knife she was holding just long enough to see the way her hand trembled. Looking back to her tear-filled eyes, he had to force back any of his own emotion and maintain a brave face for her sake. Elena repeated that she didn't want to do it, begging them not to make her. As awful as it was to see her so upset, Adam knew she would have to, otherwise the men would kill her.

Jay shouted at Elena and shoved her forward, making a derogatory slur as he commanded her to speak English. Adam had to assert a lot of self-control not to yell and abuse the men in return, but he couldn't give the three arseholes more fuel. "Neither of these foreigners belong here," John spat, going as far as to even taking issue with Adam's New York accent.

The tears streamed down Elena's cheeks as she whispered that she couldn't do it. Adam looked her in the eyes and nodded his head. "You can. You're a brave girl and I can take it. It's okay," he gently urged her, his own eyes now filling with tears as he struggled with not being able to help or even comfort her in the moment. When Jay addressed him with a rhetorical comment, Adam shook his head. "You're a piece of shit--" Adam began.

"Simmer down, big guy," John calmly ordered, squeezing Adam's shoulder uncomfortably hard to remind him of his current outnumbered position.

After further pressure, Elena took a step forward and held the knife out towards her father. Once again, he nodded his head to encourage her to do as she was being ordered. She finally lowered herself to his level and Adam met her stare with his own. He mustered a warm smile for her when she told him she was careful and he'd be fine. "I know, love. I trust you," he told her. His voice was quiet and calm, despite the whirlwind of anger and concern he was experiencing on the inside. Between having to brace himself for being stabbed, his regimented thoughts were already jumping ahead of them, knowing the ordeal wouldn't stop there and wondering what their captors would do next.

Snapping back into the present, however, he looked down to see where Elena was positioning the knife. "Buen lugar," he whispered for her to hear as he saw the location on his thigh she was going for. When she held his thigh and told him to hold his breath, he did as she instructed. He balled up his fists just as she quickly drove the blade in and then back out of his leg. "Fuck," he hissed through gritted teeth, closing his eyes in the moment to block out the intense pain. He opened his eyes in time to see Elena drop the knife and burst into tears. "It's okay," he firmly told her, despite his discomfort. He'd been about to reach out to take her by the shoulders, but Shane and Jay swooped in to pull her away.

"I can't believe she did it," John remarked, letting out an amused laugh. "That's cold as fuck. Stabbing her own dad!" he taunted the two.

Adam stared daggers at Jay as the man looked at his wound and laughed it off. He then watched on as Jay went on to inserting his dirt-covered finger into the wound. Adam winced at the discomfort it caused before continuing to glare at the man. "One way or another, you're going to pay for this, you piece of shit," Adam darkly threatened him.

"Alright. Shut the fuck up, Harper!" John snapped at Adam. Slotting his gun into the back of his trouser waistband, he kicked the knife Elena had used, causing it so slide towards Shane who picked it up and placed it on the dining table next to some rope. "Looks like Elena here wants us to go for the slow, painful death. She must really hate her old man! But I'm on board with that. I want to make him suffer too, sweetheart," he patronisingly assured Elena.

"Todo esto es mi culpa. Estoy orgulloso de ser tu--" Adam began, attempting to help relieve Elena of any guilt she may be feeling. Before he could finish what he was saying, John slammed his boot into the side of Adam's head, hard enough to make the man fall onto his side, his bleeding thigh now pressing against the floorboards. A sudden wave of blurred vision set in, likely the effects of the blow to his head adding to everything other punches and blows he'd taken since arriving at the cabin. Still, he was still alert enough to understand everything else that was going on around him.

"We speak English here, you dumb fucks," John reminded both Adam and Elena. "And you're not going anywhere, beautiful," he said, pointing at Elena. "Jay. Take her back to her room. She's not going anywhere." As Jay dragged Elena back upstairs, John looked down on Adam and shook his head. "We're not done with you yet, mate. And while you're dying a slow death, I want you to think about how much fun I'm having with her. I'll look after her when you're gone," he said, letting out a chuckle.

ezgif-4-179353a742.gifAlready furious, Adam was spurred on further by John's sickening words about his daughter. Although he didn't like that she was now out of his sight, he was at least going to try take advantage of her being away from any crossfire. Not to mention, he had more favourable odds whilst Jay was out of the room. "I'm going to get the basement ready for this prick to rot in. Keep an eye on him, Shane," John commanded before moving to the basement door at the back of the kitchen area. Pushing himself up onto his hands and knees, Adam blocked out the wave of pain the movement sent in his leg. After spitting out some more blood, he lifted his head to Shane. "Do you always let those two call the shots?" he asked, his vision now clearing again. He paused for the briefest of moments before deciding this could be his only chance to get the upper hand. "I bet you suck John's dick while you're at it. Literally sucking up to them, am I right?!" he taunted, letting out a dry, mocking chuckle. Predictably, Shane rushed towards him, but at the same time, Adam reached inside his boot and slid out the concealed penknife.

