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Fandom Fallout: Los Angeles (WIP)

And also, if Enclave brought in certain kinds of robots, a vertibird even, their bullet rounds and plasma weapons will destroy Mia's power armour, the bullets will peirce, and the plasma will melt it, I find plasma is way more effective than any other energy weapon. So if Jole's characters plan was to kill people or destroy the coty, any Enclave operative could be smart enough to have good placed shots with his plasma weapons, if he had them and could easily take someone in say, power armour down. A person will bullets could do the same too, just a bit harder, aim for the oxygen tubes, or tank for example.
i am not even talking about mia aside form her begin interested in a bunch of robots that just show up and say were protecting this city in the name of the enclave now or justa bunch of law keeping robots in general

side note plasma should be more effective super heated gasses would in my mind have a lot more melting power
well i have tolfd you what Mia will do when she sees them

hell i would like a big shoot out with the Enclave
i do mean for everyone to fight not just Mia and only mister gutsy models had plasma all others had laser except stentires which uses missiles and normal rounds
You're in the middle of the sidewalk outside a store and power armour has little mobility, by yourself, the only people equipped to help is my character and the other character with light power armour, anyone else would have to scatter and shoot from afar or get torn to peices
i really have no way to get across what i was trying to say in the shoot out so i am going to drop it and see how the bots are introed i can see we can't have the fun of a shoot out with a challenge force instead of being able to beat a whole bunch of raiders with a knife by ourselves
Raiders are different than Enclave programmed robots, one is untrained idiots and the other is a death machine
one is a cobbled together robot that has already been destroyed once or left to rot the other is a merciless killer that is high out of his mind that doesn't care if he lives or dies and has killed before
Okay, so you are claiming just because it was put back together it is garbage, if the logic is what believe, your character might as well be walking around wearing a trash can calling it power armour
It all depends on the circumstances....for example... The feinds of new Vegas gave the NCR a good amount of trouble.... Then again... Then again... They also had to deal with the legion and other stuff... But still... Those raiders packed a punch
nop i am calming it isn't the super strong death machine it once was the difference is Mia had the resources and skills of the BoS everything she could want they have a guy working 14 years with spare bits and a trip to a scarp yard
So you are saying, you're allowed to have well made parts and gear, but Joles character can't build a good robot, in his CS it even says he's a great engineer
it isn't just about being a great engineer it is also about the parts and the quality of said parts now from the descriptions given a lot of them have been downed before so even with a patch they won't be quite as good as before unless given high quality parts and unless the scarp yard is actually a secret robot part factory they will have make due meanign that at the very least parts of them would be weaker

so i think the people heer working together could take down the robots
You just got done saying you got your armours parts in a scrap yard, how would that work when there isn't a person in Fallout that would scrap power armour
its a bloody speaker not a vital servo or cloth or the correct metal it is a small speaker that could be from a megaphone or walkie talkie or something this is a make due part it honestly could be done better

there is a tiny difference between finding a speaker in a scrap yard and armor plating for any holes and weak points in the robots
i doubt any scrap yard would have unrusted undented unused robot armor platting just laying around bits of thick metal yes but that still wouldn't be the same as if the rbots were brand new from the enclave
I am honestly doubting you know anything, rust on metal, even if there was, it would be minimal, it's a dry wasteland, and it doesn't have to be specifically robot plating, you don't know what exact condition they are in, there wasn't a great in depth description about them
all i am saying is the group could take on the refurbished robots because they wouldn't be in peak conditioning as if they were from the enclave proper
well seeing as they will be guarding the city and this would take time to discover i think we would end up fighting in an urban setting with lots of cover and walls
Guys...Let me get something across. A few things need to be assessed. Karcen is right, most of the bots are damaged, old, broken, and are in dire need of repair. But, eyebots come with a set of tools that can be used and fabricators to make new items if you have the raw materials. An all out battle to the vicious death would be cooler than shit but John isn't an idiot. The Enclave have been working with multiple cities for YEARS setting up caches of gear, him sending them out to kill every mother fucker in the town would be suicide for the mission and him. All of these robots won't be fixed right away, the point of him doing this is to set a strong base so that he can use this town as a place of operation and a place of deception. Put yourself in this situation, fucked up wasteland, everyone killing everybody, BoS being dicks and hogging all the tech, NCR being I'm uncultured and only doing what's right for them, Caesar's Legion will enslave you, Enclave also dicks but are mysterious enough that you don't know what to think about them. My character won't come out screaming that he brought a robot army to protect this town but will have the robots protect the town as a ploy to have the people there trust and support him. If the time comes the town can't defend itself with just robots they call in the cavalry and the Enclave save the day making them the heroes. Most likely this will not be the case because he needs to secure this location with minimal security so he can set up a base of operations here. I don't like spraying his plan everywhere but I have to for you both to understand what I'm getting at. His mission is to begin an Enclave settlement where they can produce brand new weapons, robots, and other needed things. This "army" of robots won't roll up on the scene immediately anyways, all there will be is John, two eyebots used for identifying usable or recyclable parts, and the seven local supporters of the Enclave. Though when they roll up on the scene you may fill you with fear

If you can't tell I have a ridged love for Fallout and well i'm playing it right now :P

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