Family Counts [Inactive]

Cassie blinked from the new voice, and went to go find it. She stopped in front of a girl listening to music, and waved at her, "Um, hello?"
"You too! And hey, it looks like you like music too! Scott and I have decided that since we have that in common we're going to be great friends! Or at least... I decided that! And same goes for you!" Cassie chuckles softly, and grins.
Cassie blinks softly, and looks down then back up, and smiles, "Trust me, I think you'll start liking people more, with our family around." She frowns slightly, "I hope so at least..."
Terrence raised his hand up awkwardly. "Um, does anyone want to know my name?" It seemed he had said it too quietly, so he just continued to wonder about. After all, like he said earlier, he just wanted to sleep.
Cassie jumped startled from another new voice, and looked at the guy off to the side, "Um... How long you've been here!?" She grinned and flushed embarrassed, "Never mind that, what's your name?"
"I was here a few minutes before Scott..." he mumbled. The girl named um, Casper... Cast.. Cassie! had finally noticed him, but she seemed very embarassed. He looked up at her, giving a small smile. "Name's Terrence." He smiled a bit wider. "And I believe that your.. Miss Cassie?" He held out his hand, motioning for her to shake it.
Cassie grinned and shook his hand, "Yup! That's me!" She chuckled and looked at Terrence, and Allison. "Three down, and how many left to go!?"
Terrence furrowed his brows. "There's more?" He scanned the area, which was already bustling with life. He couldn't imagine having a family larger than or even as large as this! He was barely used to the few people he had just met, so how could he get used to even more? "How much more? Like one?" He said, a bit unsurely.
"I'm perfectly fine with us being best friends Cassie." Scott chuckled. "And with Alli as well." he smiled. "Sorry I didn't say hello Terrence, I was a bit too excited about coming here."
Terrence shrugged at Scott. "It's okay, I guess, it happens.." He wasn't sure if it really did happen frequently, but it did so to him.
Cassie claps from what Scott said grinning and looks at Terrance, and laughs nervously, "Um... I'm thinking... Four more still... Haha! Mom likes us... Teens!" She sighs and smiles nervously.
"What kind of lady likes teenagers so much?" He thought to himself. "Teens were in the process of becoming a child to adult. That meant mood swings, attitudes, rebellions.. heck teenagers were probably the most troublesome!" He scratched the back of his head, what would happen in this house of kids who had just hit puberty?

"Um, anyways, who and where is 'Mom'." He asks making his previous thoughts slip out of his mind.
Cassie blinks, "I'm not sure. I just got back home not too long ago, and I haven't seen her." She sighs. "I still wonder if she'll be mad at me for being late, but it wasn't my fault!" Cassie looks between Scott and Alli, "Have either of you met her yet?" 
Cassie smiles softly at Alli, "And we do have a T.V. It's down that hall. That's the living room, or T.V. room, or family room, or whatever you would like to call it room."
"Not me, I've been here since I arrived. By the way, I had a question, is there a room for each one of us or do we share? I don't mind sharing, I'm just curious."
Terrence's eyes brightened as Allison- was that her name? He was never good with names.- mentioned anime. He always liked to draw it. "You like anime?" He says, a grin spreading on his face as he followed her down the hallway.
Cassie smiled at Terrance and Allison as they walked away, then she looked at Scott, "Mom had a plan all set up. I'm not sure if you are sharing or not, but if you are, don't worry." She lowers voice and acts really serious, "You're sharing with a brother." Cassie grins again and laughs softly.
"Well as long as he doesn't mind my music which can sometimes be loud, I don't think there will be any problems." Scott relaxed on the couch and dropped his backpack next to it. "What kind of music do you like Cassie?"

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