"What the fuck did you say?" Shane asked as he grabbed Adam by the hair, forcing him to look up as he leaned down to get into his face. In one quick swipe, Adam slammed the blade deep into the side of Shane's neck, dragging it across his throat and severing the arteries. Grabbing the front of Shane's shirt, he dragged the man on to the floor beside him. Adam had to force himself to ignore the man's blood that had sprayed onto himself. Instead, he put his hand over Shane's mouth, putting the pressure on to stop him from making any sound. He then rapidly and repeatedly thrust the penknife blade into the side of Shane's neck to make sure the man bled out quicker.

Leaving Shane to choke to death on his own blood. Adam crawled towards the kitchen table and grabbed onto the edge, using it to help him up onto his feet. Slotting his penknife into his pocket, he grabbed the knife Elena had used on him, slotting it into his belt. He then took the rope and kept hold of it in both hands. Taking a step, Adam felt the pain radiate in his leg, the bleeding stab wound making it painful to put the pressure on. The desperation to help Elena seemed to trigger the adrenaline in him as he limped towards the basement door John had used. Leaning against the wall by the doorway, Adam stood still as he waited out of sight for the ringleader to re-enter the cabin. As he held his breath, his heart seemed to be beating louder than ever - likely a mixture of the stress he was under and the current silence around him. The basement door was pushed open from the inside and before John could react, Adam toss the looped rope over his head and pulled it tight around John's throat. The more the man struggled, the tighter Adam made the rope. As John struggled to breathe, trying to grabbed at the rope to loosen it from his neck, Adam's own exhaustion began to take its toll, not to mention the pain in his leg started to affect his balance. The urgency led him to switch to griping the rope with one hand whilst he reached down to grab the knife from his belt. He then forcefully drove the blade into the top of John's spine. Without further time to spare, he violently pushed John towards the top of the basement stairs, causing the man to topple down each step and land in some kind of a heap at the bottom.

Closing the basement door, Adam fell back against it, sliding down into a sitting position as he tried to get his breath back. He pressed his hand against his bleeding thigh as he tried to control his breathing to bring it back to something more steady. The sound of the creaking floorboards upstairs reminded him on the urgency of the situation and that he still hadn't done what he'd set out to do - help Elena. Crawling up to a standing position, he limped towards the kitchen counter and retrieved the handgun that had been left by one of the men. After checking it was loaded, he crouched down behind the counter and out of sight as he waited for Jay to returned down the stairs. Gripping the gun tightly he listened out.

Adam had always been a fighter and his survival instincts always kept in, but there was a greater driving force than ever before. Not only was it his responsibility to get Elena out of this mess alive, she made him want to fight harder for his own survival too, if only so he could make sure she knew how much she meant to him. He also knew he had to survive for Blake; not only was he in love with the woman but he couldn't be the reason she was made to grieve again. Then there was the Zegarras, who he believed by now loved him and would miss him if he were gone.

Pyroclast Pyroclast (Elena, Jay, Shane)
The Royal Taphouse
~Bethnal Green, London~
Erik Snowden & Teddy Wycliff
Hearing about the attack on the Kings a few days ago hadn't been too much of a shock. What did they expect, he thought, considering they hadn't finished the job on Conor? Granted they'd have still attacked them had they gone through with it but at least it'd have been worth it. Teddy couldn't lie and say that he wasn't the tad bit annoyed with the outcome, either. Though he'd gotten his own lick back pertaining to Conor kidnapping his daughter, there was still a part of Teddy that wanted the man dead so he never had to deal with him again. A peace treaty only did so much. Had he felt even remotely comfortable with it he'd have talked Gabriel into letting Valentina and Elvian tag alone for some sightseeing. However, the nature of their visit put a stop to that quickly.

Teddy was aware that Ava had been in London for the past couple of days and decided to get a drink with her the night before. He'd been tasked by his mother-in-law to check on her and give updates when he was back in New York. He didn't know what it felt like to be a widow and hoped that it never happened to him, but he could imagine the pain was a lot. Even for someone like Ava. So, he'd made the mistake of letting her choose the pub and how long they stayed out and was paying greatly for it. Gabriel had him and the others up bright and early, leaving Teddy with only about four hours of sleep and a raging headache. He'd known better and indulged anyway and was paying for it. He was just hoping no one would call him out on it when they saw him, which was apparently asking for too much. The moment Erik laid eyes on him he let out a brief snicker and shook his head. "Can't hang out as long, huh grandpa?" He teased, letting Teddy walk into the room first.

