Family Counts [Inactive]

"I am a little picky, I don't really dislike any genre but there are some that I like more than others."
Cassie nods and thinks, "Which kinds do you like more? I need a heads up, so I don't annoy my new brother on the first day with a genre he doesn't like that much." She starts grinning again, feeling more, and more excited about the new siblings.
Cassie smiled back, "Nice! I wish everybody was pretty easy going about music like you. It'd make things a lot simpler." She thinks for a moment, "So... Where are you from?"
"I'm from right here actually, I've never left Florida but I like it here. What about you?"

((To answer that it would be good to know where in Florida they are :P ))
(Haha, yeah, lol, we will have to ask Panda!)

Cassie smiles, "Well, I was actually born into the family, so, right here as well!" She laughs slightly, and looks down. "What's it like... To be a adopted? Is it weird?"
Scott thought about that for a moment. "Well growing up in the orphanage was like slowly coming to accept everyone there as a big family, being here it's as if all of you were officially my family, and now I have a mother which I'm really happy about."
Cassie thought about that and smiled, looking at Scott, "I'm really glad you're a part of our family now. I'm glad my mom does stuff like this. Not a lot of single mothers would adopt that many teens I bet... I wonder... I wonder if that's why she does, because a lot of teens... Your age... Don't get adopted unfortunately. Am I right...?" She studies Scott, hoping that all came out the way she wanted it to, and not off as rude or anything.
"Hmm... you're probably right, I think most families prefer to raise a child at the earliest possible age so not many teens get adopted." The thought of someone who would adopt teens just to give them a family brought a big smile to Scott's face. "Your mom must be an angel."
Cassie giggles softly and nods, "She's pretty great. I can't complain at all. She really does love all of us, and I know that for a fact. She was psyched to adopt you all. I'm guessing that when she saw the list of teens, her heart stopped momentarily, and she felt the need to adopt you all! Oh, and don't forget, she's your mom too now!"
Jake comes back from vacation. "Mom! The neighbors got new kids! I need to say hi!" Jake said quickly. Jake loves to meet new people. He stuffs the luggage in his room and dashes outside and turns right to the house next door. He knocks on the door waiting for someone to answer the door. 
(( omg really sorry it's been crazy it's the end of the semester grr will type soon hopefully. ))
Terrence chuckles at Allison's behavior while he watches the anime that was lighting up the TV. A bit too focused on the screen, he barely noticed the door ring. He waited for a moment, thinking that maybe the other two would get it, since they were closer to the front door. When it was obvious the other two wouldn't get it, Terrence got up and sighed, glancing back at the TV longingly while walking to the door. He really didn't want the dude at the door to wait long, unlike he did, so he quickly shuffled to the door.

When he opened it, he found a boy not much younger than him, but since he had no bags, Terrence guessed he was just a neighbor. "Ah, you must be our neighbor. I'm Terrence, one of the new foster children, most likely the oldest. May I ask for your name?" Terrence said politely, as he took a step to the side and gestured for him to come in.
Abby had fallen asleep on the couch. She woke up when the door rang and saw another foster child. "Oh goodness, Mom." She waved at Terrence. "Hello, I'm Abby.." She said, stretching.

(They live in Tallahassee) 
Abby got up, stretching. She went into the kitchen and got an aspirin, gulping it down with a swallow of mountain dew. She went back into the living room. "I'm going in my room to sleep, it's pretty late." She went upstairs, and played on her bed, sleeping.
Anabeth Steinson

The poor single mother really needed a count right now. Well most people would say she's miserable or unfortunate but she was the EXACT opposite. "Okay~! my lovely's~." She chirped happily as she stepped into the living room with a wide-bright smile upon her face. "All of my children sit on the couch and our lovely neighbor children please do come in and get yourselves settled." Ana accepted all children! She even babied the neighbor kids whenever she could! "Oh and by my children, I mean both my biological and adopted children." She smiled happily. She scanned the room. "So all of them haven't arrived yet..aww." Oh yeah, there was more... a lot more! Right now, Ana just wanted to hug all her newly adopted children but she knew that would weird them out..a bit.
Cassie laughed when her mother came in, all excited. She went to the couch and sat down, smiling at her mother and waits for the others to comply as well.
Abby heard the commotion in the living room and went downstairs. She sat on the couch, laying down again. Hi, Mom.." She said, groggy. She looked around at her crowded living room.
Jake saw the door open and the boy named Terrence asked for my name while he gestured to come into their home. "Jake Towne, nice to meet you Terrence I live right next to you! It's that nice we can be friends right and hang out! I love having friends. That sounded weird!" Jake mumbled quickly. then he laughs nervously. "What do you like to do?" he asked chuckling.
Cassie glanced at her other neighbor Jake come inside, and smiled at him. The she looked back over at Scott and her mom, excited to see how this was going to play out.
Jake brushed his hair aside as he took another cookie. "Honestly, this family is too kind. Do you mind if I stay here for a while?"
Cassie looked at the other Jake, and at her mom, nodding, "You should let the two Jakes stay!" Cassie giggled softly from their names both being Jake.

She pointed at some chairs, and without really waiting for her mom to answer she said, "Make yourselves at home!"
Terrence paused for a moment' trying to remember what Jake Towne had quickly mumbled at him. " It would be nice to be friends." Terrence said with a smile. " And I like to cook, play sports and many other things." Terrence quickly took a seat at one of the coaches as he conversed with Jake (Towne).

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