Family Counts [Inactive]

Jake smiled as they willingly took the cookies. He combed his hair back with his fingers and took his place back on the couch. "Do you happen to know how many children your mother has adopted?" He asks.
Cassie chuckles, and looks at the time, "Wow. They sleep in. And I wish I knew. Wasn't it like... Seven?" Counts in her head again.
"I can't wait to meet them! Let me guess... They're all older kids?" She looks at Jake, "Mom has this thing for adopting teens. Or at least pre-teens." She sighs, "Guess I will never get a little sister..." Cassie grinned, joking.
Jake gave a small laugh. "Oh, it's alright. I was just... curious." He slipped another cookie in his fingers, sliding it into his mouth.
Abby stretched out her leg, kicking the coffee table. "Oops. My leg is asleep." She said,moving to the other couch.
Cassie laughed, "I hate that! Ugh... I really want to meet the others, but I'm afraid to go up to them!" She bites her lip thinking about different scenarios that could go wrong.
Abby stretched out, yawning. "I'm so tired. I was up early unpacking." She said, propping up a pillow and laying on it. "Hopefully nobody else comes, there might be more fosters."
Scott walked into the living room "Hey, I'm Scott." he said while waving and then took a seat in another couch. "Do you all live here?"
Abby nodded. "I'm Abby. Welcome to our crazy, huge family. We have a lot of foster kids.." She said, bringing her hair into a messy bun.
Cassie looks at Scott and thinks, "Hi Scott I'm Cassie. And your new little sister." Cassie starts to grin evilly, "We're going to have a lot of fun!" She laughs.
Abby looked at Cassie. "Oh, Cass don't start on their first day..." She said, yawning. "I will be back.." She said, getting up and going into the kitchen. She grabbed a bag of chips and went backtbackto the couch.
Abby layed on her stomach on the couch. She crunched on the chips, listening to the buzz around her. She grabbed her book, Seeker, and opened to her bookmarked page.
Cassie smirked and grabbed some chips out of the bag. "I'm only kidding Scott. Just ask any of my siblings. I'm the best little sister on the planet." She grins and looks at Abby and back at Scott. "Anyways, tell us about yourself?"
Abby smirks and raises her hand, moving it in a patting motion above Cassie s head, an airpat. She giggled and went back to her book.n
"Well, I love music, I'm listening to it almost all the time, which reminds me..." he took out his cellphone to pause the music which had still been playing at full volume. "I sing a little but mostly when no one can hear." he chuckled.
Cassie grins and stands up, "Oh! I love music and singing! Wow, I think we're going to be great friends!" She smiles brightly, happy. Then she turns to look at Abby, "Um Abby, who else do you know of has arrived, I want to meet them."
"Black Paper Moon-Soul Eater." She said out of the blue. She had become accustomed to just shouting names of songs. She skipped it. "I'm back, HAhahah- Tragic Magic - Falling in Reverse." She listened to the song when a 20% battery warning came on.

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