Being in a room with Gabriel Moretti always made Erik feel as if he were suffocating. The way he carried himself was overwhelming and no matter what sort of setting he found himself in he always felt that way about him. Chalk it up to being uncomfortable when it came to authority figures. Erik often forgot that technically they were family now. Or rather, former family? He wasn't sure what to make of his personal relationship when it came to his in-law. As far as business went - something he would rather think about - the man was his boss and nothing more. Knowing that Teddy was present along with Bruce managed to calm his nerves a bit, however, even if he was still fidgeting with himself. Teddy, on the other hand, had been massaging his temples while listening intently as Bruce and Gabriel exchanged pleasantries. For once he wanted the two men to get on and to the point so he could get some rest. He propped his elbow up onto the arm of the chair and when asked what he wanted to drink, he quickly sat up. "A water and some aspirin. Actually, make that two." Erik gave him another sly smile before growing serious.

Bruce opened things up, immediately bringing the peace treaty to attention. It was true that Erik had been subjected to the attacks the Sullivans acted out on the Kings, even if it were indirectly. They knew of Erik being there in London yet didn't seem to care that much. At least, that's how Bruce seemed to be spinning it. And Teddy agreed thus far. If the Sullivans cared about their treaty or cared enough not to do something that would require retaliation then they'd have watched out for Erik. But they hadn't and on more than one occasion. Teddy agreed with Bruce that a conversation needed to be had, but he was sure it was going to be an ugly one. They then drifted into a different topic and one Teddy himself was also curious about- how the hell did they mess up killing Conor?

It was a foolproof plan with very little room for error, yet they seemed to have figured it out. Teddy watched Bruce intently as he explained what happened- that someone got in the way. "What was taking so long in the beginning, then?" Teddy had pinched the bridge of his nose, his headache raging in his head. Had the hangover been non-existent he probably wouldn't have phrased his question that way. "Wanted to have a good 'ole moment to catch up?" It was more frustration he felt instead of making a point to jab at him. The Sullivan family had been saved by fate one too many times and Teddy was truly at his wit's end with it. He wanted them taken care of once and for all without some secret saving grace protecting them. But before he could dwell on the failure and sulk any longer Bruce offered for Erik to tell his side of things and Teddy watched as Erik perked up.

He'd been slouched in his seat next to Bruce, arms crossed while listening to all three men converse. He wasn't expecting Bruce to ask him to give his account of the events. It came as a total shock considering the man had just told Gabriel about it. Still, he did as he was told and cleared his throat. "Oh. U-Uhm..." He didn't want to say anything that would cause things to escalate, nor anything that made Gabriel want to recall him home. He didn't know about the personal side of his life here - Billy - so he wouldn't understand his wanting to stay. Still, this was his job and that came first... Right? "The nightclub... I can't remember what conflict that was, but yeah. Sully's blew the place up and I ended up with a nice-sized hole in my thigh. Healed up quite nice, but hell if it doesn't have a scar. Er, as for the restaurant," he paused, recalling the events in his head. "They locked me up in a room. Reina," he said, looking towards Teddy, "You know. Biancardi guard?" Teddy nodded his head, though glanced to Gabriel upon hearing the name. The fact that Reina, Roxie's guard, had been in play with the Sullivans was worrisome but he wouldn't comment amongst mixed company.

"Anyway," he continued, "She warned the others not to touch me. One of 'em, Edwards, I think, weren't too happy about it. Everybody was wise and listened then but afterwards, all hell broke loose. Guns started goin' off and I didn't get hit but..." Erik trailed off, trying to choose his next words carefully. "But I-... Things turned around and I was able to help make sure they left without anyone getting killed. And that's that."

Thomas' Apartment
~Dublin City Centre, Dublin~
Leo Sullivan
There was something about the way Thomas looked at his service dog that worried Leo. As if it was going to be the last time he saw her and it didn't sit right with him. But because of where they were going and the importance of it, Leo didn't say anything then. He followed as he walked back to the car throwing their bags into the truck. Another second later they were inside and Thomas was going over the plan with him. He nodded his head in understanding as he thought about what they were headed to do. Leo had trained and practiced protecting himself and others for as long as he could remember. He beat guys up and was more than comfortable doing so when it was necessary. Killing someone, however, he'd never had to do. He'd never been in a situation where he needed to do so and this was his first. It wasn't easy, he was sure, and it changed something in you once you had to for the first time. And now that Natasha was no longer speaking to him he worried he wouldn't handle it well. Looking ahead and processing all of the information he came to the understanding that he had no choice but to figure it out. Steel himself now and deal with whatever came after.

Thomas informed him that they weren't going to split up and that their objective was getting Elena out alive- that he was to get out alive. This was the third time Thomas had spoken as if he just knew Leo was going to leave him or that he wanted him to do so. Leo didn't want to start an argument or cause any sort of distractions, so he just nodded. "I got it. The same goes for you, man, alright? I'm right there next to you." Leo was painfully aware that his lack of experience was probably why so many people felt the need to see less of him; to think he wouldn't be able to handle certain situations. It pissed him off to feel like no one believed in him and he was determined to prove them wrong while making sure he didn't killed. The car then stopped at the destination and Thomas offered his last words of encouragement. Leo nodded his head as he got out of the car and chose his needed weapons. They didn't feel as foreign in his hands thanks to the fact that James had been helping him practice.

Seeing the forest ahead of them did make Leo's chest feel tight. The last time he'd been somewhere no one could hear him was when he and Ali were nearly killed. However, he couldn't falter nor hesitate and forced himself to get on with it. Remaining close to Thomas' side Leo kept his head on a swivel. If the men who had taken Elena were smart then they'd realize there was no way in hell Adam was going to come by without a backup plan. He was hoping they weren't. Leo had heard the twig snap and was already looking toward Thomas for directions when he signaled for him to get down. After whispering to him instructions Leo did as he was told and carefully moved towards the other bush. His eyes remained glued to Thomas, but his ears continued listening out for the enemy. Instead, he heard a twig snap and turned towards the sound - Thomas being to blame. In another split second his cousin took out a guard and the moment the other appeared Leo went for him.

It'd been a struggle, at first, as Leo tripped him and caused the man to fall over. He quickly scrambled on top of him to hold him down, but the guard wriggled around like a fish. Because he didn't want to make any noise, Leo hadn't even thought about using the butt of his rifle as Thomas suggested in the beginning. Instead, he went into a momentary state of panic and reached for the nearest thing that wouldn't make any noise - his knife. In a flash, Leo buried it in the man's throat and watched as he tried to stop the bleeding. For a split second, he swore he saw Ali and kept blinking until all that remained was a dead guard. On his hands and knees, he stared at the ground and his bloody fingers, trying to gather himself. It was his first kill and though he was the bad guy it felt... Strange. After a few more seconds he looked up to Thomas. "What's next?" Whether he was talking about the mission or the fact that he had just killed his first-person remained to be seen, but he needed something else to focus on.
Sullivan Family Home
~ Sutton, Dublin ~

Sinead Callahan

Sinead was glad to hear her nieces were doing great. Sydney was much like she had been at that age, so Sinead wasn't surprised to hear the girl was still being bubbly. Hearing that Rhiannon was questioning things did concern Sinead a little, hoping the girl wasn't going to get caught up in worrying so much at her young age. Then again, she wasn't the only one. "I know what you mean. Liam is the same and I understand from Jas than Michael is starting to question it all too. They're all at that age now where they start to understand... But if Rhi needs a girly night I'm sure I can do her hair and give her sparkly nails.

Blake and Lucy soon arrived, with the latter taking a seat beside Sinead. When Lucy made her comment about her not answering the phone, Sinead let out a sigh. She managed to flash a quick smile at mention of it getting boring talking to Peter. "Hey, be thankful you only have to hear about it over the phone. It's all I see on the TV now and it bores me to tears. Even Liam claims to like it, but I think he just watches it so he can hang out with Petey. It's such a dull sport." When Blake told her no problem was too small for alcohol, Sinead nodded along. "Well, one of you will have to get me home in that case. Though if I keep drinking, I'll only end up giving Conor a piece of my mind," she admitted.

With the conversation moving onto Elena, Sinead listened as Blake explained there was no update yet but the guys were out trying to find her. The redhead nervously bit her lip as she thought about what was going on. In her experience, this kind of thing never turned out well. Someone was bound to get hurt or do something they'd regret. Still, she hoped they would be able to find Elena and get her home safe. She quickly nodded in agreement when Blake concluded they'd find her. She hoped her friend was right.

When Michelle arrived and entered the conservatory, Sinead sent her niece a warm smile before quickly accepting her hug. When Michelle asked where Conor was, Sinead looked down to her drink before knocking it back in one go. She slowly placed her empty glass down as she heard Michelle had applied to run for Mayor in the next election. Her mind immediately flicked back to the early 1960s - the last time her family had been involved in a Mayoral election in Dublin. That ended up with Sinead being poisoned after she had a drink that had been intended for James in an assassination attempt by the IWU - one which had been successful in killing one of the candidates who was a Porter ally. "I'm sure Conor will love talking politics," Sinead drily remarked.

When Aliana updated Michelle on the situation with Elena and then the one with Savannah, Sinead remained silent. Anything she could say on the Savannah matter would likely end up with her speaking badly to Michelle about her father, so it was best to let the other ladies update her.

BasDorcha BasDorcha (Michelle) Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Aliana) Bellz Bellz (Lucy, Blake)
Harper's Apartment
~ Bethnal Green, London ~

Trevor Stewart

Trevor had quirked an eyebrow when Jeremy said his suggestion about calling ahead was for him and Harper, not just a common courtesy. He posed the question of what if Bruce or Spencer had been at Harper's place. Managing to hold his tongue on this occasion, Trevor had simply shrugged his shoulders.

Trevor had remained silent for a time as Jeremy and Harper had interacted. Granted, much of the interaction had been of the silent type, but still managed to create something of an atmosphere that made clear there was something going on between the pair, as he'd figured out recently when Jeremy had been on his doorstep waiting for Harper.

Despite the signals between the two, Trevor wasn't oblivious to how off Harper looked as she sat in front of him. Now still wasn't the right time to raise his suspicions, but he at least hoped Jeremy and those closest to Harper were supporting her enough. Trevor was glad to hear that Billy was recovering well. Of course, when he walked out on his family all of those years ago, Trevor didn't much care about those whose lives he messed around. But now he did care about most of his kids and hearing that Billy had been hurt had concerned the man more than he expected it would. "Well, that's good to hear... about the recovery, not you both being displeased with each other. Is it easily resolved, though? If Spencer is anything to go by, this family is certainly committed to being stubborn." Trevor looked to Jeremy, backtracking a little onto something he'd not vocalised at the first opportunity. "If any of this makes you feel uncomfortable or conflicted, you are more than welcome to inform Bruce or Spencer of my presence here. Go right ahead. Despite the threats and the broken hand, I'm not deterred from doing what I can to try make up for my past mistakes." He then looked to Harper. "And I trust that I've never overstepped my mark as far as speaking with you goes, Harper? You're fully capable of making your own choices on this."

Trevor had been interested to hear Jeremy's comments about how he'd been caught up in the same trouble as Billy. "What on Earth were you lads up to for you to be attacked like that?" he curiously asked. Jeremy's comment about not having much chance to see Billy because Harper didn't let him out of bed, caused Trevor to look at him with something of a dumbfounded expression. "Well, that's more information than I bargained for," he drily remarked. Bringing the cup to his mouth he took a small sip before placing it back down to reveal a smirk on his face. "So, are you two dating, then? I think I already know who wears the trousers," he commented, nodding to Harper. "Though I suspect you must have some guts to be throwing yourself into the lions den," he said, with regards to the Kings.

Bellz Bellz (Harper) BasDorcha BasDorcha (Jeremy)
The Royal Taphouse
~ Bethnal Green, London ~

Gabriel Moretti

Gabriel observed Bruce closely as the Londoner explained to him why the assassination attempt on Conor had failed. There were a few times the Italian found himself having to focus to fully understand the Cockney accent, but generally it was much easier to follow than some of the stronger Irish accents he'd encountered in the past. He nodded in understanding upon hearing some of the Sullivans had been loitering during the attack and so had outnumbered the Kings, as well as the cops then showing up. "That's the trouble with the Sullivans. They breed like rabbits and then scurry around like rats," he offered up his comparison. When Teddy spoke up to ask why it took so long to begin with, Gabriel looked to the man who had clearly been suffering from his antics the previous night. On this occasion he raised a valid point, which prompted Gabriel to look back to Bruce to hear why the King lads had taken too long.

Upon hearing that Billy had ended up killing one of the Sullivan soldiers, Gabriel lightly shook his head. "One less Sullivan is always as positive result, but it is disappointing the likes of Conor still gets to strut around," he mused aloud. "It sounds like the cops here are doing their job. Perhaps too well. Are they swayed in your favour?" he asked. In New York, the Morettis had the cops firmly under control, so he was a firm believer the Kings would benefit from having the police corrupted into supporting their cause.

When Bruce admitted the failed job hadn't been the Kings' finest work, Gabriel didn't hold back from nodding in agreement. "What is important is that lessons are learned from the experience and steps taking to prevent future failures," he offered. "The risks are high and any further attempts need careful consideration. Have you weighed up what the cost of inaction against the Sullivans would be? I don't believe I could be comfortable to back away from it, not when they've shown what they are willing to do to your family on your own soil." The Italian listened as Bruce expressed his gratitude for the Moretti support he had stationed in London. "We both have reasons to have the highest security here in London. You need to protect your family and business. I need you to do so in order to protect my investment in your company. We have mutual needs when it comes to fighting off the Irish attacks."

The focus was soon shifted onto Erik when Bruce asked him to give a first-hand account of the restaurant attack. As Erik spoke of the nightclub attack as well as the more recent restaurant attack, it became very clear the Sullivans had been sloppy when it came to ensuring they didn't harm any member of the Moretti family and business. He was interested to hear Reina had been a part of the Irish group who attacked the Kings. "That comes as little surprise to me. She and Roxanne are inseparable, with the latter quite literally being in bed with that nutcase, Syd Porter. If I had my way, Riccardo would be running the Biancardi show," he admitted. Still, it seemed that Reina was keen to honour the peace deal by warning the other Sullivans not to touch Erik. "Edwards? I'm not aware of that one, I don't believe." Gabriel let out a sigh. "You not getting shot, was that by pure luck or controlled on the Sullivans' part, Erik?" Gabriel had been talked into signing the peace deal with those in his own family, so it hadn't been his first choice. If the Sullivans had done enough to break the terms of the agreement, then Gabriel wasn't sure he wished to ignore it. "You've been caught up in this twice now, Erik. Would you say the Irish have been respectful of the deal?" He rubbed his chin as he thought it over. Even if there were no grounds to rip up the agreement, it didn't mean the Morettis couldn't help the Kings to take the Irish down. The Sullivans were banned from New York, just as the Morettis were not to step foot in Dublin. But there were always loopholes; ways to bend the rules.

Looking to Bruce, Gabriel sent the man a respectful nod. "Resources and manpower aside, what do you intend your next move to be?" he asked.

Pyroclast Pyroclast (Bruce)
Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Erik, Teddy)
Last edited:
Harper King
Her Apartment

~ London ~
Harper couldn't hide the visible flinch on her face as Jeremy so casually talked about getting a boot to the face. While everyone made it perfectly clear that she needed to be protected, she wondered who the hell was protecting Jeremy the day he got the shit beat out of him. His reminder of the way he had looked a few days ago didn't do anything to calm the tension that Harper was already feeling because of everything else going on in her life. Not to mention that her father was standing here, having basically caught her in an act she swore she'd never get herself into.

As Jeremy looked at her, Harper did her best to smooth any uncomfortable expression she had involuntarily pulled. Replacing it with her stony, moody mask she normally wore nowadays. She didn't miss that challenging brow after her comment about her taking care of him. She understood that she had practically begged him to stay with her in her apartment. It was the only thing she could do to stay in control, not necessarily of him, but of her life. Things were starting to spiral quickly and having someone else to take care of...took the edge of the withdrawals and the nightmares that kept her awake if the puking didn't. Her hands tightened around her mug that Jeremy had filled with hot water, the only indicator of her true annoyance underneath it all was her knuckles quickly turning white as she gripped it. As if her life depended on it.

Harper tried to focus her attention on Trevor, but her father seemed to be observing them more than she wanted to, analyzing whatever the relationship between her and Jeremy was. As if it was anything...Annoyingly enough, Jeremy got up from his seat, filling a glass with ice before setting it beside her. She must have looked like she was sweating though in the moments since her father arrived, she'd forgotten all about how hot she was. There were moments where Harper thought Jeremy was as sweet as candy, and then when she turned to thank him, he had that know-it-all look on his face, a smile that made her want to slap him so hard it would be wiped clean from his features.

Her father mentioned that it was good to hear about Billy's recovery -- clarifying that it was not good to hear about her falling out with him. When he asked if it was something that could be easily resolved, Harper shrugged her shoulders. Not willing to open any wounds that she had closed all too quickly. She was one mental breakdown away from doing something she'd regret. Best to keep everything under lock and key for now. With that nonverbal answer, Trevor turned his attention to Jeremy, letting him know if the man felt uncomfortable or conflicted that he was more than welcome to inform Bruce or Spencer of his presence. It was odd, hearing that come from his lips. It was a choice that Harper didn't give Jeremy. She had made him promise his silence in her secrets...

She didn't know if he'd managed to keep any of them and Harper's trust in anyone was starting to dwindle at this point. Her father looked at her now and she straightened slightly. She shook her head at his words, "I'm sure he can tell you," Harper nodded to Jeremy, "I let people in when I want to let them to, and when I don't...well you get the picture." Her voice was surprisingly full of strength, perhaps the little she had left in her. Trevor then returned his attention to Jeremy to ask what they had been up to...to get attacked the way they had and Harper raised a brow. She wondered just how much he knew about this whole war...from the sounds of it, he didn't know much.

Harper grabbed the cup of ice, but rather than filling it with anything, she pressed it to her cheek. Luckily, Jeremy spoke to her father once more, distracting her from the heat she was feeling. Unluckily, the mention of what he endured made her wince, a shiver traveling down her spine. The rasp in his voice was indication enough of what he'd been through, starkly different from the smooth almost midnight tone he usually had. Harper listened to Jeremy reaffirm that Billy would recover physically at least before calling her his jailer. Harper's icy blue eyes narrowed into slits as she was ready to give him a piece of her mind but as she opened her mouth to do so, his sentence was followed by another sickly sweet one. Harper snapped her jaw shut, it clenching so tight she ground her teeth slightly. He eyed her for a moment, with those big stupid soft beautiful eyes and Harper couldn't help but stare back. Jeremy looked away first and Harper found herself staring a moment longer before her father's voice grabbed her attention.

Trevor's words left her utterly mortified as her cheeks burned. Harper wanted to crawl under her sheets and never come out. She didn't dare meet her father's eyes as she watched from her peripherals as he lifted his cup to his mouth. When he returned the cup to the table, it vibrated slightly before he asked if they were dating, making a joke about knowing who wore the trousers. While the joke was harmless in itself, Harper felt annoyed. Now everyone thought they were a couple. When they definitely weren't. Trevor said something about Jeremy throwing himself into the lion's den and as if she were a lion herself, "We are not dating!" She snarled, pressing her free hand against the table. The sudden anger that swelled in her chest even surprised her. But it wasn't for the reasons people outside of herself would think.

Harper was teetering on the brink of death, was staring it right in the face if she was being perfectly honest. No signs pointed to her recovering from this, she'd lost hope rather quickly. It was terrible enough that her family would lose her but Jeremy was trying to set himself up for heartbreak that his little virgin heart couldn't -no -wouldn't be able to handle. This wasn't some twisted fucked version of Romeo and Juliet. This was not some romantic novel. What was happening to her was real, and not even he, try as he might, could save her from her addiction if it became too much. No one could. Harper was working to save him from himself, from the hot mess she'd become. He'd thank her one day...if she was alive to receive it. Realizing she was gripping the table. Harper cleared her throat, "We're just friends...apparently friends who get injured enough that we have to take care of each other." Harper said, her voice cool as ice as she relaxed back in her seat, slumping almost as she winced.

"Call me a jailer all you want, but I didn't see anyone else willing to take care of your sorry ass...so I guess what you should be saying to me is thank you." Harper's eyes glanced to Jeremy before looking to her father once more. "So Bruce and Spencer...they were hell-bent on seeing you gone." Harper said, "What the hell did you pull in order to stay here?"
with: Jeremy BasDorcha BasDorcha ; Trevor Misty Gray Misty Gray
The Sullivans Pub
~ Dublin City Centre, Dublin ~
Thomas Thatcher

Tom sat back and swirled his drink, thinking carefully about his words before he started to speak. “You are going to wish it was mechanic work, sorry in advance. I know you probably think it would be better for me to go to Syd or Leo, but I don’t want to burden Leo – he has a lot going on already. I heard about Elena, and Nat.” Tom paused long enough to take a sip, swirling the ice again. “So I came to the next person I could think of that might be able to help. I suppose I could have gone and seen Uncle Conor, he might remember me from when I was a kid, but since it’s been years since I seen him, I felt that would be awkward and impolite.” Tom set back, collecting his thoughts.

“With the trip to London, we came across someone I met the last time I was down there – a bloke named Christian. I ‘spose you might know who he is since you’re familiar with the work we went to do. In either case, I met this bloke last time because he was at my sister flat. At the time, it didn’t seem important – she had asked him to find out about her real father. Then I see him at the restaurant on our visit. I don’t like mixing business and personal, but my sister is about as personal as it gets for me. I don’t want to ask her directly, because if she is somehow involved, I don’t want to put her at risk by me asking to many questions about who she’s spending her time with. I do believe, however, that she is pro’lly involved with the company we’re in business against, as some of the blokes I heard her mention – Erik, Billy – were also at this restaurant.”

Tom let his words sink in, showing in a rare moment that the boy really did know when to talk and when to stop – his bubbly demeanor now replaced with a calm and more quiet seriousness. Tom had thought out the affects and possible long term affects, and none of them were ones he liked. Even if he chose not continue working with the Sullivan’s, she could be working with the King’s and end up involved, or dead, due to an attack on them from any enemy. If he kept working, it just got worse from there. Tom looked up at James, gauging the man’s reaction if he had any visible one. He figured James was a level headed and calm man unless provoked, and this didn’t appear as provoking in Tom’s mind, so likely he would weigh what was said and realize why Tom wasn’t joking as much as normal.

@Misty Gray - James Porter
Cabin in the Woods
~ The Baskins, Dublin ~

Elena Velazco
ezgif-4-c6908acc09.gifA sweeping sickness overcame her entire body after she had dropped the knife. Even though she really hadn't had a choice, she was utterly distraught at what she had done to Adam and began to doubt the depth with which she had stabbed him. Her vision was darkened by dizziness and clouded by the tears that streamed endlessly from her eyes, but she blinked them away just enough to see that one of the men was now fingering the wound, likely with the aim of opening it up further and infecting it. She had learned over the last few days to keep her eyes on the men when they were around her so as to remove the element of surprise from what they were about to do to her. But she couldn't do it this time, and had to turn away from the scene. It was getting hard to keep up with the English being spoken, harder to concentrate on what was happening as it all became too overwhelming.

The sound of the knife sliding across the floorboards made her jump and she looked up to try and see what they were doing, and if Adam was okay. She picked up on the Spanish he was speaking to her, telling her that everything was his fault and that he was proud of her. His words sounded so final somehow and what little light was left in her heart felt like it was flickering, ready to die altogether. She shook her head at him, unable to speak for the fear that held her, and when John kicked him hard on the side of his head, Elena let out a weak scream, her vocal cords hoarse and faint.

One of the men pointed at her, and another then grabbed her and brought her back up to her feet. She was too weak to fight him off, afraid that one of the others would do something to Adam if she resisted. So she did her best to keep up with his stride as he ushered her in front of him and pushed her up the stairs. The last thing she heard were the words 'slow death' and 'when you're gone', and for some reason her instinct compelled her to turn around and try to run back to her father, terrified that they were going to kill him despite what she had done. But of course Jay stood in her way and when she struggled to get past him, he slammed the heel of his palm into her nose to stun her and then picked her up. The throbbing sensation pulsed through her head and for several seconds she lost focus, allowing Jay to carry her up almost to the top of the stairs without realising.

"That's it, nice and limp," he uttered in her ear. "You're gettin' the hang of it all, now."

Though she hardly understood what he said, the tickle of his breath on her ear and his filthy tone of voice was enough to raise alarm bells. A fresh burst of energy overcame her, though she felt it might be her last, and she struggled against him as she had before, kicking and hitting him where she could. In her severely weakened state, it would have taken a miracle for her to win against him, but the fear of what was to come drove her to try all the same.

"Settle down, will ye'," Jay growled, tightening his grip. In a last attempt, Elena lunged at him and bit the man's ear hard. He cried out in surprise and threw her against the wall, and she fell against it clumsily, causing an old framed painting to tumble down beside her. She picked it up, barely aware of what it was, and brought it down heavily on the pressure point right above his kneecap. His knee buckled instantly and he lost his balance. When she next opened her eyes, she saw the man smash the back of his head on the corner of a shelf and continue falling...and then, everything stopped. From where she sat on the landing, she could only see his feet. He wasn't moving. Terrified of what the other men would do to her or Adam when they found out - or what would happen if Jay woke up - Elena picked herself up and ran up to the room they had kept her in, keeping the light off. She sat down in the corner of the pitch black room, drew her knees to her chest and sobbed. All she could do now was wait for whatever was to come...

Misty Gray Misty Gray Adam, John, Shane
Christian's House
~ Hackney, London ~

Christian Brooks

Christian couldn't help but smile when May said she'd come by daily to go for walks and watch TV, as well her her cooking for him. "Beans on toast? That is a fine delicacy," he teased. "Darcey can't be working you hard enough if you've got so much time to spare with me," he observed. His cheeks reddened a little when she said was scared he was hurt, especially when she quickly caught herself to point out she was scared for all of the men caught up in the attack. "Ahh, don't worry about it. I'm tougher than I look," he remarked.

As May changed the dressings on his wounds, she assured him that she understood him keeping Trevor a secret from her was business, not personal. "I'm glad you understand. There's a lot of trust put into me by Bruce and Spencer, so I don't want to add to their problems by giving them any reason to question my loyalties." He nodded his head when she said she couldn't expect the Kings to trust her like family yet. "Unfortunately, you're right on that. Their trust is very difficult to earn. It took me years to get to where I am now and I suspect even though I know have mutual friendships with them, I'm under no illusion they won't still have some kind of reservation about me. It's the nature of the business - they can't trust so easily. Plus, you'll have been told plenty about him already, but Trevor has certainly made it more difficult for them to let people get close to the family. I think it's going to take time and patience, May."

Christian didn't know Harper as well as he knew the men in the family, so he was curious as to what had caused her to explode upon learning May was her sister. He wasn't surprised Spencer doubted May's choices - the man questioned most things! As for Bruce, Christian knew how difficult a situation it was for him. The last thing the man wanted was Trevor sniffing around after the pain he'd put the Kings through over the years, so May being the Trevor's daughter only meant it could be harder to get the man to leave London. He smiled upon hearing at least two people had been more positive towards her. "Shona and Darcey are wise women. You'll do well to stick with them... hopefully they can get through to the guys."

Christian was aware that Trevor was still in London and he wasn't sure how long it would take for the Kings to get rid of him. He looked to May as she sat next to him, slowly nodding his head in understanding as she spoke of how she felt about her decision. "I think it was the better choice, too, as difficult as it might seem for the moment. The Kings are good people, I know that. Though I imagine it's difficult having so many questions for your father and not being able to ask him directly. What do you think you'd do if you saw him? Y'know, maybe bumped into him on the street one day..."

BasDorcha BasDorcha (May)

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